PART 4 The green transition of Morocco 79 The Government’s strategy on the green economy H.E. Ambassador Omar Hilale 82 Swiss-Morocco Foundation for Sustainable Development Mohamed Mike Fani 83 Renewable energy in Morocco Saïd Mouline 87 MANAGEM: 80 years of development and valorisation of natural resources Ismail Akalay Road to Rio(7)+20.indd 87 2/10/11 1:54:55 AM 4 The green transition of Morocco 78 Road to Rio(7)+20.indd 88 2/10/11 1:54:59 AM The Government’s strategy on the green economy Omar Hilale 79 H.E. Ambassador Omar Hilale, outlines his Government’s commitment to tunities, environmental impact studies, ‘green citizenship’, green coopera- environmental protection and sustainable development, detailing the work tion between government departments and green training programmes. of the Foundation for Environmental Protection as well as the leading role Emphasizing the boost to technical innovation from the green economy, he of its diplomacy in environmental issues. He highlights national initiatives further describes the country’s renewable energy choices and comments in the fields of agriculture, industry and associated ‘green market’ oppor- potential savings in terms of dollars and CO2 emissions. ince its participation the National Strategy for Environmental Thanks to its global vision of environment in the Earth Summit in Protection and Sustainable Development, and biodiversity, the National Charter s the implementation of the National Ac- covers not only the environmental issue Rio de Janeiro, Morocco tion Plan for the Environment (PANE), but is also a social project and an authentic has embarked on the 2020 Strategy for Rural Development, reference for public policy in the country. and the launch of the National Initiative It reflects efforts made in the field of- en an irreversible process for Human Development (NIHD). vironment and major advances in the in- of implementing the stitutional and legal fields to include envi- To realise its ambitions, Morocco has ronmental issues in public policies related recommendations committed itself to an extensive and broad to development. It was for this reason that of the United Nations programme in the fields of renewable en- all nation’s institutions and various stake- ergy and the green economy, opting for a holders responded to the call of His Maj- Conference on Environ- new agricultural strategy called the Green esty the King to strongly join this initiative ment and Development. Morocco Plan. The results achieved in and become involved in its implementa- these areas by Morocco in record time tion and achievement. Furthermore, the In 1992, as part of the implementation of confirm the strategic importance the gov- choice of Rabat by the ‘Earth Day Network these commitments and within the con- ernment assigns to sustainable develop- as a world city to host the celebrations of text of global sustainable and human de- ment and rational management of natural the 40th anniversary of the Earth Day is in- velopment efforts and initiatives, Morocco resources. deed a unique opportunity to demonstrate developed a new strategy based on an in- our country’s commitment to the environ- tegrated approach to development. It sets In 2009, conscious of the scope and sever- mental cause. It bears witness to all Mo- the government’s guidelines to deal with ity of the degradation of its biodiversity rocco’s efforts to preserve the environment development needs, protection of the en- and determined to meet the challenges of that justify its being considered a Develop- vironment and reducing the destructive protecting its environment and in confor- ment Model in Africa. impact of climate change. mity with the Royal guidelines, the King- dom of Morocco issued the draft National The designation of Morocco to host the In this regard, Morocco has adopted a Charter for Environment and Sustainable festivities is a clear recognition of the com- series of development strategies, notably Development. mitment of the Kingdom, under the reign Road to Rio(7)+20.indd 89 2/10/11 1:55:00 AM of HM King Mohammed VI, to a proactive the Ministry of Health and with the assis- environmental approach in all sectors, in tance of a WHO expert. particular through a partnership approach involving all social and economic actors It is thanks to these achievements that the and a pragmatic approach with ambitious Foundation has, since December 2009, and realistic programmes. It is also the re- the status of observer at the UN Confer- sult of the commendable and significant ence on Climate Change in Copenhagen. efforts of Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasna, President of the Mohammed In addition, many initiatives have been 80 VI Foundation for Environmental Protec- undertaken in the field of clean devel- tion, for the promotion and protection of opment, with important national pro- the environment and the eco-system with- grammes initiated, notably the establish- thus committed to transforming the con- in a context of sustainable development. ment of laws necessary for the protection straints linked to the respect of the envi- of the environment, namely to combat air ronment into opportunities, advantages Moreover, and by way of illustrating this pollution and provide for waste manage- and benefits for development in terms of commitment in terms of concrete proj- ment, including prohibition of the use of employment and industrialization. This is ects, on 22 April 2010, HRH presided over non-biodegradable bags. evidence of the level of maturity reached the celebration ceremony of Earth Day by Morocco after a number of structural and Sustainable Development, marked by reforms in the political, human, social the signature of several conventions and and economic fields. Now, it is ready to the presentation of a large number of proj- A major step include in its progress and evolution the ects to be carried out within a long-term concept of sustainable development in all environmental strategy. These projects has been taken in the its dimensions. aim to protect resources and eco-systems agricultural sector as well as monitoring the state of the envi- Morocco has managed to respond to the ronment in all regions of Morocco. which is strategic for challenge thanks to the commitment of the socio-economic all its industrial actors and the devotion The outcome of the various programmes of all sectors, which have demonstrated a undertaken by the Foundation is note- development of great ability to adapt to new rules and act worthy, with several initiatives launched Morocco, representing in full compliance with the requirements since 2009. They include: the ‘Eco-Schools’ needed in this area. Indeed, all business programme; the programme ‘Young Re- 15 to 20 per cent firms and companies feel involved with porters for the Environment’, with two of national GDP the integration of sustainable develop- international prizes awarded to Morocco ment into their management approach. by an international jury in Paris; the co- The correlation between climate change organization with the Islamic Educatio- and economic development is no longer a nal, Scientific and Cultural Organization The programme, adopted in 2008 and strange concept to them, having opted for (ISESCO) of a national workshop dedi- called ‘the Green Morocco Plan’, consti- a promising green approach leading to op- cated to sensitizing teachers to the rela- tutes the new agricultural strategy in Mo- timal economic, social and environmental tionship between environment, health rocco aimed at providing a boost to the returns. and sustainable development; and the economy of the agricultural sector. organization of a contest for ‘Young Re- One of the authentic achievements in this porters for the environment’ targeting Morocco’s commitment is also reflected in a approach is the Environment law, which students from four Arab countries: Jordan, number of initiatives taken by the different states that every industrial project must Syria, Tunisia and Morocco. Ministerial Departments to draw the atten- first carry out a thorough study of its en- tion of Moroccan companies to the various vironmental impact. Such a data base has Other initiatives launched under the aus- business opportunities offered by the green today become a principle and working pices of the Foundation include the ‘Clean market, create the appropriate environment method for all stakeholders. This visible Beaches’ programme, many of which have for the its development and facilitate access conviction by everyone (government, eco- been labelled ‘Blue Flag’ and the ‘Qualit’air’ of Moroccan companies to major structural nomic and political actors, associations, programme, which seeks to raise aware- projects of the Kingdom, namely sanitation NGOs and citizens) and widespread eco- ness among mechanics, offering them programmes and the solar plan. logical attitude constitute the beginning environmental training programmes; or- of a new concept that has largely found its ganize campaigns of vehicle control, re- Aware of the growing strength of the green place in Moroccan society, namely ‘green moving ordinary diesel and making provi- economy, commonly called ‘green busi- citizenship’. sion for diesel 50 ppm; establish a national ness’, and the opportunities it offers as the air quality monitoring network in major global economy of tomorrow, Morocco is In addition to the contribution of national cities of the Kingdom; and launch an eco- determined to use it to trace a new path media and press agencies, this new con- epidemiological
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