United Nations A/68/938–S/2014/466 General Assembly Distr.: General 3 July 2014 Security Council Original: English General Assembly Security Council Sixty-eighth session Sixty-ninth year Agenda item 33 Prevention of armed conflict Letter dated 30 June 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General Upon the instructions of my Government, I am writing to draw your attention to the ongoing violations of the ceasefire by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan recorded for the month of May 2014 (see annex). I would also like to emphasize the fact that irresponsible military activities by the Azerbaijani side during the reporting period resulted in the death of three soldiers: Artur Ohanjanyan, killed on 20 May; Garik Balayan, killed on 26 May; and Erik Gasparyan, killed on 28 May. Armenia strongly condemns these continued provocations and the use of force by Azerbaijan. I kindly request that the present letter and its annex be circulated as a document of the General Assembly, under agenda item 33, and of the Security Council. (Signed) Zohrab Mnatsakanyan Ambassador Permanent Representative 14-56808 (E) 220714 *1456808* A/68/938 S/2014/466 Annex to the letter dated 30 June 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General Violations of the ceasefire by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 1-31 May 2014 1. On the borderline of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic: Total number of violations — 2,182 Total number of shots ~ 15,368 AK ~ 11,453, PK ~ 2,412, SVD ~ 701, DSHK ~ 33, RPK ~ 355, Black arrow ~ 130, Istigall ~ 242, RPG ~ 3, Utyos ~ 23, NPVT ~ 6, NSVP ~ 10 2. On the borderline of the Republic of Armenia (see table below): Total number of violations — 235 Total number of shots ~ 2,528 AK ~ 1,146, PK ~ 956, SVD ~ 154, DSHK ~ 140, RPK ~ 53, Black arrow ~ 74, Istigall ~ 2, KPVT ~ 3 No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 1. 1 May Voskepar 0935 AK 12 2. 2 May Jil 1840 AK 10 3. Berqaber 0850 DSHK 8 4. 2350 AK 43 5. Dovegh 1210 4 6. 1530 9 7. Berdavan 1620 15 8. Voskepar 1630 6 9. N. Karmiragbyur 2025 1 10. Aygepar 2035 1 11. Sev Qar 1745 Black arrow 2 Abbreviations: AK, Kalashnikov rifle; PK, Kalashnikov machine gun; SVD, 7.9 mm sniper weapon; DSHK, 12.7 mm machine gun; RPK, 5.45 mm machine gun; Black arrow, 12.7 mm sniper weapon; Istigall, 14.5 mm machine gun; RPG, Antitank grenade launcher; Utyos, 12.7 mm machine gun; NSVP, 12.7 mm machine gun; NSVT, 12.7 mm machine gun; KPV T, 12.7 mm machine gun. 2/10 14-56808 A/68/938 S/2014/466 No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 12. 3 May Aygepar 0905 AK 1 13. 1040 10 14. 1100 8 15. Eraskh 1125 AK 12 16. Paravaqar 1210 PK 15 17. Vazashen 1210 DSHK 7 18. 2225 7 19. Berqaber 1920 SVD 10 20. Sarigyugh 2030 PK 10 21. AK 10 22. 4 May Vazashen 0935 Istigall 2 23. Chambarak 1350 SVD 5 24. AK 20 25. Sarigyugh 2305 AK 10 26. PK 5 27. 5 May Aygepar 0715 SVD 2 28. 0810 AK 2 29. 1330 AK 1 30. 1545 Black arrow 1 31. Chinari 1130 DSHK 2 32. Movses 1300 AK 1 33. 1815 6 34. 2030 1 35. Jivanavan 1400 PK 3 36. Hovaz, Jivanavan, 1530 PK 100 Yanshak 37. DSHK 30 38. AK 200 39. Vazashen 1615 Black arrow 5 40. 1750 KPVT 3 14-56808 3/10 A/68/938 S/2014/466 No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 41. Ardanish 1800 PK 15 42. Chambarak 2325 DSHK 2 43. 6 May Sarigyugh 0005 AK 30 44. PK 30 45. 0010 DSHK 6 46. Aygepar 0835 PK 2 47. 1030 1 48. 1240 1 49. 1350 AK 1 50. 1550 PK 4 51. Movses 1030 PK 6 52. 1945 AK 8 53. 1800 10 54. 2210 4 55. 7 May Movses 0850 PK 2 56. Sevqar 1115 2 57. Ttu Jur 1200 DSHK 3 58. Yanshak 1530-1600 SVD 20 59. Khachik 1720 1 60. Voskepar 1840 AK 16 61. Chinari 1920 SVD 1 62. Eraskh 2350 AK 2 63. 8 May Gyamish 1340 Black arrow 1 64. 9 May Movses 0830 PK 3 65. 1815 SVD 3 66. Chinari 1225 DSHK 3 67. 1255 5 68. 2210 SVD 1 69. Sarigyugh 1620 AK 10 4/10 14-56808 A/68/938 S/2014/466 No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 70. Sevakavan 2205 2 71. Mehrab 2255 6 72. 10 May Sarigyugh 0030 PK 60 73. Movses 0210 AK 2 74. 1810 PK 1 75. Yanshak 1020 AK 20 76. SVD 40 77. Sevakavan 1830 AK 1 78. Chambarak 1930 Black arrow 3 79. Eraskh 2005 AK 2 80. 2155 3 81. 11 May Eraskh 0055 AK 1 82. Chinari 1220 PK 6 83. 2040 Black arrow 6 84. Movses 1830 AK 3 85. 2240 1 86. Sevqar 2005 15 87. 12 May Movses 0145 AK 2 88. Chambarak 1320 DSHK 15 89. PK 15 90. Vahan 1400-1500 PK 25 91. Chinari 1840 PK 20 92. SVD 10 93. 13 May Aygedzor 2130 PK 20 94. Sevakavan 1800 AK 8 95. 14 May Berdavan 1700 DSHK 20 96. SVD 5 97. 1705 SVD 8 14-56808 5/10 A/68/938 S/2014/466 No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 98. 15 May Mehrab 1730 30 99. Chinari 1900 AK 15 100. Eraskh 2040 1 101. Movses 2100 1 102. Berqaber 2235 4 103. 16 May Movses 1000 DSHK 4 104. Geghamasar 1255 PK 15 105. Sarigyugh 1510 50 106. Chinari 1550 Black arrow 5 107. Aygepar 1930 SVD 1 108. N. Karmiraghbyur 2045 PK 7 109. 17 May Kiranc 0820 PK 25 110. Sarigyugh 1000 40 111. Movses 1035 AK 8 112. 1845 PK 6 113. 1940 AK 2 114. 2120 1 115. Berdavan 1410 PK 25 116. Qarvachar 1527 Black arrow 7 117. Berqaber 1730 SVD 1 118. Chinari 1805 Black arrow 1 119. 18 May Aygepar 0830 PK 1 120. Movses 1450 AK 2 121. 1535 SVD 6 122. 19 May Chinari 1500 AK 12 123. Aygepar 1645 SVD 1 6/10 14-56808 A/68/938 S/2014/466 No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 124. 20 May Berqaber 0020 PK 15 At 2013 near Karakhanbeyli village at the borderline with 125. 1720 15 Azerbaijan, in combat position 126. 1745 60 soldier Artur Ohanjanyan was fatally wounded from the 127. 1830 3 Azerbaijani side. 128. Qyarqi 0615 AK 5 129. Voskepar 0950 10 130. 21 May Chinari 1230 Black arrow 2 131. Eraskh 1655 AK 2 132. Movses 2210 1 133. 22 May Movses 0300 PK 20 134. 1300 AK 1 135. 1900 SVD 3 136. 2155 AK 7 137. 2215 PK 4 138. 2320 SVD 1 139. Chinari 1700 AK 5 140. Aygepar 2215 SVD 2 141. 2331 AK 6 142. Eraskh 2230 AK 2 143. Kiranc 2250 10 144. Mehrab 2330 SVD 10 145. 23 May Mehrab 0025 RPK 25 146. Chinari 0025 RPK 25 147. 0040 SVD 1 148. 0150 AK 2 149. 1450 Black arrow 3 150. SVD 2 151. 1820 Black arrow 3 152. 2220 10 14-56808 7/10 A/68/938 S/2014/466 No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 153. Movses 0025 PK 2 154. Aygepar 0100 SVD 1 155. 0100 PK 3 156. 0310 AK 2 157. 2345 PK 2 158. Jil 1300 AK 4 159. Berdavan 1645 DSHK 10 160. Dovegh 1645 AK 2 161. Aygedzor 2040 SVD 3 162. 24 May Movses 0730 PK 1 163. 2210 5 164. Aygepar 1005 PK 1 165. 2335 AK 1 166. Gyunashli 1300 AK 20 167. Aygehovit 1806 3 168. Berdavan 1830 15 169. Chinari 2205 SVD 5 170. 25 May Berdavan 0050 PK 2 171. Paravaqar 0240 AK 6 172. Khachik 1600 6 173. 26 May Eniqend 1125 Black arrow 3 At 0030 near Ashaghi Seydakhmedli village at the 174. Movses 1140 PK 2 borderline with Azerbaijan, in 175. 1325 1 combat position soldier Garik Balayan was fatally wounded 176. 2020 AK 2 from the Azerbaijani side. 177. Mehrab 1230 SVD 1 At 0030 near Karakhanbeyli village at the borderline with 178. Berdavan 1710 AK 6 Azerbaijan, in combat position 179. Aygepar 1825 1 soldier Ashot Grigoryan was wounded from the Azerbaijani 180. Paravaqar 2200 SVD 5 side. 181. AK 10 8/10 14-56808 A/68/938 S/2014/466 No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 182. 27 May Chinari 0005 Black arrow 2 183. Berdavan 0040 AK 15 184. Paravaqar 0100 PK 100 185. AK 60 186. Aygepar 0125 AK 1 187. 0145 PK 40 188. Vazashen 1400 AK 3 189. DSHK 12 190. Berqaber 1550 SVD 2 191. 2230 RPK 3 192. 2230 PK 10 193. Barcruni 2230 PK 4 194. Barekamavan 2250 9 195. 28 May Chinari 0310 AK 14 At 0255 near Chakhrly village at the borderline with 196. PK 10 Azerbaijan, in combat position 197. 0410 SVD 2 soldier Erik Gasparyan was fatally wounded and 198. 2340 PK 5 6 soldiers — Arayik Hakobyan, Taronik 199. 2345 15 Ghukasyan, Gevok 200. Movses 1100 PK 1 Karapetyan, Narek Vasilyan, Ruzvelt Torosyan and Armen 201.
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