The U.S. Public Health Service has set standards for Grade A pasteurized milk and milk products. To earn this grade, milk must be produced under sanitary conditions and be handled carefully. Fresh whole milk must con- tain not less than 3.25 percent milkfat (sometimes called butterfat) and not less than 8.25 percent nonfat milk solids (protein, milk sugar, and minerals). Harold E. Meister Many cities, counties, and States Jennie L. Brogdon have adopted the U.S. Public Health Service standards for milk. Others have established their own standards. Movement of ample supplies of safe, Versatility, Inc., wholesome milk between producing and consuming markets is assured by local, State, and Federal cooperation. 1th Milk and The U.S. Department of Agriculture has established grades for nonfat dry Our Other milk. The USDA grade shield signifies that the product has been packaged in Dairy Foods a clean, sanitary plant and that it meets exacting quality requirements. The highest quality of instant nonfat dry You have probably never gone a whole milk is designated U.S. Extra Grade. day without having milk and other U.S. Government regulations pro- dairy products. From the first meal in vide that nonfat dry milk and fresh the morning to the last evening snack, skim milk may be fortified with vita- these versatile foods add flavor, whole- mins A and D. Fresh whole milk may someness, and variety to our diets. be fortified with vitamins and minerals. What are the dairy foods that are so In some States, you will find filled prevalent in our daily meals? Milk, milk and imitation milk in the stores. cream, butter, cheeses, and all the Filled milk is a combination of skim good dishes containing these foods. milk and vegetable fat; or of nonfat Milk may be processed in a number dry milk, water, and vegetable fat. of ways. These products include whole, Imitation milk is a combination of skimmed, and flavored fresh milk; cul- several nondairy ingredients made in tured, canned, and dried milk; fresh the semblance of mi&. The ingredients and cultured cream; and frozen desserts. include vegetable fat which is often Most of the milk sold in the United coconut oil, protein such as sodium States is cow's milk. Some goat's milk caseinate or soya solids, corn sirup is available as a specialty product. It solids, flavoring agents, stabilizers, is used mainly by people who are al- emulsifiers, and water. Minimum lergic to cow's milk or who are on standards have not been set to assure other special diets. Goat's milk is sold nutritional qualities comparable to fresh and canned. fresh fluid milk. Almost all fresh milk and cream on Cofí"ee whiteners, dry whipped top- the market is pasteurized to protect ping mixes, and most of the whipped the consumer. In pasteurizing, milk is heated briefly to kill harmful bacteria. Harold E, Meister is Deputy Director, Dairy Then it is chilled rapidly. Most fresh Division, Consumer and Marketing Service. Jennie L. Brogdon was a Food Technologist, whole pasteurized mük is homogenized. Human Nutrition Research Division, Agricultural The homogenizing process disperses Research Service. She is now doing graduate work the fat evenly through the milk. at the University of Maryland. 146 toppings in pressurized cans are made oflf the botde or carton, and dry with a from nondairy products. clean cloth before placing it in the When buying milk, remember that coldest part of your refrigerator (40°F.). fresh milk and cultured milk cost more Keeping these dairy products tighüy than dried and canned forms. Milk covered will prevent absorption of that is fortified with multiple vitamins odors and flavors from other foods in and minerals is generally the most the refrigerator. expensive. Don't let milk and cream stand in If you want to cut food costs and still the light because it destroys riboflavin provide the milk which your family and may cause an off-flavor. Put these needs, you might try changing your products in the refrigerator as soon as patterns for buying and using milk. possible after they are purchased or Here are some suggestions: delivered to your home, and take them out only long enough to measure the • Buy fresh fluid milk at a food or dairy amount needed for immediate use. retail store. Milk often costs more when Don't mix new milk with old unless delivered to the home. you are going to use it immediately. • Buy fresh milk in multiquart con- And don't put unused milk back in the tainers if you can use this amount original container once it has been without waste. Usually, milk in %- or removed from it; store this milk in a 1 -gallon containers costs less per quart separate container. than in single quarts. Canned milk can be stored at room • Use evaporated milk in cooking. temperature until opened. Then refrig- erate like fresh milk. Unless you rely on fortified milk as a Keep dry milk at 75° F. or lower, if principal source of vitamin D, you possible, until reconstituted ; then treat can— it like fresh milk. Close the packages immediately after using. If the milk • Buy fresh milk without added vita- powder is exposed to moisture in the mins and minerals, if there is a differ- air during storage, it may become ence in price between nonfortified and lumpy and stale. fortified milk. For best flavor, use fluid milk and • Use nonfat dry milk in cooking or as cream within 3 to 5 days and cultured a beverage. Some families mix equal products within 2 or 3 days. Unopened amounts of reconstituted nonfat dry jars of sterilized cream can be kept milk and fresh whole milk to make a for several months in the refrigerator. beverage. After opening, use within 10 days. Pressurized cans of whipped cream Fluid milk, cream, and cultured milk may be kept for several weeks. products are at their best in flavor and Milk that has been frozen for a month nutritive value when they are kept or less can be used although the flavor clean, cold, and tightly covered. Rinse and appearance may be changed. Do not freeze sour cream, yogurt, evapo- rated milk, or cream. Most forms of milk can be used interchangeably. Reconstituted non- VJSD4 fat dry milk or evaporated milk diluted with an equal amount of water may be used in place of whole milk in some recipes. You might want to add 2}^ teaspoons of butter or margarine to U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE 1 cup of reconstituted nonfat dry milk whenever you are using this in place of whole milk. SHIELD ON U.S. GRADED NONFAT DRY MILK Due to the tangy flavor, buttermilk 147 Fresh milk is a key part of a school lunch. cannot replace the other forms of ings, and special recipes because of milk in some recipes. If buttermilk is the added sugar. used in place of sweet milk in cakes Homogenized milk can be used in- and quick breads, use % teaspoon of terchangeably with nonhomogenized, baking soda and }i cup of buttermilk but you may notice slight differences in the place of 1 teaspoon of baking in texture. Sauces made with homog- powder and % cup of sweet milk. enized milk will be stifTer and show If you do not have any buttermilk more fat separation. Commercial and available, you can use home-soured cornstarch puddings also will become milk. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar or thicker when made with homogenized lemon juice to 1 cup fresh milk or milk. Soups, gravies, and scalloped to }i cup evaporated milk plus }^ cup potatoes will curdle more readily. water. Let stand 5 minutes. Use 2 Either undiluted evaporated milk teaspoons of vinegar or lemon juice or unreconstituted nonfat dry milk to 1 cup of reconstituted nonfat dry may be added to sauces, custards, milk. Let stand 10 minutes. mashed vegetables, ground meat and Sweetened condensed milk is used poultry dishes, or baked goods to in- primarily in desserts, candies, frost- crease nutritive value. 148 When you reconstitute nonfat dry caused by acids in foods. A high salt milk, follow the mixing directions on content or tannins in foods can also the package; for ease in measuring, cause milk protein to coagulate. Toma- use 1 cup of dry milk to 3 cups of toes, peas, carrots, and asparagus are water. In many recipes, the nonfat some of the vegetables which might dry milk can be added with the dry cause curdling. ingredients. Add the water for recon- Any procedure which will keep the stituting the milk along with the other protein from clumping together will liquid ingredients in the recipe. keep the mixture smooth. There are Both evaporated milk and nonfat several ways to accomplish this: Pre- dry milk can be reconstituted with pare the milk in a white sauce; stir liquids from cooked vegetables and it constantly when the vegetable is meats for creamed or scalloped dishes added; add the vegetable shortly be- or with some fruit juices to use in fore serving, and heat briefly. This puddings and in other desserts. golden squash soup is made using some Lowered temperatures are recom- of these procedures. mended when cooking dishes in which milk is the main ingredient. If milk is GOLDEN SQUASH SOUP cooked at too high a temperature or for too long a time, some of the protein 6 servings, 1 cup each coagulates into a surface film or a 1 small onion, sliced coating on the sides of the pan. Also, 2 tablespoons butter or margarine off-flavors develop and the milk may }i cup flour scorch.
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