JANUARY 1961 YOUR MOVE FOR THE NEW YEAI - 60 CENTS ... .- cription lot• . YEAR $6.00 1 White to move and win 2 Olack to move and will This is precisely an in­ The main chance can ('bme ON·THE·SPOT TACTICS stance in point. Black, YOU1' in any of many ways, Some· YOIl may sit and build up patiently to a planned climax editor, was napping. \Vhite, times, it permits a simple. at it sacrificial finish. Or you may contl'ive traps of a Jack Pinneo, clinched his positional sort of win, -It fiendish natm'e into which yOll), opponent blunders, nut a grip on the Long ISland Am. certainly does not Ira ve to· ateu]' Championsllip with his OJ'­ Yery good part of your wins, tartLal wins, will fal! into involve u· 'sacrifice, .sham next move. He might have real. Second thongJlts on YOl1l' lap, by accident as it were --- that is, if you stay alert been hoping fOl' this posi· this example Jllay suggest and spot your opportunity. Call your shot on each or the tion; but the chances al'e that Black 'plotted it out. following positions. Score YOllrself excellent fol' ten con'eel "it just cnme lip." Win it. Not necessarily, though_ solutions: good for eight; fair for six. Solutions on page 25. Anyhow, how does· he win? 3 White to move and win 4 Black to move and win 5 White to m::>vc Qnd w in 6 Black to move and w in What may be called the Returning to a !"\!lIiliar Here again, oae Inay well It is often the cllse that executive moves - captures theme, "Black is a Pawll be, suspect that White had p!:e · a player ne~ds only H hint and checl!:s mainly and also, hind here! what can he do mapped his win. At least. t h~ that this is the moment to to be sure, stark threats of to redeem it?" Yon CHn. of combination Is neat; and, Oil look for the win. With his mate or of capture of major course, go into calClllntious the other hand, White is in tournllmeni clock tlcldng, pieces, are what we mean - of positional pros ami COilS, too much of a hole (without with his Queen under attacl, they must all be examined The payoff, ho\\"e\-er, as [01' his combinational resource) and with a feeling that he at each turn to play - or an any Quiz problem, is olle of for this all to have been for· ought to increase the ten· opportunity may be thrown tactical considerations. Can tuitous, Still, the win reo sion and so maybe regain his to the winds. White can se· you see how Black can at Quires tactical alertness. Pawn, Black may not l' e nli~e cure a win here, How? least redeem his material? LoOI;: a live there! now's the time. Is it '! 7 White to move and win 8 Black to move and win 9 White to m:>ve and win "10 81ack to move and win It may be sare, even ped­ Any fool can plainly see White might consider this Offhand, olle migilt say agogically, to abstain from here that Black is ill real something of a fnsc\n:ttinc: that White has the "better all preaching here on the danger. :Mate lUay impend in Pawn race if the ,-,itl1",tlO:1 King position" IW1·e. He lIeed to be alert. Anyone, several ways; two, anyway. wel'e not so overweighted fcr probab!r has at that [or the who lIeeds to be told that And yet mack dare not re­ Dlack, piecewise and threat, end·game - or if he gets to for a position with pieces move that Knight which has wise. Hold on a bit, though; ·an end·gnm8; So. as if you so strewn around, doesn't so great a part in the play. the proposition is for White di(\n't kno\\" , it is a (lU eS lion need to be told more on Desides, Olack is mntel'ially to move and win! Could we of the moment, tilis very mo· alel'tness, He just needs to behind. ] ... QxN 2 B- Q3 is have the color \Hong? No. ment, of how does Bla('k win be told, ".!'.loron!" Now cracl;: merely seconu best for It is White to win. This has instanter. How does he? om a win, White! Hopeless - or is it? to be tl1cky, See it? • CH 55 WHAT IS CHESS? The editors of the newspaper Nelles Mikhail Tahl: Chess first of all is art. Deutschland posed the following question How else can its tremendous force of at· VIEW to World Chess Champion !lIikhail Tahl. traction be explained? Why is it that 'HI ,.,efURf eHUS AlAOAZ'H' as well as to the ex.champions Max Euwe, millions of people play chess, thousands Volume 29 Number 1 January. 1961 Mikhail Botvinnik and Vassily Smyslov, regularly attend tournaments, hundreds EDITED & PUBLISHED BY I, A. Horowitz who were at the chess olympiad in Leip. of thousands study chess theory and play zig: "What is chess - a sport, art or over the games of the strongest masters? TABLE OF CONTENTS science?"' We present here the answers The only explanation. as I see it, is the FEATURES of the four eminent grandmasters. colo~sal aesthetic influence that this game Page exerts. Game of the Month..... ........ ... 8 Dr. Max Euwe: Emmanuel Lasker • • • North Central Open .... ........... 2 At the same time the editors of Neues The Real Story .. .. .............. .. 19 used to say that "Chess is a struggle." I fully agree with him. Lasker believed, Deutschland asked the fou r grandmasters DEPARTMENTS another question: "Do you intend to vie Chess Caviar ....... ........... 16, 25 and I think he was right, that the strug· gle on the 64 squares, the sport over the for the world chess crown in the near Chess Club Directory ... .. ......... 12 future?" Chess Vignettes ...... •.. ...• •....•. 5 chess board. can be studied and ad· Finishing Touch . ........ ........ 17 vanced on a scientific basis. Dr. Max Euwe: No. Firstly, because Games from Recent Events ••...••.. 26 The aesthetic side, in my opinion, takes I do not play sufficiently strongly. Sec· Past Masterpieces ..... ... ... ..... 25 place mostly in chess studies. Individual ondly, hecause r have nu free time. Postal Chess •...•.....••....•...••. 20 games played at tournaments may also Probiemart ................... .. ... 14 be considered from the point of view of Readers' Games . ...... .... ••. ••. 13 Mikhail Bowillnik: In 1961, I will be aesthetics, but one gets such an oppor· Solitaire Chess . .... ..... .. .. .. 7 able to give an exhaustive answer to this t unity not too often. I think that it is Spotlight on Openings ............. 10 question. Tournament Calendar ....... ... 4 impossible to consider every position from World of Chess . .... ..... .... ... 3 the point of view of art. Vassily Smyslov: I am not goin g to The main object in the game of chess EDITOR give up the struggle for the world title. r. A. Horowitz remains the achievement of victory. This I will do the utmost to gain the right once EXECUTIVE EDITOR determines it as a sport. If any person JIi.(·k Straley Batten more in the qualifying tournaments for CONTRIBUTING EDITORS were to make a weak move with the sole a match with the world champion. A. n. Uil;guler, I. Chernev. J. '.V. Collins, object of setting up a beautiful position, T . A. Dunst. Dr. lI-f. Euwe. Hans Kmoch. anyone would tell you that this is a bad Mikhail Tahl: The return match with W. Korn, Fred Reinfeld. CORRESPONDENTS move. Botvinnik will take place in 1961, and Alabama E. M. Cockrell. I am certain that this will be a very tense AlaSKa S. H. O·Neill. dueL I don't want to say that it will be Callfornl~ Dr. H. Ralston. M. J. Royer. Mikhail Botvinnik: Recently my book Colorado J. J. Reid. The 1958 Botvinnik-Smyslov Return keener than this year, since there was Co.1necticut Edmund E. Hand. extreme tension in the struggle that took District of Columbia R. S. Cantwell. Match for the World Title came off the place in this match. But Botvinnik will Florida R. C. Eastwood. press. I dealt in detail on this question Georgia Braswell Deen. try to play better than in our first match, Ida ho R. S. Vandenbe'·g. at the end of it. My point of view boils while 1 in turn will do my best to improve Illinois J. G. Warren. down to the following: chess is first of Indi~na D. C. Hills, D. E. Rhead. my play. Iowa J . M. Osneas. all a game. But, if any succeeds in KentUcky J. W. Mayer. producing a game which keeps on living Kanus K. H. MacDonald. Louisiana A. L. McAuley. and is played over and over again for Maine L. I-;Idridge. many years, chess becomes an art. Maryland Charles Barasch. Massachusetts Franklin J. Sanborn. I do not consider chess a science. But Michi oan R. Buskager. it also has an element of science in it Minnesota R. C. Gove. Mississippi E. A. Durning. without which it is impossible to play Missouri E . A, Talley. chess really well. However, this element Nebraska E. E. Ellsworth, Jack Spence, plays after all, only a secondary role. R. E. Weare. Nevada R. L. Wheeler. New Hampshire Ralph lI-f. Gerth. New York Edward Lasker. H. M. Phillips. Vassily Smyslov: I consider chess an North CarOlina Dr. S. Noblin. art. My father was a musician and a North Dakota D. C. IHacdonald. strong chess player. He was extremely Ohio R. B . Hayes. J. R. Schroeder. Pennsylv"nia 'William R.
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