"Srimad Bhagavatam Third Canto Part I" by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This is an evaluation copy of the printed version of this book, and is NOT FOR RESALE. This evaluation copy is intended for personal non-commercial use only, under the "fair use" guidelines established by international copyright laws. You may use this electronic file to evaluate the printed version of this book, for your own private use, or for short excerpts used in academic works, research, student papers, presentations, and the like. You can distribute this evaluation copy to others over the Internet, so long as you keep this copyright information intact and do not add or subtract anything to this file and its contents. You may not reproduce more than ten percent (10%) of this book in any medium without the express written permission from the copyright holders. Reference any excerpts in the following way: "Excerpted from "Srimad Bhagavatam Third Canto Part II " by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, courtesy of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, www.Krishna.com." This book and electronic file is Copyright 1972-2004 Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, 3764 Watseka Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90034, USA. All rights reserved. For any questions, comments, correspondence, or to evaluate dozens of other books in this collection, visit the website of the publishers, www.Krishna.com. About the Author His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the world’s most distinguished teacher of Vedic religion and thought, is the author of Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Srimad-Bhagavatam, The Sri Isopanisad and many other English versions of Vedic literature. He is the Founder-Arcarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, which has hundreds of centers throughout the world. For more information about His Divine Grace visit: http://www.krishna.com/newsite/main.php?id=7 Third Canto The Status Quo 1. Questions by Vidura TEXT 1 é[qéuk- ovac WvMaeTaTPaura Pa*íae MaE}aeYaae >aGavaNa( ik-l/ ) +aT}aa vNa& Pa[ivíeNa TYa¤-a SvGa*hMa*iÖMaTa( )) 1 )) çré-çuka uväca evam etat purä påñöo maitreyo bhagavän kila kñatträ vanaà praviñöena tyaktvä sva-gåham åddhimat SYNONYMS çré-çukaù uväca—Çré Çukadeva Gosvämé said; evam—thus; etat—this; purä—formerly; påñöaù—being asked; maitreyaù—the great sage Maitreya; bhagavän—His Grace; kila— certainly; kñatträ—by Vidura; vanam—forest; praviñöena—entering; tyaktvä— renouncing; sva-gåham—own house; åddhimat—prosperous. TRANSLATION Çukadeva Gosvämé said: After renouncing his prosperous home and entering the forest, King Vidura, the great devotee, asked this question of His Grace Maitreya Åñi. TEXT 2 1 copyright ©1998 Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, all rights reserved – www.krishna.com Distributed by www.e-vedas.com with permission of the publishers YaÜa AYa& MaN}ak*-Üae >aGavaNai%le/ìr" ) PaaErveNd]Ga*h& ihTva Pa[ivveXaaTMaSaaTk*-TaMa( )) 2 )) yad vä ayaà mantra-kåd vo bhagavän akhileçvaraù pauravendra-gåhaà hitvä praviveçätmasät kåtam SYNONYMS yat—the house; vai—what else is there to say; ayam—Çré Kåñëa; mantra-kåt—minister; vaù—of you people; bhagavän—the Personality of Godhead; akhila-éçvaraù—the Lord of everything; pauravendra—Duryodhana; gåham—house; hitvä—giving up; praviveça— entered; ätmasät—identify with oneself; kåtam—so accepted. TRANSLATION What else is there to say about the residential house of the Päëòavas? Çré Kåñëa, the Lord of everything, acted as your minister. He used to enter that house as if it were His own, and He did not take any care of Duryodhana's house. PURPORT According to the Gauòéya acintya-bhedäbheda-tattva philosophy, anything which satisfies the senses of the Supreme Lord, Çré Kåñëa, is also Çré Kåñëa. For example, Çré Våndävana-dhäma is nondifferent from Çré Kåñëa (tad-dhäma våndävanam) because at Våndävana the Lord enjoys the transcendental bliss of His internal potency. Similarly, the house of the Päëòavas was also the source of transcendental bliss for the Lord. It is mentioned here that the Lord identified the house with His own Self. Thus the house of the Päëòavas was as good as Våndävana, and Vidura should not have given up that place of transcendental bliss. Therefore the reason for his quitting the house was not exactly family misunderstanding; rather, Vidura took the opportunity to meet Åñi Maitreya and discuss transcendental knowledge. For a saintly person like Vidura, any disturbance due to worldly affairs is insignificant. Such disturbances, however, are sometimes favorable for higher realization, and therefore Vidura took advantage of a family misunderstanding in order to meet Maitreya Åñi. 2 copyright ©1998 Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, all rights reserved – www.krishna.com Distributed by www.e-vedas.com with permission of the publishers TEXT 3 raJaaevac ku-}a +atau>aRGavTaa MaE}aeYae<aaSa Sa(r)Ma" ) k-da va Sah Sa&vad WTaÜ<aRYa Na" Pa[>aae )) 3 )) räjoväca kutra kñattur bhagavatä maitreyeëäsa saìgamaù kadä vä saha-saàväda etad varëaya naù prabho SYNONYMS räjä uväca—the King said; kutra—wherein; kñattuù—with Vidura; bhagavatä—and with His Grace; maitreyeëa—with Maitreya; äsa—there was; saìgamaù—meeting; kadä— when; vä—also; saha—with; saàvädaù—discussion; etat—this; varëaya—describe; naù—unto me; prabho—O my lord. TRANSLATION The King asked Çukadeva Gosvämé: Where and when did the meeting and discussion take place between Saint Vidura and His Grace Maitreya Muni? Kindly oblige, my lord, and describe this to us. PURPORT Exactly as Çaunaka Åñi inquired of Süta Gosvämé and Süta Gosvämé replied, so Çréla Çukadeva Gosvämé replied to King Parékñit's inquiries. The King was very anxious to understand the meaningful discussion that took place between the two great souls. TEXT 4 Na ùLPaaQaaeRdYaSTaSYa ivdurSYaaMal/aTMaNa" ) TaiSMaNa( vrqYaiSa Pa[én" SaaDauvadaePab*&ihTa" )) 4 )) 3 copyright ©1998 Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, all rights reserved – www.krishna.com Distributed by www.e-vedas.com with permission of the publishers na hy alpärthodayas tasya vidurasyämalätmanaù tasmin varéyasi praçnaù sädhu-vädopabåàhitaù SYNONYMS na—never; hi—certainly; alpa-artha—small (unimportant) purpose; udayaù—raised; tasya—his; vidurasya—of Vidura; amala-ätmanaù—of the saintly man; tasmin—in that; varéyasi—highly purposeful; praçnaù—question; sädhu-väda—things approved by saints and sages; upabåàhitaù—full with. TRANSLATION Saint Vidura was a great and pure devotee of the Lord, and therefore his questions to His Grace Åñi Maitreya must have been very purposeful, on the highest level, and approved by learned circles. PURPORT Questions and answers among different classes of men have different value. Inquiries by mercantile men in a business exchange cannot be expected to be highly purposeful in spiritual values. Questions and answers by different classes of men can be guessed by the caliber of the persons concerned. In Bhagavad-gétä, the discussion was between Lord Çré Kåñëa and Arjuna, the Supreme Person and the supreme devotee respectively. The Lord admitted Arjuna to be His devotee and friend (Bg. 4.3), and therefore any sane man can guess that the discussion was on the topic of the bhakti-yoga system. Actually the whole Bhagavad-gétä is based on the principle of bhakti-yoga. There is a difference between karma and karma-yoga. Karma is regulated action for the enjoyment of the fruit by the performer, but karma-yoga is action performed by the devotee for the satisfaction of the Lord. Karma-yoga is based on bhakti, or pleasing the Lord, whereas karma is based on pleasing the senses of the performer himself. According to Çrémad-Bhägavatam, one is advised to approach a bona fide spiritual master when one is actually inclined to question from an elevated level of spiritual understanding. A common man who has no interest in spiritual values has no need to approach a spiritual master just as a matter of following fashion. As a student, Mahäräja Parékñit was serious about learning the science of God, and 4 copyright ©1998 Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, all rights reserved – www.krishna.com Distributed by www.e-vedas.com with permission of the publishers Çukadeva Gosvämé was a bona fide spiritual master in the transcendental science. Both of them knew that the topics discussed by Vidura and Åñi Maitreya were elevated, and thus Mahäräja Parékñit was very interested in learning from the bona fide spiritual master. TEXT 5 SaUTa ovac Sa WvMa*izvYaaeR_Ya& Pa*íae raja Parqi+aTaa ) Pa[TYaah Ta& SaubhuivTPa[qTaaTMaa é[UYaTaaiMaiTa )) 5 )) süta uväca sa evam åñi-varyo 'yaà påñöo räjïä parékñitä praty äha taà subahu-vit prétätmä çrüyatäm iti SYNONYMS sütaù uväca—Çré Süta Gosvämé said; saù—he; evam—thus; åñi-varyaù—the great åñi; ayam—Çukadeva Gosvämé; påñöaù—being questioned; räjïä—by the King; parékñitä— Mahäräja Parékñit; pratiäha—he replied; tam—unto the King; su-bahu-vit—highly experienced; préta-ätmä—fully satisfied; çrüyatäm—please hear me; iti—thus. TRANSLATION Çré Suta Gosvämé said: The great sage Çukadeva Gosvämé was highly experienced and was pleased with the King. Thus being questioned by the King, he said to him, "Please hear the topics attentively." TEXT 6 é[qéuk- ovac Yada Tau raJaa SvSauTaaNaSaaDaUNa( PauZ<aàDaMaeR<a ivNaíd*ií" ) 5 copyright ©1998 Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, all rights reserved – www.krishna.com Distributed by www.e-vedas.com with permission of the publishers >a]aTauYaRivïSYa SauTaaNa( ivbNDaUNa( Pa[veXYa l/a+aa>avNae ddah )) 6 )) çré-çuka uväca yadä tu räjä sva-sutän asädhün puñëan na dharmeëa vinañöa-dåñöiù bhrätur yaviñöhasya sutän vibandhün praveçya läkñä-bhavane dadäha SYNONYMS çré-çukaù uväca—Çré Çukadeva Gosvämé said; yadä—when; tu—but; räjä—King Dhåtaräñöra; sva-sutän—his own sons; asädhün—dishonest; puñëan—nourishing; na— never; dharmeëa—on the right path; vinañöa-dåñöiù—one who has lost his insight; bhrätuù—of his brother; yaviñöhasya—younger; sutän—sons; vibandhün—having no guardian (father); praveçya—made to enter; läkñä—lacquer; bhavane—in the house; dadäha—set on fire.
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