Trinity College Trinity College Digital Repository Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - Trinity Publications (Newspapers, Yearbooks, present) Catalogs, etc.) 1912 Trinity College Bulletin, July 1912 (Report of the Librarian) Trinity College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/bulletin Recommended Citation Trinity College, "Trinity College Bulletin, July 1912 (Report of the Librarian)" (1912). Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - present). 41. https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/bulletin/41 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Trinity Publications (Newspapers, Yearbooks, Catalogs, etc.) at Trinity College Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - present) by an authorized administrator of Trinity College Digital Repository. UJriuittt <trnllrgr Report of The Librarian July, 1912 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Reverend F. 5. Luther, LL.D., President, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut. Sir: - In accordance with the Statutes, I submit herewith the report on the work and progress of the Library for the year ending May 31, 1912, the third which I have had the honor to make. It is possible again to record an increase in the attendance. The total figures are 13,773, as against 13,112 last year. The greatest increase 'occurred in the evening period. That this " attendance " is equivalent to " use," most conservatively esti­ mated, is evident when the method of keeping the statistics is taken into account, i. e. that of counting an individual but once in the day period and once in the evening period, however many times he may come in during those periods. No statistics of the circulation of books have been kept in recent years but the Librarian believes that such statistics would be of interest, if not of value, for purposes of comparison, and proposes to keep the record the corning year. There has been a marked increase in the number of books borrowed, for various members of the Faculty, from the libraries of Yale and Harvard, whose liberality in this respect is highly appreciated. Four volumes were loaned by this Library to individuals through this inter-library loan system. ATTENDANCE, CLASSIFIED. 1911-tQU: !'acuity Students Others Day Eve. Total June, 85 763 40 674 214 888 September,' 23 124 3 146 4 150 October, 156 1,364 17 1,243 294 1,537 November, 150 1,674 18 1,465 377 1,842 December,' 113 1,o84 9 986 220 1,200 15 16 TRINITY COLLEGE. 191I-1912: Faculty Students Others Day Eve. Total January,• II8 1,584 14 1,359 357 1,716 February, 137 1,382 32 1,252 299 1,551 March, 128 1,6g6 22 1,437 409 1,846 April: 92 1,049 21 go6 256 1,162 May, 132 1,736 7 1,374 501 1,875 1,134 12,456 183 10,842 2,931 13,773 1 Three days. 2 Twe·nty-one days. • Twenty-seven days. • Eighteen days. ATTENDANCE, MONTHLY. June Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May 1909-1910, 678 439 1,8o4 1,764 1,250 1,400 1,187 1,262 1,284 1,649 1910-I9II, 876 396 !,825 1,552 I,z67 !,485 1,246 1,894 934 1,637 I91I-19I2, 888 ISO 1,537 1,842 1,200 1,716 1,551 1,846 1,162 1,875 ATTENDANCE, ANNUAL SUMMARY. I907-o8 Igo8-<J9 190Q"-IO 19IQ-ll 1911-Ia Day, 7,510 8,532 10,011 10,769 10,842 Evening, 1,652 2,177 2,676 2,343 2,931 9,162 10,709 12,687 13,II2 13,773 INCREASE OF THE LIBRARY. A total of 2,168 volumes, 2,002 pamphlets, and 24 maps have been added during the past year. Of these ~22 completed volumes were purchased, and 1,346 volumes, 2,002 pamphlets, and 24 maps were presented. The list of books that follows represents the most important acquisitions by purchase. Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia. Revised and enlarged. 12 v. Godefroy, Frederic. Dictionnaire de l'ancienne Langue fran!:aise. 10 v. Le Soudier H., Bibliographie fran~aise . 2 v. Encyclopredia Britannica. Eleventh edition. 29 v. ] ewish Encyclopedia. 12 v. Daremberg et Saglio. Dictionnaire des Antiquites grecques et romaines. 7 v. Havet, Louis. Manuel de Critique verbale Appliquee aux Textes latins. Holmes, T. R. Oesar's Conquest of Gaul. Lodge, G. Lexicon Plautinum. 6 pts. Neue, F. Formenlehre der Jateinischen Sprache. 38 auflage. 4 v. Servius. Grammatici . in Vergilii Carmina Commentarii. 3 v. Waltzing, J.. P. Etude historique sur les Corporations professionnelles chez les Romains. 4v. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 17 Walters, H. B. The Art of the Romans. Seager, R. H. Explorations in the island of Mochlos. W ace and Thompson. Prehistoric Thessaly. Harrison, Jane E. Themis : a Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion. Langland, William. Piers the Ploughman. Edited Skeat. 2 v. Murray, J. T. English Dramatic Companies, 1558-1642. 2 v. Hartzenbusch, J. E. Obras. 5 v. Conrad, J. Handworterbuch der Staatswissensclmften. 38 aufiage. 8 v. Raleigh, Lord. Scientific Papers 1902-1910. Pickering, W. H. The Moon. Heck, R. C. The Steam-engine and other Steam Motors. :zd edition. 2V\ Asher and Spiro. Ergebnisse der Physiologie. II v. Jost, Ludwig. Lectures on Plant Physiology. The ensuing table shows the present total extent of the Library and its annual growth during the past decade. Purchased Given Annual Increase Total in library Year Vol1. Vols. Ppbs. Vols. Pphs. Vols. Ppbs. 1902-1903 3cYJ 1,223 912 1,530 912 46,66o 29,CW 1903-1904 703 922 654 1,625 655 48,285 29,752 1904-1905 635 910 1,446 1,519 1,446 49,8o4 31,198 1905-1906 672 1,o98 1,248 1,770 1,248 51,574 32,446 1906-1907 8oo 2,6oz 1,312 3,402 1,312 54,976 33,758 19(YJ-19(>8 833 727 1,186 1,500 1,186 56,536 34,944 r9Q8-1909 553 1,132 1,304 1,685 1,304 58,221 36,248 1909-1910 510 1,841 1,940 2,351 1,940 6o,572 38,188 191D-19II 700 1,943 2,179 2,703 2,179 63,275 40,367 19II-1912 822 1,346 2,002 2,168 2,002 65,443 42,369 GIFTS. A complete list of donors will be found in the appendixes. The most noteworthy gifts were the following: McKenney and Hall. History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with biographical sketches of the principal chiefs, embellished with one hundred and twenty portraits, from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War, at Wash­ ington. 3 volumes. Philadelphia, 1837-1844. Folio. The ' plates are hand colored. Presented by Mr. Robert McClelland Brady, T.C., 1890, of Detroit. The volumes have an added interest from the fact that they come from the library of Mr. Brady's grandfather, Honorable Robert McClelland, Governor 2 18 TRINITY COLLEGE. of Michigan, 1851-1852, and Secretary of the Interior, 1853- 1857, under President Pierce. One hundred and eighty-four volumes, largely in the fields of history and economics, were presented by Rev. Pro­ fessor Henry Ferguson, LL.D., '68. From Mr. Sydney G. Fisher, LL.D., '79, were received fourteen volumes, ten pamphlets, and two specimens of paper currency. Mrs. T. W. Lippitt of Hartford presented five volume~, including Von Falke's "Greece and Rome." Mrs. Henry C. McCook of Devon, Pennsylvania, presented fourteen volumes and seven pamphlets, all works of her late husband, the Rev. Henry C. McCook, D.D., Sc. D., LL.D. A complete set of the valuable reports of the United States Monetary Commission with various other government publica­ tions, was received through the courtesy of Hon. George P. McLean. Professor H. F . Osgood, LL.D. (T.C., 1901) presented six volumes and ninety-six pamphlets comprising some of his own valuable contributions to natural history. The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787. Edited by Max Farrand. · 3 volumes. Subscribers' edition, number 91. Yale Press, 19II, were the gift of Hon. and Mrs. Edward L. Smith. This important and definitive edition of these de­ bates was particularly welcome for with it the Library possesses a complete collection of all printed editions. On Commencement Day, June 28, 19II, Mr. Louis M. Potter, '96, presented, in response to a previous request of the Librarian, twenty-four photographs of his noteworthy and inspiring works in sculpture. These have been mounted and placed on exhibition in the Library during the winter. With the bronze busts of President Pynchon and President Luther, which are at present in the Library, an opportunity is given to judge and appreciate the high position Mr. Potter holds in the world of art. A large collection of manuscript, essays, and notebooks in chemistry and physics, the work of Trinity students, was re­ ceived from the estate of President T. R. Pynchon through Mr. H. A. Castle of Plainfield, Connecticut. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 19 From the Commission on Archives of the General Con­ vention of the Protestant Episcopal Church the Library re­ ceived the worthily edited and the handsomely printed volumes of the Hobart Correspondence 1757-1804, in three volumes. CATALOGUING. A beginning has been made in the work of combining the old and the new card catalogues. With the help of the assist­ ants in the Treasurer's Office, during the summer period, the cards were arranged in one alphabet. The next step, of the elimination of duplicate cards, and using the old cards as a basis for ordering Library of Congress cards when they are found available by consulting the complete file of the Library of Congress cards at the Connecticut State Library, has had to be deferred.
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