Index Figures in Bold Refer to the Biographies and / Or Illustrations A

Index Figures in Bold Refer to the Biographies and / Or Illustrations A

Index Figures in bold refer to the biographies Kenneth Arrow 406 Beau 87 and / or illustrations H.C. Artmann 418, 481,481 Gottfried Bechtold 190, 221,356, 362, Boris Arvatov 61 362, 418, 498, 499, W.R. Ashby 328 499 a Michael Atiyah 255 Johannes R. Becker 58 Karl Abraham 522, 523, 528, 530- Carl Aub6ck 68 Konrad Becker 294, 364, 364 532 Augustine 209 Otto Beckmann 294, 357, 357, 546, Raimund Abraham 546, 574, 575, 574, Amadeo Avogadro 162 580 575 R. Axelrod 408 Richard Beer-Hoffmann 448 Antal Abt 241 Alfred Julius Ayer 456 Adolf Behne 67 Friedrich Achleitner 418, 481,481,483, Peter Behrens 66 484, 485, 488, 570 b L~szl6 Beke 504 J~nos Acz~l 251 Johannes Baader 59 Man6 Beke 245 Andor Adam 61 Baader-Meinhof group 577 GySrgy von B~k~sy 32, 122, 418, 431, Alfred Adler 66, 518, 521,521, Mihaly Babits 513 433, 433, 434 529, 533 G~bor Bachman 546, 559, 559, 560, John Bell 189, 212-217, 218 Bruno Adler 71 561 Therese Benedek 522 Raissa Adler 521 Ernst Bachrich 67 Tibor Benedek 522 Theodor W. Adorno 26, 142, 402, 447, Ron Baecker 343 Otto Benesch 473 478 Roger Bacon 185 Walter Benjamin 70, 476 Marc Adrian 106, 106, 142, 146, Alexander Bain 352 Gottfried Benn 589 148, 148, 355 BEla Bal&sz 66, 84, 338-341, 418, Max Bense 108 Robert Adrian X 363,363 444-447,446, 44 7, Jeremy Bentham 405 Endre Ady 442, 444 449-454, 513, 529 Vittorio Benussi 23-26, 24, 25, 29 August Aichhorn 521,524, 527, 528 Nandor Balasz 238 Sophie Benz 525 Howard Aiken 323 Alice B~lint 514, 515, 517-519, Bal&zs BeSthy 418, 504, 505, 504, Alciphon 166 521,521,522 505 Josef Albers 123 Mihaly Balint 513-516, 518, 522, (:tienne BEothy 55, 57, 69, 368, 384, David Albert 188 522 385, 384-386 Leon Battista Alberti 166, 354 Hugo Ball 525 Anna B~othy-Steiner 55, 384 Bernhard Alexander 521 Giacomo Balla 19,41 Gyula Benczur 71 Franz Gabriel Alexander 521,522 Richard Baltzer 242 Max Benirschke 38 J.W. Alexander 307 HonorE de Balzac 58 Szaniszl6 B~rczi 154, 179-181 Laszl6 Alexander 60, 87, 87, 88 Stefan Banach 258 Robert B~reny 57, 69, 535 Paul Allen 351 K. Bandat 324 Max Berg 67 Rudolf Allers 265 Zsuzsa B&nki 71, 76 Elisabeth Berger 529 Laszl6 AIp:lr 248 Robert B~r~ny 422, 434, 434 Otti Berger 68, 71, 76, 77 Franz von AIt 326 Masa Baranyai 76, 250 Gundi Berghold 353, 356 Peter Altenberg 300 Weston La Barre 519 Gustav Bergmann 456 N. Altmann 61, 67 Sandor Barta 60, 67, 68, 69, 70 Henri Bergson 43, 471 Regina Altstedt 522 Roland Barthes 108, 504 Georges Berkely 426 Anaxagoras 220 BEla Bart6k 58, 67, 444, 446, 450, Istvan Berkes 250 Anaximander of Miletus 187 452 Aural Bernath 60, 67, 68, 69 Simon Andor 67 Istvan Bart6k 339 T. Berners-Lee 330 Lou Andreas-Salom~ 534 Gregory Bateson 27 Siegfried Bernfeld 515, 522, 526 Andras J. Angyan 311,311,327 Mikl6s B&thor 339 Ilse Bernheimer 37 Frigyes Antal 446, 447, 449, 451 Charles Baudelaire 4, 477 Ludwig von Bertalanffy 32, 368, 371,376, Guillaume Apollinaire 57 Jean Baudrillard 219, 597, 598 377, 376, 377, 380 Louis Aragon 477 Otto Bauer 448, 476 Franca Bertram 208 Daniel Arany 241 Willi Baumeister 61, 67 Bertrand-Taillet 87 Archigram 577 A.E. Baumgarten 157 Friedr. v. Berzeviczy-Pallavicini 37 Archimedes 185, 187-189, 404 Peter Baumgartner 32 Hans A. Bethe 224, 288, 440 Alexander Archipenko 60, 67, 70 Claire Bauroff 44, 44 Bruno Bettelheim 508, 522, 522 Rudolf Arnheim 94, 109, 238 Herbert Bayer 70, 546, 586, 589, Joseph Beuys 577 Aristotle 157, 185, 188, 197, 590, 589, 590 Richard Biel 568 300, 463 Konrad Bayer 142, 144, 418, 481, H. Bielowski 327 Martin Arnold 152, 152 481,483,484 Gudrun Bielz 353, 356 Gerd Arntz 7, 591 Irene Bayer-Hecht 589 Julian Bigelow 299 Hans Arp 60, 61, 64, 66-68, 82 Beatles 577 G.D. Birkhoff 251 602 Joseph Binder 586, 594, 594 Marcel Breuer 57, 68-76, 76, 546, Christo 577 G. Birkhoff 196 549, 550, 555, 555, Chuang-Tzu 188, 220 William Blake 584 556, 560 Alonzo Church 260 John Blackmore 423 David Brewster 92 West Churchman 301 Wilhelm Blaschke 261,265 Leonid Brezhnev 477 Rudolf Clausius 282 John M. Blatt 224 Ossip Brik 61 Johann Cigler 261 Franz Blei 529 Max Brod 66, 529 Franz Cizek 40, 41,41, 42, 45, 66 Andr~ Bloc 557 M. Brommer 67 Cizek School 12, 40, 42, 50, 52, 62 Ernst Bloch 444, 529 Max Bronstein 68 Paul Claudel 529 A. Blok 58 Marcel Broodthaers 504 Jean Cocteau 60, 67, 158 IrOn BI0h 77, 77 L.E.J. Brouwer 259, 270, 468 Jonas Cohn 436 Alfred Blumberg 457 Hank Brosin 299 Auguste Comte 438, 457 Umberto Boccioni 58 Alexis Brown 58 Tony Conrad 141 M. Boden 471 Crum Brown 433 John Horton Conway 338,387, 417, 469 G~bor BOdy 10, 294, 338, 339, J.M. Bruckner 132, 132 Coop Himmelb(I)au 546, 559, 572, 573, 340, 341,395, 559 Ernst Br0cke 18 573, 577-579, 578, Alexander Bogdanov 22 Wolfgang Brunbauer 574 579 Hubert Bognermeyer 356 Egon Brunswik 25-27, 25, 27, 473 Nicolas Copernicus 187, 301,470, 476 Jakob BOhme 444 G0nter Brus 537, 539, 540 Le Corbusier 64, 67, 565, 570 Niels Bohr 137, 188, 208, 212, Martin Buber 445, 523, 529 Stanley Coren 29 224, 405, 435, 437, Bruno Buchberger 261 R.N. Coudenhove-Kal~rgi 67 439 Wolfgang Buchner 110, 110 Charles A. Coulomb 182 Heinrich B011 143 Maurizio Bueno 97 Richard Courant 246 Ludwig Boltzmann 8, 196, 208, 234, 235, Charlotte B0hler 25, 26, 523 Malcolm Cowley 61 238, 267, 282, 283, Karl B0hler 22, 25-27, 475 Francis Crick 199 421,422,427, 463 Michelangelo Buonarotti 74 Attila Cs~ji 137-139, 137-139 Farkas Bolyai 238, 242, 243, 24:2, Daniel Buren 504 G~za Csath 513 251 V. Burgin 504 /kkos Cs~sz~r 244, 2.50, 251 Janos Bolyai 238, 242, 243, 242, Dorothy Burlington 524 G~bor Csaszari 190, 228, 228 251 William Buxton 343 Tibor Csiky 395 Bernard Bolzano 421,422 Imre Csisz~r 284 Enrico Bombieri 269 C Attila CsOrgO 190, 229, 230, 229, Marie Bonaparte 528 Ludwig Cacinovic 73 230 Baldassare Boncompagni 243 Gert Caden 67 Charles A. Csuri 294, 338, 346, 347, Ecke Bonk 586, 595, 596, 595, John Cage 142, 598 346, 347 596 R. Cailiau 330 Pierre Curie 161 Armand Borel 255 Renzo Canestrani 24 Alice Cziner 526 Jorge Luis Borges 59, 60, 67 Elias Canetti 477 Dezs6 Czipany 57 Max Born 208, 224, 280 W.B. Cannon 328 B~la CzObel 57 I~va T. Bortnyik 140, 140 Georg Cantor 259, 463 Sandor Bortnyik 45, 50, 57, 58, 60, 61, Ernst Caramelle 356 d 61-63, 64, 67-69, 70, Constantin Carath~odory 257,258 Salvador Dali 123, 123 74, 77, 546, 549, 550, Rudolf Carnap 197, 261, 418, 421, A.R. Damaiso 410 560 422,425, 427, 456- Klara Dan 307, 399 Gertrud Bortstieber 447 460, 462, 463, 464, G. Daniels 530 Ruggiero Guiseppe Boscovich 187, 188, 523 Arthur C. Danto 504 219, 220 Marcel Carn~ 70 Charles Darwin 210, 303, 401,407 B@la Bosny~k 442 Ernst Cassirer 424, 475 Harold Davenport 262 Raoul Bott 238, 255, :255 Suzanne Cassirer-Paret 523 Ferenc De~k 339 Kenneth Boulding 376 Jean Casson 69 Max Delbr0ck 198 Pierre Boulez 142 Carlos Castaneda 189, 301 Democritus 463 Braumann 61 Castell 87 Agnes Denes 546, 584, 584 Nikolas Braun 84, 89, 89 Blaise Cendrars 57, 59, 60, 61 Val~ria G. D~nes 57 Alfred E. Brehm 373 Paul C~zanne 11, 57, 491,494 D. Dennett 407 Olaf Breidbach 31 Marc Chagall 67 Kathe Deppner 208 Franz Brentano 22, 23, 25, 422, 456, Houston St. Chamberlain 475 Andr~ Derain 58 463 Charlie Chaplin 598 Gyula Derkovits 69 Andr~ Breton 395, 567 Erwin Chargaff 154, 157-159 Paul Derm~e 67 Josef Breuer 68, 433 Gilbert K. Chesterton 395 Jacques Derrida 559, 578 603 Tibor D@ry 60,67,69 Albert Einstein 123,129,182,187, William Feller 260 Ren@ Descartes 185,219,422,463 189,190,198,199, Florent Fels 58 Robert Desnos 69 208,209,230,238, Otto Fenichel 508, 515-520, 515, David Deutsch 188,218 260,268,277,278, 516, 530, 531 Felix Deutsch 523,523 280,288,289,288, Beni Ferenczy 444, 447 Helene Deutsch 523,523,534 289,291,307,350, Sandor Ferenczi 508, 511-517, 514, Walter Dexel 60,66 401,405,422,423, 521, 522, 525-529, Ernest Dichter 25 431,435-437,439, 530-532 Friedl Dicker 68,546,562 440,457,463 Enrico Fermi 123, 288, 289 Denis Diderot 158,166 Dwight D. Eisenhower 193 Leon Festinger 23 Georges Didi-Huberman 172 Sergej M. Eisenstein 143, 144 G0nther Feuerstein 570, 570, 571, 574 Val@ria Dienes 43, 43 Kurt R. Eissler 25, 524 Paul K. Feyerabend 418, 421-423, 426, L~szl6 Dienes 84 Max Eitingon 519 472,472 Jean Dicaudonn@ 260 Rudolf Ekstein 523, 524, 524 Richard Feynman 440 Wilhelm Dilthey 444 Paul Eluard 67, 477 Lajos Filep 444 Hugo Dingier 422, 423 Paul Emerich 67 David Finkelstein 188 Paul Dirac 224, 438 David Georges Emmerich 546, 557, 557 Sebastian Finsterwalder 264 Ludwig D6bler 18, 20 Empedokles 157 Fibonacci 387, 387 Alfred D6blin 529 Friedrich Engels 478, 519 Johann Gottlieb Fichte 445 Theo van Doesburg 60, 61, 64, 66, 67, 68, G~sp~r Endre 69 Gertrude Fischel 50 69, 72-74, 565 Egon Engelien 67 Ernst Fischer 265 G0nther Domenig 546, 576, 576 Vederigo Enriques 11 Ernst Fischer 418, 476, 476 Oskar Donau 48, 52 L6r~nd Eotv6s 241,431,438 Oskar Fischer 60, 72 Fjodor Dostoyevsky 446, 449, 452,494 J6zsef E6tv6s 241 Oskar Fischinger 84 James Drever 25 Epimenides 270 Armistead Fitzhugh 564 Alexandr Drewin 61 Mikl6s Erd#~ly 395, 418, 507, 560 Ludwig Fleck 421,422 Carl Th.

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