September 10, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25081 Col. Lawrence M cCeney Jones, Jr., xxx-xx-x... Col. Joseph Charles Fimiani, xxx-xx-xxxx , A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant col- xxx-x... , A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant colo- onel, U.S. Army) . colonel, U.S. A rmy). nel, U.S. Army) . Col. Rolland Valentine Heiser, xxx-xx-xxxx , Col. John Walter Collins III, xxx-xx-xxxx , A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant colo- U.S. Army. CONFIRMATIONS nel, U.S. Army) . Col. T heme T roy E verton, xxx-xx-xxxx . Col. Harry E llsworth T abor, xxx-xx-xxxx , U.S. Army. E xecutive nominations confirmed by U.S. Army. Col. John Carpenter R aaen, Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx the Senate September 10, 1969: Col. William Holman Brandenburg, xxx-xx-x... xxx-... U.S. Army. U.S. ATTORNEYS xxx-... , U.S. Army. Col. Alvin Curtely Isaacs, xxx-xx-xxxx , U.S. Col. Harold Burton Gibson, Jr., Wayman G. Sherrer, of A labama, to be U.S. xxx-xx-xxxx Army. attorney for the northern district of A la- xxx-... , A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant Col. Carl Vernon Cash, xxx-xx-xxxx , A rmy colonel, U.S. Army) . bama for the term of 4 years. of the United S tates (lieutenant colonel, Peter M ills, of M aine, to be U.S . attorney Col. John A lfred K jellstrom, xxx-xx-xxxx , U.S. Army). U.S. Army. for the district of M aine for the term of 4 Col. Peter George O lenchuk, , Col. Carl R ay Duncan, xxx-xx-xxxx , U.S . years. xxx-xx-xxxx Army. A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant colo- U.S. MARSHALS nel, U.S. Army) . Col. Bruce Campbell Babbitt, xxx-xx-xxxx , Harold S. Fountain, of A labama, to be U.S. A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant col- Col. Charles M aurice Hall, xxx-xx-xxxx , marshal for the southern district of A la- A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant colo- onel, U.S. Army). bama for the term of 4 years. nel, U.S. Army) . Col. R obert Charles Hixon, xxx-xx-xxxx , John H . deW inter, of M aine, to be U.S . U.S. Army. Col. Daniel O rrin Graham, xxx-xx-xxxx , marshal for the district of M aine for the A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant colo- Col. John M urphy Dunn, xxx-xx-xxxx , term of 4 years. nel, U.S. Army) . A rm y of the United S tates (m ajor, U.S . M arvin G. Washington, of M ichigan, to be Col. John Thornton Peterson, xxx-xx-xxxx , A rmy). U.S . m arshal for the w estern district of U.S. Army. Col. James A lexander Grimsley, Jr., xxx-... M ichigan for the term of 4 years. Col. F rank A nton Hinrichs, xxx-xx-xxxx , xxx-xx-xxxx , A rmy of the United S tates (lieu- Charles S. Guy, of Pennsylvania, to be U.S. A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant colo- tenant colonel, U.S. A rmy) marshal for the eastern district of Pennsyl- nel, U.S. Army). Col. Eugene Priest Forrester, xxx-xx-xxxx , vania for the term of 4 years. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS O N E M ILLIO N STUDEN TS BEN EFIT I was privileged to speak for the Senate w orking w ith elementary school children F R O M CO LLE GE WO R K -S T UDY Education Subcommittee. with learning difficulties; PROGRAM—ROXANNE LAHTI REC- A lso participating in the program Horace W illiams, a major in graphic de- signs at the K ansas City A rt Institute and O GN IZED A T O FFICE O F EDUCA - were James W. M oore, Director of the School of Design, has been writing pamphlets TION CEREMONY Office of Education's Division of Student and taking pictures for the Police Depart- Financial A id, and these O ffice of E du- ment this summer; cation staff members: N orman Brooks, F indley S cribner, a deaf mute vocational HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH James Allen, M ike Oliver, Warren Trout- student at Idaho S tate University, who plans to become an upholsterer, has been refur- OF WEST VIRG INIA man, and Ed Sanders. bishing a college office this summer. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES M r. President, I ask unanimous con- sent that the address of M r. W irth and Lydia S onia Vasquez, a business adminis- Wednesday, September 10, 1969 tration major at M etropolitan S tate College my remarks be printed in the RECORD. in Denver, works as a secretary in the Col- M r. R A N DO LPH. M r. President, in There being no objection the addresses lege's Financial A id O ffice; the 5 years since it was passed by the were ordered printed in the R E CO R D, E ilien Duda, a senior at A laska M ethodist Congress, the college work-study pro- as follows: University in A nchorage, who wants to be a gram has opened the door to a college nuclear technician, is working as a hospital AD D RESS BY TIMOTHY WIRTH x-ray technician; education to many young people who It is a pleasure to greet the distinguished William S . LaCorte, a pre-med student at might not otherwise have had the op- guests who have come here this morning to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, has portunity. join us in the Department of Health, E duca- worked this summer in biomedical research T his morning it was my pleasure to tion, and Welfare in honoring M iss R oxanne with N IH's N ational Cancer Institute; participate in a ceremony at the U.S . Lahti, the one millionth student to hold a E mployment in the College W ork-S tudy job under the College Work-S tudy program. program is varied: S ome students are also O ffice of E ducation recognizing M iss R oxanne grew up on a farm near Barnum, Roxanne Lahti, of the University of M in- food service workers, typists, library assist- M innesota, where she attended high school, ants. S ome mow the lawns and others work nesota, as the one-millionth student to ta k in g a n a c tiv e p a r t in h e r s c h o o l's with sophisticated computers, or work off- participate in this valuable program. activities— including playing clarinet in the campus in hospitals, local units of govern- M iss Lahti was presented a certificate band. S he has done all the work there is to ment or in the school system. But they have signed by Dr. James E. Allen, Deputy As- do in running a farm— beginning with milk- one thing in common: T hey are performing sistant S ecretary for E ducation, which ing cows at age four— and learning, by age a useful service, and they all need their job read as follows: nineteen, to say "You can't beat the tran- to help pay college expenses. quillity of the country." A s a N ation we move toward the goal that Given in recognition of R oxanne Lahti A s a former peach farmer from California, no talented young A merican will be denied as the o n e-m illio n th studen t in co lleg e I know M iss Lahti has long been interested a college education because he can't afford work-study program of federal financial as- in medical science. T his, with her natural the costs. W e are not there yet— but every sistance to the youth of A merica in her ed- love for animals, has led her to an early and year we get a little closer to the goal, and ucation. logical career choice. S he is going to be a our society is that much richer for it. Dr. Preston Valien, A cting A ssociate veterinarian. This year more than a million young A mer- Her school— the University of M innesota, Commissioner for Higher E ducation, icans will continue their education beyond Duluth Campus— also made a logical choice high school with the help of about one bil- presided and an informative address in arranging M iss Lahti's summer time job lion dollars in F ederal support through the was made by Timothy Wirth, assistant to under the College Work-Study program. She four major programs of financial assistance the Under S ecretary of Health, E duca- was employed by the Duluth Zoo, where she administered by the O ffice of Education: The tion, and W elfare. T wo distinguished bo ttle fe d ba by tig e rs a n d o the r y o un g College Work-S tudy program, the N ational legislative leaders from the House of animals, and worked in the museum. Defense S tudent Loan program, the E duca- Representatives, Hon. JOHN A. BLATNIK, W herever possible, the 2,200 colleges tional O pportunity Grant program, and the who represents M iss Lahti's district in participating in the College Work-Study pro- Guaranteed Loan program. Minnesota, and Hon. JOHN BRADEMAS, gram try to provide employment for their M any of you in Congress w ho are here studen ts in o ccupatio n s related to their today have w orked hard, using your time member of the House E ducation S ub- career objectives.
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