A Muriel Spark Bibliography 1. Texts by Muriel Spark Novels Spark, M., The Comforters (London: Macmillan, 1957). —, Robinson (London: Macmillan, 1958). —, Memento Mori (London: Macmillan, 1959). —, The Bachelors (London: Macmillan, 1960). —, The Ballad of Peckham Rye (London; Macmillan, 1960). —, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (London: Macmillan, 1961). —, The Girls of Slender Means (London: Macmillan, 1963). —, The Mandlebaum Gate (London: Macmillan, 1965). —, The Public Image (London: Macmillan, 1968). —, The Driver’s Seat (London: Macmillan, 1970). —, Not to Disturb (London: Macmillan, 1971). —, The Hothouse by the East River (London: Macmillan, 1973). —, The Abbess of Crewe (London: Macmillan, 1974). —, The Takeover (London: Macmillan, 1976). —, Territorial Rights (London: Macmillan, 1979). —, Loitering with Intent (London: Macmillan, 1981). —, The Only Problem (London: Bodley Head, 1984). —, A Far Cry from Kensington (London: Macmillan, 1988). —, Symposium (London: Macmillan, 1990). —, Reality and Dreams (London: Constable, 1996). —, Aiding and Abetting (London: Constable, 2000). Autobiography —, Curriculum Vitae (London: Constable, 1992). Drama —, Voices at Play (London: Macmillan, 1961), includes radio drama. —, Doctors of Philosophy (London: Macmillan, 1963). Stories —, The Go-Away Bird and Other Stories (London: Macmillan, 1958). —, Voices at Play (London: Macmillan, 1961), includes short stories. —, Collected Stories I (London: Macmillan, 1967) —, The Stories of Muriel Spark (London: Macmillan, 1987). —, Bang-Bang You’re Dead and Other Stories (St Albans: Granada, 1982). —, Collected Short Stories (London: Macmillan, 1995). —, Madam X (London: Colophon Press, 1996). 230 A Muriel Spark Bibliography 231 —, Harper and Wilton (London: Colophon Press, 1996). —, Open to the Public: New and Collected Stories (London: New Directions Books, 1997). —, The Quest for Lavishes Ghost (London: The Cuckoo Press, 1998). —, The Young Man Who Discovered the Secret of Life and Other Stories (London: Travelman Publishing, 1999). Un-anthologized short stories include: —, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’, Chance 3, April–June 1953. —, ‘The End of Summer Time’, London Mystery Magazine 37, June 1958. —, ‘Going Up and Coming Down’, The Daily Telegraph 6, August 1994, Section 2, p. 11. Children’s literature —, The Very Fine Clock (London: Macmillan, 1968) —, The Small Telephone (London: Colophon Press, 1983). —, The French Window (London: Colophon Press, 1993). Poetry —, The Fanfarlo and Other Verse (Adlington: The Hand and Flower Press, 1952). —, Collected Poems I (London: Macmillan, 1967). —, Going Up to Sotheby’s (St Albans: Granada, 1982). Other published poetry includes: —, ‘Snowflakes’, Gillespie’s School Magazine July 1929, p. 31. —, ‘Starshine’, ‘Other Worlds’ and ‘The Door of Youth’, Gillespie’s School Magazine, July 1931, pp. 37–8, 50–1. —, ‘Pan’s Pipes’ and ‘Says Beetle’, Gillespie’s School Magazine, July 1932, pp. 22–3. —, ‘Shell Tales’, ‘A Dog-Day Dream – in School’, ‘Out of a Book’, and ‘Seagulls in the Links’, Gillespie’s School Magazine, July 1933, pp. 28–9, 36–7, 44. —, ‘Dust’, Gillespie’s School Magazine, July 1934, p. 16. —, ‘The Idiot’, School: The Annual of the Rhodesia Teacher’s Association 2(1), 1941, p. 39. —, ‘The Victoria Falls’, Poetry Review 37 (4), August–September, 1946, p. 285. —, ‘Frantic a Child Ran’ and ‘Three Thoughts in Africa’, Poetry of To-Day 1(72), 1946, pp. 80–2. —, ‘Poem for a Pianist’, ‘They Sigh for Old Dreams’ and ‘I Have a Lovely Meadow Land’, Poetry of To-Day 3(74), 1946, pp. 10–2. —, ‘The Well’, Poetry Review 38 (1), January–February, 1947, pp. 82–6. —, ‘Leaning Over an Old Wall’ and ‘Autumn’, Poetry Review 38(2), March–April 1947, p. 106, 155–6. —, ‘The Robe and the Song’, Poetry Review 38(4), May–June 1947, pp. 192–3. —, ‘Birthday’, Poetry Review 38(4), July–August 1947, p. 270. —, ‘The Bells at Bray’ and ‘Cadmus’, Poetry Review 38(5), September–October 1947, pp. 353, 379. —, ‘Omega’, Poetry Review 38 (6), December 1947, pp. 519. 232 A Muriel Spark Bibliography —, ‘Song’, Outposts 9, Winter 1947, p. 10. —, ‘You, Dreamer’, Canadian Poetry Magazine, 11(3), March 1948, p. 23. —, ‘Invocation to a Child’, Poetry Quarterly 10(1), Spring 1948, p. 22. —, ‘Poem’, Prospect 2(10), Summer 1948, p. 5. —, ‘Song of the Divided Lover’, Poetry Commonwealth 1, Summer 1948, p. 5. —, ‘Standing in Dusk’, Variegation 3(3), Summer 1948, p. 3. —, ‘Lost Lover’, Outposts 11, Autumn 1948, p. 3. —, ‘Anniversary’, Variegation 3(4), Autumn 1948, p. 17. —, ‘A Letter to Howard’, Poetry Quarterly 10(3), Autumn 1948, p. 152. —, ‘Tracing the Landscape . .’, Poetry Commonwealth 2, Autumn 1948, p. 5. —, ‘Sin’, Punch 215(5628), 27 October 1948. —, ‘She Wore His Luck on Her Breast’, Outposts 12, Winter 1948, pp. 10, 19–20. — and Howard Sergeant, Reassessment: Poetry Pamphlet No.1 (London: G. Nicholls and Co, 1948). —, ‘Reassessment’, Women’s Review, 4 January 1949, pp. 18–9. —, ‘Magdalen’, Geminin 1, May 1949, p. 3. —, ‘The Beads’, Poetry Quarterly, 11(3), Autumn 1949, pp. 144–5, 162–8. —, ‘Indian Feathers’, Variegation, 4(4), Autumn 1949, p. 4. —, ‘This Plato’, Arena 21, 1949, pp. 12–13. —, ‘The Voice of One Lost Sings its Gain’, Poetry Quarterly 11(4), Winter 1949–50, p. 221. —, ‘Invocation in a Churchyard on All Hallow’s Eve’, Gemini 3, January 1950. —, ‘The Dancers’, World Review 12 February 1950, p. 3. —, ‘Elegy in a Kensington Churchyard’, Fortnightly September, 1950. —, ‘Kindness or Weakness?’, Public Opinion 4643, 17 November 1950, p. 24. — and Derek Stanford, translation of ‘Poem XVII’ from Shadows of my Love, Guillaume Apollinaire, Poetry Quarterly 12(3), 1950. —, ‘Snow-fall’, Public Opinion 16 March 1951, p. 28. —, ‘No Need for Shouting’, Poetry Quarterly 13(1) Spring 1951, p. 24. —, ‘A Sleep of Prisoners’, Spectator 6413, 25 May 1951, p. 688. —, ‘Birthday Acrostic’, Poetry Quarterly 13(2) Summer 1951, p. 68. —, ‘Portrait’, Recurrence, 2(2) Autumn 1951, p. 7. —, ‘Conundrum’ and ‘The Miners’, Chanticleer 1(1), Autumn 1952, p. 10. —, ‘A Letter at Christmas’, Outposts 20, 1952, pp. 5–6. —, ‘Eyes and Noses’, The Observer 18 January 1953. —, ‘Pearl Miners’, Poetry (Chicago), September 1953. —, ‘Domestic Dawn’, Saturday Review 13 April 1957. —, ‘Faith and Works’, Aylesford Review 2(2), Winter 1957–8. —, ‘The Card Party’, The New Yorker 28 December 1963, p. 30. —, ‘Canaan’, The New Yorker 16 April 1966, p. 48. —, ‘The She-Wolf’, The New Yorker 4 February 1967, p. 40. —, ‘The Messengers’, The New Yorker 16 September 1967, p. 44. Criticism and biography — and Derek Stanford, eds, Tribute to Wordsworth (London: Wingate, 1950). —, Child of Light: A Reassessment of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Hadleigh, Essex: Tower Bridge Publications, 1951). A Muriel Spark Bibliography 233 —, A Selection of Poems by Emily Brontë (London: Grey Walls Press, 1952). — and Derek Stanford, eds, My Best Mary: Selected Letters of Mary Shelley (London: Wingate, 1953). —, John Masefield (London: Peter Nevill, 1953) republished with new intro- duction (London: Hutchinson, 1991). — and Derek Stanford, eds, Emily Brontë: Her life and Work (London: Peter Owen, 1953). —, The Brontë Letters (London: Peter Nevill, 1954). — and Derek Stanford, eds, Letters of John Henry Newman (London: Peter Owen, 1957). —, Mary Shelley (London: Penguin, 1987). —, The Essence of the Brontës (London: Peter Owen, 1993). Critical essays and journalism —, ‘The Catholic View’ Poetry Review 38 (6), December 1947, pp. 402–5. —, ‘Criticism, Effects and Morals’, Poetry Review 39(1), February 1948, pp. 3–6. —, ‘Reassessment’, Poetry Review 39(2), April–May 1948, pp. 103–4. —, ‘Reassessment – II’, Poetry Review 39(3), August–September 1948, p. 234. —, ‘A pamphlet from the U.S.’, Poetry Review, 39(4), October–November 1948, p. 318. —, ‘Poetry and Politics’, Parliamentary Affairs 1(4), Autumn 1948, pp. 12–23. —, ‘Review Article’, Outposts 12, Winter 1948, pp. 10, 19–20. —, ‘Poetry and the Other Arts’, Poetry Review 39(5), December 1948–January 1949, p. 390. —, ‘The Dramatic Works of T.S. Eliot’, Women’s Review 5, March–April 1949, pp. 2–4. —, ‘African Handouts’, The New English Weekly 35(3), 28 April 1949, pp. 32–3. —, ‘The Poetry of Anne Brontë’, The New English Weekly 26 May 1949. —, ‘Introduction’, Forum 1(1), Summer 1949, p. 1. —, ‘The Poet in Mr Eliot’s Ideal State’, Outposts 14, Summer 1949, pp. 26–8. —, ‘Cecil Day Lewis’, Poetry Quarterly 11(3), Autumn 1949, pp. 162–8. —, ‘Poetry and the American Government’, Parliamentary Affairs 3(1), Winter 1949, pp. 260–72. —, ‘The Dramatic Work of T.S. Eliot’, Women’s Review 5, 1949. —, ‘Introduction’, Forum 1(2), 1949, pp. 25–6. —, ‘Mary Shelley: A Prophetic Novelist’, Listener 22 February 1951. —, ‘Passionate Humbugs, Book Review’, Public Opinion 4567, 23 February 1951. —, ‘The Complete Frost, Book Review’, Public Opinion 4662, 30 March 1951. —, ‘Two-way’, Church of England Newspaper 25 May 1951. —, ‘Psychology and Criticism’, Times Literary Supplement 25 May 1951. —, ‘In Defence of the Highbrow’, Public Opinion 4672, 8 June 1951, p. 28. —, ‘Does Celibacy Affect Judgement?’, Church of England Newspaper 16 November 1951, p. 10. —, ‘Civilised Humour’, The Journal of the Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association 7(1), October 1952, pp. 30–2. —, ‘Talks in Moscow’, The Church of England Newspaper 31 October 1952. —, ‘Ex-pagan Reader’, Church of England Newspaper 19 December 1952, p. 10. 234 A Muriel Spark Bibliography —, ‘All Laugh Together?’, The English Speaking World 35(2), March 1953, pp. 32–6. —, ‘R.E. Williams ‘Punch Replies’, The English Speaking World 35(3), May 1953, pp. 24–8. —, ‘If I were “Punch” . .’ The English Speaking World 35(4), June 1953, pp. 23–5. —, ‘Edinburgh Festival Diary: A Prophet’s Married Life’, The Church of England Newspaper, 3115, 4 September 1953, p. 5. —, ‘Edinburgh Festival Diary: The Wisdom of T.S. Eliot’, The Church of England Newspaper 3116, 11 September 1953, p. 5. —, ‘The Religion of an Agnostic: A Sacramental View of the World in the Writings of Proust’, The Church of England Newspaper November 27, 1953. —, ‘Review of John Masefield’, The Journal of the Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association 8(2), February 1954, p. 58. —, ‘Aylesford Priory’, The Tablet 12 February 1955, p.
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