Reference Works in British and American Literature Second Edition

Reference Works in British and American Literature Second Edition

Reference Works in British and American Literature Second Edition James K. Bracken 1998 Libraries Unlimited, Inc. Englewood, Colorado Contents Acknowledgments xxix Fredrick Irving Anderson, 1877- Introduction xxxi 1947 10 Frequently Cited Works Maxwell Anderson, 1888-1959 .... 11 and Acronyms xxxvii Poul Anderson, 1926- 11 Sherwood Anderson, 1876-1941 ... 12 Andreas, late 9th century 13 Writers and Works Lancelot Andrewes, 1555-1626 ... 13 Lascelles Abercrombie, 1881-1938 . 1 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, c. 1154 .... 13 Louis Adamic, 1899-1951 1 F. Anstey (Thomas Anstey Andy Adams, 1859-1935 1 Guthrie), 1865-1934 13 Henry (Brooks) Adams, 1838- Mary Antin (Grabau), 1881-1949 . 13 1918 1 John Arbuthnot, 1667-1735 14 John Turvill Adams, 1805-1882 .... 2 John Arden, 1930- 14 Leonie Adams (Fuller), 1899-1988 . 2 John Armstrong, 1709-1779 14 Oscar Fay Adams, 1855-1919 2 Martin Donisthorpe Armstrong, Samuel Hopkins Adams, 1871- 1882-1974 14 1958 2 Matthew Arnold, 1822-1888 14 Joseph Addison, 1672-1719 2 Harriette (Simpson) Arnow, 1908- George Ade; 1866-1944 3 1986 16 Aelfric, c. 955-c. 1010 3 T(imothy) S(hay) Arthur, 1809- James Agee, 1909-1955 3 1885 16 Conrad (Potter) Aiken, 1889- Nathan Asch, 1902-1964 16 1973 4 Sholem Asch, 1880-1957 16 William Harrison Ainsworth, Roger Ascham, 1515/16-1568 .... 16 1805-1882 4 John (Lawrence) Ashbery, 1927- ... 16 Mark Akenside, 1721-1770 4 Isaac Asimov, 1920-1992 17 Edward (Franklin) Albee, 1928- . 4- Gertrude (Franklin) Atherton, (Amos) Bronson Alcott, 1799-1888 . 5 1857-1948 17 Louisa May Alcott, 1832-1888 .... 5 William Attaway, 1911-1986 17 Richard (Edward Godfree) Margaret Atwood, 1939- 17 Aldington, 1892-1962 6 Louis (Stanton) Auchincloss, Thomas Bailey Aldrich, 1836-1907 . 6 1917- 18 Lloyd Alexander, 1924- 6 W(ystan) H(ugh) Auden, 1907- Alfred (the Great), 848-899 7 1973 18 Horatio Alger, Jr., 1832-1899 7 John James Audubon, 1785-1851 . 20 Nelson Algren, 1909-1981 8 Jane Austen, 1775-1817 20 Elizabeth Akers Allen, 1832-1911 . 8 Jane Goodwin Austin, 1831-1894 . 22 (William) Hervey Allen, 1889- Mary (Hunter) Austin, 1868-1934 . 22 1949 8 William Austin, 1778-1841 23 James Lane Allen, 1849-1925^ 8 Alan Ayckbourn, 1939- 23 Paul Allen, 1775-1826 9 Irving Bacheller, 1859-1950 23 William Allingham, 1824-1889 .... 9 Delia Salter Bacon, 1811-1859 .... 23 Washington Allston, 1779-1843 ... 9 Francis Bacon, 1561-1626 23 Richard Alsop, 1761-1815 9 George William Bagby, 1828-1883 . 24 Sir Kingsley Amis, 1922- 9 Walter Bagehot, 1826-1877 24 A(rchie) R(andolph) Ammons, Alexander Bain, 1818-1903 24 1926- 10 Dorothy Baker, 1907-1968 24 Ancrene Wisse, c. 1230 10 Elliott Baker, 1922- 24 VII viii Contents James Baldwin, 1924-1987 24 S(amuel) N(athaniel) Behrman, Joseph Glover Baldwin, 1815- 1893-1973 36 1864 25 Jeremy Belknap, 1744-1798 36 John Bale, 1495-1563 25 Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell, Ballads, Middle English 25 1868-1926 37 R(obert) M(ichael) Ballantyne, Edward Bellamy, 1850-1898 37 1825-1894 25 Hilaire (Joseph Hilary Pierre) J(ames) G(raham) Ballard, 1930- ... 25 Belloc, 1870-1953 37 George Bancroft, 1800-1891 26 Saul Bellow, 1915- 37 John Kendrick Bangs, 1862-1922 ... 26 Park Benjamin, 1809-1864 38 Benjamin Banneker, 1731-1806 .... 26 (Enoch) Arnold Bennett, 1867- Anna Laetitia (Aikin) Barbauld, 1931 39 1743-1824 26 Emerson Bennett, 1822-1905 39 Alexander Barclay, 14757-1552 .... 26 Beowulf, 8th century 39 James Nelson Barker, 1784-1858 ... 26 Thomas (Louis) Berger, 1924- .... 40 Joel Barlow, 1754-1812 26 John Berryman, 1914-1972 40 Djuna (Chappell) Barnes, 1892- Alfred Bester, 1913-1987 41 1982 26 John Betjeman, 1906-1984 41 Peter Barnes, 1931- 27 Martha Gilbert Dickinson Bianchi, William Barnes, 1801-1886 27 1866-1943 41 Richard Barnfield, 1574-1627 27 Ambrose (Gwinett) Bierce, 1842- Sir J(ames) M(atthew) Barrie, 1914? 42 1860-1937 27 Earl Derr Biggers, 1884-1933 42 John (Simmons) Barth, 1930- 28 Robert Montgomery Bird, 1806- Donald Barthelme, 1931-1989 .... 28 1854 42 Cyrus Augustus Bartol, 1813- Elizabeth Bishop, 1911-1979 42 1900 29 John Peale Bishop, 1892-1944 .... 43 John Bartram, 1699-1777 29 MacKnight Black, 1896-1931 43 William Bartram, 1739-1823 29 Paul Blackburn, 1926-1971 43 (Joseph) Hamilton Basso, 1904- Algernon Blackwood, 1869-1951 . 44 1964 29 Hugh Blair, 1718-1800 44 H(erbert) E(rnest) Bates, 1905- Lillie Devereux Blake, 1833-1913 . 44 1974 29 William Blake, 1757-1827 44 Ralph Bates, 1899- 29 Burt Blechman, 1932?- 46 L(yman) Frank Baum, 1856-1919 . 30 Ann Eliza Bleecker, 1752-1783 .... 46 Richard Baxter, 1615-1691 30 James Blish, 1921-1975 46 Rex (Ellingwood) Beach, 1877- Judy Blume, 1938- 47 1949 31 Edmund Charles Blunden, 1896- Peter S(oyer) Beagle, 1939- 31 1974 47 Aubrey Vincent Beardsley, 1872- Robert (Elwood) Bly, 1926- 47 1898 31 Manoah Bodman, 1765-1850 47 Charles Beaumont, 1929-1967 .... 31 Louise Bogan, 1897-1970 48 Francis Beaumont, 1584-1616, George Henry Boker, 1823-1890 ... 48 and John Fletcher, 1579-1625 ... 31 Henry St. John, 1st Viscount Samuel Barclay Beckett, 1906- Bolingbroke, 1678-1751 48 1989 32 Robert Oxton Bolt, 1924-1995 .... 48 William Beckford, 1759-1844 34 Edward (Thomas) Bond, 1934- ... 49 Thomas Lovell Beddoes, 1803- Arna (Wendell) Bontemps, 1902- 1849 34 1973 49 Bede, 673-735 35 Philip E. Booth, 1925- 49 Thomas Beer, 1889-1940 35 George Henry Borrow, 1803-1881 . 49 (Sir Henry) Max(imilian) James Boswell, 1740-1795 49 Beerbohm, 1872-1956 35 Dion Boucicault, 1820-1890 50 Brendan Behan, 1923-1964 35 Vance (Nye) Bourjaily, 1922- 51 Aphra (Johnson) Behn, 1640?- Elizabeth (Dorothea Cole) 1689 36 Bowen, 1899-1973 51 Contents ix George Bowering, 1935- 51 William Wells Brown, 18167-1884 . 63 Jane Bowles, 1917-1973 51 Charles Farrar Browne (Artemus Paul Frederic Bowles, 1910- 51 Ward), 1834-1867 63 James Boyd, 1888-1944 52 Sir Thomas Browne, 1605-1682 ... 63 John Boyd, 1912- 52 William Browne, of Tavistock, Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen, 1848- 15907-1645? 64 1895 52 Henry Howard Brownell, 1820- Kay Boyle, 1903-1994 52 1872 64 Robert Boyle, 1627-1691 52 Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806- Gerald Warner Brace, 1901-1978 ... 53 1861, and Robert Browning, 1812- Hugh Henry Brackenridge, 1748- 1889 64 1816 53 Orestes Augustus Brownson, Leigh Brackett, 1915-1978 53 1803-1876 68 Ray (Douglas) Bradbury, 1920- Brunanburh, c. 937 68 1996 53 C. D. B. Bryan, 1936- 68 William Bradford, 1590-1657 54 William Cullen Bryant, 1794- Marion Zimmer Bradley, 1930- .... 54 1878 69 Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet, c. John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweeds- 1612-1672 54 muir, 1875-1940 69 John Gardiner Calkins Brainard, Pearl (Sydenstricker) Buck, 1892- 1796-1828 55 1973 70 John Gerard Braine, 1922-1986 .... 55 (Carl) Frederick Buechner, 1926- . 70 Max Brand (Frederick Faust), Charles Bukowski, 1920-1994 .... 70 1892-1944 55 Thomas Bulfinch, 1796-1876 70 Richard Brautigan, 1935-1984 .... 56 Ed Bullins, 1935- 70 Jimmy Breslin, 1930- 56 Edward George Earle Lytton Reginald Bretnor, 1911- 56 Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Barron Nicholas Breton, 15557-1626? 56 Lytton, 1803-1873 70 Robert (Seymour) Bridges, 1844- H(enry) C(uyler) Bunner, 1855- 1930 57 1896 71 Charles Frederick Briggs, 1804- John Bunyan, 1628-1688 71 1877 57 Robert Jones Burdette, 1844-1914 . 72 Paul Brodeur, 1931- 57 Anthony Burgess (John Anthony Richard Brome, c.1590-1652/3 .... 57 Burgess Wilson), 1917-1994 .... 72 Louis Bromfield, 1896-1956 57 Thornton W(aldo) Burgess, 1874- William Bronk, 1918- 58 1965 72 The Brontes: Anne Bronte, 1820- Edmund Burke, 1729-1797 72 1849; Charlotte Bronte, 1816- Frances (Eliza) Hodgson Burnett, 1855; Emily Bronte, 1818-1848; 1849-1924 73 and Patrick Branwell Bronte, Fanny Burney (Francis, Mme 1817-1848 58 D'Arblay), 1752-1840 73 Rupert Chawner Brooke, 1887- Robert Burns, 1759-1796 , 74 1915 60 Edgar Rice Burroughs, 1875-1950 . 75 Charles T(imothy) Brooks, 1813- John Burroughs, 1837-1921 76 1883 61 William S(eward) Burroughs, Cleanth Brooks, 1906- 61 1914-1997 76 Gwendolyn Brooks, 1917- 61 Robert Burton, 1577-1640 77 Maria Gowen Brooks, c.1794-1845 . 61 Frederick Busch, 1941- 77 Van Wyck Brooks, 1886-1963 61 Samuel Butler, 1613-1680 77 Chandler Brossard, 1922- 62 Samuel Butler, 1835-1902 78 Alice Brown, 1857-1948 62 William (Howard) Allen Butler, Charles Brockden Brown, 1771- 1825-1902 78 1810 62 Mather Byles, 1707-1788 78 George MacKay Brown, 1921- .... 62 Edwin Lassetter Bynner, 1842- Thomas Brown, 1663-1704 63 1893 79 William Hill Brown, 1765-1793 .... 63 William Byrd II, 1674-1744 79 x Contents Marcus Lafayette Byrn,1826-1903 . 79 Madison (Julius) Cawein, 1865- (Brian Oswald) Donn Byrne, 1914 90 1889-1928 79 William Caxton, c. 1422-1491 .... 90 George Gordon, (6th Baron) Susannah Centlivre, 1669-1723 ... 90 Byron, 1788-1824 79 Robert W(illiam) Chambers, 1865- James Branch Cabell, 1879-1958 ... 81 1933 91 George Washington Cable, 1844- Raymond Chandler, 1888-1959 ... 91 1925 82 William Ellery Charming, 1780- Caedmon, fl. 670 82 1842 91 Abraham Cahan, 1860-1951 82 William Ellery Charming (II), James M(allahan) Cain, 1892- 1818-1901 91 1977 83 William Henry Charming, 1810- Paul Cain (Peter Ruric), fl. 1933- 1884 91 1946 83 George Chapman, 15597-1634 .... 92 Erskine (Preston) Caldwell, 1903- Leslie Charteris, 1907- 92 1987 83 Jerome Charyn, 1937- 92 Hortense Calisher, 1911- 83 Thomas Chatterton, 1752-1770 ... 92 George Henry Calvert, 1803-1889 . 83 Geoffrey Chaucer, c. 1343-1400 ... 93 William Camden, 1551-1623 83 John Cheever, 1912-1982 98 (Ignatius Royston Dunnachie) Caroline Chesebro', 1825-1873 .... 99 Roy Campbell, 1901-1957 83 Charles W(addell) Chesnutt, Thomas Campbell, 1777-1844 .... 84 1858-1932 99 Thomas Campion, 1567-1620 84 George Randolph Chester, 1869- Nash Candelaria, 1928- 84 1924 99 Dorothy Canfield Fisher, 1879- Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th 1958 84 Earl of Chesterfield, 1694- Robert (Emmett) Cantwell, 1908- 1773 100 1978 84 G(ilbert) K(eith) Chesterton, Truman Capote, 1924-1984 84 1874-1936 100 Thomas Carew, 1594/5-1640 ...

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