Public Disclosure Authorized THE KENYANATIONAL ENVIRONMENT ACTION PLAN (NEAP) REPORT Public Disclosure Authorized I.Ž..,,,,... :.:.. ...... Public Disclosure Authorized J~~~~.Z-4~~~I,,,,i ...,.GgS,Rt R 's Public Disclosure Authorized ~ I THEKENYA NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT ACTION PLAN (NEAP) MINISTRYOF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O.BOX 30126, NAIROBI, KENYA TelephoneNairobi, Kenya 229261, fax 338272 June 1994 CONTENTS - Acronyms (iv) - Foreword (vii) - The NEAP Process in Kenya (viii) f CHAPTER ONE: CHALLENGES OF CHANGE: POLICY, STRATEGIES AND ECONOMIC INCENTIVES - Policy objectives 1 - Major strategies to realise objectives I - Economic challenges 2 - Economic incentives 3 - Plan of action 6 CHAPTER TWO: PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT - Geography 7 - Land use 11 - Culture, development and environment 13 - Energy and the environment 14 - Plan of Action 16 CHAPTER THREE: BIODIVERSITY (INCLUDING FORESTRY, WILDLIFE, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE) - Overview 19 - Issues and recommendations 19 - Capacity building: Human and institutional resources and public awareness 32 - Policy and legislation 36 - Plan of action 39 CHAPTER FOUR: WATER RESOURCES (INLAND -WATER RESOURCES COASTAL AND MARINE ENVIRONMENT) - Current status 43 - Groundwater 44 - Wetlands 47 - Irrigation and hydro-elecric power development 52 - Water resources management 53 - Plan of action 58 CHAPTER FIVE: SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SECURITY - Overview 63 - Agricultural resources 64 - Agricultural resources utilisation 75 - Plan of action 80 CHAPTER SIX: DESERTIFICATION AND DROUGHT - Current status 81 - Assessment and mapping of desertification 81 - Drought monitoring and early warning systems 82 - Land tenure and property regimes 83 - Range resource management 84 - Socio-economic characteristics and population dynamics 85 - community participation 86 - Institutional arrangements 87 - Plan of action 88 CHAPTER SEVEN: ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT - Introduction 93 - Gaseous emmissions 93 - Liquid wastes 97 - Solid wastes 100 - Chemicals 105 - Hazardous wastes 107 - Noise pollution 109 - Plan of action 110 CHAPTER EIGHT: HUMAN SETTLEMENTS AND URBANISATION - Introduction 115 - Populaton and environment 115 - Land use 116 - Rural settlement 117 - Urbanisation and urban settlements 118 - Management of human settlements 119 - Housing 120 - Building materials and construction industry 121 - Energy 122 - Infrastructive and services 123 - Transport 125 - Disasters 127 - Resources (capacities) 128 - Plan of action 130 CHAPTER NINE: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND ENVIRONMENT EDUCATION - Community involvement 137 - Environmental education 140 - Public awareness 144 - Plan of action 145 CHAPTER TEN: ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS - Introduction 147 - Status of environmental information in Kenya 148 - Information management 157 - Capacity building 162 - Plan of action 163 CHAPTER ELEVEN: LEGAL INSTRUMENTS, LAND USE, EIA, AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK - Introduction 165 - Legal framework 166 - Land law, land use and the environment 167 - Environment impact assessment 174 - Institutional framework 175 - Plan of action 177. ANNEXI: PROPOSED INSTITUTONAL FRAMEWORK - Coordinating institution 179 - Environment tribunal 180 - National environment information service (NEIS) 10 - Environmental impact assessment 1IS ANNEX 2: ENVIRONMETAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT - Overview 186 - The scope of EIA 186 - Proposal EIA procedure for district-based projects 186 - Proposed EIA procedure for inter-district, regional and national projects 189 - - Proposed EIA procedure for national projects 189 ANNEX 3: STATUTES RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENT 194 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 197 ANNEX 4: KENYA SERVICES CENTRES ACRONYMS AA - Automobile Association of Kenya AFC - Agricultural Finance Corporation AIC - Agricultural Information Centre AIS - Anthropogenic Information System AMREF - African Medical and Research Foundation Arc/Info - A GIS vector data software ASALs - Arid and Semi-Arid Lands ASK - Agricultural Society of Kenya AT & H - African Tours and Hotels AVHRR - A Very High Resolution Radiorneter AWF - African Wildlife Fund CBKI - Central Bank of Kenya CBK2 - Coffee Board of Kenya CBS - Central Bureau of Statistics CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species CNA - Climate Network Africa DANIDA - Danish International Development Agency DAOs - District Agricultural Officers DDC - District Development Committee DDC - District Development Committee DDOs - District Development Officers DIDCs - District Information and Documentation Centres DLPOs - District Livestock Production Officers DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid DRSRS - Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing EATEC - East African Tanning and Extract Company EAWLS - East African Wild Life Society El - Environmental Information EIS - Environmental Information System FAO - Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations FP - Family Planning GEF - Global Environmental Facility GEMS-PAC - Global Environment Monitoring System GIS - Geographical information system GMO - Genetically Modified Organism GOK - Govemment of Kenya G1Z - German Agency for Technical Cooperation HPA - High Potential Areas IAS - Institute of African Studies (University of Nairobi) IATA - Intemational Air Transport Association ICIPE - Intemational Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology ICRAF - Intemational Centre for Research in Agro-Forestry IDS - Institute of Development Studies (University of Nairobi) IFAD - Intemational Fund for Agricultural Development IGADD - Inter-Governmental Authority on Drought and Development IIED - Intemational Institute for Environment and Development IK - Indigenous Knowledge ILCA - International Livestock Centre for Africa ILRAD - Intemational Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases IPAL - Integrated Project on Arid Lands IPR - Institute for Primate Research (iv) IS - Information Systems ISNAR - International Service for National Agricultural Research IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources JICA - Japanese International Cooperation Agency JKUCAT - Jorno Kenyatta University of Agriculture and KADOC - Kenya Agricultural Documentation Centre KARI - Kenya Agricultural Research Institute KATO - Kenya Association of Tour Operators KBC - Kenya Broadcasting Corporation KEFRI - Kenya Forestry Research Institute KEMFRI - Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute KEMRI - Kenya Medical Research Institute KENGO - Kenya Energy Non Governmental Organization KENRIK - Kenya Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge KETRI - Kenya Trypanosomiasis Research Institute KEVEVAPI - Kenya Veterinary Vaccine Production Institute KFFHC - Kenya Freedom From Hunger Council KIFCON - Kenya Indigenous Forest Conservation Project KIPO - Kenya Industrial Property Office KIRDI - Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute KMAl - Kenya Manufacturers Association KMA2 - Kenya Medical Association KMC - Kenya Meat Commission KMD - Kenya Meteorological Department KNLS - Kenya National Library Services K-NUT - Kenya National Union of Teachers KPC - Kenya Power Company KSS - Kenya Soil Survey KTDA - Kenya Tea Development Authority KTDC - Kenya Tourist development Corporation KTN - Kenya Television Network KWS - Kenya Wildlife Service KWWG - Kenya Wetlands Working Group LBDA - Lake Basin Development Authority LIS - Land Information Systems LONRHO - London Rhodesia Company MALDM - Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Development and Marketing MENR - Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources MIRCEN - Microbiological Resource Centres MLRRWD - Ministry of Land Reclamation, Regional and Water Development MOE - Ministry of Energy MRM - Ministry of Research, Technical Training and Technology MTW - Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife NACBAA - National Advisory Committee on Biotechnology Advances and their Applications NCPD - National Council for Population and Development NCST - National Council for Science & Technology NDVI - Normalised Differential Vegetation Index NEAP - National Environmental Action Plan NEIS - National Environmental Information Service NES - National Environment Secretariat NGOs - Non-governmental Organisations NMK - National Museums of Kenya (v) NOAA - National Oceanographic and Aeronautic Administration NOCK - National Oil Corporation of Kenya ODI - Overseas Development Institute PPCSCA - Permanent Presidential Commission on Soil Conservation and Afforestation RCSSMRS - Regional Centre for Services in Surveying Mapping and Remote Sensing RPD - Rural Planning Department RTPC - Rural Trade and Production Centre SIDA - Swedish International Development Agency SOK - Survey of Kenya SRF - Systematic Reconnaissance Flights TARDA - Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority TSC - Teachers' Service Commission TV - Television UNCED - United Nations Conference on Environment and Development UNDP - United Nations Development Programme UNEP - United Nations Envirorunent Programme UNESCO - United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNICEF - United Nation's Children Emergency Fund UNSO - United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office wCI - Wildlife Conservation International WCMC - World Conservation Monitoring Centre WFP - World Food Programme WHO - World Health Organisation WLIS - Wildlife Livestock Information Systems WMO - World Meteorological Organisation WRI - World Resources Institute WWF - World Wide Fund for Nature (vi) FOREWORD In Kenya, and elsewhere in the world, there is a growing public concem that many forms of economic developmentactivities damage the natural resources upon which
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