CITY COUNCIL REGULAR City Hall - 270 S. River Avenue November 20, 2019 AGENDA 5:30 PM Pre-Council Meeting (Council review of agenda items. No Action Taken) 7:00 PM Council Meeting (Action to be taken by Council on the following agenda items) 1. Roll Call 2. Opening Prayer - Mayor Bocks 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Consent Agenda - Roll Call Items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine and have previously been reviewed by Council, and will be enacted with one motion, unless stated otherwise by the public or a Council Member, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence. Items presented in bold are non-consent. A. Absences Excused B. Approval of Minutes 1. *November 6 regular meeting and November 13, 2019 study session. C. Oaths of Office D. Requests to Remove Items from Consent 5. Special Presentations and Recognitions from Mayor or Council 6. Special Order of the Day Organizational Meeting of the Holland City Council A. Selection of Mayor Pro Tem (Roll Call) • Mayor asks for Nominations from the floor • Roll Call on Nominees by Name • Motion to declare (Council Member) Elected Mayor Pro Tem B. Resolution on Meetings of the Council (Roll Call) C. Rules of Council (Roll Call) D. Resolution on Investments and Depositories (Roll Call) E. Continue Organization of Planning Commission (Roll Call) F. *Adoption of List of Administrative Officials to Planning Commission G.* Administrative Official to Planning Commission 7. Unfinished Business 8. Written Petitions 9. Public Comment (This is an opportunity for the public to address the Council and to make any appropriate comments. Please limit your comments to 5 minutes per person.) 10. Adoption of Ordinances 11. Reports from Special Committees 12. Reports from Boards, Commissions and City Offices A. Board of Public Works 1. * Proposed Ordinance Amendments to Chapter 29, Sections 29-2, 29- 3, 29-13, 29-49, and 29-50 - Sewer Use Ordinance - Final Reading on Dec. 4, 2019 Regular Meeting B. Planning Commission C. City Attorney D. City Clerk 1. * Claims Filed Against the City 2. * Charitable Gaming License – Adopt Resolution E. City Manager 1. Transportation Services: 2. Community & Neighborhood Services: 3. Parks & Recreation Services: 4. Fiscal Services & Purchasing: 4.1 * Finance – September Financial Reports - Accept as Information 5. Public Safety Services: 6. Management & Administrative Services: 6.1 Gifts (Voice Vote) 6.2 * Downtown Group - Proposed Text Amendments to Chapter 18 Article V regarding Stopping, Standing and Parking 6.3 Resolution Consenting to the Continued Resettlement of Refugees (Roll Call) 6.4 Civic Center Place Fiscal Year 2019 Year End Budget Amendment (Roll Call) 6.5 * 2020 Schedule of Meetings of the Holland City Council 7. Internal Services: 13. Communications from the City Manager 14. Communications from the Mayor 15. Communications from Council Members 16. Motions and Resolutions by Council Members 17. First Reading of Ordinances A. * Proposed Ordinance Amendments to Chapter 29, Sections 29-2, 29-3, 29-13, 29-49, and 29-50 - Sewer Usage and Administration B. * Proposed Ordinance Amendments to Chapter 18 Article V, Sections 18-27, 18-31, 18-32, 18-33 and 18-42 - Parking in the C-3 Zoning District 18. Adjournment AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: In addition to addressing the Council during public hearings and under “Public Comment,” members of the Audience may address the Council, on items under “Reports from Boards and City Officers,” after a motion is pending on a particular item (except for items on the Consent Agenda), or by approaching the microphone and waiting to be recognized by the Mayor. Audience participation shall be five minutes or less per item. HEARING ASSIST DEVICES: The City Council Chambers is equipped with the Induction Loop System. Please adjust your hearing aid to the T-coil setting to enhance reception of the amplified sound. CELL PHONES: Please be courteous and turn cell phones off during the meeting. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under “Consent Agenda” are considered to be routine and have previously been reviewed by Council, and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or a member of the audience so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence. PLEASE NOTE: The City of Holland will provide necessary services and auxiliary aids, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audiotapes of printed materials, to individuals with disabilities, upon receipt of seven days prior notice. Persons with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids services should contact the City of Holland by writing or calling: Esther Fifelski, Human/Community Relations Coordinator, 270 S River Avenue Holland, MI 49423, phone 616.355.1300. Document(s) available for translation upon request. La Ciudad de Holland proporcionará servicios necesarios y ayudas auxiliares, tales como personas que usan lenguaje de señas para aquellos con discapacidad auditiva y cintas de audio de materiales impresos, a las personas con discapacidad, con un aviso previo de siete días de anticipación. Las personas con discapacidades que necesiten servicios de ayudas auxiliares deben ponerse en contacto con la Ciudad de Holland escribiendo o llamando a: Human/Community Relaciones comunicándose con Esther Fifelski, 270 S River Avenue, Holland, MI 49423, teléfono 616.355.1300. Documento(s) en traducción disponible(s) a petición. Minutes Holland City Council Meeting Holland, Michigan, November 6, 2019 The City Council gathered at 5:00 p.m. in the Employee Lounge for supper and then met at 5:30 p.m. in the Training Center of City Hall, 270 River Avenue, for a study session and reviewed items on the agenda for this meeting. The City Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall and the meeting was called to order by Mayor De Boer. Members Present: Mayor De Boer, Council Members Trethewey, Byrd, Peters, Garcia, Lynn, Corbin, Hoekstra and Klomparens Members Absent: None Others Present: City Manager Van Beek, Assistant City Manager Van Dyken, City Clerk Grimm and City Attorney Vander Veen Council Member Garcia led in opening prayer. 19.490 Consent Agenda After review, a motion was made to approve the consent agenda items which included the following Council Action numbers: 19.491 – 19.494, 19.496 – 19.502, 19.504, 19.505 For Against Nancy De Boer x Quincy Byrd (Seconded By) x Myron Trethewey (Moved By) x Jay Peters x Raul Garcia x Brian Lynn x Scott Corbin x Dave Hoekstra x Wayne Klomparens x 9 0 19.491 Approval of Minutes Council approved the minutes of the October 16 regular meeting and October 30, 2019 study session. For Against Nancy De Boer x Quincy Byrd (Seconded By) x Myron Trethewey (Moved By) x Jay Peters x Raul Garcia x Brian Lynn x Scott Corbin x Dave Hoekstra x Wayne Klomparens x 9 0 19.492 Oaths of Office The following executed oath of office were presented and filed: Ron Price For Against Nancy De Boer x Quincy Byrd (Seconded By) x Myron Trethewey (Moved By) x Jay Peters x Raul Garcia x Brian Lynn x Scott Corbin x Dave Hoekstra x Wayne Klomparens x 9 0 Public Comment Virginia and Bruce Greenlee presented Mayor De Boer a plaque on behalf of the community. Ann Henriksen, 338 Royal Park Drive, presented Mayor De Boer with a bouquet of flowers and thanked her for her service. Keith Schaap, 29 E. 6th Street thanked Mayor for her service and leadership to the community. He also thanked Council for their leadership. Matt Davis and Rebecca LeClair invited citizens to check out the Tulip City United Soccer team. Chris S. Byron Township spoke about the non-discrimination policy. Jim Storey, 344 W. 35th Street, Allegan County Commissioner provided a quarterly update on Allegan County. Robert Holmes, 1180 Matt Urban does not feel anyone is being discriminated against. Reports from Boards, Commissions and City Offices City Clerk 19.493 Big Lake Brewing - Small Distiller License Resolution Council adopted resolution (R2019.68) approving a Small Distillery License for Big Lake Brewery located at 13 W 7th Street. For Against Nancy De Boer x Quincy Byrd (Seconded By) x Myron Trethewey (Moved By) x Jay Peters x Raul Garcia x Brian Lynn x Scott Corbin x Dave Hoekstra x Wayne Klomparens x 9 0 City Manager 19.494 Ottagon Inter-County Drain - Adopt Resolution Council adopted resolution (R2019.69) supporting the maintenance work to be performed on the Ottagon Inter-County Drain at a not-to-exceed expense of $14,290; and that this amount be appropriated from the Streets Operating budget. For Against Nancy De Boer x Quincy Byrd (Seconded By) x Myron Trethewey (Moved By) x Jay Peters x Raul Garcia x Brian Lynn x Scott Corbin x Dave Hoekstra x Wayne Klomparens x 9 0 19.495 19th Street Tree Planting Project - Award Bid Council approved the bid from Twin Lakes Nursery in the amount of $56,821 for tree planting along 19th Street; subject to approval as to form the City Attorney; and adopted the revised project budget with funding provided from the Streets Improvement Funds. For Against Nancy De Boer x Quincy Byrd x Myron Trethewey x Jay Peters x Raul Garcia (Seconded By) x Brian Lynn x Scott Corbin x Dave Hoekstra (Moved By) x Wayne Klomparens x 9 0 19.496 Treasurer – Place Delinquent Ordinance Violation Invoices on Winter 2019 Property Tax Bills - Adopt Resolution Council adopted resolution (R2019.70) to place delinquent ordinance violation invoices on the Winter 2019 property tax bills. For Against Nancy De Boer x Quincy Byrd (Seconded By) x Myron Trethewey (Moved By) x Jay Peters x Raul Garcia x Brian Lynn x Scott Corbin x Dave Hoekstra x Wayne Klomparens x 9 0 19.497 Finance Department – Annual Adjustments of Interest Rates for Certain Special Assessments Council approved the interest rate for non-bonded capital improvement special assessment rolls and the interest rate on special assessments for the fill-in-the-gap program be set at 3.25%, effective Nov.
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