POLITICAL AND INFORMATIVE REVIEW / TIRANA Nr. rt (17), 1e74 f IULY-AUGUST L. #: F:. ,, +#" 4 .,E { * THE FINE ARTISTIC TRADITIONS ARE CAREFULLY PRESERVED AND DEVELOPED IN SOCIALIST ALBANIA. ON THE FRONT PAGE: THE MYZEOE DANCE SKILFULLY EXECUTED BY THE GROUP OF GIRLS OF THE HIGH TYPE COOPERATIVE OF POJANI, ON THE WONDERFUL BACKGROUND OF THE BUTRINTI LAKE, EVOKING A MOMENT FROM THE ANCIENT HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY. THE ENVIRONMENT OF NEW ALBANIA IS ALWAYS FRESH, BEAUTIFUL AND ATTRACTIVE. IT IS MADE SUCH ALSO BY THE TIRELESS WORK OF OUR MEN. IN TIIE PHOTO ON P+GE FOUR: THE TERRACES OF THE RMERA IN THE BEAUTIFUL ALBANIAN SOUTH, BUILT BY THE HAND OF OUR YOUTH. A snapshot'of the mechanicaI repair section at the machine and tractor station in Shkodra. TOlIIENIS: The working closs of Albonio - o leoding force of sociolist society 2 nma MARKo The leoding role of the Porty in the Notionol liberotion Army I nrro {nwo Wellbeing for oll the working people tr ? oenwslt GIIRETI Some problems ol contemporory foreign literoture I8 f,rom the lile of the country 28 The notionol question ond revisionism 38 eunn HoxHA aDeideologisotionr, or reideologisotion? 4 6 sgmuer pffilumms Further evidence of the exponsionist snd hegemonistic oims of the two superpowers 5? Press review 56 T}IE WORKIilG CT A TEADII{G FORC 0r s0clAHsT s0 by RllA MARKO With the triumph of the people's revolution in Albonio the working closs beconne the moin leoding force of our society. The role of the trode unions, os PoYYeIful levers of the porty for the unitY, educotion ond mobilisotion o people s of the working in oll fields a of the sociolist construction ol U the country \ e o 5. Fr \) o RITA MARKO - Member ol the Political Buteau ot' the CC ol o\ the PLA, Ptesicient of the Central Council oI the Ttade tinions ol u Albania. ASS OF A!.BA}IIA' E cIETY THE THIBD DECADE IS BEING COMPIETED S,INCE THE munis,t Party as a party of the working class, which in the enemires AI.BANIAN PEOPLE, UNDER THE I.E^ADERSHIP OF THE ALBA' heat of the struggle refuted the preachings of its class consious- NIAN COMMUNIST PARTY (TODAY THE PABTY OF LABOUR that in dlbania "tlaere is no proiletariart", 'tiie n,there etc., and proved that OF AI.BANIA), AFTER A HEROIC STRUGGLE AGAINST THE NA. ness is ilacking,, are no cadres", pro'gressive and revoltrtiro- ZI-FASCIST INVADEBS AND THEIB LOCAL SERVANTS, LIBERA- the working class was the rnost TED THEIR HOMELAND AND EST.{BLISHED THE PEOPI,E'S nary class. themseives POWER, THE POWER OF THE WORKING CLASS AND THE By thousands were ,the workers who threw fro'm their ranks LABOURING PEA,SANTRY. THE TRIUMPH OI' THE PEOPLE'S into the nationatl il beration struggie and of the war, devoted comrnarl- REVOLUTION, WHICH IS ONE OF THE GREATEST VICTOBIES emerged the leading cadtes ders and cornmissars. The greet exanaptre of the oomm'unist IN THE IONGSTAT.{DING HISTORY OF OUR PEOPLE, TRANS- workers, first hour and front rank fighters like Koqi Bako FOBMED AI,BANIA INTO A FBEE AND INDEPENDENT and Mis,to Mame, Koili Tup'e and $trryqyr'i trshmi and hundreds COUNTRY, AND ITS PEOPLE INTO ALLPOWERFUL AND - and thousands of others who sacrifi'ced even their own l'i- THEIR DESTINIES. MASTEB OF ves, shows that the triumrph of the peop1e's revloilution was AND SOCIAL LIBEBA- THE ROAD TOWARDS NATIONAL achieved un,der the lea<lership of the w'orking cl'ass headed AS ALSO HEROIC, ON THIS ROAD, TION WAS AS DIFFICULT by its proliticarl Party whirch, sirlce the early days' placed THE WORKING CLASS OF THE COT]NTRY, BE.AREB' OF THE itsrelf ait the head of the struggle and successfully mobilized IDEAS, CREATED lTS POLITICAL PARTY COMMUNIST the broad working masses and the other patriotic WHICH AT THE MOST DIEFICULT MOMENTS TOOK IN ITS social strata which were for the attainment of indepen- HANDS THE DESTINIES OT THE COUNTBY. working class', comrade Enver Hoxha said at the dence. "Our the great national liberatio'n struggtre, under the lea- firs,t Congtess of t re Albanian Comimunist Par'ty, uwas smalrl In ders;trip rof the Party, there was born and s'treng'thened the and heterogenrous, burt fill'ly dretermined in the struggle against arlliam,ae the working c'iass and the labouring peasantry' the imvader and 'exploitati,on. Atrthough rsrnall in number, 'it of where the treading ro'le was piayed by the working class, an was the rna,in pillar and th,e fou,nd,ation of, otrr Party' Since consiiittrtes the so rrce of all the victories of the ear,ly days of the s ruggle, it threw itseflf wi'th determi- alliance which peopl,e. natioin into the war and fotrgtht with heroirsnn and, with the our and rernained always as a party of forrrirng of its Party, rea\lzir,g its hisitori'c and fieading role, Orlr Party w,a,s born the vital interests of the working cilass and it understood that the Communist Party of Albania was its the struggle for ,the preoqrtre, for the nationrail interests of our otganizrcd vang rard detach'rnent' Th rs, the working class was o,f all working people who saw in the Farty aud its prograLmlne the lofty the backing of orur PaT ty.' Tlhe 6,trong reliance on the wor- which they had fought g'eneraticn after generation' king olass, ,in the ,specif,ic condi'tirons of our coun'try, wi horut idearls fo themsrelves with it like flesh to f,ew smatrl primitive fa'ctories, with few for his reason they linked indtrstry, with very of A'trbanian Com- bone. H,erein lies the sourcre of the revo utionary uni'ty workers, teills of the cornect 'orientatiron of tlh'e 4A4117r,1974 ALBANIA TODAY our people around the party which is the leader and it exercises it with every passing day better, more powerfully, organizer of all the victories achieved by the Albanian peo- with more effectiveness and directly, everywhere, over €ve- ple. ryone and everything. And this is not only a right, but also Wibh the triumph of the people's revoh.ltion the working its main duty with much responsibility for the present and class of Albania became the main leading force of our socierty. the fi.rture, for the destinies ,of our uninterrupted revoft.rtion, At this nrew stage ttrre working class, with its party at the of sooialism and communism. head, solvecl new, great and difficult tasl<s, irt overthrew tire The teachings of the Party and comrade Enver Hoxha about whole old feudo-bourgeois structure and superstructure, it the leading and oontrolrling rotre of the working class consti- radically transformed the relations of production, it rebuit the tute a contribution of great value to the theory and practice war-ravaged country and developeC the country's economy of scientific socialism and they are a sure weapon in the relying, in the first place, on i,ts own efforts. The deep sociro- struggle for the triurnph of the revolution, for the establish- economic transformations, the nati:onalisation of the priacipal ment and preservation of the diotatorship of the proletariat rneans ,of production withotrt compensation, and other mea- As the most effective form of the participation of the mas- sures, resulted in that the state power and econormy were ses in governing the working class of our country exercises placed at the service of the labouring masses, and thtrs they its direct control in vario'r.rs forms. engaged in the road of the socialist construction of the coun- Conscious of the great tasks facing it, the working class, try. as ,the leadi,ng class irn our country, it has thrown itself into An important role in this period was played by the Trade offensive to rea,lize the magnificent o jectives which are con- Unirons of Albania as p,owerful levers of thle party f or tir,e cretrely reflected in the five-year plans, in the increase of unity, education and mobilization of the working slass of production, the erection of new projects, the increase of crea- Albania in direction of the rec,o,nstr rctiorr of the country, in tirve initiatiyes, the strengthening of the austerity regime, etc. the field of economy as w.ell as in the politicail, social and With its selfless work, the working class becatne n,ot only state life. an exarnple but also a powerful and indispensable backing The his,toric ,experience of our oo'untry which before tibe- for tlre realisation of co,llectivisation in the countryside. As tation was a backward country with rnarked remnants of a restrrlt of the struggrle and efforts of the working class ancl feudalism, proves that the working class can seize power, of all the labotrring masses under the leadership of the preserve and consolidate it, even if it is small in number, if Party, nrot only the centuries-long backwardness was over- it is led by a revolutionary political party which faithfully im- come, the blockades of the imperialists and revisionists of plements the princip,les of Marxism-Lenini,srn. a,ll shades were defeated, but Albania has now entered the The working class of Albania remained on the forefront s'tage of the complete construction of socialist society. Our of the struggle and took in its hands the management of industry in 1973 turned ou,t a production 86 times larger than the state, of the econorny, culture and of the w,hole life of in 1938.
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