Elsewhere Cool Cats tate 'est Junior ......... We interview the Hepeats, who Should San Diegans Women stennis areakln Jail will open for Ben Harper tonight drink reclaimed wins two matches BERKELEY - UC at the RIMAC Arena. sewer water? and loses one. Berkeley junior Daniel Perez, Hiatus, page 7 Opinion, page 4 a 20-year-old pem.:e and con­ Sports, page 20 -L. nict studies major, spent his V) spring break in a Serhian jail cell. Perez and five other H E u c 5 D ~ Americans went to tpe Serhian provi nce of Kosovo r on March 8 to promote non­ violence hetween th e ~ Serbians and the ethni c­ l' if) majority Albanians. The group, with Perez was arrest­ -0 I ed by poli ce and se ntenced to ~ '. l0 10 days in prison for failing :::.. £: \'--- to register as vis it ors with ________________________________________________________ ~ . <t Serbian au thori ti es. While in UC SAN DI EGO THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1998 • VOLUM 9 C * prison, Perez said he li ved on bread, water and soup . The LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION group was re leased on March 24 after a U.S. diplomat UCLA and UC negotiated th eir re lease. The five Ameri cans arc barred from entering the country for Berkeley three years. - Th e Daily ul(lomi(ln Release Data New Group to FRESHMEN: The number of Challenge Decision racial minoritie admitted AN DIEGO - The Student In formation Society, a one­ decline at both campuses week-old st ud en t organi zati on By Julia Kulla-Mader at San Diego State University, Co-News Editor has accused the Associated In the lirst year that racial preferences were St ud ents of SDSU of vio lating not used in niversity of aliforni a admis­ the California Brown open sions, U LA and U Berkeley admitted far meeting laws. The group fewer African-American , Latino, Mexican· all eges th at the counci l broke American and Native-AITI erican students to the law when it discussed thei r freshmen classes than in previous years. plans to reduce the size of a "We knew this would be a year of espec ial­ campus beer garden during a Oave Lubll1/ Guardian ly difticult and complex choices in the admis­ February retreat. Two days Show: The cast and crew of the television show "Push" turned the RIMAe Arena into sion of students to the University of after the retreat, the A.S . held a soundstage yesterday to film a mock gymnastic meet with Olympian Kerri Strug. Califomia," UC President Richard Atkinson a hearing to discuss the mat­ said in a statement released Tuesday. "The tcr, but posters advertising thc results reported by the Berkeley and Los heari ng were not put up until Faster, Higher, Stronger Angeles campuses are an extreme example of 30 minutes before it began. As thi s and a source of great concern for the uni · a result, no students attended. UCSD is the location for a primetime network TV show versity, as they should be for all of California." - Th e Daily Azlec By Jenny Nicholson filming was an interesting leaming experience. Lt. Gov. Gray Davis echoed Atkinson's con­ Senior Staff Writer "I got to have my picture taken with Kerri cerns in a statement also released on Tuesday. ASUCLA Pay. Back For the last two months, UCSD has been Strug," UCSD ex tra Lee Martin said. "I also "These admissions figures demonstrate the Half of Loan transformed into a movie set for the filming of got to lea rn lirst-hand what goes in to making troubling impact Proposition 209 has, and will LOS ANGELES - The "Push," a new series that begins ai ring on ABC a telev ision show." continue to have, on California's future," Davis Associated Students of UCLA next wcck. Fifty UCSD Fi lming for "Pusb" said. "C learly, Prop. 209's legacy will result in paid back half of the students ha ve seized the "Push" Premiere began on campus on Jan. fewer African Americans and Latinos who will $800,000 it owes the universi ­ opportunity to act as vol ­ Date: Mon., April 6 16, and is expected to run be educated to contribute to their communities ty on an emergency line of unteer, unpaid extras for Time: 8 p.m. until mid-May. The tilm in a meaningful way." credit and plans to pay hack an epi sode of the show. Channel: KGTV·Channel 10 (ABC) crews have been seen at UC Board of Regents Chairwoman the rest of the money soon. "Push" is a series con­ many locations around Meredith Khachi gian, who voted in fav or of However, ASUCLA Chief cemed with the li ves of Olympic hopeful s, their campus, including the Pri L'C Center, Warren SP- I, the regent 's resolution to eliminate aftir­ Fi nanc ial Officer Ri ch Deli a athletic achievements, and thei r experiences at College, RIMAC, the Natatorium and mative acti on admissions decisions, comment ­ said the group will ha ve to re­ California Southem Univen.i ty (CSU), which is Canyonview Pool. ed that she hopes people use the drop in minor­ borrow the second $400,000 actually UCS D. The epi sode filmed on Wednesday was the ity admi ssions a ' a ca ll to action. sometime during the summer. "The show is based on coll ege athletes," six th episode filmed and will be the tifth to be "The clear message us that all of Ca liforni a, The loan is constructt;d so production crew member Jeff Contois said. ai red. Of the lirst 12 episodes, all but one will not just the UC alone, must work harder to pre­ th at the A.S . will pay back "It 's a mi x between yo un g Olympic hopefuls be lilmed at U SO. pare greater numbers of chi ldren from all back­ some of the loan when the and '902 10'." "UCSD is gorgeous." locati on technician grounds 10 succeed in sc hool and to motivate group 's bank balance ri ses On Wednesday, the "Push" crew turned the Sandy Scharberg said. "We needed a large them to pursue a uni versity ed ucati on," she over $ 1 million . The line of RIMAC Arena into a gymnastics arena, where co ll ege campu s. You can't beat UCSD 's stated . "This can only happen over tim . And credi t was ori gi nall y given to UCSD students acted as the audience, cheering architecture, and the fa ciliti es are wonderful. " th e effort must begin with famili es, ex tend ASUCLA in June 1996. as the actors tumbled and !lipped through their Scharberg had onl y prai~e for the RIM A th ro ugh the schoo l system and engage every According to UCLA Assistant rou tines. The episode's guest star, Olympic Arena, where Wed nesday's episode was sbot. scg ment of society, from individual volunteers Vice Chance ll or Sue Sant on, go ld medalist Kerri Strug, was present and par­ "This arena has heen an abso lute dream ," and communit y organi zati ons to private ent er­ the emergency line of credit is ticipated in the tournament for the show. she said . prises and the state and federal governments." meant onl y so that the associ­ For UCSD students wbo served as extra~ , the See TAPING, Page 8 See ADMIT, page 7 ati on can meet payroll and pay its hills. - Th e Daily Bruin Candidate Alleges Campaign Finance Violations MONEY: Leventhal Joe Leven thal, an independent can­ cd 10 $50 for electi on expenditures. in violation of the First Amendment poken ••• didate for A.S. president, com­ However, candidates can pool their because "these provisions place argues for abol ishing plained to Electi ons Manager Jaime resources together and form a slate substantial and direct restrictions on "We knuw this wouLd spending limits D,rol.d that the restri ctions placed in order to spend their campa ign the ability of candidates, citi l.cns be a yt'ar of especia LL on a candidate's ability to spend monies co llectively. and associations to engage in pro­ By erika Snider were in violation of the First Leventhal, who is not running on tected political expression." difficult and complex Staff Writer Amendment. a slate, .supported hi s objection in a According to Drozd , both choices in the admis­ Spending limits on candidates According to A.S. Elec ti on letter to Drozd by citing the 1976 Francis and Director of Student sion of students to the for Associated Students (A .S.) Bylaws, candidates running for the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the Policy and Judicial Affai rs Nick University of offices will remain in place, offi ces of president, vice-president case of Buckle v. Valeo. According Aguilar agreed that because the according to A.S. allornc John or commissioner are limited to to this decision, any restrictions on A.S. is an internal organization of CaLifornia. " Francis. spending $200 on their campaigns. the amount that an individual can UCSD, it is not subject to the - Richard Atkinson Francis made thIS decision after Candidates for senator are restrict- spend on his election campaign arc See FINANCE, Pace 3 UC President Thursday, April 2, 1998 The UCSD Guardian NEWS 3 2 NEWS The UCSD Guardian Thursday, April 2, 1998 Miss America Discusses the surfboards, body boards .. wetsuits, swimsuits All Around Campus ETCETERA~ clothing, skateboards Today Importance of HIV Prevention snorkle gear, and more Dance/Party: Hawaii Chio BBQ FORUM: Kate Shindle grams like condom distribution in Shindle suggested that students Enjoy Hawaiian cullure with food and dancing at 5 p.m.
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