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Index [Italic page numbers indicate major references] Abajo Mountains, 382, 388 Amargosa River, 285, 309, 311, 322, Arkansas River, 443, 456, 461, 515, Abort Lake, 283 337, 341, 342 516, 521, 540, 541, 550, 556, Abies, 21, 25 Amarillo, Texas, 482 559, 560, 561 Abra, 587 Amarillo-Wichita uplift, 504, 507, Arkansas River valley, 512, 531, 540 Absaroka Range, 409 508 Arlington volcanic field, 358 Acer, 21, 23, 24 Amasas Back, 387 Aromas dune field, 181 Acoma-Zuni scction, 374, 379, 391 Ambrose tenace, 522, 523 Aromas Red Sand, 180 stream evolution patterns, 391 Ambrosia, 21, 24 Arroyo Colorado, 395 Aden Crater, 368 American Falls Lava Beds, 275, 276 Arroyo Seco unit, 176 Afton Canyon, 334, 341 American Falls Reservoir, 275, 276 Artemisia, 21, 24 Afton interglacial age, 29 American River, 36, 165, 173 Ascension Parish, Louisana, 567 aggradation, 167, 176, 182, 226, 237, amino acid ash, 81, 118, 134, 244, 430 323, 336, 355, 357, 390, 413, geochronology, 65, 68 basaltic, 85 443, 451, 552, 613 ratios, 65 beds, 127,129 glaciofluvial, 423 aminostratigraphy, 66 clays, 451 Piedmont, 345 Amity area, 162 clouds, 95 aggregate, 181 Anadara, 587 flows, 75, 121 discharge, 277 Anastasia Formation, 602, 642, 647 layer, 10, 117 Agua Fria Peak area, 489 Anastasia Island, 602 rhyolitic, 170 Agua Fria River, 357 Anchor Silt, 188, 198, 199 volcanic, 54, 85, 98, 117, 129, Airport bench, 421, 423 Anderson coal, 448 243, 276, 295, 396, 409, 412, Alabama coastal plain, 594 Anderson Pond, 617, 618 509, 520 Alamosa Basin, 366 andesite, 75, 80, 489 Ash Flat, 364 Alamosa Formation, 366 Angeli Member, 463 Ashland, Montana, 448 Alaskan Peninsula, 94 Animas River, 365, 392, 397 Ashley Creek, 432 Albuquerque basin, 394 Animas Valley, 85, 362, 365 Aspen, 89 Albuquerque-Belen basin, 367 anorthoclasc, 99 asphalt deposits, 187 Albuquerque volcanic field, 87 anorthosite, 451, 463, 465 Atchafalaya Basin, 550 Alfisols, 219, 565, 566, 567, 568, Anschutz Federal drill hole, 259, 261 Atchafalaya River 550, 564 570, 617 Antelope Valley, 325 Atchafalaya delta complex, 564 Algodones Dunes, 335, 336 anticlines, 384 Atchison Formation, 464 allanite, 99 Antlers Formation, 526 Athens, Arkansas, 540 Allegheny Plateau, 618 Anton basin, 485 Athens Plateau, 531 alloformation, 291 Anza-Borrego, 124, 309 Atlantic Coast, 21 intcrlacustral, 291 Apache Mesa, 489 Atlantic Coastal Plain, 57 lacustrine, 291 flow, 488 nonglacial geology 629 marine, 632 Apalachicola River channel, 493, stair-stepped terraces, 634 alluvial sheets, 168 593 terraces, 630 alluviation, 55 apatite, 54, 99 Atlantic shelf, 595 alluvium, 68, 125, 135, 164, 168, Appalachian Highlands, 611 Atwater Member, 464 201, 219, 230, 267, 275, 295, Appalachian Plateau, 616 Auburn, Washington, 54 298, 329, 335, 357, 359, 361, Appalachians, 616 Avawatz Mountains, 337 363, 365, 382, 388, 391, 393, southern, 621 Avery Island, 576 398,428, 430, 432, 448, 451, Aquarius Plateau, 382, 388, 389, Avon Park Limestone, 595 457, 468, 509, 510,512, 522, 390 Axial arch, 427 524, 527, 530, 537, 568, 570, Arbucklc Mountains, 503, 511 Axial basin, 427 622 Arbuckle uplift, 504, 507, 508 Aycrs Landing Member, 600 Almo aquifer, 396 Arch soil series, 485 Alnus, 21, 23, 24, 25 Arctic Canada, 68 Babby Butte, 449 Alpine Alloformation, 305 Arctodus Bachelor Butte peak, 81 Alpine-Bonneville intcrlacustral, pristinus, 604 backflooding, 161 307 simus, 604 Badger Coulee, 243 Alpine Formation, 302, 306 Argiaquic Xeric Argialboll, 164 Badlands, 309, 446, 449 Alpine lake cycles, 306 argon equilibration, 50 Badwater, Death Valley, 323 Alpine penultimate lacustral, 305 Argus Range, 337 Bahama Banks, 598 Alpine system, 31 Aridisols, 219 Bahamas, 57 Alpine terrace, 31 Arikarce Group, 451 Bailey ash bed, 123,135 Am.aran.thus, 21 Arikarce Sandstone, 452 Bailey County, Texas, 515 Amargosa Alloformation, 310, 311 Arizona, 25, 77, 86, 358, 363 Balanophyllia elegans, 192 Amargosa Canyon, 332 Arizona belt, southwestern, 82 Balcom Canyon, 123, 186 Amargosa Desert, 56, 341 Arkansas fault zone 549 Balcones fault zone, 584 651 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/988994/9780813754611_backmatter.pdf by guest on 24 September 2021 652 Index Baldwin Hills, 188 settling, 156 Big Sand Wash, 436 Ballard Formation, 463, 469 sinkhole, 617 Big Smoky Valley, 300 Bamforth Lake, 424 structural, 441 Big Southern Butte, 84, 270 Bandera lava field, 379 transtensional, 323 Bighorn Basin, 407, 409, 437 Bandury Basalt, 257, 258, 259, 262, Bastrop Hills, 550, 561, 566 central, 415 269, 274 Bathhouse Beach section, 187, 188 chronology, 410 Barbary-Fausse-Sharkey succession, Baton Rouge area, 558 northern, 415 573 Baton Rouge fault zone, 574 soil development, 416 barchans, 336 Battle Creek fault, 175 terrace sequences, 410 barrier islands, 594 , 630 Bautista Beds, 124 Bighorn Mountains, 409 barrier ridge belt, 592 Bayou Macon, 575 Bighorn River, 409, 412, 414, 437 basalt, 85, 87, 89, 215, 253, 256, Bayou Teche, 550 terraces, 414 257, 259, 264, 266, 272, 277, Bayou Lafourche, 550, 564 Bignell loess, 467 394, 486, 488 Bayport, 593 Biloxi Bay valley, 593 cobbles, 242 beach ridges, 194, 202, 363, 558 Biloxi Formation, 558, 592 eruptions, 215, 272 Beacon Hill, Florida, 594 biotite, 99 flows, 329, 333, 361, 376, 377, Bear Butte Creek, 450 bioturbation, 481 380, 391, 395 Bear Butte terrace, 450 Bird Rock terrace, 196 glassy, 275 Bear Creek tuff, 122 Biscayne aquifer, 647 olivine, 251 Bear Gulch ash bed, 123 Bishop Ash, 10, 111, 112,124, 136, tholeiitic flood, 215 Bear Lake, 283 170, 186, 329, 341, 386, 422 Basalt Canyon, 398, 399, 401 Bear River, 283, 302, 306 Bishop tephra, 286, 303, 310, 366 basaltic shield, 87 Beartooth Mountains, 409 Bishop Tuff, 186, 329, 346 basanites, 89 Beaumount Formation, 556, 558 Bison, 23, 516, 519, 604 Bashaway Creek, 576 Beaumont surface, 586 antiquus, 497 Basin and Range Province, 84, 260, Beauvais terrace, 412 latifrons, 276 283, 353 Beaver Basin deposits, 387 Biwi, Japan, 60 Algodones Dunes, 335, 336 Beaver Basin Formation, 387 Black Fork Mountain, 540 California, 321, 323, 325, 327, Beaver Creek drainage, 384 Black Hills, 441, 445,449 331,335,336, 339, 345 Beaver Creek Formation, 465 stratigraphy, 450 climate, 323 Beaver Creek unit, 466 Black Hills uplift, 450 eolian deposits, 331 Bcaverdam sand, 635 Black Mesa, 364, 374, 392 lacustrine deposits, 339 bedrock, 156, 168, 301, 355, 373, Black Mesa Gravel, 266 Lake Cahuilla, 335 386, 389, 399, 421, 422, 426, Black Point, 131 landscape evolution, 323 441, 447, 452, 464, 504, 525, erosion cycle, 377 lower Colorado River Valley, 353, 533, 534, 590, 612, 625 surface, 395 355 Bee Branch Member, 600 Black Rock Desert, 86, 285, 288, 300 Mexican Highland section, 353, 358 Bell Canyon, 313 Blackfoot locus, 85 Mojave Desert, 57, 83, 321, 322, Belle Fontaine Beach, Mississippi, Blackrock strandline, 199 325, 338, 345, 355 594 Blackwater Draw, 483 piedmont deposits, 327 Belle Fourche drainage basin, 447 Blackwater Draw Formation, 478, 479, Rio Grande rift zone, 353, 366 Belle Fourche River, 444, 446, 447, 497 Sacramcnto section, 353, 368 449, 450 eolian layers, 479 Sal ton Trough, 286, 334, 345 Belle Glade, 601 Blaine Formation, 511 Sonoran Desert, 353, 356 Belleville Formation, 463 Blake Plateau, 60 southern, 353 benches, 417, 419, 423, 456 Blake Reversed Subchron, 60 southwest Great Basin, 309, 321, dating, 418 Blancan mammalian fossils, 463 323, 337, 335, 339 wind-stripped, 423 Blancan vertebrate remains, 468 tectonics, 321,345 Bend, Oregon, 126, 129 Blanco Formation, 458, 465, 469, Transition Zone-Datil Mogollon Bend pumice, 126, 129 478, 482 section, 353, 365 Bentlcy Formation, 554 bleaching, 64 basins Benllcy terrace, 554 block streams, 616 alkaline lake, 484 Benton, Arkansas, 541 Blue Mountains, 75, 215 alluviated, 355 Benton-Broken Bow uplift, 531, 532 Blue Ridge Province, 620 closed, 346 Bermont Formation, 601 Blue River basin, 466 closed hydrologic, 283, 314, 339, Bermuda High, 374, 376 Blue Rocks, 616 342 Bethel surface, 162 Bodie Hills region, 76 deflation, 447, 470 Detula, 16, 21, 23, 24 Boise River, 84, 258 evaporite, 296 Bidahochi volcanic unit, 377 Boise River canyon, 255 fore-arc, 142, 165 Big Black River, 556 Boise River Valley, 267 intermediate, 367 Big Creek, 432 Boise Warm Springs Water District, intcrmontane, 165, 283, 285, 288, Big Dry Creek, 461 267 300, 321, 353, 355, 356, 357, Big Flat, 202 bones, fossil, 58 358 Big Foot Butte, 266 Boney Spring, 539 lacustrine 478, 484 Big Hollow, 421, 424 Boney Spring Formation, 536 model, 182 Big Mountains, 445 Bonner Springs, 519 playa-lake 485 Big Pine center, 83 Bonneville Alloformation, 302, 307 saline lake, 478, 485 Big Ridge terrace, 590 Bonneville Basin, 37, 64, 67 sedimentary, 251, 258 Big Ridge scarp, 590, 592 Bonneville-Draper interlacustral, 308 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/988994/9780813754611_backmatter.pdf by guest on 24 September 2021 Index 653 Bonneville Flood, 253, 256, 308 Burlingame Canyon, 243, 245 Carquinez Strait, 165, 170, 175 Bonneville Formation, 302 Burmeistcr core, 123, 303, 307 Carrizo Creek, 380 Borah Peak earthquake, 271 Burro Canyon Formation, 382, 388 Carrizo Plain, 178 Boring Lava, 159 Bushland section, 479 Carrizo Wash, 396 Borophagus diversidens, 504 Butlers Bluff Member, 636 Carrizozo volcanic center, 87 Borrego Badlands, 334, 335 Buzzards Roost paleosol, 466 Carrollton alluvial unit, 527 Borrego Formation, 124, 335 Carson Desert, 85, 288, 296, 297, 299 Boston Mountain Escarpmcnt, 531 C. J. Strike Reservoir, 267 Carson Desert basin, 296 Boston Mountain Plateau,

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