Space Science Acronyms AA Auroral radio Absorption AACGM Altitude Adjusted Corrected GeoMagnetic ABI Auroral Boundary Index ACCENT Atmospheric Chemistry of Combustion Emissions Near the Tropopause ACE Advanced Composition Explorer ACF Auto Correlation Functions ACR Anomalous Cosmic Rays ADCS Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem ADEOS ADvanced Earth Observation Satellite (Japan) ADEP ARTIST Data Editing and Printing ADMS Atmospheric Density Mass Spectrometer AE Atmosphere Explorer AE Auroral Electrojet index AEPI Atmospheric Emissions Photometric Imager AES Auger Electron Spectroscopy AEU Antenna Element Unit AFB Air Force Base AFGL Air Force Geophysical Laboratory AFIT Air Force Institute of Technology AFOSR Air Force Office of Scientific Research AFRL Air Force Research Lab AFSCN Air Force Satellite Control Network AFSPC Air Force SPace Command AFWA Air Force Weather Agency AGILE Astrorivelatore Gamma a Immagini Leggero AGU American Geophysical Union AGW Atmospheric Gravity Waves AI Asymmetry Index AIDA Arecibo Initiative in Dynamics of the Atmosphere AIM Aeronomy of Ices in the Mesosphere AKR Auroral Kilometric Radiation AL Auroral Electrojet Lower Limit Index ALF Absorption Limiting Frequency ALIS Airglow Limb Imaging System ALOMAR Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmospheric Research ALOS Advanced Land Observing Satellite ALSP Apollo Lunar Surface Probe ALTAIR ARPA Long-Range Tracking and Identification Radar AMBER African Meridian B-field Educational Research Array AMCSR Advanced Modular Coherent Scatter Radar AMI Aeronomic Models of the Ionosphere AMIE Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics AMISR Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radar AMOS Air Force Maui Optical Station AMPERE Active Magnetospheric and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment AMPTE Active Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorer AMS American Meteorological Society ANDE Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment ANL Argonne National Laboratory AO Arecibo Observatory AO Announcement of Opportunity AO Annual Oscillation APL Applied Physics Laboratory ARCLITE ARCtic LIdar TEchnology ARCS Atmospheric Responses to a Changing Sun ARCUS Arctic Research Consortium of the US ARGOS Advanced Research and Global Observation Satellite ARIA Atmospheric Response in Aurora ARPA Advanced Research Project Agency ARTEMIS Advanced Relay and TEchnology MIssion Satellite (ESA) ASC All-Sky Camera ASDI All-Sky Doppler Interferometer ASI All-Sky Imager ASIP All-Sky Imaging Photometer ASPERA-4 Analyzer of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms ASPOC Active Space Craft POtential Control ASTER Advanced Space borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer ASTRA Atmospheric & Space Technology Research Associates ATM ATMospheric Sciences Division (NSF) ATS Advanced Technology Satellite ATST Advanced Technology Solar Telescope ATV All-sky TeleVision camera AU Auroral Electrojet Upper Limit Index AUSAC Arecibo Users and Scientific Advisory Committee AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer AVPST Analysis of Variability of Precipitation and Surface Temperatures AWG American Wire Gauge AZIS AriZona Imaging Spectrograph BAG Bishop's Acronym Guide BAS British Antarctic Survey BATSE Burst And Transient Source Experiment BATS-R-US Block-Adaptive-Tree-Solarwind-Roe- Upwind-Scheme BBELF BroadBand Extremely Low Frequency BBE BroadBand Electrons BBF Bursty Bulk Flows BER Bit Error Rate BIMS Bennett Ion Mass Spectrometer BL Boundary Layer BLO Bear Lake Observatory BLPCOC Boundary Layer Physics by COordinated CLUSTER Observations BNSC British National Space Agency BPS Boundary Plasma Sheet C/A Coarse Acquisition C&DH Command and Data Handling CADITS Coupling And Dynamics of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System CAM Community Atmospheric Model CAMI Civil Aerospace Medical Institute CAMMICE Charge And Mass Magnetospheric Ion Composition Experiment CANOPUS Canadian Auroral Network for the OPEN Program Unified Study CAPE Convective Available Potential Energy CAPE Chronograph Aerosol Photogrammetic Experiment CAPER Cleft Accelerated Plasma Experimental Rocket CAPS CAssini Plasma Spectrometer CASES Connected Autonomous Space Environment Sensors CASI Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute CASPER Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics and Engineering Research CAT Coordinated Analysis of the Thermosphere CAWSES Climate And Weather of the Sun- Earth-System CBPLL Common Bandwith Phase Lock Loop CCCO Committee on Climatic Changes and the Ocean CCD Charge Coupled Devices CCE Charge Composition Explorer CCF Cross-Correlation Function CCM Community Climate Model CCMC Community Coordinated Modeling Center CD Current Disruption model CDAAC Cosmic Data Analysis and Archive Centers (at UCAR) CDAW Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop CDC Cusp Diamagnetic Cavity CDD Current Disruption/Dipolarization CDF Common Data Format CDPS Cold Dense Plasma Sheet CDR Critical Design Review CD-ROM Compact Disc-Read Only Memory CEDAR Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions CEJ CounterElectroJet CEM Channel Electron Multiplier CEOS Committee on Earth Observation Satellites CEP Cusp Energetic Particles CEPPAD Comprehensive Energetic Particle and Pitch Angle Distribution experiment CERES Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System CERTO Coherent Electromagnetic Radio TOmography CGD Climate and Global Dynamics CGLAT Corrected Geomagnetic LATitude CGRO Compton Gamma Ray Observatory CGS Center for GeoSpace studies CGSM Canadian GeoSpace Monitoring CHAMP CHAllenging Mini-Satellite Payload CHARS Coronal-Hole-Active Region-Current Sheet CHIMES Compact Hyperspectral Imaging Module for Earth Science CIDR Coherent Ionospheric Doppler Receiver CINDI Coupled Ion-Neutral Dynamics Investigation CIR Corotating Interaction Regions CIRA Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere CIRA COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere CIRES Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences CIS Cluster Ion Spectrometry CIS Convective Ionospheric Storms CISL Computational and Information Systems Laboratory CISM Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling CIT Computerized Ionospheric Tomography CIV Critical Ionization Velocity experiment CL Critical Layer CLAES Cryogenic Limb Array Etalon Spectrometer CMAT Coupled Middle Atmosphere and Thermosphere model CME Coronal Mass Ejection CMI Cyclotron Maser Instability CMIS Conical-scanning Microwave Imager/Sounder CNA Cosmic radio Noise Absorption C/NOFS Communication/Navigation Outage Forecast System COADS U.S.
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