UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 70 Date 14/06/2006 Time 9:23:26 AM S-0899-0007-02-00001 Expanded Number S-0899-0007-02-00001 items-in-Middle East - country files - Egypt Dafe Created 24/02/1974 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0899-0007: Peacekeeping - Middle East 1945-1981 Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit 1 - • ' PERMANENT MISSION OF THE ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT \ '. ' TO THE UNITED CATIONS NEWYORW 16th December 1974 No. '537 Your Excellency, Upon instructions from ray Government, I have the honour to bring to your attention the annexed statement (in Arabic) made on 9th December 1974 by Mr. Ismail Fahmy, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt. The statement denounces the action of the Israeli occupation authorities by which the Israeli occupation authorities sentenced Archbishop Hilarion Capucci of Jerusalem to twelve (12) years imprisonment. I have the honour to request that the statement of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt be circulated as an official document of the General Assembly and the Security Council. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. Dr. A. Esmat Abdel Meguid Ambassador Permanent Representative H.E, Mr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-general of: the United. Nations -v:/. New York, N.Y. 10017 t,t YU34 S SEtfYGSK 117 29 ETATPBlORtTE HIS EXCEtLESeY «R IS8AIL FAHMY < FOR FOREWU AFFAIRS eaiao <E«Y?T>* DEAR ISM AIL, OH MY REtURK TO 8EWYQRK J I/ISH TO THAUK YOU HOST SINCERELY FOR THE CORDIAL »HCOME AND fHE KII© YOU EXTENDED TO «E OURlWe'WY STAY JR CA^KJ* I IHDEES APPftECIATEB THE OPPORtUKITY F«? tHE 1 HA0 V1TH THE PRESIDEUT A8D I ALSO MUCH EIWOYEB THE VE»Y PLEASANT P!«R tfE HA5 AT YOB* HESIDE»eE LAST SIGHT* WOUtB YOU ALSO PLEASE CONVEY MY SIHCS8E LATITUDE TO AFAF FOR ALL HER EFFORTS 18 RAKISS TtilS SO WITH WARM PERSONAL REGARDS AND Alt 600D WISHES WALDtffilfH- UNITED NAT/ONS Distr. GENERAL GENERAL A/9862 ASSEMBLY 19 November 197^ ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Twenty-ninth session Agenda item 108 QUESTION OF PALESTINE Letter dated l8 November 197^ from the Permanent Representative of to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General I have the honour, on behalf of the Arab Member States, to request that the enclosed statement by the Palestine Liberation Organization on the situation in the occupied territories be circulated as an official document of the General Assembly under agenda item 108, entitled "Question of Palestine". (Signed) A. Esmat ABDEL MEGUID Ambassador Permanent Representative -31552 A/9862 - ' ' English Page 2 Annex Statement by the Palestine Liberation Organization on the situation in the occupied territories The masses of the Palestinian people in the occupied territories have been expressing their commitment and support for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) through accepted means and practices, s*uch as strikes and demonstrations. They have been expressing their support for the PLO as the sole and legitimate representative of the people of Palestine and as the authority which has been working diligently to put an end to the occupation. These expressions of support portray the solidarity of our people under Israeli occupation and coincide with the position taken by the PLO during the present session of the General Assembly. Yet the occupation authorities have used the most barbaric, oppressive and inhuman methods to combat these legitimate means of expression. Scores of civilians were wounded, scores were detained and some killed as a result of the utilization of tanks to disperse the demonstrators. A 16-year-old girl was the victim of such measures when she was run down by one of the Israeli tanks. The delegation of the PLO would like to bring to the attention of Member States the oppressive measures used against the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. These measures have been accelerated in cruelty and in severity as the popular resistance and support have increased. The Israeli occupation authorities during the past seven years have tried by every possible means at their disposal to suppress the Palestinian resistance. In doing so, it was violating the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Conventions, a/ The delegation of the PLO feels that the deteriorating situation in the occupied territories and the suppress!ve measures used by the'occupying authorities demand an immediate and effective intervention from the United Nations to put an end to the outrageous and inhuman oppression of the Palestinian people. Our people, under the leadership of the PLO, through its popular bases and through the massive support of all segments of its population, have categorically expressed its rejection of occupation. This necessitates that the United Nations and the countries of the world should assume their responsibilities now to bring an immediate end to occupation. a/ United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, Nos. 970-973. 19 November 1974 Dear Mr. Ambassador, Z would be grateful if you could forward the enclosed letter to tils Excellency Mr* Anwar El Sadat, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, A copy of this letter is also enclosed for your information. Please accept, Mr* Ambassador, the assurances of my highest consideration. Kurt Waldheira Hie Excellency Dr. Ahmed Esmat Abdel Meguid Permanent Representative of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the United Nations New York I I cc: SecGenu/ REG BEU AP BEU/MD 19 November 1974 Dear Mr, President, I have been following with great anxiety the mounting tension in the Middle East in recent days and have discussed the situation at length with Minister of State Anwar and with Ambassador Meguid. I have found my talks with theia most helpful and constructive. I am deeply concerned both at the difficulties encountered in making real progress towards a settlement of the basic problems of the Z-iiddle East and at the possibility that, if this progress is too long delayed, there will be a breakdown of the cease~fire. In the latter connexion I am particularly anxious that all the parties continue to co-operate with the United Nations and to support the peace-keeping mechanisms which ensure that the calm and the cease-fire that are essential to negotiations are preserved. Although I can well understand the frustration caused by the lack of progress towards a settlement, I am also firmly convinced that a renewed outbreak of hostilities would only serve to delay that progress even further, quite apart from the very great dangers involved not only for the peoples of the Middle East but also for world peace. I am hopeful therefore that means can be found to avoid such a development. I know that you, Mr. President, arc also much concerned at the hazards of the present situation. For my part, I have been making intensive efforts to find ways out of our present dilerrma. To this end I have today made a public statement, the text of which is attached to this letter, I would be prepared to make a brief visit to the area if this could in any way be helpful. I know that I can count on your co-operation and your full support in finding a solution to the problems which face us. I shall, of course, remain in close touch with Ambassador Meguid on current developments. Please accept, Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration. Kurt Waldheiia His Excellency Mr. Anwar El Sadat President of the Arab Republic of Egypt Cairo, Egypt In the past few days tension has risen dangerously In the Middle Sast, although at the present time there seems to be some relaxation and less grounds for fearing an imminent breakdown of the cease-fire. I do not need to dwell on the threat to international peace or on ;.he consequences for the people of the area of a new war in any part of the Middle Sast. Such a war would inevi- tably cause vast suffering and destruction in the region itself, and it would also have most serious repercussions elsewhere in the world. The reasons for the present tension are basi- cally similar to those which have on several occa- sions in the past led to the breakdown of peace- keeping arrangements followed by fullscale hostili- ties. A future war is likely to be even more bitter and destructive and the danger to international peace and well-being even greater. As long as there is no settlement of the basic problems of the Middle East or appreciable and conti- nuing advance towards that goal, the sense of frustra- tion and bitterness on one side and of insecurity on the other will create the explosive situation At.ich is at the root of the present tension. The t«vo vital needs, therefore, are real progress towards a just and peaceful settlement and the. maintenance of the cease-fire in all sectors. The'United Nations is deeply involved in the effort to achieve both of these aims. When the two disengagement agreements were concluded, there was a widely shared hope that they would provide the necessary first step in the process of settlement. It is vital that the momentum that existed at that time should be regained. Whatever the difficulties - and they are very great - progress must be made, and made very soon, toward a solution of the real underlying problems whose continued existence is the reason for the explosiveness-of the Middle East situation. A.. - &2 As for the cease-fire, the United Nations and its peace-k-eplng instruments in the area, ;vMch work.on the basis of the existing disengagement agreements, have played and are playing a crucial role in avoiding active military confrontations and preserving the calm which is essential for effective negotiations.
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