EPISCOPAl. CHURCHPEOPLE ior a FREE SOUTHERN AFJ;ICA E 339 L,afayert. StrHt. N.w Yor1<, N.Y. 100'2·2725 C (2'2)477-0066 FAX: (212) 979-1013 S A #139 30 July 1993 In Zululand, a defiant Aaron NdlovU -:-SU_N~D-:-AY;....;'2~5J~U~L'-='199.:..:..;.,.:1 ---.:.THE OBSERVER_ 'I is ready for any conflict to come, writes John Carlin in Empangeni I SouthAfrica'sunholy "MAKE my day" is the un­ c:omplicated response ofAaron Ndlovu, the ANC boa in Zu· 1u1aDd, to the threats of civil war from his Inbtha neigh­ alliancehintsatwar bour, Mangosuthu Buthdezi. Back It the headquanen of ............... Congress leaden an trying this ANC. Yet within South Africa the KwaZulu Police Force was the African National Congress Johannesburg weekend to mollify Inkatha and he is increasingly being seen as a headed by a oeconded offICer of in Johannesburg the mood iI the Conservatives and coax man cnnsumed by ambilion and the Nalional Intelligence Ser­ OBe of near panic It the pt'Ol­ AS South Mrica enten tbe Iut them bllck inlO tbe negotiating a potential wrecker of the rec­ vice. Tbe press bas discloeed of 00 its council, which is to begin COlI­ onciliation accordl bei!1J strueI< that some Inkatha memben peel oi Chief DUWQczi', WD­ criti<:al fortnight talks DeW interim constitution, it sidering a rant dnLft oi the DeW OelW..cn the govenlInent and reaived ...,.,rrilla trainin& AI a aervltive Zulu supponen suddenly faces a tbrat of rebel­ constitution tomorrow. the ANC. Mter years of ban­ aecret base in Namibia. ganging up with their allies in lion with dark hintl of civil war But they have made it clear dling him with kid gloves, tbe Now comes the alliance with the white far ript to destroy from an unholy alliance ofQtief their patience wilh Butheleli, in South African press has the Cae Ripll. A week aao a man iDy hope 01 demoaatic dec­ M2ngOlluthu Buthelezi and particular, is running out and unleashed a lorrent ofcriticism. named VICtor Kheswa, known tiODl. It _ with imaJes of white rocists of the atreme they may go ahead without Butbelezi claims 10 be a dem­ in a group of 10wnshipa south of Bosnia in mind that the 0lJ­ Right. lnkatha. The position of the ocral, yet for 21 years he has Johannesburg u the Vsal Mon­ run KwaZulu 'homeland' u a Iter and widely auumed to be IDiaation's IeCreWy With the latest opinion polls MriI<aner extremists is clear. reneral, They demand a separate Boer one-party state where diamt is responsible for a aeries of maa­ Cyril Ramaphosa, said this abowina Butbelezi's suppo" slumping to a new low of three llate, which the black parties unknown. Elections are all­ lacres there, _ arrested. week that he feared the coun­ per call aationally and 31 per an unwilling to cnncede since Inkatha affain with most candi­ Twenly-four houn after being try would "drown in blood". cent amotI& his OWD Zulu pe0­ there is no part of the cnuntry dales unoppooed. Of the esti­ taken into police custody, Ifthere is I War or, U every­ ple ofNatal province, the Inka­ with a white, Dever mind an mated three million people Kheswa was cbI. Now it turns one c:onfideDtly predieu, nat tha Freedom Party IesdeT has Afrikaner, majority. The moat living in KwaZulu, 780,000 an out that be was a key member of yeats elections ,encrate what bec:ome vehemently opposed to the white separatists an likely registered volen. Only 12,000 Inntha in the ...... and posaibly the 27 April election date let by to be offered is a federal state voted in lbe 1988 eleclion. a1soofa~wyorgan~~ Mr Ramaphosa called UDimag- I the multipany ncaotiatina where Mrikanen and Alri­ He also claims to be a federal­ called the World Preservationist ined leveb of violence, Zulu· council three weeks ago. Itaans-spealting Coloured pe0­ ist, yet has presented a cnnstilU­ Movement, three of whole land will be the fronl line. Protesting that no decision ple logether might cnnstilUte a tional plan for KwaZulu/Natal white memben have been Chid" Buthdczi has made it an be made without his party's majority. thaI appears 10 sel the province charged with lbe uausination clear thlt here is where he will agreement, Buthelezi has pulled Buthelezi's motives an more up for secession. last April of Communist Pany malte his Iut stIDd. Elsewhere his negotiators out of tbe talks. obscure. Behind his objection to Buthelezi'l cnmmitment to leader Chris Hani. in South Africa, where the He has threatened to launch his the election date lies a desire to non-violence is also question­ The putative IesdeT of the ANC is dominant, he enjoY' own breakaway constitutional have the final constitution able. There is mounting evi­ WPM, Koos Vermeulen, who agreed now, rather than in an describes himself as being 'to suppan among a number of negotiations and divide the dence that In!<alha 'warlords' cnuntry in two ifhe does Dot get elected cnnstilUeDt assembly, are lhe prime instigalon of the the right of the (neo-Nazi] Mri­ whites and a handful ofblacks. his way. He has warned that this where he is likely to be margin­ political violence that has kaner ResisWlCe Movement', It is only in Zululand, north· could be the rant Itep towards aIised. And behind that lies the racked Natal for lhe past three rant announced thai detUed ern NltaI, that he can realisti­ civil wv. luspicion thaI, although he yean, although tbe ANC is lhat Kheswa was a member. cally hope - even if the polls ~ be strikes this bellicole claims 10 be a federaliat, Buthe­ clearly culpable as well. BUlbe­ Now it has emerged that Ver­ meuen today an: against him - to se­ stance, Butbelezi has found Iezi'l real aim in teaming up \eli accuses the ANC ofhaving a and • lriend, ChriI cure an Inkatha outpoSt. willing allies among the white with the Afrikaner oecessionislS private anny, ....bile be himself Theunissen, described u a is to achieve ethnic fragmenta­ has an official and highly parti­ member ofboth Inkatha and the Which ia why Dr Ndlovu, I atremists. The Conservative Party withdrew from the talks tion so that he can head a break­ san militia in the shape of the Conservative Party, maaaged to lectllrcr in political science in with him, and General Con­ away Zulu nation in Natal. The KwaZulu Police Force. gain lICUSS 10 tbe monuary to Zulu1aDd Univenity, would lland Viljoen, the former suspicion is reinforced by the Howeft!", it is Buthelezi's inspect Kheswa'i body. _ to line more reIIOtlJ to Defence Force chief who beads fact that the negotiating cnuncil Iinb with the Cae Right and sus­ The affair has prompted be anxious thaD any other the Afriltaner Volksfront, an has already attepted the princi­ pect elements of the military­ speculation that Kheswa was ANC leader. Ifhe ia, he keeps alliance of Cae- r)gbl ocganisa­ ple offederalism. security establishment that killed to prevent him from it well hidden. Dons, baa caiicd ua iUs ioUowcn DutMleJi has 5uec~iuiiy arouse IJ»CA)t c:once-.n. Ii: \\&'as rev.:alir&j i.ufv;u"l~n ii~U~ tt~ to arm thenuelvesand taU con­ revealed two yean ago that so-called Third Force, which A c:omplct man in his mid­ pt"e5Cnted himself through the trol of local militia Ullin. Gov­ Weslern media u the reason­ Inkalha was secretly subsidised some people claim is the hidden forties, Sft lOin, dark..kiDned crtIJIIalI aDd Afrian National able alternative to the t*1icaI from poIiC<' funds, and for yean hand behind lownship violence. even for I Zulu - "Should I ever blush I wouldn't JO red, fd go navy blue" - he has the relued air ofI Mafia C4pO who 1tDowI DO one is goinl to mea The clever idea of Ndaon with him because 01 the fire­ " My OWD outlook," he II}'I, Who did the traiDiDa? He But isn't this balaDce of ter­ power of his bod)'lUlrds and Mandela meetiD, the Zulu "derives from the unique cU­ ami1es. "Let's say people who ror approadl likely to aa:eler­ because of the terrible retribu­ kiDB, proposed recently II I CUDlItlDc:a here. I mean, the had the skill." In JUDI? "Sure. lte the rush to civil war? "Civil tion thaI would follow if any­ means to defuJt lnbtha's pr0­ Inkatha pocition is that the But it _ OII1y ldf-defeDce war is too bi, I word," he Olle aied. An ironic smile ai­ claimed monopoly on "Zulu­ ANC nOI north of ia allowed units. We impreaed on people 11•."That's just I dream." WIyI plaY' about hia lips. Ria nell", came from him, he "Y'. River" [the the TUJda de­ they should DOt JO on the of­ But what lbout, with dectioDl movemena are thoee of man Some local ANC SUpporters, awation point for Zulu1aDd]. baive. They OII1y c:my out 01'­ due and Chid" Buthdczi feel· who rcfusa to be ruahed, CXlIII­ CDIpcrIted It. what they per­ In the put, we participated den to defend the COIIIDlunity. c:omered, intallifi­ -dina, tIWlCr of his cave to be his undemoaatic fully in the peace accords. But iDa a fierce "Since January we'9c cation of the killiqs? Thia universe. atyIe, have aiticiJed him fat it never worked out. We mm. He has little time, he makes failin, to heed the peace mes­ minimised the Inbtha roIc. time he smiles, the faint, men­ clear, for the JOin,. on It 1I,e broUJht down to Zulu­ calculated and the c:anIIJe juat The attaeb are no Ioqcr by aciD& smile of a man who be­ "Shell House", the ANC head land Clriy this year by Walter coatiJlued.
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