MOUNT CLEMENS, MICH. MONITOR-LEADER A-3 Hitler Double-Crossed Way to Power after it has forgotten all his " - contingent. It was only General . "mmy-i predecessors. Probably that is ___g-r von Seekt's orders to the Reichs- From 'Bum' true. It will recall him as an »wehr, after the conspirators egotist who raised the double- | thought they had won, tiiat put cross to an art which nobody jBBBBBMBI^^^^BtBfg^ an end to the coup and sent Hit- else in the world’s history ever t^i ler to prison. Dictator... achieved. Throughout pe- to this turbulent Alois Hitler, illegitimately #v^i riod General Ludendorff was born Schicklgrubcr but legiti- used as a tool by the rising Aus- and Back Again matized by one George Heidler, trian gang chief. Hitler used described his son, Adolf, as : him on the theory that, when Grand Double-Cross * good for nothing.” The descrip- i the time came for violence, the Corried Der Fuehrer tion was apt from the day of his I Army never would fire on its birth, April 20, 1889, to the out- : hero. Almost to the Top break of the first World War. From 1923 to 1933 was a pe- J|' Adolf Hitler lived in Vienna, riod of growth in Hitlers for- Corporal Adolf (1919) in a sort of flop house, from tunes and those of his party, BY S. BURTON HEATH 1907 to 1913. His fellow room- i Both were supported by con- YOU'RE NEXT, JAPAN! NFA Starr Writer big ers gave him crusts of bread t tributions from industrial- Look your fate in the face, little "war In 20 years, to the exact day, and bits of horse sausage, which J ists who were very frank about Adolf Hitler talked and double- he supplemented at a free soup | their interest. They approved god", and remember you brought it crossed his way from the Aus- kitchen. He earned a little do- 1 Hitler's opposition to the Treaty upon yourself! Just as Mussolini and tro-German equivalent of a ing the drabbest sort of pseudo of Versailles, his desire to gath- er Bowery bum t > dictator over art work, carrying bags for all Germans of the world into Hitler—you Japs are doomed to com- one of the world’s great nations. travelers, and for part of a day ¦ | a greater Germany, his anti- communism. Like plete defeat by the democracy-loving On August 2, 1914, when shoveling snow on a Danube him, they bridge. hated the Republic and the So- nations' fighting forces, and by World War 1 started. Hitler was : the 4 : : cial Democratic partv. existing in squalor and de- In 1913 he went to Munich, ;V ;.'': -; people the -v;- V-’;/''‘>''\'/;‘V' r ‘;VA'^Jß PRO-NAZI everywhere who will gladly gradation to which laziness, where he continued his low life JUNKERS And finally, among continue making wipe egotism and the complete lack until the Germans marched on the fact- any sacrifice to WITH AGED HINDENBURG ors which of any constructive talent had France. His war service was or- made the Nazis strong out the threat to when they weakest, freedom with which brought him. dinary. He won the Iron Cross crossing the first employer who ranged that the guards would Wilhelm Frick, official who on even were ever happy, and paved the way for more you dared challenge the worldl On August 2. 1934, he declar- twice, was wounded twice and made him the Ger- not resist. And in November, previous occasions had ordered complete gassed once. The huskiness that man Army. In July, 1919, he 600 S. A. men kidnaped the double-crossing, there was tiie ed himself dictator of his police to close their eyes to military the Reich, and made good his underlies his shrill tones is a was assigned by the Propagan- entire government of Bavaria in caste. The Junkers Hitler’s gangsters’ activities, did throught were & presumption. permanent effect of that gass- da an*d espionage division, the celebrated beer hall putsch. they u<ing Hitler LAPOINTE CO. it once more. The ample guard to promote their own Hitler has boasted that his- ing. which used him as a snooper, to ends and J observe a “meeting” Here, again, double-crossing at the beer hall did nothing, woke up, much too late, to dis- Distributor t for Goebel Beer tory will remember him long He got into politics by double- of the Ger- man Workers’ Party, consisting was the order of the occasion. ' though it outnumbered the S. A. See POWERS—Page 6A of six men devoted to pan-Ger- manism and certain quasi-so- cialistic dogma. He joined them, on the spot, and thereafter com- bined politics with his “mili- tary” duties. Hitler never was able to earn A an honest living by convention- al constructive methods. But he did have what the German people W’anted at that moment. His platform of pan-German- The Infantry ism, anti-Versaillesism, anti- Marches dn to Japan and Final Peace Semitism, appealed to enough persons to convince him that politics was his forte. In April ! j i To THOSE WHO j i 1 I i ' ,f * i * t i i -y mH t GAVE ALL.... s 7m A i i Here they lie. Guard them well jjßHj^HHp^^HE/BPv^^^^^^fl iI l with your life, sentry, even as they ( C’ORP. HITLER guarded that for which we are fight- of 1920 the party had only 30 f members, but Hitler was so op- 1B vWf ¦ timistic about its future that he ing, with their own! resigned from the Army. Then came the foundation for 1 another piece of double-cross- Peace is theirs. it not fi Let be dis- ing. A pervert named Ernest \l ¦ Rochm had raised a large secret turbed, sentry, even as the peace they army. Hitler, through Roehm's j friends the newspaperman Diet- rich Eckart (one of the died to secure for all mankind shall six ' once won —be undisturbed in Mr I future years by murderous marauders such as we have known. Hnf rm^m And we who live let us do le Blue Star of Service: The Gold Star of Sacrifice 1 \ more than bow our heads in rever- Ij i i! ence. It is for us to make any sacrifice / MMr\. Reminds IIS.. «:; THIS IS NOT to M? VICTORY ALL.. ji quicken Victory. f > | / 'R /JrWiß « : < /<’’*' '''•'•?» ! r i • y/j ' PRIEHS SALES Final peace is far from won! For while we celebrate the ignominious defeat of Germany, our COMPANY 9 ' >: **mm boys fight on! They've silenced the Nazi war guns, but they've got to stifle the guns of a last Buifck * * * Cadillac Pontiac _ 0 AS "RABBLE ROLSER" deadly enemy before final Victory is ours. They remember their buddies receiv- original party membersmembers) was the treatment |m| made public spokesman,spokesman. When thethe Allies forced that ArrArmy un- ed at Bataan, Pearl Harbor and Corregidor. They can count the gold stars that replaced the derground Hitler adopted it as BgjT° thethe Gymnastics and SportSports divi- sionsion of the Nazi party. blue stars in the service flags at home after each bloody massacre. Until they've evened up An ex-militaryex-militarv fliprflier named *# Herman Goering lent Hitler • o money and joined the party. A the score until every last Jap is beaten, our boys complete year know final Victory will not be later he was put in com- «# mand of Koohm’s army, jfm the brown-shirted S. A. ours. Are you with them? Then keep buying to produce " Bonds for Victory. Nor was that all that Roehm total ,*'”‘llpSP\y contributed to Hitlers’ rise. In 1923 the Nazis and other strong- I * *' mL* ,4^&isEpmß& arm groups held a Congress of some ' y+* 100.000 persons in Nurem- The Bond* yoo buy V 5* berg and formed a German Com- bat Union. Roehm maneuvered today wM yrodooo so that within a month Hitler, who had wangled dictatorship & for comploto Vic- over the numerically small Nazi J. party, H. became political MALBIN tory tomorrow. head of SONS CO. the whole combat union. On May Day, 1939, Hitlers S. A. men stole weapons from the Reichswehr barracks, unde- terred because Roehm had ar-.
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