MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) Public Docun1ents of Maine : BEING THE ANNUAL REPOR~rs OF THE VARIO US Departments ~ Institutions FOR THE YEAR 1898. VOLUME IV. AUGUSTA KENNEBEC JOURNAL PRINT 1900 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1897 AUGUSTA: Kennebec Journal Print 1898 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Table No. I. Monthly footings of receipts and expenditures during the year 1897, as shown by cash book. 2. Receipts as credited to the various ledger accounts dur­ ing the year 18g7. 3. Expenditures as charged to the various ledger accounts during the year 18g7. 4. Itemized statement of the actual receipts during the year 1897. 5. Itemized statement of the actual expenditures during the year 18g7. 6. Estimate of receipts for the year 1898. 7. Estimate of expenditures for the year 18g8. 8. Resources of the State, January 1, 1898. 9. Liabilities of the State, January 1, 1898. IO. Amount paid for claims due prior to January I, 18g7. I I. Tax assessed on savings banks. I2. Tax assessed on loan and building associations. 13. Tax assessed on railroad companies. 14. Tax asse5sed on telegraph companies. 15. Tax assessed on telephone companies. 16. Tax assessed on express companies. 17. Tax assessed on insurance companies. 18. Tax on collateral inheritances. 19. Apportionment of railroad and telegraph tax to the sev­ eral cities and towns. 20. Dog licenses received from the several towns, and claims paid for damage by dogs. 21. Amounts received from Land Office. 22. Apportionment of interest on Madawaska territory school fund. 23. Amounts refunded to towns on account of bounty on animals and seals killed during the year 18g6. 24. Apportionment of school fund and mill tax to the sev­ eral cities and towns, and the amount of State tax assessed upon each, for the year 18g7. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. State Treasurer, F. M. SIMPSON, Carmel. Chief Clerk, CHARLES B. CALDWELL. Oerks, DANIEL W. EMERY. MELVIN W. WISWELL. January J, J898. ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE f·iscal Year Ending Dec. 31, 1897. STATE OF MAINE. TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, January I, 1898. To His Excellency, Llewellyn Powers, Governor, and the Honorable Executive Council: Gentlemen-In accordance with the statutes of the State of Maine, I respectfully submit herewith a report, in detail, of the financial transactions of the State, as shown by the records of this department for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1897. REVENUE AND TAXATION. The rate of taxation for the year 1897 was two and three­ fourths mills, on the dollar of the State valuation, yielding a total revenue from this source of $905,179.49. The total receipts of this department for the year 1897 were $1,749,738.32, and the disbursements were $1,800,888.68. The cash balance in the treasury at the close of the year, was $152,- 350.22. The tax assessed against cities and towns for the year 1896 has been paid in full. 6 TREASURER'S REPORT. TEMPORARY LOAN. During the past year it became necessary, in order to meet the obligations of the State, to negotiate a temporary loan, as authorized by chapter 165 of the resolves of 1897. The sum of $200,000 was negotiated with the First National Bank of Augusta, Maine, as follows: $100,000 payable in one year from April 1, 1897 and $100,000 payable in two years from March 2, 1897, each bearing interest at the rate of three and one-fourth per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. This loan is included in the total receipts previously mentioned. Respectfully submitted, F. M. SIMPSON, State T,reasurer. TREASURER'S REPORT. 7 TABLE No. I. Monthly Footings of Receipts and Expenditures During the Year 1897, as Shown by Cash Book. Months. Receipts. Expenditures. January ............................ $396,685 IO $478,921 99 February ........................... 135,515 63 145,909 69 March ............................. 134,532 92 165,015 18 April .............................. 227,633 35 146,108 63 May ............................... 38,531 56 g6,227 78 June ............................... 180,941 78 122,039 74 July ................................ 109,372 27 142,575 6I August ............................. 50,128 31 95,840 03 September ......................... 37,258 56 28,245 68 October ............................ l 13,536 31 171,21 l 37 November .......................... 95,265 23 46,959 89 December .......................... 230,337 30 161,833 09 $1,749,738 32 $1,Soo,888 68 Cash on hand January I, 1897 ........ 203,500 58 Cash on hand December 31, 1897 ..... 152,350 22 $1,953,238 90 $I ,953,238 90 8 TREASURER'S REPORT. TABLE No. 2, Receipts as Credited to the Various Ledger Accounts During the Year 1897. Account. Amount. State tax, 1887 ........................................ $26 41 State tax, 1888 ........................................ 28 83 State tax, 1889 .................... , ......... •. •. • • • • • • • 28 81 State tax, 1890 ....................................... 27 37 State tax, 1891 ................... •..................... 252 03 State tax, 1892 ....................................... 334 91 State tax, 1893 ................ • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • · · · · · · · · · · 380 99 State tax, 1894 ..................... • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • 1,199 86 State tax, 1895 ................ • . • . • • • • • • • · • · • · • · · · · · · · 7,127 85 State tax, 1896 ................................... • ... 640,596 6o State tax, 1897 .............................. • • • • . • • • • • • 132,089 08 County tax, Aroostook county ........................ 12,459 77 County tax, Franklin county .......................... 1,440 81 County tax, Hancock county ......................... 648 73 County tax, Oxford county ........................... 1,008 79 County tax, Penobscot county ........................ 1,201 07 County tax, Piscataquis county ....................... 5,374 96 County tax, Somerset county ......................... 2,604 02 County tax, Washington county ...................... 1,391 37 Tax on railroad companies ........................... 162,552 25 Tax on railroad companies, 1896 ...................... 92 73 Tax on railroad companies, 1894 ...................... 283 28 Tax on railroad companies, 1893 ...................... 315 26 Tax on railroad companies, 1892 ...................... 256 87 Tax on telegraph companies .......................... 7,175 00 Tax on telephone companies .......................... 7,849 IO Tax on express companies ............................ 487 93 Tax on express companies, 1896 ...................... 3,700 98 Tax on express companies, 1895 ....................... 9 17 Tax on express companies, 1894 ...................... 167 80 Tax on express companies, 1893 ...................... l lJ Tax on express companies, 1890 ....................... 6 75 Tax on insurance companies .......................... 38,460 55 Tax on special insurance brokers ..................... 40 99 Tax on collateral inheritance ......................... 28,684 24 Tax on savings banks No. 51 ......................... 190,139 57 Tax on savings banks No. 52 ......................... 191,660 T7 TREASURER'S REPORT. 9 TABLE No. 2. Receipts, 1897-UONCLUDED. Account. Amount. Tax on loan and building associations No. 9 ........... $202 95 Tax on loan and building associations No. 10 .......... 218 08 Interest ............................................. 978 04 Interest on deposits in bank .......................... 204 95 License fees from private detectives ................... 200 00 License fees from hawkers and peddlers ............... 4,650 l.)0 License fees from itinerant venders .................... 75 00 Licenses on dogs ..................................... 31,917 00 Licenses on dogs, 1896 ............................... 1,043 00 New corporations .................................... • I 28,445 00 Increase of capital stock .............................. 8oo oo Duties on commissions ............................... 2,993 00 Temporary loan ...................................... 200,000 00 Railroad commissioners (salary and expenses paid by railroad companies) ................................ 9,858 36 Ditto due in 18g6 ..................................... 37 93 Ditto due in 1894 ........................ • • ..... • • • • • • • 59 87 Ditto due in 1893 ................................ • • • • • • 62 42 Ditto due in 1892 ..................................... 64 98 Lands reserved for public uses ........................ 2,986 76 Redemption of land sold for taxes .................... 719 97 Penobscot Indians-shore rents ....................... 2,587 00 Fish and Game-fines and licenses .................... 1,931 78 Sea and Shore Fisheries-fines ....................... 345 00 Secretary of State-fees of office ...................... 2,499 00 Insurance Commissioner-fees of office ............... 12,104 00 Board of Medical Registration-fees of office .......... 736 00 Militia fund-sundry receipts ......................... 265 63 Care of trust deposits ..............· .................... 131 44 Care of trust deposits, 18g6 ........................... 47 School fund and mill tax-amount refunded ........... 4 00 Burial expenses soldiers and sailors-amount refunded .. 66 so Support of paupers-amount refunded ................ IO Investigation of railroad accidents-amount
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