AÑO 24 | NÚM. 1161 < WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM > 07 DE DIC - 13 DE DC | 2019 FREE! ¡GRATIS! LUIS MIGUEL EL SOL DE MÉXICO 07 DE DICIEMBRE - 13 DE DICIEMBRE | 2019 2 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM In loving memory of Mr. José G. Esparza APRENDE MÁS. HAZ MÁS. COMPARTE MÁS. FOUNDED BY: José G. Esparza And Lilia S. Esparza /1993/ INTERNET ESSENTIALSSM DE COMCAST PO BOX 1805 INTERNET DE ALTA VELOCIDAD ECONÓMICO CYPRESS TEXAS 77410 Phone: (713)880-1133 Internet Essentials te da acceso a Internet de alta velocidad económico. Podrías calificar Fax: (713)880-2322 si tienes al menos un niño elegible para el Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares, recibes asistencia para viviendas públicas o HUD, o eres un veterano con bajos recursos económicos que recibe asistencia federal y/o estatal. PUBLISHERS GABRIEL ESPARZA SIN CONTRATO [email protected] SIN REVISIÓN DE CRÉDITO $ 95 SIN CARGO POR INSTALACIÓN PUBLIC RELATIONS WiFi PARA EL HOGAR INCLUIDO al mes + impuestos ACCESO A HOTSPOTS DE AMANDA G. 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NEWSPAPER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY QUE ONDA MAGAZINE Prides itself in keep- ing a high standard and devotingly opposes any type of misleading advertising. CONTENIDO CLOSE EDITION Friday 5:00pm TEXAS GOV 3 OFFICE HOURS 9:00 am - 6:00pm ENTRETENIMIENTO 6 Monday - Friday DEADLINES INMIGRACION & POLITICA 7 Friday 12:00 am Ads containing special art, photos or proof will DEPORTES 8 be required a week in advance. Cancellations LUIS MIGUEL 11 should be made in writing and receiven five (5) day in advance of publication date. HOUSTON BALLET: THE NUTCRACKER 13 Una Publicación Semanal Derechos Reservados Copyright 2007 MOTIVACION 14 COCINA 15 TRAVEL 17 2020 RAM 1500 18 07 DE DICIEMBRE - 13 DE DICIEMBRE | 2019 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM 3 of the Association of University nization supporting science and Research Parks and the Associ- technology innovators. Gramm ation of Public Land Grant Uni- received a Bachelor of Science versities. She serves on the Ad- in Business Administration from visory Board Office of Outreach & University of South Florida and Engagement, TTU. Additionally, a Master of Business Administra- she is a member of the Innovate tion from University of Tampa. Texas Tech Mentor Program and VentureWell, a national orga- GOVERNOR ABBOTT APPOINTS FOUR TO PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AND SMALL BUSINESS INCUBATOR BOARD overnor Abbott has reap- chief administrative officer of Bi- pointed Jody Goehring and oNumerik Pharmaceuticals, Inc., GDavid R. Margrave and focused on advancing innovative appointed Hayden Padgett to the cancer therapies. Prior to joining Product Development and Small BioNumerik, he was a partner in Business Incubator (PDSBI) the technology group at Andrews Board for terms set to expire on & Kurth LLP, a national law firm. February 1, 2025. Additionally, He is a past director of the Texas the Governor appointed Kimber- Technology Transfer Association ly Gramm for a term set to expire and a former board member of on February 1, 2021. The PDSBI the Stanford Associates Board of fund is a revolving loan program Governors. Margrave received a administered by the Texas Eco- Bachelor of Arts and Science from nomic Development Bank within Stanford University and a Juris the Governor’s Office of Economic Doctor degree from The Universi- Development Finance Division at ty of Texas School of Law. He also the direction of the PDSBI Board. serves as chairman the State of The purpose of the fund is aid in Texas Product Development and the development, production and Small Business Incubator Board. commercialization of new or im- proved products and to foster and Hayden Padgett of Plano stimulate small business in the is a group product manager at state. TaxAct. He previously worked in product management for Capital Jody Goehring of Austin is One and PayPal. He is a member GOVERNOR ABBOTT APPOINTS a managing partner at Hyde Park of the Plano Rotary Club and a BENNETT AS DIRECTOR OF THE Ventures. He previously served volunteer for Junior Achievement as the vice president of corpo- of Dallas. Additionally, he is a REGULATORY COMPLIANCE rate and business development graduate of Leadership Plano, DIVISION at RetailMeNot, where he led former membership director of overnor Greg Abbott has She previously served as a legis- mergers and acquisitions, invest- the Rotary Club of Danville/Syca- appointed Erin Bennett as lative counsel for the Texas Leg- ments, and partnership activity more Valley, and founder and for- the Director of the Regu- islative Council Legal Division for for the company. He is a member mer president of the San Ramon G latory Compliance Division with- nearly eight years. She is a mem- of The Seton Fifty, and serves on Valley Chorale. Padgett received in the Office of the Governor for ber of the State Bar of Texas and the Ronald McDonald House of a Bachelor of Arts in Political Sci- a term set to expire on February the Travis County Women Law- Central Texas Advisory Council. ence from University of Califor- 1, 2021. Established by SB 1995 yers Association and a member Goehring received a Bachelor of nia, Los Angeles. during the 86thLegislative Ses- and former director of the Austin Arts from the University of Penn- sion, the Regulatory Compliance Young Lawyers Association. She sylvania and a Master of Business Kimberly Gramm of Lub- Division is a new division that is also a board member of the Administration from The Univer- bock is associate vice president of will review rules affecting market Austin Chapter of Young Cath- sity of Chicago Booth School of innovation and entrepreneurship competition proposed by state li- olic Professionals, a former vice Business. at Texas Tech University (TTU), censing agencies. president for the Young Women’s and has served in various other Alliance Foundation, and a 2015 David R. Margrave of San capacities over the past 12 years Erin Bennett of Austin class member of the Leadership Antonio is chairman and a direc- regarding university new venture has served as a policy advisor for Austin Emerge Program. Bennett tor of The Texas Healthcare and creation and commercialization the Office of the Governor since received a Bachelor of Arts in po- Bioscience Institute (THBI). He activities to support economic January 2018, with a focus on the litical science from Texas A&M has served as a senior executive growth. She serves as a board regulation of the health profes- University and a Juris Doctor de- in the life science sector for the member of Global Laboratory for sions, including the implications gree from The University of Texas last two decades, including pre- Energy Asset Management and of federal antitrust law on the School of Law. vious service as president and as Manufacturing. She is a member state’s health regulatory boards. 07 DE DICIEMBRE - 13 DE DICIEMBRE | 2019 4 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM SYLVIA GARCIA LEADS CONGRESSIONAL LETTER STAGE LIGHTING FIXTURES AND CABLE AGAINST THE IMPLEMENTATION EQUIPMENT PURCHASE AND DELIVERY (PHASE II) OF THE SAFE THIRD COUNTRY Houston First Corporation requests proposals from experienced, AGREEMENT WITH GUATEMALA theatrical lighting equipment companies to provide and deliver ongresswoman Sylvia Garcia same countries they are fleeing – the stage lighting fixtures and cable. (TX-29) and several of her countries with some of the highest Ccolleagues sent a letter to the murder rates in the world and no Please visit U.S. Department of Homeland Se- asylum systems to fairly process https://www.houstonfirst.com/do-business curity Acting Secretary Chad Wolf their claims and protect them,” for complete details. condemning the implementation of said Congresswoman Veronica Es- the Safe Third Country Agreement cobar (TX-16). “These agreements between the United States and are deliberately intended to erode Guatemala. asylum. I’m proud to join with my colleague, Rep. Sylvia Garcia to The agreement allows the call for the elimination of this rep- U.S. government to deport asylum rehensible and dangerous policy.” seekers to Guatemala if they have passed through the country on "Trump is making a mock- their way to the U.S.
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