11282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE June 28 The · Communist broadcast acknowledged ' Mr. JOHNSON. of Texas.· I yield to there was serious unrest and charged "the .the distinguished Senator from Con­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES enemy did not choose Poznan by accident necticut. for h is provocations. THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1956 "The 25th international fair is being held Mr. BUSH. Will the Senator give us there at present. The aim was to cast a an idea of the agenda for Monday and The House met at 12 o'clock noori. dark shadow on the good name of the Polish Tuesday? The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, Peoples Republic." Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. It is in the D. D., offered the following prayer: Poznan, an industrial city of about 300,000 RECORD. The public-debt-limit bill and population, h as had an international fair the survivors' insurance bill are among O Thou who art always inclining our since 1922. It was the German city of Posen the more important measures to be con­ .hearts to come unto Thee in the fellow­ before World War II. It is 175 miles west of sidered. ship of prayer, inspire us now with a Warsaw, 155 miles east of Berlin. I may say to Members that there will vision of the worth and sanctity of this I merely believe this is another indi­ be no more votes tonight. new day. cation that ultimately the desire for free­ We humbly confess that in thinking dom will overcome any type of totali­ of our days with their mornings and eve­ tarian tyranny. It is also indicative, COMMITTEE SERVICE nings, their problems and tasks, we fre­ perhaps, of the restlessness behind the On motion of Mr. JOHNSON of Texas, quently find so much that baffles and Iron Curtain, and of movements which and by unanimous consent, it was perplexes us. some day once again will result in the Ordered, That the Senator from Kentucky May we receive Thy divine wisdom and freedom of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hun­ [Mr. HUMPHREYS] be assigned to service on guidance to discern each day's meaning gary, Rumania, Latvia, Esthonia, Lithu­ the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare and mission and to know what is best ania, Albania, and the other countries and the Committee on Public Works. for ourselves, for our country, and all which have been drawn behind the Iron mankind. " Curtain, and whose .people have been Grant that our faith in the triumph forced to endure the most godless MUTUAL SECURITY ACT OF 1956- of Thy righteous purposes may never tyranny the world has ever known. AMENDMENTS grow dim or become eclipsed by doubt Mr. LANGER submitted amendments, or fear, but may we believe in Thy sov­ intended to be proposed by him, to the ereign power. ORDER OF BUSINESS-POSSIBILITY bill (H. R. 11356) to amend further the Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. OF SATURDAY SESSION Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended, The Journal of the proceedings of Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ and for other purposes, which were yesterda,y was read and approved. dent, first I wish to express my very deep ordered to lie on the table and to be appreciation to all Members of the Sen­ printed. ate for having worked so long and so late Mr. HUMPHREY of Minnesota sub­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE today, and particularly to members of mitted an amendment, intended to be A message from the Senate, by Mr. the staff for bearing with us during the proposed by him, to House bill 11356, Carrell, one of its clerks, announced that trials we have had. supra, which was ordered to lie on the the Senate had passed without amend­ It is the intention of .the leadership table and to be printed. ment a bill of the House of the following to have an evening session tomorrow, in Mr. McCARTHY submitted an amend­ title: an attempt to complete action on the ment, intended to be proposed by him, H. R. 10872. An act to provide for exten­ bill. There are pending some twenty­ to House bill 11356, supra, which was sion of the time during which annual assess­ odd amendments. If we are unable to ordered to lie on the table and to be ment work on unpatented mining claixns complete consideration of the bill on printed. validated under section 2 of the act of Au­ tomorrow, we shall have a Saturday ses­ Mr. McCLELLAN submitted amend­ gust 11, 1955, m ay be made, and for other sion, unpleasant as that may be to many ments, intended to be proposed by him, purposes. of us. to House bill 11356, supra, which were The message also announced that the The mutual security authorization bill ordered to lie on the table and to be Senate agrees to the amendments of the must be passed; it must go to confer­ printed. House to a bill of the Senate of the fol­ ence, the conference report must be Mr. LONG submitted an amendment, lowing title: adopted, and the bill must be signed by intended to be proposed by him, to House S. 1275. An act to authorize the Commis­ the President before there can be a mu­ bill 11356, supra, which was ordered to sioners of the District of Columbia to desig­ tual security appropriation bill. lie on the table and to be printed. n ate employees of the District to protect life Today the Senate passed the military and property in and on the buildings and public works bill, and, therefore, shortly grounds of any institution located upon we shall receive from the House of Rep­ ADJOURNMENT property outside of t he District of Columbia acquired by the United States for District resentatives the supplemental appropri­ Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ sanat oriums, hospitals, training schools, and ation bill. The only remaining appro­ dent, if there are no other Senators who ot her inst it utions. priation bill to be passed after that will . desire to address the Senate at this time, be the mutual security appropriation I move, pursuant to the order previously The message also announced that the bill. entered, that the Senate stand in ad­ Senate insists upon its amendments to For that reason I should like all Mem­ journment until 12 o'clock noon tomor­ the bill <H. R. 11320) entitled "An act to bers to be on notice that it may be nec­ row. effect the control of narcotics, barbitu­ essary to h ave a Saturday session. The motion was agreed to; and (at 11 rates, and dangerous drugs in the Dis­ Th e Senate will convene at 12 o'clock o'clock and 8 minutes p. m.) the Sen­ trict of Columbia, and for other pur­ n oon tomorrow. I should prefer to have ate adjourned, the adjournment being, poses," disagreed to by the House ; agrees ·the session begin earlier, even though under the order previously entered, un ­ to the conference asked by the House on we are concluding our deliberations late til tomorrow, Friday, J une 29, 1956, at 12 the disagreeing votes of the two Houses this evening, ·but, because committee o'clock meridian. thereon, and appoints Mr. MORSE, Mr . meetings have been scheduled- and BIBLE, and Mr. HRUSKA to be the con­ there are some very important commit­ ferees on the part of the Senate. tee meetings-I do not think they can be The message also announced that the called off at this late date without break­ CONFIRMATION . Senate agrees to the report of the com­ ing faith with Members who have relied Executive nomination confirmed by the mittee of conference on the disagreeing on our commitments. Senate June 28, 1956 : votes of the two Houses on the amend­ So I hope Members will be as consid­ INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION ments of the Senate to the bill <H. R. erate and as indulgent as possible, in an AND DEVELOPMENT 905.2) entitled "An act to amend the Ex­ . attempt to make as much progress as Andrew ·N. Overby, of the District of Co­ port Control Act of 1949 to continue for possible. lumbia, to be United States Executive Direc­ an additional period of 2 years the au­ Mr. BUSH. Mr. President, will the tor of the International Bank for Recon­ thority provided thereunder for the reg­ Senator yield?. struction and Development, term of 2 years. ulation of exports." 1956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 11283 The message also announced that the proposed to be inserted by the Senate tion Act from participating in the survey in Senate agrees to the report of the com­ amendment insert the following: any manner whatsoever. "The Secretary may contract with any It is of the utmost importance that the mittee of conference on the disagreeing private organization for the collection of survey be completely fair and objective. Ac­ votes of the two Houses on the amend­ information necessary to such survey, but cordingly, the Secretary of Commerce must ments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. any conclusions or recommendations in any · exercise the. greatest caution to insure that 9720) entitled "An act making appropri­ report to the Congress under this section any research organization selected to assist ations for the Departments of Labor, and shall be made by a full-time officer or em­ in the survey shall be completely impartial Health, Education, and Welfare, and re­ ployee of the Department of Commerce, and and unprejudiced. lated agencies, for the fiscal year ending no person employed under section 710 (b) of BRENT SPENCE, June 30, 1957, and for other purposes." the Defense Production Act of 1950, as PAUL BROWN, The message also announced that the amended, shall in any manner participate in WRIGHT PATMAN, such survey." ALBERT RAINS, Senate agrees to the report of the com­ And the Senate agree to the same.
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