Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65217-9 - Jewish Texts on the Visual Arts Edited With Commentary by Vivian B. Mann Index More information INDEX Aaron, 126—9 Alshekh, Moses (d. after 1593), 86,194n6i Abasban, Solomon (16th century), 86,194n6i Amado, David (ca. 1745), 48, 50, 54 Aboab, Samuel (1610-94), i7> 58-60, Amos (prophet, 765-50 BCE), 1741132 i88n85, i88n87, i89n89 Amsterdam Haggadah (1695), 127 Abraham, Jacob (1732-1800), 140,14if Angelo di Elia (ca. 1507), 11 Abraham de Orefice (ca. 1492), 78 animals, images of: in prayer books, no—11; Abstract Expressionism, 152,153, 155 on seals, 24f; in stained glass, 33, 71-5; Abulafia, Samuel haLevi (1320-61), 76-8 and Talmud on idolatry, I78ni5, i8on36, Adler, Cyrus (1865-1940), 158 182ml; on textiles, 39-42,183^1-3; on Adret, Solomon ben (1235-1310), 11, 54, 57, Torah ark, 116-20,120-3 95, i86n56, i88n76 Applied Arts Museum (Kunstgewerbemu- aesthetics: and appreciation of beauty of art seum, Diisseldorf), 156 in rabbinic texts, 13-16; and communal Aragon (Spain), n ownership of ceremonial art, 80; and architecture: and churches of medieval Israel Isserlein on ornaments for the Cologne, 72; and copies of famous eccle­ Torah scroll, 115; and manuscript illumi­ siastical structures in Middle Ages, 8, nations in prayer books, 109; and syna­ i94n7o; property rights and expansion of gogue lamps, 123—6 synagogue, 90,1741125; and reuse of Agam, Yaacov (b. 1928), 151 Church and mosque buildings as syna­ Ahab (king of Samaria, 874-52 B.C.E.), 8, gogues, 66-8, 78-9,192n33; and i74-n32 20th-century synagogues in U.S., 97-9. Alba Bible, 25-7,179nn2i~5, 27, 29 See also synagogues Alfasi, Isaac ben Jacob (1013-1113), 28, 56, Archivolti, Samuel (1515-1611), 83-6,193^5, i8in48 i93n6o Algiers, 137-9 Arias de Encinas (ca. 1422), 25 Alliance Israelite Universelle, 199^7 Aries (France), 10,111-14 "All Images" (Kol haZelamim), 21, in Arragel, Moses (ca. 1422), 25, 27-8 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65217-9 - Jewish Texts on the Visual Arts Edited With Commentary by Vivian B. Mann Index More information 228 INDEX art: definitions of Jewish, 144-6, 149-55; and Benedictine Rule, 72 diachronic themes in Jewish texts, 3—10; Ben Ezra Synagogue (Fostat), 100,101 rabbinic texts and Jewish acceptance of Benguiat, Hadji Ephraim (d. before 1925), new forms, 17—18, ch 3; and themes in 158,159^ 160,166, 207n9 Hebrew Bible, 4—8. See also aesthetics; Benguiat, Mordecai, 158-60,166, 207nn9 art history; artists; ceremonial art; collect­ Berav, Jacob (ca. 1474-1546), i93~4n6o-i ing and collections; Islamic art; Other, Berlin Synagogue, 92f art of Bernard, St., of Clairvaux (1091-1153), 109 art history: and importance of Hebrew and Bertinoro, Obadiah Jare da (d. ca. 1500), Aramaic texts as sources, 1-3; and status 79-80 of Jewish art in 19th and 20th centuries, Beth-El Congregation (Baltimore), 98f 3-4,143-6,1731121 Bet IWf (House of Joseph), 28, 50 artists: and accusation of fraud in 13th-cen­ Bezalel ben Uri, 5 tury Mainz, 132—4; and Court Jews, Bibles: Greek translation of, i73n2o; and 139—42; Jewish in medieval and Renais­ images of Moses and Aaron on title pages sance Europe, 11,134-9,173ni4; modern of Christian, 127. See Alba Bible; Hebrew art and Jewish identity, 149-55; and Bible responsibility for work lent as model, Bohemia, 13, 43, i24f 137-9; r°le °f as theme in Hebrew Bible, Book of Seats, The (Pinkas Synagogue), 91 5-8 Braunschweig, 86-9,194n62 Asard, Robin (ca. 1438), 10,111-14,132 Breslau, 127 Ascoli (Papal States), 120,122 Brueghel, Pieter (1525-69), 148 Asher ben Jehiel (1250-1327), 11,17, 36, Buber, Martin (1878-1965), 17,143-6, 46-8,172n5, i85-6n43, i86n46 1731117 Asher ben Shlomo (ca. 1275), 48, 49 Byzantine art: and figured textiles, 40, 4if, Ashkenazi Synagogue (Venice), 84 i83n2i; synagogue at Palermo and church Assyrian script, 107—9,1981139 architecture of, 78 Augsburg Cathedral, 72 Avignon (France), 111-14 Cairo (Egypt), 54. See also Genizah Cairo Avkat Rokhel (The Powders of the Mer­ Candia (Crete), 116-20, 122 chant), 50, 51-3 canopies, in medieval synagogues, 70 Avodah Zarah (Talmud), 20-3, 37-9, 182ml Canton Synagogue (Venice), 84, 85f, 193^5 Capsali, Elijah (1483-1555), 116 Babylonia: exilarch and decoration of 10th- Caro, Joseph (1479-1575), 28-30, 46, 50-3, century synagogue in, 69-71, i9onio; 54, 74, 84,116, 129, i87n63 and history of responsa, 2; and statue of cathedrae (thronelike chairs), 101—2, ruler in synagogue of Nehardea, i82ni3 i82-3ni6, i83n20, 1971116 Bacharach, Jair Hayyim (1638—1702), xviii, ceramics, and images, 54, 55F, 58—60. See also 16, 61-3,123-6, i89n90, 202ni03 porcelain Bakst, Leon (1867-1924), 147 ceremonial art: and aesthetics of synagogue Bar-Ilan University (Israel), 2 lamps, 123—6; and animal images on © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65217-9 - Jewish Texts on the Visual Arts Edited With Commentary by Vivian B. Mann Index More information INDEX 229 Torah ark, 116-23; donation of to syna­ Judaica, 163-6; history of, 3-4, 88, gogues by charitable societies, 125, I73ni9; and Jewish Theological Seminary 202nio8; and illuminations in prayer in New York, 158-60; and Krautheimer books, 109-11; and images of Moses and on Jewish Museum of New York, 166-9; Aaron on Torah shield, 126—9; inventory and Tel Aviv Museum, 160—3 of objects belonging to synagogues of Cologne synagogue, and stained glass, 17, Old Cairo in nth and 12th centuries, 71-6 100-4; and ownership of objects in syna­ Color Field paintings, and art of Morris gogue, 80—2; and reuse of Christian Louis, 152-3,155 objects by Jews, 42; and Rosenberg on Congregation B-nai Amoona (St. Louis), 97 definition of Jewish art, 151; silver- Conservative Judaism, and postwar Ameri­ smithing and agreement between Jewish can Jewry, 97 community of Aries and Robin Asard, Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925), 144 111-14; and Star of David as Zionist sym­ Court Jews, 86-9, 91-2,139,140,1941163 bol, 129-31; and Torah shield from mid- courts, Christian and cases between Jews and 15th century, 114—16; and use of scripts, non-Jews in medieval Europe, 132 104-9 Crete, 116-20, 122 cemeteries, and images on tombstones, 31-4 Cubism, 148 Chagall, Marc (1887—1985), 144,146-9, 160-3 Danzig, 166, 2o8ni6 China, and trade in porcelain, 58 David, Alexander (1686-1765), 4, 86-9, Church, Catholic: and reuse of buildings as I94n6i~3 synagogues, 66—8; and reuse of vest­ De coloribus et mixtionibus, 135 ments and religious articles by Jews, dietary laws, 58 42-6, 54-8, i84n29, i86n56; and role of Die Wissenschaft des Judentums, 143 Jewish artists, 3. See also Benedictine Dizengoff, Meir (1861-1937), 161,162,163 Rule; Cistercian Order Duran, Profiat (ca. 1360-1414), 14,184^6, Cistercian Order, 72,109 I98n39 clothing: decorated belts with human Dura Synagogue, 27 images, 37-9; embroidered aprons for ceremonial occasions, 61,189^4; Eco, Umberto, 16 Fatimid Egypt and use of gold in weav­ Edict of Nantes, 63 ing and embroidery on, 106. See also tex­ Egypt, and textiles, 106, 108, i83n2i. See also tiles Cairo; Genizah, Cairo coinage, and images, 54, 56, 57, 58,107^ Eliezer ben Joel haLevi (1140-1225), 39, 57, I98n40 i82ni4 collecting and collections, of Jewish art: Eliezer of Metz (ca. 1115—ca. 1198), 13, 42 Alexander David and Braunschweig syn­ El Transito synagogue (Toledo), 76—8 agogue, 87; and Strauss collection, in; Elyakim of Mainz (b. ca. 1170), 33, 50, 53, Frauberger on importance of, 156-8, 71-5, 83-4, i87n63,19in2i I73ni7; and Friedman collection of Emden, Jacob (1697-1776), 36, 90 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65217-9 - Jewish Texts on the Visual Arts Edited With Commentary by Vivian B. Mann Index More information 230 INDEX Ephraim of Regensburg (1110-75), 39-42, Mainz, 132-4; and embroidery of textiles 50, 84,102,182M4 in Fatimid Egypt, 106. See also silver and Eternal Light, and synagogue lamps, 123, silversmithing 202ni07 Grabar, Oleg, 13-14 Ettinger, Mordecai Ze'ev (1804-63), 66 Graziano, Abraham Joseph Salomo (d. 1684), exilarch, 69-71, i9on2 120-3,172^4, 2om86, 200195-6 Exposition Universelle (Paris), in Guide to the Perplexed, The, 23 Eyebeschutz, Jonathan (ca. 1690-1764), 90 Guston, Philip (1913-80), 150 Ezekiel (prophet), 5, i8on37 Guzman, Don (ca. 1422), 25, 27-8,179n22 Feinstein, Moshe (1895-1990), 129-31 Habsburg Empire, 90, 91—2 Feiwel, Berthold (1875-1937), 143 ha-Dor (periodical), 143 Fifth Zionist Congress (Basel, 1901), 143 Hadrian, bust of, 22f Finkelstein, Louis (1895-1991), 168 halakhah (Jewish law), 2. See also Law, Code Finzi, David (16th century), 173^9 of Jewish; rabbinic texts; Shulhah Arukh Finzi, Joab, 121 Halakhot Gedolot (The [Code of] Great Fleg, Edmond (1864-1963), 162 Laws), 39,182ml folk art, and definitions of Jewish art, 151 Harun al Rashid (764-809), 105 Franco, David, 58 Havvot Ya'ir (The Villages of Jair), 61-3 Frauberger, Heinrich (1845-1920), 156-8, Hayyim of Eger, 115 I73ni7 Hebrew Bible, 156 Alba Bible and translation Frederick Barbarossa (ca. 1125-90), 112 of into Spanish, 25; artistic themes in, frescoes, in synagogues, 27, 74,193^5, 4-8; iconoclasm and prohibition of 193—94n6o.
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