Eastern Illinois University The Keep The Post Amerikan (1972-2004) The Post Amerikan Project 12-1982 Volume 11, Number 8 Post Amerikan Follow this and additional works at: https://thekeep.eiu.edu/post_amerikan Part of the Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Communication Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons BULK RATE ""' .. ADDRESS COR RECTION REQUESTED POST-AMERIKAN U.S. POSTAGE PAID POST OF FICE BOX 3452 BLOOMINGTON, IL 61701 PERMIT NO. 168 BLOOMINGTON, IL 61701 ... � "��i-.\.; .... · � Q] :t.>J10d :lo I .al'If,.,., . 1-. 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Main Everyone is paid the same. Ego especially ones·that set forth ideas Front and Center Bldg. gratification and good karma are the you can read in Time magazine every Gene 's Drive-in, 1019 s. Main fringe benefits . week , are not likely to get printed. Haag Drugstore , 509 w. Washington Long , brilliantly written, non-abusive K-Mart, at parking lot entrance off of Empire Decisions are made collectively by letters may , if we see fit , be printed staff members at our regular meetings. Haag Drug , 1110 E. Oakland as artic1es. Al l workers have an equal voice. 'The Last Page , 416 N. Main Post has no editor or hierarchical If you'd like to come work on the Post Law & Justice Center, West Front structure , so quit cal ling up and and/or come to meetings , call us at Medusa' s Adult World, 420 N. Madison asking who's in charge. Ain't nobody 828-7232. You can also reach folks at Mel-0-Cream Doughnuts , 901 N. Main in charge . 828-6885. Mike's Market, 1013 N. Park Mr. Donut, 1310 E. Empire Anybody who reads this paper can tell You can make bread hawking the Post-- Nierstheimer's Drugs , 1302 N� Main the type of stuff we print. All 15¢ a copy, except for the first 50 Oakland & Morrissey , NW corner worthwhile material is welcome. We copies, on which you make only 10¢ a Pantagraph (in front of building) , try to choose articles that are timely, copy. Call us at 828-7232. 301 W. Washington relevant , informative , and not avail­ The Park Store , Wood and Allin able in other local media. We will Mail, which we mo re than welcome , Red Fox , 918 w. Market not print anything racist, sexist or should be sent to : Post-Amerikan , Small Changes Bo9ks tore , 409A N. Main ageist . PO Box 3452, Bloomington IL 61701. Susie 's Cafe , 602 N. Main Be sure you tell us if you don 't want U.S . Post Office ,1511 E. Empire (at Most of our material and inspiration your letter printed! Otherwise, it's exit) for mate rial comes from the community . likely to end up on our letters page. U.S. Post Office , Center and Monroe We encourage you , the reader, to Wash House , 609 N. Clinton become more than a reader. We we lcome Washington and Clinton , SE corner Washington St. , across from courthouse •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• W W Bake Shop , 801 E. Washington goo() numbeus NORMAL Metropolitan Community Church 829-2719 Alamo II, 319 North (in front) Alcoholics Anonymous 828-5049 National Health Care Services · (abor­ Blue Dahlia, 121 E. Beaufort American Civil Liberties Union 454-1787 tion assistance in Peoria) 691-9073 Bowling & Billiards Center , TSU CETA 827-4026 National Runaway Switchboard 800-621- Cage , ISU University Union Clare House (Catholic Workers ) 828-4035 4000; in Illinois 800-972-6004 Dairy Queen , 1110 s. Main Community for Social Action 452-4867 Nuclear Freeze Coalition 828-419 5 Drastic Plastic Records , 115 North Connection House 829-5711 Occupational Development Center Eisner 's, East College & Towanda (at .countering Domestic Violence 827-4005 828-7324 Col leqe entrance) Department of Children and Family PATH (Personal Assis-tance Telephone Fink's, 111 E. Beaufort (in front) Services 828-0022 Help) 82 7-4005 or 800-322-5015 ·Midstate Truck Plaza, U.S . 51 north Department of Health , Education and Parents Anonymous 827-4005 (PATH ) Mother Murphy 's, 111� North We lfare (Social Security) 829-9 436 Planned Parenthood 827-8025 North & Broadway ,, southeast corner Department of Mental Health 828-4311 Pos t Ame rikan 828-7232 Old Main Bookstore , 207 s. Main · Draft Counseling 452-5046 , 828-4035 Prairie State Legal Services 827-5021 Record Service , Watterson Place Gay/Lesbian Information Line 829-2719 Prairie Alliance .�20�8249 Redbird IGA, 301 S. Main Gay People 's Alliance (ISU) 828-9085 Project Oz 827-0377 Upper Cut , 318 Kingsley God 800-JC5-1000 (in New Jersey , Pub1ic Aid, McLean County 827-4621 White Hen Pantry , 207 Broadway (in 201-555-1212) Rape Crisis Center 827-4005 (PATH ) front) HELP (transportation for handicapped Small Changes Bookstore 829-6223 OUTTA TOWN and senior citizens ) 828-8301 Sunnyside Neighborhood Center 827-5428 Illinois Lawyer Re ferral 800-252-8916 TeleCare 828-8301 Urbana, Horizon Bookstore , 517 Kaleidoscope 828-7346 s. Unemployment Compensation/Job Service Goodwin McLean County Economic Opportunity 827-6237 Blackburn College Bookstore , Corporation 452-8110 United Farmworkers Support 452-5046 Carlinville , Illinois McLean County Health Dept. 454-1161 Women 's Switchboard 800-927-5404 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Thanx ... In This Issue This issue in your hands is thanx to About Us ; Good Nurr�ers ; Thanx ; My Sister the Punk Rocker .••..•••.••.16 Diana,, Blinky, Laurie, Susie , Ralph, Classyfried Ads; Post Lay-off •.••..•2 Voices of the Steam Era ; Pigeon Bobby, Stan , Danny , Sue (coordinator ), Local Ob/Gyn Likes 'em Scared •••••••••3 Trappers Cruel ••••••••.•.•.••••••••17 Bumper, Melissa, Dave , Bill, Mark, Reality Check at Unemployment Office •.4 Hospital Birth ; Brokaw Mangles MaryJane , Michael, Laurie, Gary, Fortification Aw ard; Plastification •..5 Emp loyee •••.••••..•••••••••••••••••18 Keeping Warm .•.••...•....••••••....•6-7 Hets To Be Polled •••••••••••••••••.••19 Deborah, and probably others that.we Godfrey Plays Politics with Freeze ••..8 Fasting; Your Urine or Your Life •••••20 forgot. MEG Agent Confesses ; More Snitches ; NAACP Demo ; God Moves in Mysterious It's vacation time again . As you know, NARCS Turn New Trick ••••••.•••••••••9 Ways •.•.•••••••••••••••••••••.•••••21 Letters ; Community News •••.•••••.•10-11 Power Politics and Religious Tyranny ; every once in-a while (twice a year) Officer Sanders Beats , Bashes , Shoots , Falwell Flipflops ; Gay v. Gay ••.22-23 the Post staff calls it quits for a Breaks Hand ; Being Watched ; Should Socialized Fooltball Threatens ••••••••24 couple of weeks and tries to remember Be Fired ; etc •.••..•...••.12 ,13,14 ,15 what it is like to have a normal life . So you should read this paper very slowly, because you won't be ge tting Classyfried Ads another issue until the end of January . Don' t panic--we 're not The Po st -American ru ns free non­ Women in the Nicaraguan revolution . quitting for good . There will be I bu siness classified ads every issue . Read Sandino '� Daughters by Margaret another issue . We promise . Really . Mail your ad to Po st.Classyfried, Randall, 220 pp . Send $8.95 (includes You can believe us . We are not like P.O. Box 3452, Bloomington, IL 61701. handling) to RECON , Box 14602, Reagan. We have not forgotten you . Philadelphia, PA 19134. You can advertise your bu siness or We will still be filling machines, sell items or services with Post BEST FILMS ON THE ARMS RACE collecting the mail, and playing with Classyfrieds . Mail your ad to P.O. We can help you find them. Send $1 for our Cwde to 01.sarmamenr Media or contact: Box 3452, Bloomington, IL 61701. Media Network, 208 the answering mac hine, so if seven W. 13 St., New York, NY 10011; (212) 620-0878. weeks is too long for you to go with­ Include $3 .00 check or mo ney order for each bu siness ad. out any contact with your favorite Help Wanted : Writers , artists , alternative newspaper, feel free to The deadline fo r ads to appear in typists , photographers , ad sales cember 2. The write or call us . Please don't be the next issue is De people to volunteer for cooperative staff reserves the right to newspaper . We also need a person abus ive . We don't get these little Post edit or refuse any ad. or persons to deliver newspapers breaks very often. to ISU and IWU dorms once a month . PETS: AKC Labrador Retriever puppies, Be a part of the alternative press in The deadline for the next issue is champions in background ; excellent Bloomington-Normal . Reply to the Jan . 20 . Try to survive the holidays, for pets , hunt , or show. Post Arnerikan , P. O. Box 3452 , and you' ll be hearing from us next Terrill Hart , Villa Grove IL, Bloomington IL 61701.
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