LOVE THE CITY. BUILD MORE! LOVE THE CITY. BUILD MORE! THIS IS WALLENSTAM Our goal: suited for the businesses concerned and 10% net asset value growth eco­friendly electricity at good prices During Business Plan 2014–2018, the We build and develop with a focus on average rate of net asset value growth, security, sustainability, smart floor plans excluding dividends and repurchases, and reasonable monthly costs for the Our contribution to a must be at least 10 per cent per year. customer. Our customers wants and needs are at the centre of our business. living, accessible city Everyone needs somewhere to live is 1,500 new homes. There are major housing shortages in Saving natural resources our big city regions today. With 70 years’ We seek to contribute to a sustainable Every year for five experience of property management and “ society. Our new construction and construction, we offer a wealth of exper­ property management is based on the years.” tise in the development and densification fact that buildings affect the environment of cities. In our view city development HANS WALLENSTAM, CEO throughout their life cycle. We strive is not just about developing our existing to achieve long­term sustainability for properties but also about new construc­ individuals and companies in a number tion – a combination that creates value. Wallenstam is a growing property company of ways. With 64 wind turbines in opera­ We are primarily a rental apartment pro­ that builds, develops and administers tion, we are self­sufficient in renewable ducer with production intended for our properties for sustainable living and energy. The new homes we build have low own management, but we adapt rental the pursuit of business. Our ownership energy consumption, and we also install and letting arrangements to demand and is focused on residential properties in individual electricity and water metering. opportunity in each individual project. Stockholm and Gothenburg, and also on We optimize the operation of our build­ In the years ahead, we will also begin commercial properties in Gothenburg. ings on an ongoing basis, e.g. during construction of 1,500 apartments per year Through our subsidiary Svensk Natur­ renovations, to reduce energy consump­ on average. Energi, we are self­sufficient in renewable tion. Sustainable development is part of energy and meet both our own and our our day­to­day world. tenants’ needs on a monthly basis. Focus on the customer Our head office has been in Gothen­ We are present in two strong markets – burg since the company was founded in Stockholm and Gothenburg. We offer 1944, and the Wallenstam share is listed attractive housing where tenants can feel on the Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap. safe and secure, premises that are well­ GEOGRAFISK FÖRDELNING YTA GEOGRAPHICALFÖRDELNING DISTRIBUTION LOKALTYP, BY HYRESVÄRDE FLOOR SPACE DISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTION OF OF RENTAL RENTAL INCOME INCOME 2014 2014 BY TYPEBY TYPE OF PREMISES OF PREMISES HELSINGBORG 2 % OTHER 5 % NumberHELSINGBORG of properties: 5% around 220 ÖVRIGT 6 % OTHER 5 % GÖTEBORG 53% UTBILDNING 4 % GOTHENBURGBOSTÄDER 68 44 % % INDUSTRY/STORAGEINDUSTRY/STORAGE 4 4% % HOUSINGRESIDENTIAL 45 % 45 % PropertySTOCKHOLM 42% value: SEK 28 billion STOCKHOLMINDUSTRI/LAGER 30 % 3 % HEALTHCARE/EDUCATIONHEALTH CARE/EDUCATION 6 %6 % RETAILRETAIL 13 13 % % Lettable area: 1 million sq m BUTIK 17 % Occupancy rate, lettable area: 98 % OFFICES 27 % Number of wind turbines: 64 KONTOR 26 % OFFICES 27 % OREALISERADOREALISERAD VÄRDEFÖRÄNDRING VÄRDEFÖRÄNDRING VALUE-CREATINGVALUE-CREATING PROPERTY PROPERTY TRANS- TRANS- VÄRDERING/FÖRSÄLJNINGSPRISVÄRDERING/FÖRSÄLJNINGSPRIS APARTMENTS,APARTMENTS, CONSTRUCTIONS CONSTRUCTIONS VALUEVALUE GROWTH GROWTH OREALISERAD VÄRDEFÖRÄNDRING VALUE-CREATING PROPERTY TRANS- VÄRDERING/FÖRSÄLJNINGSPRIS APARTMENTS, CONSTRUCTIONS VALUE GROWTH FÖRVALTNINGSFASTIGHETER/ÅRFÖRVALTNINGSFASTIGHETER/ÅR ACTIONS,ACTIONS, INVESTMENT INVESTMENT PROPERTIES PROPERTIES SÅLDASÅLDA FASTIGHETER FASTIGHETER VÄRDETILLVÄXTVÄRDETILLVÄXT NYPRODUKTION NYPRODUKTION IN PROGRESSIN PROGRESS NEWNEW CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION FÖRVALTNINGSFASTIGHETER/ÅR ACTIONS, INVESTMENT PROPERTIES SÅLDA FASTIGHETER VÄRDETILLVÄXT NYPRODUKTION IN PROGRESS NEW CONSTRUCTION MkrMkr % % MkrMkr MkrMkr NumberNumber of apts. of apts. VÄRDETILLVÄXT NYPRODUKTION SEKSEK Million Million Mkr % Mkr Mkr Number of apts. SEK Million 26 %26 % 26 % 2 0002 000 100100 2 5002 500 14 %14 % 1 2001 200 23%23% 1,8001,800Mkr 1,2001,200 Mkr 2 000 100 2 500 14 % 1 200 23% 1,800 1,200 1,6001,600700 2 000 1,600 80 80 2 0002 000 13 %13 %7 %7 % 1 0001 000 47% 1,0001,000 10% 21% 80 2 000 13 % 7 % 1 000 1,000 1 5001 500 1,4001,400600 1 500 1,400 800800 1,2001,200 800800 FÖRSÄLJNINGSPRIS/ VÄRDESKAPANDE 800 1,200 800 60 60 1 5001 500 500 1 500 VÄRDETILLVÄXT NYPRODUKTION VÄRDERING60 SÅLDA FASTIGHETER 1 500FASTIGHETSAFFÄRER 5 %5 % 1,0001,000 53 %53 % % 5 % 1,000 53 % 1 0001 000 600600 37%37% 600600 Mkr 1 000 Mkr 600 37% 600 40 40 23 %23 % 69%69% 800400800 ConstructionConstruction cost cost 90 23 % 69% 800 Construction cost 1 0001 000 1 000700 24 %24 % 23% 2 000 40 13% 1 000 24 % 400400 600300600 400400 47% ValuationValuation 80 400 600 400 Valuation 500500 34%34% 34% 26 %26 % 500 13% 34% 26 % 20 20 500500 400400 600 20 70500 400 200200 200 200200 44 %44 7%% 200 200 44 % 41%41% 31%31% 200200 500500 1 500 60 41% 31% 200 60% 41% 31% 5% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01000 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 2010201020112011201220122013201320142014 2010201020112011201220122013201320142014 2010201020112011201220122013201320142014 200820082009200920102010201120112012201220132013 201020102011400201120122012201320102013201420112014 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Q4 Q4 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4 Q4 23% Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 02013201320142014 0 1 000 40 2013 2014 RealizedRealized increase increase in value in value during during 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 3002006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Realized increase in value during 34% 30 ownershipownership period period in relation in relation to cost to cost VärderingVärdering FörsäljningsprisFörsäljningspris AnskaffningskostnadAnskaffningskostnad TotalTotal ValueValue increase increase of new of new rental rental apartment apartment construction constructionX% projects projects 13% ownership period in relation to cost Värdering Försäljningspris Anskaffningskostnad Total Value increase of new rental apartment construction projects 200 7% RealizedRealized change change in value in value on closing on closing RegionRegion Stockholm, Stockholm, incl. incl. Uppsala Uppsala comparedcompared to cost. to cost. The Thegraph graph shows shows outcomes outcomes for propertiesfor properties 500 Realized change in value on closing 20 Region Stockholm, incl. Uppsala compared to cost. The graph shows outcomes for properties VärderingVärdering Anskaffningskostnad finishedfinished completely completely andVärdering and per perproject project inFörsäljningspris the in theyear year properties properties were were Värdering finished completely and per project in the year properties were datedate in relation in relation to Group-related to Group-related value value 100 41% 31% date in relation to Group-related value 10 RegionVärderingRegion Gothenburg, Gothenburg, incl. incl. Helsingborg Helsingborg completed,completed, regardless regardless of when of when the theeffects effects was was reported reported in the in the Region Gothenburg, incl. Helsingborg completed, regardless of when the effects was reported in the incomeincome statement. statement. 0 income statement. 0 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Värdeökning 2 This is Wallenstam Anskaffningskostnad Värdering Försäljningspris Realiserat resultat Värdering Värdeskapande fastighetsaffärer. Grå stapel visar värdeutveckling under innehavstiden, den blå visar redovisad realiserad värdeökning vid boksluts- tillfället. 2014 AT A GLANCE INVESTMENTS SALES O NEW CONSTRUCTION & RECONSTRUCTION P DIVESTED PROPERTIES E SEK 1,941 MILLION R SEK 2,349 MILLION A T ACQUISITIONS I O SEK 42 MILLION N S WIND POWER SEK 250 MILLION PROFIT AFTER TAX SEK 585 MILLION NET ASSET VALUE GROWTH 3 % V A L U E INCREASE IN VALUE, INVESTMENT INCOME FROM MANAGEMENT PROPERTIES SEK 829 MILLION OPERATIONS, PROPERTIES SEK 592 MILLION DIVIDEND SEK 2.25/SHARE 2014 at a glance 3 FIRST QUARTER SECOND QUARTER THIRD QUARTER FOURTH QUARTER SF Bio buys green electricity Property transactions Major interest in Acquisition of building from Svensk NaturEnergi enable increased production Tuletornen land for new homes • SF Bio chooses electricity from • Design celebrities Simon and • Launch of Wallenstam Drive, • Ture No8 in Stockholm Svensk NaturEnergi Tomas design Tuletornen high a new service for tenants in awarded Prefab 2014, Svensk • Renovations, Barnens ö rises in Sundbyberg collaboration with Hertz Betong's architecture prize • Investment in solar cell company • Friskis & Svettis buys green • Tommy Hilfiger sets up shop in • Acquisition of building land for electricity from Svensk Natur­ Kopparhuset on Avenyn new homes at Stallbacken near • SF Bio rents premises at Göta­ Energi Åby in Mölndal platsen on Avenyn, Gothenburg • Major interest shown as sales • Awarded prize for best equal of cooperative apartments • Sale of commercial properties • Awarded Kundkristallen for the opportunities work in the start in the Tuletornen in in Gothenburg to Platzer best service index boost industry Sundbyberg • Property on Mölndalsvägen • Fashion boutiques and restau­ • Bonds
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