ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 19(2): 54–61 28 JULY 2011 A new genus of the family Nitidulidae (Coleoptera: Polyphaga) from Australia Новый род семейства Nitidulidae (Coleoptera: Polyphaga) из Австралии A.G. KIREJTSHUK А.Г. КИРЕЙЧУК A.G. Kirejtshuk, Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St. Petersburg 199034, Russia; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, CP 50, Entomologie, 45 Rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Brittonema gen. nov. of the subfamily Cillaeinae is described. This genus includes two new spe- cies from Australia (Queensland), B. mandibulare sp. nov. and B. pygidiatum sp. nov. The new genus has a unique combination of characters, and also peculiar shape of pronotum and struc- ture of genitalia making possible its recognition among other genera of the subfamily. В статье описан Brittonema gen. nov. из подсемейства Cillaeinae, включающий два новых вида из Австралии (Квинсленд): B. mandibulare gen. et sp. nov. и B. pygidiatum gen. et sp. nov. Новый род характеризуется уникальной комбинацией признаков, а также свое- образными формой переднегруди и строением гениталий, которые позволяют легко диа- гностировать его среди остальных родов подсемейства. Key words: Australia, Coleoptera, Nitidulidae, Cillaeinae, new genus, new species Ключевые слова: Австралия, Coleoptera, Nitidulidae, Cillaeinae, жесткокрылые, блестян- ки, новый род, новые виды INTRODUCTION (2010) with the name ‘Cillaeinae gen. sp.’. Unfortunately the subfamily Cillaeinae in The recently elaborated generic sys- general still remains poorly known in com- tem of the family Nitidulidae (Kirejtshuk, parison with other groups of Nitidulidae. 2008) last two years was added by some The most comprehensive review of the gen- contributions. There have been published era of this subfamily was published only for descriptions of two genera in the tribe Niti- the Hawaiian fauna (Ewing, 2007), how- dulini: Neohebascus Cline, 2009 and Bolivi- ever the rest recent faunas of Cillaeinae (es- toxus Kirejtshuk, 2009, and also one genus from Meligethinae: Sebastiangethes Audi- pecially in the areas with tropical climate) sio, Kirk-Spriggs and Cline, 2008. Besides, need to be studied. Audisio et al. (2009) revised the classifica- The following acronyms are used for col- tion of the subfamily Meligethinae and pro- lections: ANIC, Australian National Insect posed 22 new genera. In the latter version of Collection, Department of Entomology, the subfamily classification all taxa treated Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial before as subgenera were elevated to the Research Organisation, Canberra; BMNH, generic level and some synonyms were re- Natural History Museum (formerly British established as valid genera. The new genus Museum of Natural History), London; QM, described herein was studied by the author Queensland Museum, Brisbane; ZIN, Zoo- many years ago. Last year the picture of one logical Institute of the Russian Academy of species of it was published in Jelìnek et al. Sciences, St. Petersburg. © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes A.G. KIREJTSHUK. NEW NITIDULID GENUS FROM AUSTRALIA 55 RESULTS convex and widely rounded to subtruncate at apex in both sexes. Prosternal process Order COLEOPTERA flattened, not curved along procoxae and Suborder POLYPHAGA strongly widened at rounded apex. All pairs Superfamily CUCUJOIDEA of coxae narrowly separated. Mesoventrite medially flattened and almost not exca- Family NITIDULIDAE Latreille, 1802 vate, but at sides with distinct depressions Subfamily CILLAEINAE Kirejtshuk & for mesofemora. Metaventrite with a dis- Audisio in Kirejtshuk, 1986 tinct median suture (discrimen) along the Brittonema gen. nov. whole length but without submesocoxal lines. Hypopygidium very widely rounded Type species: Brittonema mandibulare to subtruncate at apex in both sexes. Legs gen. et sp. nov. rather narrow and of usual shape. Pro- Diagnosis. Body comparatively medi- tibiae very narrow and with rather short um-sized (6.0–15.5 mm), narrow and elon- spurs. Tarsi with rather widely lobed tar- gate, subflattened dorsally and ventrally. someres 1–3. Male anal sclerite rather long Dorsum rather coarsely punctured, smooth and with subacute apex. Aedeagus heavily to finely microreticulate; elytral punctura- sclerotised, moderately long, with a small tion more or less clearly arranged in longi- median excision at acute apex of penis tudinal rows; underside finely and densely trunk and with sharply acute apex of teg- punctured or with strongly reduced punc- men. Ovipositor heavily sclerotised, inner turation; body with very short pubescence. and outer lobes of gonocoxites well isolat- Head subflattened (either somewhat in- ed, short styli located far from acuminate clined anteriorly or convex medially) and apex of ovipositor. rather strongly narrowed at base, mod- Composition. The new genus includes erately projecting anteriorly, clearly de- the type species and B. pygidiatum gen. et pressed between antennal insertions and sp. nov. with anterior edge of frons truncate; anten- Comparison. This new genus can be nal grooves strongly convergent posteri- compared with the genera characterised by orly and with distinct inner edge; mentum the dorsally flattened body with pronotum very wide and subquadrangular; pregenal subquadrate or widened anteriorly (Cil- process at hypostomal sinus comparatively laeopeplus Sharp, 1908; Cillaeus Laporte, wide. Ultimate labial palpomere short and 1835; Ithyphenes Murray, 1864; Platynema transverse; ultimate maxillary palpomere Ritsema, 1885 and Tokocillaeus Kirejtshuk, long and subcylindrical. Antennae 11-seg- 2001). Indeed the pronotum clearly wid- mented bearing 3-segmented club without ened anteriorly is known only in Brittone- any evident trace of sexual dimorphism. ma gen. nov., however it can be supposed Pronotum somewhat widened anteriorly, that other species of this new genus still subflattened at disk and slightly sloping at remaining undescribed could have a sub- narrowly bordered sides, its anterior and quadrate pronotum or undescribed species posterior angles with somewhat rounded of other mentioned genera could be with vertex; its anterior edge shallowly emar- somewhat transformed pronotum. This new ginate or nearly straight and posterior one genus differs from Cillaeopeplus also in the nearly straight. Elytra with truncate apices shorter head, shorter elytra (less than twice remaining at least last three abdominal seg- as long as wide), widely dilated tarsomeres ments uncovered, with narrowly explanate 1–3 and more or less smoothed integument and bordered sides. Laterosternites of two of dorsum (at least head and pronotum), last abdominal segments moderately wide and in the elytra with longitudinal rows and widened posteriorly. Pygidium slightly of punctures but without distinct striae. © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(1): 54–61 56 A.G. KIREJTSHUK. NEW NITIDULID GENUS FROM AUSTRALIA Besides, Brittonema gen. nov. differs also Diagnosis. This new species differs from from Cillaeus and Tokocillaeus in the much its another congener in the larger and much narrower base of head, median excision wider body, transverse head with truncate of labrum, markedly shorter elytra with (not emarginate) anterior edge, gentle out- seriate puncturation, pubescent dorsum; line of temples behind eyes, transverse (not and also from Ithyphenes and Platynema in V-shaped) depression between antennal in- the head narrowed at base, shorter elytra, sertions, more projecting and not subquad- convex or subflattened (not depressed) py- rangular male labrum, strong sexual di- gidium, antennal grooves distinctly conver- morphism in structure of mandibles, much gent posteriorly, narrowly separated coxae shorter tergites of abdomen uncovered by in all pairs, moderately lobed tarsomeres elytra, tergites uncovered by elytra with 1–3, pubescent dorsum (antennal grooves paramedian depressions, truncate apex of of Ithyphenes and Platynema are rather pygidium in both sexes, subacute apex of reduced and (sub) divergent and following anal sclerite far projecting behind pygidial closely the inner edge of eyes). Among the apex, wider mentum, longer ultimate labial mentioned genera, the genus Cillaeus looks palpomeres, subparallel tibiae, wider tarsi, like more archaic and maintaining the most strongly dentate tarsal claws, finer punctur- number of plesiomorphic characters. The ation on dorsum (except elytra) and double latter genus could be in any sense an initial rows of punctures between longitudinal el- one to other mentioned groups with the evated lines on elytra, and also in the struc- more restricted distribution and demons- ture of male genitalia. trating a greater or lesser specialization in Description of holotype (male). Length apomorphic characters. The genera Cillaeus with mandibles 15.3, width 4.0, height and Brittonema gen. nov. are characterised 1.3 mm. Elongate, subflattened dorsally and by the mesoventrite with the quite distinct slightly convex ventrally; yellowish red- lateral depressions for receiption of meso- dish, but base of head, apices of mandibles, femora, while these depressions are weak- scutellum, lateral and apical parts of elytra, ened in Ithyphenes and Platynema. unclear paramedian spots on tergites un- Etymology. The name of this genus is covered by elytra and femoro-tibial articu- formed from the name of outstanding Aus- lations more or less infuscate to dark brown; tralian coleopterist
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