Vol. XXXVII No. 12 Published in the Interests of Agriculture AUGUST, 1925 *5 f pel* copy Guelph Business Directory The attention of the O. A. C. and Macdonald Students is drawn to the following Directory of Guelph Business and Professional men. Their adver¬ tisements help to make your magazine a success. They carry the best goods and give the best service you can obtain. It is only fair that you patronize them. Banks— Cigar Stores— Dominion Bank Murphy & Cartledge Guelph and Ontario Investment Russell Daly and Saving Society. The Royal Bank Caterers— Union Bank The Kandy Kitchen Geo. Williams Barbers— College Barber Shop Cleaners and Pressers W. V. Bagg Bicycles— S. J. Wimpenny M. J. Brown Book Stores— Confectionery— C. Anderson & Co. Geo. Williams Boots and Shoes— Clothiers & Furnishings— Cosford’s Shoe Store J. D. McArthur Rollie Hewer Thurstons D. E. Macdonald & Bros., Ltd. Powell & Fennell R. S. Cull Brokers— Cole Bros. & Scott J. E. Carter A. S. MacPherson Keleher & Hendley Cafes— W. V. Baggs Dominion Cafe S. J. Wimpenny Royal Canadian Cafe Wyndham Inn Dentists— Dr. E. Burrows Candy, Ice Cream, Hot Drinks— Dr. M. J. Rudell The Kandy Kitchen Dr. G. P. Britton The Peacock Candy Shop Dr. D. M. Foster Murphy & Cartledge Dr. Ross H. Wing Russell Daly Dr. R. Mahoney You will be doing the Review a service if you tell these people you have read their advertisement. Continued on inside back cover page. 9 THE O. A. C. REVIEW 1 Dry, Sanitary, Poultry Houses Built of Concrete - Dry, comfortable quarters which can he easily cleaned and ventilated are essential to a profitable poultry business. Birds kept under such conditions , are healthier. They breed better and lay better. Concrete is growing in favor for poultry house construction. It is permanent and proof against rats and other rodents. It is easily cleaned and has no cracks or crevices to harbor lice or other parasites. The following table shows material needed to build a concrete poultry house like the one illustrated: CONCRETE MIXTURES Footings and foundation walls . 1 2 y2 : 4 Floor.. 1 ; 2 : 3 Mortar for laying block.•. 1 : 3 MATERIALS REQUIRED (Outside dimensions, 14x2 2 ft. Estimate based on foundation wall extending 3 feet below grade) Cement.. 69 sacks Sand.5y2 cubic yards Pebbles or broken stone.8Y2 cubic yards Concrete block (8 by 8 by 16 inch).400 Half Block.40 Write to-day for literature about concrete on the farm CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED CANADA CEMENT COMPANY BUILDING PHILLIPS SQUARE MONTREAL Sales Offices at: Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Calgary CANADA CEMENT CONCRETE Please mention the O. A. C. REVIEW when answering Advertisements • • 11 THE O. A. C. REVIEW Please mention the 0. A. C. REVIEW when answering Advertisements THE O. A. C. REVIEW 111. Chilean Nitrate of Soda Oil Cake Meal The Fertilizer that furnishes Nitro¬ gen in the Immediately Avail¬ The Best Live Stock Food able Nitrate Form Twenty years’ investigations at the J.&J- LIVINGSTON New Jersey Experiment Station show¬ BRAND ed that “The percentage of Nitrogen recovered in the Crop was greater with the Nitrate than with any of the THE BEST OIL CAKE other materials, the 20-year average FLAX SEED being as follows:” Nitrate of Soda.62.42% PURE LINSEED MEAL Sulphate of Ammonia.... 47.48 % Dried Blood.38.69% Prompt Shipment Cow Manure.32.69% Reasonable Prices Free Literature on the Use of Nitrate of Soda in Canada may be obtained from THE DOMINION B. Leslie Emslie, Director LINSEED OIL CO. Chilean Nitrate Limited Educational Montreal, Que. St. Boniface, Man. Head Office and Mill, BADEN, ONT. Bureau Branch Office, TORONTO REFORD BUILDING TORONTO r Your ARE SURE IE YOU USE o v un-r yyy F Live HOW MANY,MANY TIMES YOU NEED SOMETHING OF THIS KIND, : TO KILL LICE ON A COLT OR CALF. TO TREAT A CASE OF MANGE OR RINGWORM,TO Stock.; WASH OUT A CUT OR A SCRATCH, TOiVDISINFECT A WOUND OR A RUNNING SORE OR GALL; HOW OFTEN YOU COULD MAKE GOOD USE OF A RELIABLE ANTISEPTIC IF YOU ONLY HAD IT. KEEP KRESO DIP N?l ON HAND YOU WILL FIND IT THE BEST KIND OF "INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS FROM PARASITES AND DISEASE. ITS A REAL NECESSITY ON EVERY FARMJ THERE IS ALWAYS GOOD MONEY IN HEALTHY, THRIFTY, WELL KEPT STOCK. LOUSY,MANGY, DIRTY, NEGLECTED ANIMALS ARE A LOSING GAME ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE . USE A GOOD DIP AND YOU WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE. BE SURE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT KINO NO QUESTION ABOUT IT JF YOU USE KRESO DIP NO.Ii FOR S-Lt By Al_l_ DRUGGISTS —bv Parke. Daria A Co.. ■ - • u l Ml I 11II Mil III llll —— ■ IV. THE 0. A. C. REVIEW HOUSE INSULATION A NEW IDEA A house lined with Cork is warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Fuel bills are reduced fully 30 per cent. ARMSTRONG’S NONPAREIL CORKBOARD has kept the heat out of cold storage rooms for the past thirty years. It will prevent the heat escaping from your home in just the same manner. Why burn fuel and allow the heat to flow readily through your , walls and roof? Write for a corkboard sample and our 40 page catalogue on House Insulation. Armstrong Cork & Insulation Co., Limited McGill Bldg., 11 Brant St., Montreal Toronto Press Agricultural Politics in Canada Founded are given unusual treatment in 1829 A History of Farmers’ Movements in Canada By Louis Aubrey Wood, Ph.D. WITH the study of Agriculture naturally goes a study of the doings of agriculturists. This volume gives a comprehen¬ sive treatment of the remarkable series of farmers’ move¬ ments occurring in Canada since 1872, and shows their effect on the social, economic and political life of the country. Dr. Wood’s aim has been to show Canadian farmers struggling through organiz¬ ation toward self-expression and toward an adequate defence of their industry. Particular attention is given to the farmers’ plunge into politics in the several provinces as well as in the Federal arena. 400 pages. $2.50. Get It Through the College Bureau THE RYERSON?PRESS Publishers TORONTO CANADA Please mention the O. A. C. REVIEW when answering Advertisements THE O. A. C. REVIEW v. CONTENTS Vol. XXXVII. Guelph, August, 1925. No. 12. Something New in Canadian Agriculture. 461 E'. T. G., ’22. A Word About Our Travelling Libraries. 464 C. E. Freeman. Inside Information on Type. 467 Macdonald Hall . 468 Two Small Areas Test 68,'881 Cattle for T.B. 470 A Practical Method of Grain Selection ... 474 A. H. Stevens, ’27. Shall We Cater to Home or Foreign Markets. 476 Fruit Growing in Eastern Ontario. 480 A. D. Runions, ’27. Chemistry in the Home. 483 L. Elmo Gilmore Eluding Bandits in Mongolia. 486 S. M. Gordon, B.A. Editorial . 492 College Life . 495 Alumni . 497 Locals ..,. 508 The 0. A. C. Review is published by the students of the Ontario Agricultural College Students’ Publishing Association, every month in the year. Annual subscription price in Canada, $1.00; outside 1.50; single copies 15c. Advertising rates on application. Scene on Speed, Guelph THE O AC. REVIEW “THE PROFESSION WHICH I HAVE EMBRACED REQUIRES A KNOWLEDGE OF EVERYTHING” VOL. XXXVII. GUELPH, ONT., AUGUST, 1^25 No. 12 Something New in Canadian Agriculture IT is more than likely that the Re¬ just graduated to join. In past view reader, on realizing that years it has been the fact of slim this is but another of those “Will finances which has kept many of the you not join?” appeals with the in¬ recent graduates from becoming en¬ evitable yearly fee attached, shall rolled on the society’s membership. turn the pages rapidly to seek relief The new by-law now provides that in the small jokes and pointed per¬ all who make application for mem¬ sonalities which from ancient days bership within one year after gradu¬ have graced the last pages of the ation may become members without magazine. But alas! search for paying the initiation fee of five dol¬ light reading will be in vain, for this lars. is summer, and editors, bereft of all Perhaps it would be as well to aid from the jokesters who have mention for the sake of the older wandered far from the editorial graduates that the initiation fee be¬ chair, must needs fill the vacant comes effective on January first, pages with articles from graduates 1926, and until that date, all eligible who invariably feel that the under¬ may take out regular membership on graduate is in need of mental up¬ payment of the annual fee of six lifting. dollars alone. Let us get the worst over and deal The student member is entitled to at once with this invitation to join the privileges of the Text Book Club yet another society, and the sordid through which he may purchase his details of annual dues. text books at the considerable dis¬ * The Canadian Society of Techni¬ count of twenty per cent. This ser¬ cal Agriculturists is extending an in¬ vice, while it may not interest the vitation which strikes an entirely O.A.C. undergraduate who has the new note in the conduct of technical co-op. ready at hand, has steadily societies. It has added to its classes grown, and hundreds of members of members one open to “Student scattered across Canada have made members,” and all senior students use of its help. With the member¬ pursuing a degree course at an agri¬ ship also goes a free subscription to cultural college of recognized stand¬ Scientific Agriculture, the monthly ing are eligible for membership. The magazine that is edited, owned and annual dues for this class of mem¬ published by the society.
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