Vol. 436 Pretoria, 12 October 2001 No. 22731 ••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Oktober 2 No. 22731 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 OCTOBER 2001 For purposes 01 reference, all Proclamations, Govemment Aile Proldamasies, Goewermenlskennisgewings, Aigemene Notices, General Notices and Board Notices pubUshed s,. Kennlsgewlngs en Raadskennlsgewlngs gepubllseer, word vir Included In the following table of contanla which thus fonna a verwyBlngsdoelelndes In die volgende InhoudsopgBwe Inge-­ weekly Index. Let yourself bs gUided by the G_numbs.. In alult wat dus 'n weekllkse Indeks voorstel. Laat uself deur die the rlghthand column: Koerantnommers In die regterhandse kolom lei: CONTENTS INHOUD and weekly Index en weeklikse Indeks psga Gazalfa Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL NOTICES GOEWERMENTS- EN ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS Arbeld, Departement van Agriculture, Department of Goewermentskennisgewings GovernmentNotice 962 Compensation for Occupational Injuries R. 964 Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural and Diseases Act (130/1993): Increase Remedies and Stock Remedies Act in monthly pensions: Amendment . 3 22721 (36/1947): Regulations: Registration of fertilizers, farm feeds, agricultural reme­ 963 do.: Amendment of Schedule 4 . 5 22721 dies, stock remedies, sterilising plants AlgemeneKennisgewing and pest control operators, appeals and imports:Amendment . 3 22714 2114 Labour Relations Act (66/1995): Com­ mission for Conciliation Mediation and General Notices Arbitration: Notice in terms of section 2118 Agricultural Product Standards Act 62 (7)................. .. 3 22730 (119/1990): Standards and requir.m.nts regarding control of the export01 melons Behulslng, Departement van and watermelons: Amendment . 70 22731 AigemeneKennisgewing 2127 Marketing of Agricultural Products Act (47/1996): Request for statutory 2112 Explanatory summary of Disestablish­ measures on potatoes . 74 22731 ment of South African Housing Trust Limited Bill, 2001 . 3 22728 Arts, Culture, Science and Technology, Department of Blnnelandse sake, Departement van GovernmentNotice 1020 Heraldry Act (18/1962): Bureau ot Goewermentskennisgewings Heraldry: Application for registration of 1015 Births and Deaths Registration Act heraldic representations and objections (51/1992): Alteration of forenames . 25 22731 thereto 6 22731 1016 do.t do . 33 22731 1017 do.: Assumption of another surname . 40 22731 Education, Department of 1018 do.: Alteration of forenames . 54 22731 GovernmentNotice 1019 do.: Insertion of surname . 56 22731 1001 Higher Education Act (101/1997): Grond88ke, Departement van Committee of Principals: Requirements and conditions for matriculation endorse­ AlgemeneKennisgewfngs ment and the issuing of certificates of 2117 Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act 22731 exemption '" 1a (3119gB): Claimant: Mount Ashley Farm, Home Affairs, Department of Merrivalle , .. 69 22731 2119 Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act GovernmentNotices (3/1996): Application for acquisition of 1015 Births and Deaths Registration Act land: Portion 5, farm Droogvallei 41 IT, (51/1992): Alterafion ot torenam.s.......... 25 22731 Carolina . 70 22731 1016 do.: do..................................................... 33 22731 2122 Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act 1017 do.: Assumption of another surname 40 22731 (3/1996): Application for acquisition of 1018 do.: Alteration of forenames.................... 54 22731 land: Tweefontein 370 JS, Middelburg".. 71 22731 1019 do.: Insertion of surname........................ 56 22731 Handel en Nywerheld, Departement van Housing, Department of Goswerm9nffik9nn~gewmgs GeneralNotice 906 Standards Act (29/1993): Standards 2112 Explanatory summary of Disestablish­ matters .. 64 22731 ment of South African Housing Trust R. 956 Wat op In- en Uitvoerbeheer (45/1963): Limited Bill, 2001..................................... 3 22728 Invoerbeheer .. 6 22714 Justice and Constitutional Development, Department 01 AlgemeneKennisgewfngs GovernmentNotices 2081 Drankwet (27/1989): Kennisgewing van R. 957 Sheriffs Act (90/1986): Amendment: aansoske am dranklisensies: fngedeel Regulations relating to Sheriffs, 1990..... 4 22714 onder die volgende provinsies: R. 996 Magistrates Act (9011993): Deter- Oos-Kaap . 5 22706 mination of magistrates' salaries 3 22722 Vrystaat .. 19 Labour, Department of Gauteng . 36 KwaZulu·Natal . 68 GovernmentNotices Mpumalanga . .. 98 962 Compensation for Occupational Injuries Noord-Kaap . 106 and Diseases Act (13011993): Increase Noordelike Provinsie 109 in monthly pensions: Amendment 3 22721 Noordwes . 138 963 do.: Amendment of Schedute 4............... 5 22721 Wes-Kaap . 164 STAATSKOERANT, 12 OKTOBER 2001 No. 22731 3 B/adsy Koerant Page Gsrett« No. No. No. No. No. No. General Notice 2082 do.: Kennisgewing van aansoeke om die verplasing van Iisensies: Ingedeel onder 2114 Labour Relations Act (66/1995): die volgende provinsies: Commission for Conciliation Mediation andArbitration:Notice in terms of section Oos-Kaap 190 22706 62 (7).................... .. 3 22730 Vrystaat.. , . 190 Gauteng 191 Land Affairs, Department of Kwazulu-Natal..................................... 193 General Notices Mpumalanga 195 Noord-Kaap , ,. 195 2117 Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act Noordelike Provinsie 195 (3/1996): Claimant: Mount Ashley Farm, Noordwes 196 Merrivalle.. 69 22731 Wes-Kaap......................... 197 2119 Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act (3/1996): Application for acquisition of Justlsle en Staatkundlge OnIWlkkellng, Departement van land: Portion 5, farm Droogvallei 41 IT, Carolina " _ . 70 22731 Goewermentskennisgewings 2122 Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act R. 957 Wet co Balju's (90/1986): Wysiging: (3/1996): Application for acquisition of Regulasies betreffende Balju's, 1990...... 5 22714 land: Tweefontein 370 JS. Middelburg.. 71 22731 R. 996 Magistrates Act (90/1993): Deter- mination of magistrates' salaries 3 22722 Minerals and Energy, Department of Kuns, Kultuur, Wetenskap en Tegnologle, Departement van Government Notice R.998 Petroleum Products Act (120/1977): Goewermenmkenn~gewmg Amendmentof the regulations in respect 1020 Heraldiekwet (1811962): Buro vir Heral- of petroleum products . 3 22724 diek: Aansaek om registrasie van heral­ General Notice diese voorstellings en besware daartsen 7 22731 2109 Mine Health and Safety ACl (29/1996): Landbou, Oepartement Vln Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee: Invitation to submit project Goewermentskennisgewing proposals . 3 22725 R. 964 Wet op Misstowwe, Veevoedsel, Land­ boumiddeis en Veemiddels (36/1947): National Treasury Regulasies: Registrasie van misstowwe, Government Notices veevoedsel, landboumiddels, veemid­ dels, sterillseringsinstallasies en plaag­ 1010 Regional Services Councils Act beh~e.roperateurs, appelle en invoer: (109/1985): Publication of rate: Garden Wyslglng . 3 22714 Route Klein Karoc District Municipality . 60 22731 1011 do.: do.: Boland District Municipality . 62 22731 Algemene Kennisgewings 2118 Wet op Landbouprodukstandaarde General Notices (119/1990): Standaarde en vereistes 2104 Public Finance Management Act betreffende beheer oor die uitvoer van (1/1999): Interest rate for debt owing to spanspekke en waatlemoene: Wysiging. 70 22731 the State . 2 22719 2127 Marketing ot Agricultural Products Act 2111 Lost Certificate No. 18 . 69 22731 (47/1996): Request 10r statutory mea- 2115 Lodging of transfer documents: Interest sures on potatoes . 74 22731 payment on 15 November 2001 .. 69 22731 2124 Lost: Certificate No. 67188 . 71 22731 Minerals en Energle, Oeplriement van Goewermentskennisgswing Provincial and Local Government, Department of R. 998 Wet op Petroleumprodukte (120/1977): Government Notice Wysiging van dIe regulasies met betrek- R. 999 Remuneration of Public Office Bearers king lot petroleumprodukte . 4 22724 Act (20/1998): Determination of the Algemene Kennisgswing upper limits of the salaries, allowances and benefits 01 the different members of 2109 Mine Health and Safety Act (29/1996): Municipal Councils ........ 3 22726 Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee: Invitation to submit project South African Qualifications Authority proposals ,. 3 22725 Government Notices Nasionale Teaourle 965 National Standards Bodies Regulations: Standards Generating Body for Ancillary Goewermentskennisgswings Health registered by NSB 09, Health 1010 Wet op Streeksdiensterade (109/1985): Sciences and Social Services.. 3 22629 Bekendmaking van tariet: Tuinroete 966 do.: Standards Generating Bodies Klein Karoa Oismksmunisipaliteit . 61 22731 (SGBs) for Dairy Technology, Food 1011 do.: do.: Boland Distriksmunisipaliteit .. 83 22731 Manutacturlnq and Beverages registered by NSB 06, Manufacturing, Engineering A/gemene Kennisgewings and Technology 8 22629 2104 Public Finance Management Act 967 National Certificate in Food and (111999): Interest rate for debt owing to Beverages Processing: Raw Milk and the State . 2 22719 Cream Handling and Storing NQF 2.. 9 22629 2111 Verlore: Sertifikaat No. t 8 . 69 22731 968 National Certificate in Food Laboratory 2115 Inhandiging van oordragdokumente: Practices: Dairy Laboratory Analyst Rentebetaling op 15 November 2001 . 69 22731 NQF 3 17 22629 2124 Verlore: Sertifikaat No. 67188 . 71 22731 4 No. 22731 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 OCTOBER 2001 Page Gazene No. No. B/adsy Koerant No. No. No. No. 969 National Certificate in Food and Onderwys, Departement vln Beverages Processing: Dairy Primary Processing NQF 3.......................... 31 22629 Goewermenlskennisgewing 970 National Certificate in Food and 1001 Wet op Hosr Onderwys (101/1997): Beverage
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