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AFR 110-14 USAFAIRCRAFT AGCIDENT INVESTIGATION BOARD 24 JUNE94 FAIRCHILDAFB, WA 8.52H AIRGRAFT 92 BW VOL 3 s/N 61-0026 325 BS INVESTIGATIONOFFICER MIGHAELG. MGGONNELL,COL, USAF HQ 12THAIR FORCE COPYNUMBER 8L OF USAF AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT I}WESTIGATION REPORT INDEXTAB FORM A AF FORM 7II - USAFMSHAP REPORT C AF FORM?Ilb. AIRCRAFTMSTIAP REPORT D AF FORM Trrc - AIRCRAFTil{AINTENAIICE AIID N{ATERI.ALREPORT G FLIGIIT A}ID PERSONNELRECORDS H AFTOFORMS 78I I I\{ATERI.ALDEFICIENCY REPORTS J TECHMCAL A}-IDENGINEERING EVALUATIONS OF N{ATERI,AL(DOD) K DD FORM I75, MILTTARYFTIGHT PLA}-I L DD FORM 365F,WEIGIIT A}.ID BAI.A}-ICE CLEARANCE FORM F - TACTICAL M CERTIFICATEOF DAIVIIA\GE N TRAI{SCRIPTSOF RECORDED COMMUMCATIONS O A}TYADDMONAL SIJBSTA}-ITIATINGDATA REPORTS a 0RDERSAPPOINTING II-n/ESTIGATING BOARD R DIAGRAIVIS(FALLOTJT-IMPACT AREA) S PHOTOGRAPHS T II\TDI\@UAL FLIGHTRECORDS V TESTIMONYA}-ID STATEMEbITS OF WrINESSES W WEATI#R OBSERVATIONS w X STATEMENTSOF INJI.]RY OR DEAfiI Y DOCUMENTSAPPOINTING ACCIDENT IN\ESTIGATION BOARD Z PHOTOGRAPHSNOT INCT,TJDEDIN PARTI OF SAFETYREPORT AA SUPPORTINGADDITIONAL DATA I USAF ATRCRAFTACCIDENT II-I\IE STIGATION REPORT INDEX TAB FORM T.O lB-szH-l-l FLIGIITIVIANUAL APPEI{DIX I PERFORIvIANCEDATA AA-t.l T.O.IB.52G.I-II PILOTSFLIGI{T MANUAL AA-2.1 FEDERALAVIATION REGI.JLATIONS AA-3.1 AFI I l-209, 17Febnrary 1994 AIR FORCEPARTICIPATION IN AERIALETVENTS AA4.I AFR 60-18, 27 July 1992 AIRFORCEPARTICIPATION IN AERIALEVENTS AA4.3 AFR 60-18, 30 January1987 AIR FORCEPARTICIPATION IN AERIALEVENTS 444.8 ACCR55-18, I April 1994ACC PARTICIPATION IN AERHL EVENTS AA4.l3 AFR60-1, 9 February1990 FLIGHT il{ANAGEMENT AA-5.1 AFR60-16, 27 January1992 GENERAL FLIGIIT RIJLES AA-5.6 ACCR5l-50 Volume?Z,I January1993 B-52 AIRCREW TRAINING AA{.I ACCR55-2, I June1992 LIITE SUPPORT PROGRAM AA-7.1 T.O. 14P34-151,I lvlay1983 HGU-SS/P FLYER'S I'IELtvlET AA-7.5 ACCR55-1s2, I I lt{arch1994 B-52 AIRCREW OPERATIONAL PROCEDLJRES AA-8.1 SACR55-12 Volume l,20 November1989 AIROPERATIONS AA-9.1 FCIF ITEM: BOMBERVISUAL FORIVIATION AA-10.1 FAIRCHILDAFB NEWSRELEASES AA-ll.l MR. I(ENT.IETHPEARCE'S LETTER TO GEI.IERALLOH AA-12.1 AIR SHOWBRIEFING SLIDES AA-13.1 AIRCREWFLY-ING SCTIEDTJLE AA-14.t ACC FORM 50, FEB 93 FLIGTITORDER AA-15.r AFTO FORM 78I. SEPE5 AFORMSAIRCREWA{ISSION FLIGTIT DATA DOCTJMENT AA-16.r TVIAINTENAI-ICEMEMORAT.IDLIM FOR BOARD PRESIDENT AA-17.1 ACCR5 I. 18, I lldarch1993 BOMBINGNAVIGATION/AGN,TTRAINING AA-18.1 AFTO FORM6, AUG 9l B-52 AIRCRAFTREFIJELING AI.ID DISTRIBUTION LOc AA-19.1 AFTOFORM 46, JUL 84 PREPOSffiONEDLIFE SLIPPORTEQUIPIVIENT AA-20.1 SEATTLECENTER NTAP PRINTOUT AA-21.1 COGNITECII,INC.DATA AA-22.1 AF FORM 3516,IVIAR 92 DAILY RECORDOF FACILITY OPERATION AA-23.1 92ndBOMB WING LEADERSHIPTIMELINE AA-24.1 VIDEO TAPE AA-25.1 ADMIMSTRATIVE MATTERS AA-26.1 o tr o L) lrl E Ir o o o tr td o o- UJ |J- lrl E o tr lr, I lrl + lrl tr lrJ lrj an z I g z o = UI 4 f F { I 9t 3 q IL { -tJ o lJ = tl lrl E ID - UI 4 rJ E t F -F g> -z:'o al, - 4, -i:$ t t t : -E:r| II .i ii rii c El a[; E:-: iEi E;3 I l! isEs; idi ll "r* G vt 2g iE !c at o ;G 6 tif gl z { a 6r o ct ID E E o TL ll. I USAFAIRCRAFT ACCIDENT II\ryESTIGATIONREPORT INDEXTAB FORM A AF FORM 7II . USAFMSHAP REPORT C AF FORM?11b. AIRCRAFTMISIIAP REPORT D AF FORM ?11c- AIRCRAFTffi AI.ID I\4ATERLALREPORT G FLIGHTAhID PERSONNELRECORDS H AFTOFORMS 78I I N{ATHRTALDEFICIENCY REPORTS J TECHMCALAI'ID ET.IGINEERINGEVALUATIONS OF I\4ATERLAL (DOD) K DD FORM I75, MILITARY FLIGIIT PIA}.I L DD FORM 365F,WEIGIIT At{D BALA}.ICECLEARA}-ICE FORM F - TACTICAL M CERTIFICATEOF DAN{AGE N TRAT.ISCRIPTSOFRECORDEDCOffiS O ANY ADDITIOhIALSUBSTAI\TTIATIhIG DATA REPORTS a oRDERSAPPCUNTING II{\ruSTIGATING BOARD R DIAGRAI\{S(FALLOUT-IMPACT AREA) S PHOTOGRAPHS T II\ilDTVIDUALFLIGIIT RECORDS V TESTIMOI{YA}.ID STATEMENTSOF WIINESSES W WEATIIER OBSERVATIONS X STA]EMENTSOF INJI.]RYOR DEAfiT X Y DOCUMET-ITSAPPOINTING ACCIDEhTT IN\IIESTIGATION BOARD N PHOTOGRAPHSNOT INCLTJDEDIN PARTI OF SAFETYREPORT AA SUPPORTINGADDTTIONAL DATA I DEPARTMENT OF TI{E AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS93D BOMB wrNc (ACC) CASTLEAIR FORCEBASE. CALIFOR.T{IA l9 Augrut 1994 MEMORAI.fDUM FOR: ColonelMcConnell, President,AFR I 10-14Board FROM: 93d MedicalGroup/SGP (ACC) CastleAFB, California 95301 SUBJ: MedicalStatement- Summaryof Conclusions l. In referenceto theB-52H aircraftaccident of 24 Jun 94 at FairchildAFB, Washington,the following conclusionsare corsistent with the findingsat autopsyof the four fatally injnred aircrervmembers: Col. Wolffwas seatedin theinstuctor pilot's seat(not capable of ejection) Lt. Col. Hollandwas probably in contol of the aircraftat the time of impact,had not initiatedejection and wasseated in the left pilot's seat Lt. Col McGeehanhad partially ejected (and was therefore not in control of the aircraft)and was seated in the right pilot's seat Lt. Col. Httston(by processof elimination)was seated in the radarnavigator's seatand had not initiatedejection 2- Although all four crewmembers sustained injrrries that mayhave been caused by placement of the handsand fect on the controls,their seatingilrangement and the ejectionsequence statusmake the aboveconclusions almost certain. The injuriessustained by the crew members other thanLt. Col. Hollandwere attributed to impactforces only. Thoseparticular characteristicinjuries of Lt Col. Holland wereattributed to havinghis handson the controlsat impact. MC, SFS DEPARTMENT OF Tffi AIR FORCE TIEADQUARTERSe3D BOMB \I'ING (ACC) CASTLE AIR FORCEBAsE, CALIFORMA l9 August1994 MEMORAIIDUM FOR: ColonelMcConnell, President,AFR I 10-14Board FROM: 93d MedicatGroup/SGP (ACC) CastleAFB, California 9530I SIJBJ: Medical Statement- LieutenantColonel Arthrrr A. Holland l. A reviewof themedical records of LieutenantColonel Arthur A. Hollandreveals that a flying classII (short)physical was accomplished on 16 Dec 93. The examr+'as within normal limits andmedical clearance was granted, valid through3l Jan 95. His last long physicalwas accomplishedon 15Dec 92, and he wasqualified. 2. LieutenantColonel Holland expired due to multiple extremeinjrrries. Toxicologicalstudies were negative. 3. Becauseof thepattern of Lt. Col. Holland'sinjuries and tfuough the processof elimination, the following conclusionsare coruistent with the findings: He wasin theleft pilot'sseat He hadhis handson the controlsat thetime of impact He had not initiatedthe ejectionsequence He was in primarycontrol of the aircraft 4. In conclusion,tlere is no evidenceof medicalfacts in the records,autopsy. or toxicological studiesthat wor:ldhave contribrrted to this accident. , USAF,MC, SFS -t DEPARTMENT OF TIIE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS93D BOMB WING(ACC) CASTLEAIR FORCEBASE, CALIFORNIA 19August 1994 MEMORA-IIDUMFOR: ColonelMcConnell, President,AFR I 10-14Board FROM: 93dMedical Group/SGP (ACC) CastleAIB, California9i301 SIJBJ; Medicalstatement-Lieutenant coronel Kenneth s. Huston l- A reriew of the medicalrecords of LieutenantColonel Kenneth S. Hustonreveals that a flying classII (short)physical was accomplished on l5 September1994. The examwas within normallimits andmedical clearance was granted, valid ttuougb30 September1995. His last Iong physicalwas accomplished on 2 september1992, and he oru qu"lifi*d. 2' LieutenantColonel Huston expired due to multiple extremeinjuries. Toxicologicalstud1es were negative. 3. Becauseof the patternof Lt. Col. Huston'sinjuries and through the processof elimination, the following conclusioruare consistent with the findings: He was in the Radar-Navigator'sseat He hadnot initiatedthe ejectionsequence He wasnot in contol of the aircraft 4- In conclusion,there is no evidenceof medicalfacts in therecords, autopsy. or toxicological studiesthat wouldhave conkibuted to this accident. SAF,MC, SFS Chief,Aeromedical x-3 t DEPARTMENT OF TITF AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS93D BOMB WING (ACC) CASTLEAIR FORCEBASE. CALIFORNIA 19August 1994 MEMORANDLIM FOR: ColonelMcConnell, President,AFR I l0-14 Board 93dMedical Group/SGP (ACC) CastleAFB, California95301 Medical Statement- LieutenantColonel Mark C. McGeehan l. A reviewof the medicalrecords of LieutenantColonel Mark C. McGeehanreveals that a flying classII (short)physical was accomplished on l6 December1993. The examwas within normallimits andmedical clearance was granted, valid through 3l January1995. His lastlong physicalwas accomplished on l5 December1992, and he wasqualified. 2. LieutenantColonel McGeehan expired due to multiple exteme injuries. Toxicological studieswere negative. 3. The patternof Lt. Col. McGeehan'sinjuries are consistent with the followingconclusions: He wasin the right pilot's seat He hadinitiated ejection and had been partially ejected at thetime of impact He wasprobably not in contol of the aircraft 4. In conclusion,there is no evidenceof medicalfacts in the records,autopsy. or toxicological studiesthat would havecontributed to this accident. ,,,, Chief, Aerhmfdical Services L"-' DEPARTMENT OF THII AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS93D BOMB wil-ic (ACC) CASTLEAIR FORCEBASE. CALIFORMA l9 Augrst1994 MEMORAI'IDUM FOR: ColonelMcConnell, President,AFR I 10-14Board FROM: 93d Medical Group/SGP(ACC) CastleAFB, California95301 SUBJ: MedicalStatement- ColonelRobert E. Wolff L A reviewof themedical records of ColonelRobert E. Wolffrevealsthat a flying classII (short)physical was accomplished on I July 1993.The exam was within normallimits and medicalclearance was grante4 valid through3l August 1g95. He wasgranted a waiverfor hlpercholesterolemia,controlled with Quesfian,valid until 3l Augustl996. His lastlong physicalwas accomplished on I I July 1992,and he wasqualified with the waiverby

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