TILAK MAHARASHTRA VIDYAPEETH Vidyapeeth Bhavan, Gultekadi, Pune-411037 Phone -24266700, 24261856, 24264699 Department of History Syllabus M.A. History Revised Syllabus for Master of Arts (M.A. Part II) (ANNUAL PATTERN) YEAR OF IMPLEMENTATION: 2015-16 (FOR EXTERNAL STUDENTS) General Objectives of the Course • To impart high quality of education to the students. • To prepare the students for a variety of challenging careers through innovation in teaching and research and • To develop comprehensive understanding of interdisciplinary issues of the society. Instructions for M.A. External Students • External students of M.A Part-II course should note that there will be an annual pattern examination based on the new syllabus introduced in 2015-2016. • The new syllabus including new set of papers has been introduced for external students of M. A. Part-II from 2015-16. • They must appear for four papers of 100 Marks in a year. • The minimum passing marks per paper is 40%. • Examination will be held at the end of each academic year. • The students should contact the department to get the syllabus and other necessary information. Papers for M.A. History Course for External Students Code No. Part II Core Papers (Two) HC – 211 History of Modern World (1870 – 1990) HC – 212 History of Modern India (1857 – 1990) Elective Papers (Any Two) HO – 211 Making of Modern Maharashtra (1818 – 1960) HO – 212 History of Japan ( 1853-1990) HO – 213 Introduction to Tribal History H0 - 214 Pune Through the Ages Schedule of Examinations • Annual examination will be held in the month of May each year. For repeater students, a supplementary examination is held in the month of December every year. • A student who fails in the overall examination but passes in one or more papers should not reappear for the papers he has passed. He should appear again only for the papers he has failed in. SYLLABUS FOR M.A. (HISTORY): External Students (Annual Pattern) M.A. PART -II Core Paper – 1 HC – 211--History of the World (1870 – 1990) Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the student with a broad overview of the fundamental changes that have taken place in the world in modern times. Unit 1: Legacy of the Nineteenth Century a. Growth of Capitalism and Imperialism b. Liberalism and Socialism c. Nationalism Unit 2: First World War a. Background – Secret Diplomacy, Aggressive nationalism, Balkan Wars b. nature, Consequences, Peace Settlements Unit 3: The Russian Revolution a. Background b. Revolution of 1905 c. Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution d. Stalin Unit 4: World between the two World Wars a. League of Nations b. Modernization of turkey and Kemal Pasha c. Great Depression and its International Implications d. Totalitarian Ideologies - Nazism and Fascism Unit 5: Second World War a. Causes b. Nature and Consequences c. The united Nations : Objectives, Organisation and Achievements Unit 6: The Cold War a. Ideologies and Political Basis b. Pacts and treaties Unit 7: New Political Order a. Nationalist Movements and Decolonisation b. Communist Revolution in China and its impact c. Non – aligned Movement Unit 8: Age of Progress a. Science and Technology, Communication and Information Revolution b. Human rights, Civil Rights Movement, Apartheid, Feminism Unit 9: From Bipolar to Unipolar World Order Disintegration of USSR End of Cold War Unit 10: Age of Globalization a. Meaning and Nature b. Impact on human Life Select Readings: 1. Anderson, Pery, Lineages of the Absolutist State , Routledge, 1974. 2. Barraclough, G., An Introduction to Contemporary History , Penguin, 1968. 3. Carr. E. H., The Bolshevik revolution, 1917-1923, 3 Vols, Macmillan, 1950, 51, 53. 4. Cipolla, Carlo (ed.), The Pelican History of Europe – Vol. III and Vol. IV. 5. Davies, H. A., Outline History of the World , 1968. 6. Fisher H. A. L., History of Europe (Vol. II), Surjeet Publishers, New Delhi, 2000. 7. Grant and Temperley, Europe in the 19 th Century (Vol. I) and Europe in the 20 th Century (Vol. II) 8. Hazen C. D., Modern Europe Upto 1945 , S. Chand & co., New Delhi, 1956. 9. Hinsley, F. H. (ed.), Modern History : Material Progress and World Wide Problems 10. Joll, James, Europe since 1870 : An International History , Harrow, 1973. 11. Ketelby C. D. M., A History of Modern Times 1838 - 1918 , (5 th Ed.), New Delhi, OUP. 12. Keylor William, 20 th century World ; An international History (3 rd Edition), OUP, New york, 1996. 13. Palmer, R. A. And Cotton, Joel, A History of the Modern World , 6 th (ed.) McGraw, 1982. 14. Parks, H. B., The United States of America 15. Rao B. v., World History, sterling, New Delhi, 1988. 16. Smith Joseph, Cold War: 1945-1965 , Blackwell publishing House, Cambridge, 1989. 17. Taylor, A. J. P, The Struggle for Mastery in Europe , OUP, 1954. 18. Taylor, A. J. P., The Origins of the Second World War , OUP. 19. Thompson, David, Europe Since Napoleon , Penguin, 1966. 20. zd`IlcG$` d`lcUq, @lXvzYG$ ¶v`lnm ,kqzcÚl àG$ldY,mvTn 1988 21. c¡Ú fv‘Y, @lXvzYG$ NI , kq flA©YlV àG$ldY, YlImv` 2000 22. WncmvNl`q ‘v.}l., moíL‘ @lzd¶l, ‘§Ind àG$ldY,YlImv` 23. Gv$aG$Tt @.`l. c ’$R=Gn$,@lXvzYG$ ¶v`lnm,Wnd‘vH @lzT G§$. mvTn 1967 24. JlnR=Gn$ g.‘., m{R=fn ‘.‘ln., @lXvzYG$ ¶v`lnm,dnQ= moãaGn$dÝf,‘v§}A© 1992. Core Paper-II HC – 04 -- History of Modern India (1857 – 1990) Objectives: The paper aims to initiate an in-depth study of the dynamics of various changes that took place in India in this period. As the students are already familiar with the facts, an analytical approach is expected to be taken. Unit 1: Understanding Modern India a. Indian Modernity b. Approaches and Interpretations c. Ideological impact of the West. Unit 2: Resistance to the Colonial Rule a. Nature and forms of Resistance b. Peasant, Tribal and Cultural resistance c. Revolt of 1857 Unit 3: The New Awakening a. Social Reformism b. Economic Critique of Colonialism c. Indian Nationalism d. Institutionalisation of Political Awakening Unit 4: National Movement a. Emergence of Indian National Congress b. The Moderate Phase c. The Extremist Phase d. Gandhian Movement e. Revolutionary Activities Unit 5: Transfer of Power a. Communal Politics b. Constitutional Deadlock c. Independence and Partition Unit 6: Indian Society a. Social Composition b. Women : Status, Property Rights, Reform Legislation, Political Participation c. Colonial Intervention, Modern education, Rise of the middle classes d. Tradition and Modernity Unit 7: India after Independence a. Integration of Princely States b. Indian constitution c. Reorganisation of States Unit 8: Making of the Indian State a. Foreign Policy b. Beginnings of Planned Economy c. Industrial Policy and Land Question d. Education, health, science and technology Select Readings 1. Bipan Chandra et al, India after Independence , Penguin, New Delhi. 2. Chand tara, History of Freedom Movement in India , Vol. I., New Delhi, 1961. 3. Chandra Bipan et.al., India's Struggle for Independence , Penguin, New delhi, 1988. 4. Dalton Dennis, Gandhi's Power, Non-Violence In Action , OUP, New Delhi, 2001. 5. Desai A. R. Social Background Of Indian Nationalism , Popular Prkashan, Mumbai, 1959. 6. Fisher Michael H., Politics of British Administration in India, 1757-1857 , OUP, New Delhi. 7. Heehs peter, India's Freedom Struggle 1857 - 1947 , OUP, New Delhi. 8. Nanda b. R., Gandhi : Pan-Islamism, Imperialism & Nationalism in India , OUP, New Delhi, 1001. 9. O. P. Mehra, Dictionary of Modern Indian History 10. Page David, Singh A. I., Moon Penderel & Khosla G. D., The Partition Omnibus , OUP, New Delhi, 2000. 11. S. R. Mehrotra, Rise of the Indian National Congress 12. Sarkar Sumit, Modern India, 1885-1947 , Macmillan, New dlehi, 1983. 13. Sethi R. r. & Mahajan V. D., Constitutional history of India , S. Chand & Co., New Delhi, 1956. 14. Spear Percival, Oxford history of Modern India 1740 - 1975 , OUP, New delhi, 1995. 15. NlcR=nG$` d§.W., @lXvzYG$ ]l`U,G$l°oÝP=Y{P=a àG$ldY,Ycq zWëaq,1938 16. Gv$}n` }l.}l., ]l`UlLl ñclU§Í¶ aS=l (1930 - 1934 ) , ‘gl`lï´= `lÁ¶ flzg˶ f§ñG¥$Uq ‘§R=H, 17. z}mY L§Ð, ZÌmlQ=q @‘and c R=n.}ê$Y, ñclU§Í¶lLl aS=l (@YvclW ) ‘l.G¥$. ml`Xq 18. @lnUv`G$` c Jl`n, pgWþñVlYÀ¶l `lÁ¶JP=YnÀ¶l flnmmoËUG$ AzUglf, 19. WnczI`qG$` Ͷ§.`§.]l`Uq¶ ñclU§Í¶aS=¶lLl AzUglf. 20. mcl` N¶pfI`lc,pgWþñVlYLl `lNG$r¶ c JP=YlË‘G$ AzUglf, ’$R=Gn$ àG$ldY,G$lnëglmx`. 21. Wndml§R=n à.Y.c Gv$aG$Tt @.`l.,]l`Uq¶ ñclU§Í¶ @l§WlnaY. 22. za‘¶n ‘Xx, ñclU§Í¶ LhchqLq zcLl`Xl`l,fWlzdc }lIlA©UG$` ñ‘¥zU‘lal, mvTn 85. 23. Gn$hG$` kqmlW, M=lnR=ln ]l`U,G$l°oÝP=YnÝP=a àG$ldY,mvTn 1983. 24. Il¶G$clR=, Vln`lU,mlzP=a c z]R=n,]l`Uq¶ ñclU§Í¶ LhchqLl AzUglf ( 1857 - 1945 ) , ’$R=Gn$ àG$ldY,G$lnëglmx` 1988. 25. ’$lP=G$ Y.`.,]l`Uq¶ `lï´=clWlLl zcG$lf, `JvYlV ITnd Nlndq,mvTn,1949. 26. Hln}`nG$` zc.Iln.,A§I«Nq fËUnzcê$ÜW ‘gl`lï´=lUqa fdñÌ BQ=lc . 27. flc`G$` zc.Wl. @Q=`ldn fËUlcÝYLn ñclU§Í¶ f‘`,‘Yln`‘l àG$ldY,‘§v}A© 28. clph}n zc.f., fËUlcÝY Un fËUnLlhqf,`lNg§f àG$ldY,mvTn,1998. 29. II| f.‘l.`lNW`nG$` fvglf,]l`UlLl ñclU§Í¶f§I«l‘, zcÚl àG$ldY, YlImv`,1997. 30. c¡Ú fv‘Y,G$lnQ=nG$` dl§Ul,@lXvzYG$ ]l`UlLl AzUglf 1921 - 1947 , flA©YlV àG$ldY, YlImv`,1998. 31. f`WnflA© Iln.f.,z}«zP=d Z`¶lfU,ml°ß¶va` àG$ldY,‘v§}A©,1993.
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