ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE The Vicariate For P/J Christian Orthodox Communities In America 'U37TS RA J$QP.K! J$I$O#1L/! J$#-N5M.K! J$L*8K! J:'$I/! St. George Orthodox Church/San Francisco 5U#$#Q!7A Z'8/ Y5$W.X'W V3=*/! J#$I- Archiepiscopal Vicar Father George Jweinat Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne Damaskinos Alazrai The Very Rev. Father Issa Awwad Rev. Father Hanna Khoury Office Phone:# 415-334-2234 Fr. George’s Cell: 415-860-4447 Home Phone# 650-692-4519 Office Fax: # 415-334-2275 Sunday May 14th , 2017 Samaritan Woman Sunday Tone 4 / .-,%$ +*)('&%$ #"! Volume 25 Number 19 www.Stgeorgesf.org [email protected] Christ Is Risen... Indeed He Is Risen … ('& '*) .. ('& %$#"! Christos Anesti .. Alethos Anesti... ********************** HOLY APOSTLE JAMES THE BROTHER OF ST. JOHN THE THEOLOGIAN Saturday, May 13th, 2017 CDEF/G/EH BA!5"! @?#/! (53 >=:< ;: 9587/! 65*43 ,$210/! .'-,+ The Holy Apostle James, the son of Zebedee, was the brother of Saint John the Theologian, and one of the Twelve Apostles. He and his brother, Saint John, were called to be Apostles by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who called them the “Sons of Thunder” (Mark 3:17). It was this James, with John and Peter, who witnessed the Raising of the Daughter of Jairus, the Lord’s Transfiguration on Mount Tabor, and His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.Saint James, after the Descent of the Holy Spirit, preached in Spain and in other lands, and then he returned to Jerusalem. He openly and boldly preached Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world, and he denounced the Pharisees and the Scribes with the words of Holy Scripture, reproaching them for their malice of heart and unbelief. The Jews could not prevail against Saint James, and so they hired the sorcerer Hermogenes to dispute with the apostle and refute his argumentsthat Christ was the promised Messiah Who had come into the world. The sorcerer sent to the apostle his pupil Philip, who was converted to belief in Christ. Then Hermogenes himself became persuaded of the power of God, he burned his books of magic, accepted holy Baptism and became a true follower of Christ. The Jews persuaded Herod Agrippa (40-44) to arrest the Apostle James and sentence him to death (Acts 12:1-2). Eusebius provides some of the details of the saint’s execution (CHURCH HISTORY II, 9). Saint James calmly heard the death sentence and continued to bear witness to Christ. One of the false witnesses, whose name was Josiah, was struck by the courage of Saint James. He came to believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. When they led the apostle forth to execution, Josiah fell at his feet, repenting of his sin and asking forgiveness. The apostle embraced him, gave him a kiss and said, “Peace and forgiveness to you.” Then Josiah confessed his faith in Christ before everyone, and he was beheaded with Saint James in the year 44 at Jerusalem. Saint James was the first of the Apostles to die as a martyr. Apolytikion of Apostle James Third Tone O Holy Apostle James, intercede to our merciful God, that He may grant our souls forgiveness of sins. Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mothers, Grandmothers, Godmothers and Spiritual Mothers out there! Most of all, let’s praise our Great and Holy Mother, The Theotokos, who in Christ is truly our Mother and the Mother of the Church! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" St. George Orthodox Church 399 San Fernando Way San Francisco, Ca 94127 St. George Orthodox Church %#$!403/2& 10#,/.-, +*)('& %$#"! San Francisco ,+)*)('&! %$# "! Matins 12 Noon Liturgy 12:30 pm Archiepiscopal Vicar Father George Jweinat ARCHIMANDRITE OF THE ECUMENICAL THRONE DAMASKINOS ALAZRAI TheVery Rev. Father Isa Awwad Rev. Father Hanna Khoury ********************** Bread Altar Offering: Head of Altar Boys: Michael Batshon, Altar Boys: The Holy Bread Altar Offering (Corban St. Mark 7:11) will be specially offered for the Holy Sami & George Totah, Omar Jweinat, Sami Jr. Khoury Sanctify of the Divine Liturgy. & Jason Arbeed. By NABEEH E. SHAMIEH, ELIAS N. & WAFFA ******************************************************** SHAMIEH & Family in blessed Nine years memorial of Beloved Wife, Mother & Grandmother VICTORIA N. Prophet JeremiahTroparion — Tone 2 SHAMIEH. May Her Blessed Memory Be Eternal. Celebrating the memory / of Your Prophet Jeremiah, O Lord, / for his sake, we entreat You to save our souls. By The St. George Parish Family in Thanksgiving to God 38%7*) 654*%$ 321*) %0/&. -',+*) ('&%$#"! and in Congratulations to KHALIL & MAY DABEET on %$EDC' "' BA+ @) ?) .>5 %= 7) */) 0! <' ;0 )16") :0 90 - %*&58 7) *60 ") 50 %423 )1/0 .) -,*(& %$"# ! the occasion of their Wedding. Many Years. ) 3 ) 3 3 + + ) ' By the St. George Parish Family in Thanksgiving to Kontakion — Tone 3 God and in Congratulations to PETER & RITA DABAI Cleansing your radiant heart through the Spirit, / O great on the occasion of the Baptism of their Child of God Prophet and Martyr, / glorious Jeremiah, / You received THOMAS DABAI. from on high the gift of prophecy. / You cried out with a great voice to the nations: / This is our God, and there is By The St. George Parish Family in Thanksgiving to God none other beside Him / who became incarnate and and in Congratulations to NICHOLAS & JENNY appeared on earth. DABAI on the occasion of the Baptism of their Child of LIVE IN LADY TO HELP ELDERLY COUPLE ~ God CAROLINE DABAI. WITH PAY By the St. George Parish Family in Thanksgiving to God For More Information please call Fr. George and in Congratulations to DANIEL & DANIELLE BAXTER on the occasion of the presentation of their @415-860-4447 Child of God OLIVER BAXTER to the Altar. Message from our Chairman David Salfiti The St. George Parish Family is deeply saddened by the passing into eternal life SAMI DABEET. May His We are now almost halfway through the year and Blessed Memory Be Eternal. I would like to thank you all for your generosity, and support. All of our events have been sold out By The St. George Parish Family In Thanksgiving to God and we are on our way to being at the new for the continued good heath of NAHEEL QRETITEM. Cathedral.! We will be having a grand opening By The St. George Parish Family In Thanksgiving to God party, so please make sure to keep an eye out for for the continued good heath of ZAKI RABAHAT. the date.! Our new calendar of events will be full of fun and excitement for the whole family.! Also, By the St. George Parish Family in Thanksgiving to God we would like to welcome our newest board for the continued good health of JAMILEH member Mr. Osama Kaleh. MUHAWIEH. By the St. George Parish Family in Thanksgiving to God for the continued good health of SAMIRA KAWAS. Accepting resumes for a part time position of By the St. George Parish Family in Thanksgiving to God for the continued good health of NAIMEH DUGHMAN. “Event Coordinator”. By the St. George Parish Family in Thanksgiving to God Hospitality degree/certificate preferred but not for the continued good health of KARIMEH RAFIDI. required. 2 years experience required. By the St. George Parish Family in Thanksgiving to God for the continued good health of NABEEHA SAHOURIEH. Please submit your resume or for more ********************************************************************* Head Ushers: Maher Haddad, information [email protected] Ushers: Milad Dalo, Basem Husary & Elias Husary Thank you Sunday Of The Samaritan Woman How great are thy works, O Lord ! Thou hast made all +*)('&%$ #"! things in wisdom. Bless the Lord, O My Soul. =.<;:%$ ).29%$ '8"7* 6*#5%$ 43'21 0( /.-,$ Section from the Acts of the Saintly and Pure Apostles (11:19 to end) (@B-A-@) )?'>%$ In those days: P )5D1 3'DO7N K<&DJ 4)('&D%$ 0D( +8D*#D( KD%M L7&D* KDJ! I'D(H%$ GD%F EDC When the disciples had been dispersed by the # D\ L7&D* I'DWV .P75RD* )[D1 Z'8D? YDX'DWV U8D1M TDN7.D% P75RD* 'D?'>DS! E:D%$ +R.QD%$ persecution that arose on occasion of Stephen, 0 D( 4!)D(M YDb'_DC .+DNa'&D%$ +DS'&D%$ 7`DX IMV )[9D%$ K;DS 6;D_C ).D&^$ 0D( ]RDJ went about as fas as Phenice and Cyprus and $ 7QD( #D\ j=.D(iDJ I'DWV .“P)hD g E8.>DS!” L7&D* 'fD% e'5DC dc'D( E5&:D% 4)(D '&D%$ Antioch, speaking the word to none, but to the P )D2J I! ];>DJ T.DW” +D*)('&D%$ 4!)^$ UD% YD%'5DC .'m D('RDl kfD% $7S':9.D% +8D*#D^$ KD%M Jews only, but some of them were men of P 'DDsrDDC “q.*)D('&DD%$ I7>DD%'pDD* o a7f.DD%$V +DD*)D('DDN 4!)D(M 'DDX!V dna7fDD* YDDX!V E8DD( Cyprus and Cyrene, who, when they were P )Dhg E8.>DDS! GDD% e'DD\ n=DD%$ 0DD(V U;t DD%$ +.t >DDS .C)RDDJ Y8DDW 7D%” :'fDD% e'DD\V L7&DD* entered into Antioch spoke also in Greeks, G RD( 6.D% UDXM P3 'D* ” 4!)^$ UD% YD%'5DC “.4'.Dv$ c'D( G.>R.DC U8.D%r&DJ YDX! Y8uD% preaching the Lord Jesus. P 75RD* '8.D1! 0D( kwDS! G;t RD%! qEDv$ c'D^$ GD% 0D*! 0<DC +5.<DS )[9D%$V UD1 E5:D&J 'D( And the hand of the Lord was with them: And “.U:.h'(V c78* 7?V 'f8( P)hV )[9%$ j=? 'X'>S! n=%$ a great number believing, were converted to 0 D( 'D(!V d'm QD*! x>RD* c'D^$ $=D? 0D( P)D2* 0D( /DW “:'fD% e'D\V L7&D* P'DsrDC the Lord.
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