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FREE— Lessons and Outfit—FREE Send me the Free Outfit Coupon at once. Do it now! For a limited period I am making a slashing cut in the cost of tuition, and giving each new student a grand outfit of Electrical Tools, Material and Instruments— in addition Abso- lutely Free. I will also send you-—free and fully prepaid —Proof Lessons to show you how easily you can be trained at home to enter this great profession, by means of my new, revised and original system of mail instruction. Use this "Free Outfit" Coupon ACT PROMPTLY CHIEF ENG. c6of^E; Dipt, 2* Get the full benefit of this great offer. Send the 441 C*^ St., CHICAG^;, ILL. Coupon or a postal for free information without delay. Do -V,.- it now before my free oiifers and guarantee are withdrawn. Sir: Send at br\^prji\.\\\y pr.e'p^S and entirely f ree—complete — particulars of .youi" -grf^Cp/l^:3or this month. CHIEF ENGINEER COOKE Xainc . Address Chicago Engineering Works DEPT. 29 I 441 Cas3 Street CHICAGO, ILL. 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Inspection will prove this. ACT 239 West 39th Street, New York, N.Y. when writing to advertisers. You benefit by mentiomng the Electrical Experimenter'' — 290 ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER September, 1918 MODEL TWO-STORY STRUCTURE IDEALLY LIGHTED DRAFTING AND COMPLETE SEVEN-POLE TRANSMISSION FOR WIRINli PRACTICE DESIGNING ROOM LINE ILLUSTRATING THREE OF THE 10 DEPARTMENTS OF PRACTICAL ELECTRICAL EDUCATION, TRAINING, DEVELOPMENT 383 Electrical Experiments for Each Student ONE SUPERIOR WAY BY WHICH THIS SCHOOL MAKES ELECTRICIANS AND ENGINEERS hundred and eighty-three demands and recognizes, and for which high salaries of thorough practical education, training and de- •"« .4nd Jour school life here will be so fas- velopment. THREEeipeiiuieuibpvneriments a y"rupar luifnr vniivou tnlu I'-''d. cinating the 12 months will be -the best and most POSITIONSpnsiTinwc FORcna GRADUATES,rRAniiATF<: work out yourself! And the most profltalJle of vour life. 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And large seriesKories oinf practicalnraftinni lectures,Ipntnrps anaanrl justiiict inethe and gives Bachelor of ^^^^.^ Degrees of recognized standing under the concerns look to this school tor their bigger electri- necessary text book instruction: All |a„s of Wisconsin—in 3 years (:i6 months). This cal men. Consequently, this scliool can insure under the guidance of an able faculty com- substantiates this school's standing and ability and splendid positions to its graduates. So that your success is certain if you enroll here your success poseaoinn«prf nf practical,nrartiral electricalpiprtriral menm^n cno^enr'tinsipn the higher, recognized electrical education you can — obtain here in a short time. begins the moment you enroll. Soon as you graduate irom nign positions in tne actual neia OI Young men with High School diploma, or the equiva- you can liave a position and be accepted by the electrical practice. That is what you can lent are accepted in the Electrical Engineering De- electrical world as an electrical man of ability- boy just out of school. get at this school and that is what you partment. others who finish the Electricians' not a ' ("ourse with enter Electrical Engineer- ] -„ . _ ^j A„j ;, „,* *!.„* -J 1 diploma can v/m, ^ali c-adw u/um c vnn i cadw need to succeed. And isn t that ideal YOU CAN EARN WHILE YOU LEARN, i,,^ class-and receive degrees referred to In 3 system of electrical education just what vears.
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