May 16, 1977 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 14777 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, May 16, 1977 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The message also announced that the state compact between the States of Tex­ Senate agreed to the House amendment as and LoUisiana. The compact proVided with an amendment to the foregoing con­ that those States could equitably appor­ DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER current resolution. tion the water of the Sabine River and its PRO TEMPORE The message also announced that the tributaries between them (Public Law The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Senate agrees to the amendment of the 83-578, 68 Stat. 690). BRADEMAs) laid before the House the House with amendments to a bill of the The amendment provided for in this following communication from the Senate of the following title: "An act to bill has been approved by both States. Speaker: authorize appropriations to the Energy The legislature of the State of Texas WASlilNGTON, D.C., Research and Development Administra­ adopted the amendment on June 12, 1973, May 16, 1977. tion in accordance with section 261 of and the LoUisiana Legislature followed I hereby designate the Honorable JOHN the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as suit on July 12, 1974. BRADEMAS to act as Speaker pro tempore for 305 today. amended, section of the Energy Reor­ The amendment would strike the last ganization Act of 1974, and section 16 of THOMAS P. O 'NEILL, Jr., paragraph of the preamble to the exist.. Speaker of the House of Representatives. the Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research ing compact, which reads: and Development Act of 1974, and for It is recognized that pollution abatement other purposes." and salt water intrusion are problems which PRAYER The message also announced that the are of concern to the States of Louisiana a.nd Senate had passed bills of the following Texas, but inasmuch as this compact ls lim­ The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, titles, in which the concurrence of the ited to the equitable apportionment of the D.D., otrered the following prayer: waters of the Sabine River and its tributaries House is requested: between the States of Louisiana. e.nd Texas, Be doers of the word and not hearers S. 425. An act to authorize the President only.-James 1: 22. this compact does not underta.ke the solution o! the United States to present on beha.1! o! those problems. O God and F'ather of us all, fit us for o! the Congress a specially struck gold medal the duties of this day and this week by to Lieutenant General Ira C. Eaker, United Thus, under the provisions of the com­ bringing us closer to you that forgetting States Air Force (retired); pact, the two States are prohibited from ourselves in an earnest desire to do good S. 810. An a.ct granting an extension of pa.t­ taking joint action to solve the problems ent to the United Daughters of the Confed­ excluded from the compact by that para­ things for a great people we may demon­ eracy; strate the value of our democratic spirit. graph. The States and the authorities S. 853. An act to extend the Defense Pro­ acting under the compact have expressed Renew our faith, restore our courage, duction Act of 1950, as amended; and release our enthusiasm, and revive our S. 1474. An act to authorize certain con­ a desire to attack the problems of pol­ concern for what is right that we may struction at military installations, and for lution and saline intrusion at a State not only work for it but even more may other purposes. level, rather than rely heavily upon Fed­ want to work for it until our life's end. eral action. They are anxious to remove Thus may we choose wisely, speak softly, the technical obstacle posed by its lan­ and act nobly, that good may come to CONSENT CALENDAR guage. If the amendment is consented our Nation and to all mankind; for to, each State would be able to use an ap­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is propriate governmental body already in Thine is the kingdom and the power and Consent Calendar day. The Clerk will the glory forever. Amen. existence with established expertise ca­ call the first bill on the Consent Calendar. pable of seeking solutions to those problems. Based on its study of the amendments THE JOURNAL SABINE RIVER COMPACT adopted by the respective State legisla­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair AMENDMENT tures and the testimony received by the Subcommittee on Administrative Law has examined the Journal of the last The Clerk called the bill (H.R. 1551) day's proceedings and announces to the and Governmental Relations, it is clear granting the consent of Congress to an that the amendment will accomplish this House his approval thereof. amendment to the Sabine River compact Without objection, the Journal stands purpose. Its purpose is wholly consistent entered into by the States of Texas and with recent Federal legislation which was approved. Louisiana. There was no objection. enacted to encourage States to combine There being no objection, the Clerk their efforts to combat water pollution read the bill, a-s follows: wherever possible. H.R. 1551 The Congressional Budget Office in its MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Be it enacted by the Senate and House report to the committee on the bill has A message from the Senate by Mr. of Reprt;sentatives of the United States of stated that it has reviewed the matter America in Congress assembled, That the and concluded that no additional cost to Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced consent of Congress is given to an amend­ that the Senate had passed with an ment to the Sabine River Compact (68 Stat. the Government would be incurred as the amendment in which the concurrence of 690) entered into by the State of Texas and result of the enactment of this bill. the House is requested, a bill of the Louisiana, which amendment strikes out the At a hearing held on this bill on March House of the following title: la.st paragraph of the preamble to such com­ 'l, 1977, a statement presented in behalf H.R. 4088. An act to authorize appropria­ pact. of the Environmental Protective Agency tions to the National Aeronautics and Space SEc. 2. The right to amend or repeal the stated that the agency concluded that Administration for research and develop­ first section of this Act is expressly reserved. this bill in making it possible for the Sa­ ment, construction of facilities, and research Mr. DANmLSON. Mr. Speaker, the bill bine River Compact Administration to and program management, and for other exercise its authorities in the areas of purposes. H.R. 1551 grants the consent of Congress to an amendment to the Sabine River water rights apportionment and water The message also announced that the Compact, between the States of Texas resources conversation planning so as to Senate agrees to the report of the com­ and Louisiana. By striking the last para­ further the objectives of salinity control mittee of conference on the disagreeing graph of the preamble of the compact, and pollution control is generally con­ votes of the two Houses on the amend­ the amendment permits the Sabine Riv­ sistent with the purposes of section 103 ments of the House to the concurrent er authorities to handle the problems of of the Federal Water Pollution Control resolution CS. Con. Res. 19) entitled "A pollution abatement and saline intru­ Act, which encourages "compacts be­ concurrent resolution setting forth the sion in the river subject to the powers al­ tween States for the prevention and con­ congressional budget for the United ready vested in them under the present trol of pollution." The EPA also noted States Government for the fiscal year compact. In 1954, the Congress gave its that it is both appropriate and desirable 1978." consent to the establishment of an inter- for water resource control author!ties 14778 · CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE May 16, 1977 such as the Sabine River Compact Ad­ official name of the organization from The membership of such authority shall con­ ministration to take environmental pro­ "American Veterans of World War II" sist of the Governor of ea.ch party State, one representative each from the Mississippi tection into account in exercising their to "American Veterans of World War State Highway Department and the Louisiana. authorities. One legitimate use of water n, Korea and Vietnam." The organiza­ Department of Highways, five other citizens allocation authority, for example, is in tion was originally incorporated by an of each party State, to be appointed by the the preservation of stream quality, par­ act of Congress in 1947. Under that Governor thereof. The appointive members of ticularly in periods of low flow and hot charter, only persons who served honor­ the authority shall serve for terms of four weather, which can combine to produce ably "in the Armed Forces of the United yea.rs each. Vacancies on the authority shall in-stream conditions inhospitable to fish States or citizens who served in the be filled by appointment by the Governor for and other organisms. At such times, con­ Armed Forces of an allied nation of the the unexpired portion of the term. The mem­ trolled release of stored water can pro­ bers of the authority shall not be com­ United States on or after September 6, pensated for service on the authority, but tect such organisms against destruction. 1940, and on or before the date of cessa­ each of the appointed members shall be The Environmental Protection Agency tion of hostilities as determined by the entitled to actual and reasonable expenses c·oncluded that nothing in the compact Government of the United States" were incurred 1n attending meetings, or incurred or in H.R.
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