PAPER, [[RReprintedeprinted wwithith r revisionsevisions ffromrom PAPER, MayMay 3300,, 11917917]] HHANDMADEANDMADE P PAPERAPER A ANDND I ITSTS WATERWATER- MARKSMARKS** AA BBibliographyibliography BByy DDARDARD HHUNTERUNTER The Mill, , Marlborough-on-Hudson, , N. Y. The Mill Marlborough - on Hudson- N . Y . IINTRODUCTIONNTRODUCTION •"""'!ll!lll!!!i!INN ththisis bibliographybibliography I I hhaveave l listedisted oonlynly ththee worksworks ddirectlyirectly cconnectedonnected wwithith ththee aartrt of of hhandmadeandmade ppaperaper aandnd watermarkswatermarks in handmade papers. No attempt has in handmade papers . No attempt has been made to catalogue the modem been made to catalogue the modern booksbooks ttreatingreating wwithith machinemademachinemade ppaa- per or dandy-roll watermarks. This per or dandy roll- watermarks . This M list was ccommencedommenced about ssixix yyearsears <D list was about ..-< (lJ ago and has been added to whenever ago to (!).-' and has been added whenever a book was found dealing with the subject in .... "' a book was found dealing with the subject in aanyny <D"' O0 M c, (!) "'"C *A letter under date of April 14, , 1917, , from Henry E. Sur- * A of April 14 Henry E . ..-< a. letter under date 1917 from Sur <D'*!c face, , Chairman, , Committee on Bibliography, , Technical Asso­ on Bibliography "'(lJ face Chairman Committee Technical Asso M v, , ::, cciationiation of of tthehe PPulpulp aandnd PPaperaper I Industryndustry, ttransmittingransmitting thithiss a. bibliography to the Association members, , reads as follows: bibliography to the Association members reads as follows : "CE v,"' <, (lJ "Your Committee on Bibliography transmits herewith as " on Bibliography as .... u Your Committee transmits herewith NU ' its second contribution aa manuscriptmanuscript entitled 'Handmade Pa- its second entitled Handmade Pa (!)"' contribution , , per and Its Water-Marks: A Bibliography,' by by Dard Hunter, per and Its Water Marks- : A Bibliography ' Dard Hunter ......"'+- ' ....."' The Mill, , Marlborough-on-Hudson, , N. Y., , Dec. 9, , 1916. Mr. Q) 0 The Mill Marlborough - on Hudson- N . Y . Dec . 9 1916 . Mr . c . Hunter has very kindly consented to cooperate with the As- +- Hunter has very kindly consented to cooperate with the As .....,Q) ::,"' of to permitting sociation inin its its bbibliographicibliographic work to the extent of permitting "C ..... sociation work the extent c +- the use of this material in the official publications of the As- <O ·.-< the use of this material in the official publications of the As _c _c sociation and for presentation at its Spring Meeting, , May 24 . +- sociation and for presentation at its Spring Meeting May 24 ....., "' and 25, , 1917. Complete credit for compiling and editing the "C s: and 25 1917 . Complete credit for compiling and editing the , bbibliographyibliography inin qquestionuestion isis ddueue MrMr. HunterHunter aalonelone, as as it it wwasas 17 �i accomplishedaccomplished e entirelyntirely at at hhisis ppersonalersonal eexpensexpense anandd rresponsiesponsi- "'a. ............ I re - in only your +- .. bbilityility. TThehe only aactionction your CCommitteeommittee hhasas ttakenaken in tthishis re- +- a. 12 gard has been to encourage him toto put into more ppermanentermanent � +- '"" gard has been to encourage him put into more +- _c foformrm foforr ppublicublic uusese c certainertain materialmaterial tthathat hehe hadhad bbeeneen ccolol- <, lecting over a period of years for his personal information . personal . ..... lecting over a period of years for his information I- , I� "For cross-indexing purposes, mention is is made that the last - purposes :;: " For cross indexing mention made that the last ...,, "C ( Q) ppreviousrevious ccontributionontribution of of ththee CCommitteeommittee onon BBibliographyibliography wwasas NN 'United States Government Publications Pertaining to Pulp ..-<·.-< United‘ States Government Publications Pertaining to Pulp .. +- Thunter <D .,.; and Paper,' , publish,ed in Paper, , Vol. XIX, , No. 4, , New York, , and Paper ' published in Paper Vol . XIX No . 4 New York ..-< .,.;"' 4, , 1916." October 4 . " ..-< "C October 1916 N • Q) I N.-' (!) "' •O fand ..-< 0 N<.!> (!) N • c.. C·.-< Mr 0"'E "C O QJO +- J...."'.u,.; Q) ....., c .0 Q) ::, <.!>Cl. Oriqlnal from Digitized by Google UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN wwayay.. AAllll ooff ththee boo booksks a arere o outut- -ooff--pprintrint anandd th thee ea earlierrlier oonesnes areare eexceedinglyxceedingly hhardard ttoo pprocurerocure.. ThThee l laterater i itemstems maymay ooccasionallyccasionally bebe hadhad frfromom ththee aantiquarianntiquarian bookbook- ddealersealers iinn EEuropeurope.. HHoweverowever,, eevenven ththee l laterater o onesnes a arere sscarcecarce ; o owingwing ttoo tthehe llimitedimited ddemandemand foforr ththisis kkindind ofof bobooksoks ththee eeditionsditions w wereere vveryery ssmallmall.. ThThereere h hasas bbeeneen lilittlettle writtenwritten inin EEnglishnglish oonn th thee ssubjectubject ooff wwatermarkingatermarking, ththereere bebeinging nnoo ccompleteomplete boobookk d devotedevoted t too iitt frfromom aa ttechnicalechnical sstandpointtandpoint.. IInn ththee hhistoryistory ooff wwatermarkingatermarking ththee FFrenchrench lleadead,, fofoll- llowedowed clcloselyosely b byy ththee Ge Germansrmans.. ThThee ea earlierrlier boo booksks oonn ththee makingmaking ooff handmadehandmade ppaperaper. aarere a allll moremore oorr llessess vvagueague aandnd ttherehere a arere butbut ttwowo o orr ththreeree th thatat gigiveve aa ddetailedetailed aaccountccount ooff ththee aartrt aass iitt wwasas ththenen ppracticedracticed.. ThThee wworkork oonn pprintingrinting b byy MMrr.. HHansardansard ( (TTypographiaypographia,, LondonLondon,, 11825825) ) gigivesves ththee mostmost lluciducid a accountccount ooff ththee pprocessrocess ththatat ex existsists iinn ththee EEnglishnglish l languageanguage.. IInn FFrenchrench,, DDee La LaLandende iiss vveryery ththoroughorough anandd h hisis w workork waswas t translatedranslated iintonto DDutchutch anandd SSpanishpanish,, wwhichhich fo formedrmed ththee ttextbooksextbooks oonn ppapermakingapennaking aatt ththee t timeime.. ThThee wworksorks ("") of Schaffer,, B Breitkopf,reitkopf, K Koningoning anandd others are vveryery \0 of Schäffer others are .-I Q) 0 ....... vvaluablealuable r recordsecords ooff ooldld ppapermakingapermaking anandd wwatermarkatermark- ,..... Cl CO O iingng anandd iinn ththee moremore modernmodem wworksorks BBriquet,riquet, HHeitzeitz,, \0 0 ("") Cl Hausmann,, Hossle and SSothebyotheby must not be over-· 0' Hausmann Hössle and must not be over LJ"l "Cl .-I Cl. llookedooked.. IInn oourur o ownwn ccountryountry J Josephoseph WWillcoxillcox aandnd HH .. 00)'**' Q) G. Jones have done much to ppreservereserve the traditions ("") Vl G . Jones have done much to the traditions . ::::, Cl. of ththee fifirstrst ppapermakersapermakers iinn AmAmericaerica . "Cl Vl of . E Vl <, Q) PPerhapserhaps aa brief account of hhowow I became interested ,..... u brief account of I became interested in handmade ppapermakingapermaking would not be amiss in this 0"" ure in handmade would not be amiss in this <, Cl iintroductionntroduction.. HavingHaving beenbeen bornborn inin ththee en environmentvironment ooff ""+-' 'L. Q) 0 pprintingrinting-mymy father,, grgrandfatherandfather and grgreateat grgrandand- c . — father and • +-' Q) Vl fafatherther a allll beingbeing p printersrinters aandnd c craftsmenraftsmen-- II vveryery e earlyarly ....... ::::, "Cl L. becamebecame iinterestednterested iinn fifinene boo bookk pprintingrinting aandnd iinn bookbook C+-' re·.-i .c.c ddesignesign.. ThThee pproblemroblem ooff ggettingetting ssuitableuitable ppaperaper wwasas • +-' ......, re aalwayslways aa ddifficultifficult mattermatter a andnd aalthoughlthough EEuropeanuropean hand- -c s: gettinhough hand mademade ppaperaper ccouldould bebe hhadad,, iitt w wasas notnot Eupaysaalwayslways mmadeade ooff the best of materials. I have sseeneen ththroughrough the ppressress the best ofBest materials .I have themadera i of �Vl <, a, upwardsupwards of 200 different titles,, from duodecimo to +-' •• of 200 different titles from duodecimo to +-' Cl. materidifferent s: +-' fofoliolio,, pprintedrinted oonn handmadehandmade ptiaperpaperaper ffromrom EEuropeanuropean millsmills. +-' from L. I am sure none of ththeseese books will bbee Eu iinn existence I sure none of books will in existence ........ in two hundred years. The so called handmaexistde <, in two hundred years . The so called handmade ppaperaper f- :E ccomingoming from IItalytaly is exextremelytremely ppooroor, bebeinging made \..!:) "Cl from is made Q) r-,. N frfromom s strawtraw,, rropeope anandd e evenven wwoodpulpoodpulp.. AfterAfter uusingsing .--1·.-i •• +-' the handmade ppapersapers from the fforeign 9reign mills for some \0 -r-l the handmade from the mills for some .-I Cl ·.-i twtwelveelve yyearsears II bbecameecame cconvincedonvinced ththatat ttoo ggetet p paperaper ssuchuch .-I "Cl 2 • ""' Q)' ("'-, ....... 0 Cl ' 0 .-I O Nl..!J 0 ("'-, ' C" c ·.-i ore r "Cl O ...... Q) 0 +-' re u L. ·.-i Q) ....... c..c Q) ::::, \..!JO.. Origirial from Digitized by Gol gle UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN aass II wantedwanted iitt w wouldould bebe nnecessaryecessary ttoo makemake iitt mmyselfyself ttoo be s sureure pproperroper materialsmaterials w wentent iintonto ththee ppulpulp.. TToo llearnearn ththee aartrt o off ppapermakingapermaking bbyy hhandand iitt w wasas necessarynecessary ttoo ggoo ttoo EEuropeurope aandnd sstudytudy
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