Reference Works in British and American Literature Second Edition James K. Bracken 1998 Libraries Unlimited, Inc. Englewood, Colorado Contents Acknowledgments xxix Fredrick Irving Anderson, 1877- Introduction xxxi 1947 10 Frequently Cited Works Maxwell Anderson, 1888-1959 .... 11 and Acronyms xxxvii Poul Anderson, 1926- 11 Sherwood Anderson, 1876-1941 ... 12 Andreas, late 9th century 13 Writers and Works Lancelot Andrewes, 1555-1626 ... 13 Lascelles Abercrombie, 1881-1938 . 1 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, c. 1154 .... 13 Louis Adamic, 1899-1951 1 F. Anstey (Thomas Anstey Andy Adams, 1859-1935 1 Guthrie), 1865-1934 13 Henry (Brooks) Adams, 1838- Mary Antin (Grabau), 1881-1949 . 13 1918 1 John Arbuthnot, 1667-1735 14 John Turvill Adams, 1805-1882 .... 2 John Arden, 1930- 14 Leonie Adams (Fuller), 1899-1988 . 2 John Armstrong, 1709-1779 14 Oscar Fay Adams, 1855-1919 2 Martin Donisthorpe Armstrong, Samuel Hopkins Adams, 1871- 1882-1974 14 1958 2 Matthew Arnold, 1822-1888 14 Joseph Addison, 1672-1719 2 Harriette (Simpson) Arnow, 1908- George Ade; 1866-1944 3 1986 16 Aelfric, c. 955-c. 1010 3 T(imothy) S(hay) Arthur, 1809- James Agee, 1909-1955 3 1885 16 Conrad (Potter) Aiken, 1889- Nathan Asch, 1902-1964 16 1973 4 Sholem Asch, 1880-1957 16 William Harrison Ainsworth, Roger Ascham, 1515/16-1568 .... 16 1805-1882 4 John (Lawrence) Ashbery, 1927- ... 16 Mark Akenside, 1721-1770 4 Isaac Asimov, 1920-1992 17 Edward (Franklin) Albee, 1928- . 4- Gertrude (Franklin) Atherton, (Amos) Bronson Alcott, 1799-1888 . 5 1857-1948 17 Louisa May Alcott, 1832-1888 .... 5 William Attaway, 1911-1986 17 Richard (Edward Godfree) Margaret Atwood, 1939- 17 Aldington, 1892-1962 6 Louis (Stanton) Auchincloss, Thomas Bailey Aldrich, 1836-1907 . 6 1917- 18 Lloyd Alexander, 1924- 6 W(ystan) H(ugh) Auden, 1907- Alfred (the Great), 848-899 7 1973 18 Horatio Alger, Jr., 1832-1899 7 John James Audubon, 1785-1851 . 20 Nelson Algren, 1909-1981 8 Jane Austen, 1775-1817 20 Elizabeth Akers Allen, 1832-1911 . 8 Jane Goodwin Austin, 1831-1894 . 22 (William) Hervey Allen, 1889- Mary (Hunter) Austin, 1868-1934 . 22 1949 8 William Austin, 1778-1841 23 James Lane Allen, 1849-1925^ 8 Alan Ayckbourn, 1939- 23 Paul Allen, 1775-1826 9 Irving Bacheller, 1859-1950 23 William Allingham, 1824-1889 .... 9 Delia Salter Bacon, 1811-1859 .... 23 Washington Allston, 1779-1843 ... 9 Francis Bacon, 1561-1626 23 Richard Alsop, 1761-1815 9 George William Bagby, 1828-1883 . 24 Sir Kingsley Amis, 1922- 9 Walter Bagehot, 1826-1877 24 A(rchie) R(andolph) Ammons, Alexander Bain, 1818-1903 24 1926- 10 Dorothy Baker, 1907-1968 24 Ancrene Wisse, c. 1230 10 Elliott Baker, 1922- 24 VII viii Contents James Baldwin, 1924-1987 24 S(amuel) N(athaniel) Behrman, Joseph Glover Baldwin, 1815- 1893-1973 36 1864 25 Jeremy Belknap, 1744-1798 36 John Bale, 1495-1563 25 Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell, Ballads, Middle English 25 1868-1926 37 R(obert) M(ichael) Ballantyne, Edward Bellamy, 1850-1898 37 1825-1894 25 Hilaire (Joseph Hilary Pierre) J(ames) G(raham) Ballard, 1930- ... 25 Belloc, 1870-1953 37 George Bancroft, 1800-1891 26 Saul Bellow, 1915- 37 John Kendrick Bangs, 1862-1922 ... 26 Park Benjamin, 1809-1864 38 Benjamin Banneker, 1731-1806 .... 26 (Enoch) Arnold Bennett, 1867- Anna Laetitia (Aikin) Barbauld, 1931 39 1743-1824 26 Emerson Bennett, 1822-1905 39 Alexander Barclay, 14757-1552 .... 26 Beowulf, 8th century 39 James Nelson Barker, 1784-1858 ... 26 Thomas (Louis) Berger, 1924- .... 40 Joel Barlow, 1754-1812 26 John Berryman, 1914-1972 40 Djuna (Chappell) Barnes, 1892- Alfred Bester, 1913-1987 41 1982 26 John Betjeman, 1906-1984 41 Peter Barnes, 1931- 27 Martha Gilbert Dickinson Bianchi, William Barnes, 1801-1886 27 1866-1943 41 Richard Barnfield, 1574-1627 27 Ambrose (Gwinett) Bierce, 1842- Sir J(ames) M(atthew) Barrie, 1914? 42 1860-1937 27 Earl Derr Biggers, 1884-1933 42 John (Simmons) Barth, 1930- 28 Robert Montgomery Bird, 1806- Donald Barthelme, 1931-1989 .... 28 1854 42 Cyrus Augustus Bartol, 1813- Elizabeth Bishop, 1911-1979 42 1900 29 John Peale Bishop, 1892-1944 .... 43 John Bartram, 1699-1777 29 MacKnight Black, 1896-1931 43 William Bartram, 1739-1823 29 Paul Blackburn, 1926-1971 43 (Joseph) Hamilton Basso, 1904- Algernon Blackwood, 1869-1951 . 44 1964 29 Hugh Blair, 1718-1800 44 H(erbert) E(rnest) Bates, 1905- Lillie Devereux Blake, 1833-1913 . 44 1974 29 William Blake, 1757-1827 44 Ralph Bates, 1899- 29 Burt Blechman, 1932?- 46 L(yman) Frank Baum, 1856-1919 . 30 Ann Eliza Bleecker, 1752-1783 .... 46 Richard Baxter, 1615-1691 30 James Blish, 1921-1975 46 Rex (Ellingwood) Beach, 1877- Judy Blume, 1938- 47 1949 31 Edmund Charles Blunden, 1896- Peter S(oyer) Beagle, 1939- 31 1974 47 Aubrey Vincent Beardsley, 1872- Robert (Elwood) Bly, 1926- 47 1898 31 Manoah Bodman, 1765-1850 47 Charles Beaumont, 1929-1967 .... 31 Louise Bogan, 1897-1970 48 Francis Beaumont, 1584-1616, George Henry Boker, 1823-1890 ... 48 and John Fletcher, 1579-1625 ... 31 Henry St. John, 1st Viscount Samuel Barclay Beckett, 1906- Bolingbroke, 1678-1751 48 1989 32 Robert Oxton Bolt, 1924-1995 .... 48 William Beckford, 1759-1844 34 Edward (Thomas) Bond, 1934- ... 49 Thomas Lovell Beddoes, 1803- Arna (Wendell) Bontemps, 1902- 1849 34 1973 49 Bede, 673-735 35 Philip E. Booth, 1925- 49 Thomas Beer, 1889-1940 35 George Henry Borrow, 1803-1881 . 49 (Sir Henry) Max(imilian) James Boswell, 1740-1795 49 Beerbohm, 1872-1956 35 Dion Boucicault, 1820-1890 50 Brendan Behan, 1923-1964 35 Vance (Nye) Bourjaily, 1922- 51 Aphra (Johnson) Behn, 1640?- Elizabeth (Dorothea Cole) 1689 36 Bowen, 1899-1973 51 Contents ix George Bowering, 1935- 51 William Wells Brown, 18167-1884 . 63 Jane Bowles, 1917-1973 51 Charles Farrar Browne (Artemus Paul Frederic Bowles, 1910- 51 Ward), 1834-1867 63 James Boyd, 1888-1944 52 Sir Thomas Browne, 1605-1682 ... 63 John Boyd, 1912- 52 William Browne, of Tavistock, Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen, 1848- 15907-1645? 64 1895 52 Henry Howard Brownell, 1820- Kay Boyle, 1903-1994 52 1872 64 Robert Boyle, 1627-1691 52 Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806- Gerald Warner Brace, 1901-1978 ... 53 1861, and Robert Browning, 1812- Hugh Henry Brackenridge, 1748- 1889 64 1816 53 Orestes Augustus Brownson, Leigh Brackett, 1915-1978 53 1803-1876 68 Ray (Douglas) Bradbury, 1920- Brunanburh, c. 937 68 1996 53 C. D. B. Bryan, 1936- 68 William Bradford, 1590-1657 54 William Cullen Bryant, 1794- Marion Zimmer Bradley, 1930- .... 54 1878 69 Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet, c. John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweeds- 1612-1672 54 muir, 1875-1940 69 John Gardiner Calkins Brainard, Pearl (Sydenstricker) Buck, 1892- 1796-1828 55 1973 70 John Gerard Braine, 1922-1986 .... 55 (Carl) Frederick Buechner, 1926- . 70 Max Brand (Frederick Faust), Charles Bukowski, 1920-1994 .... 70 1892-1944 55 Thomas Bulfinch, 1796-1876 70 Richard Brautigan, 1935-1984 .... 56 Ed Bullins, 1935- 70 Jimmy Breslin, 1930- 56 Edward George Earle Lytton Reginald Bretnor, 1911- 56 Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Barron Nicholas Breton, 15557-1626? 56 Lytton, 1803-1873 70 Robert (Seymour) Bridges, 1844- H(enry) C(uyler) Bunner, 1855- 1930 57 1896 71 Charles Frederick Briggs, 1804- John Bunyan, 1628-1688 71 1877 57 Robert Jones Burdette, 1844-1914 . 72 Paul Brodeur, 1931- 57 Anthony Burgess (John Anthony Richard Brome, c.1590-1652/3 .... 57 Burgess Wilson), 1917-1994 .... 72 Louis Bromfield, 1896-1956 57 Thornton W(aldo) Burgess, 1874- William Bronk, 1918- 58 1965 72 The Brontes: Anne Bronte, 1820- Edmund Burke, 1729-1797 72 1849; Charlotte Bronte, 1816- Frances (Eliza) Hodgson Burnett, 1855; Emily Bronte, 1818-1848; 1849-1924 73 and Patrick Branwell Bronte, Fanny Burney (Francis, Mme 1817-1848 58 D'Arblay), 1752-1840 73 Rupert Chawner Brooke, 1887- Robert Burns, 1759-1796 , 74 1915 60 Edgar Rice Burroughs, 1875-1950 . 75 Charles T(imothy) Brooks, 1813- John Burroughs, 1837-1921 76 1883 61 William S(eward) Burroughs, Cleanth Brooks, 1906- 61 1914-1997 76 Gwendolyn Brooks, 1917- 61 Robert Burton, 1577-1640 77 Maria Gowen Brooks, c.1794-1845 . 61 Frederick Busch, 1941- 77 Van Wyck Brooks, 1886-1963 61 Samuel Butler, 1613-1680 77 Chandler Brossard, 1922- 62 Samuel Butler, 1835-1902 78 Alice Brown, 1857-1948 62 William (Howard) Allen Butler, Charles Brockden Brown, 1771- 1825-1902 78 1810 62 Mather Byles, 1707-1788 78 George MacKay Brown, 1921- .... 62 Edwin Lassetter Bynner, 1842- Thomas Brown, 1663-1704 63 1893 79 William Hill Brown, 1765-1793 .... 63 William Byrd II, 1674-1744 79 x Contents Marcus Lafayette Byrn,1826-1903 . 79 Madison (Julius) Cawein, 1865- (Brian Oswald) Donn Byrne, 1914 90 1889-1928 79 William Caxton, c. 1422-1491 .... 90 George Gordon, (6th Baron) Susannah Centlivre, 1669-1723 ... 90 Byron, 1788-1824 79 Robert W(illiam) Chambers, 1865- James Branch Cabell, 1879-1958 ... 81 1933 91 George Washington Cable, 1844- Raymond Chandler, 1888-1959 ... 91 1925 82 William Ellery Charming, 1780- Caedmon, fl. 670 82 1842 91 Abraham Cahan, 1860-1951 82 William Ellery Charming (II), James M(allahan) Cain, 1892- 1818-1901 91 1977 83 William Henry Charming, 1810- Paul Cain (Peter Ruric), fl. 1933- 1884 91 1946 83 George Chapman, 15597-1634 .... 92 Erskine (Preston) Caldwell, 1903- Leslie Charteris, 1907- 92 1987 83 Jerome Charyn, 1937- 92 Hortense Calisher, 1911- 83 Thomas Chatterton, 1752-1770 ... 92 George Henry Calvert, 1803-1889 . 83 Geoffrey Chaucer, c. 1343-1400 ... 93 William Camden, 1551-1623 83 John Cheever, 1912-1982 98 (Ignatius Royston Dunnachie) Caroline Chesebro', 1825-1873 .... 99 Roy Campbell, 1901-1957 83 Charles W(addell) Chesnutt, Thomas Campbell, 1777-1844 .... 84 1858-1932 99 Thomas Campion, 1567-1620 84 George Randolph Chester, 1869- Nash Candelaria, 1928- 84 1924 99 Dorothy Canfield Fisher, 1879- Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th 1958 84 Earl of Chesterfield, 1694- Robert (Emmett) Cantwell, 1908- 1773 100 1978 84 G(ilbert) K(eith) Chesterton, Truman Capote, 1924-1984 84 1874-1936 100 Thomas Carew, 1594/5-1640 ...
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