Lshlin Bondtlion, -:his a adi- we enooaral tte to bet ship embraa0c O Nth ft t a th THE SEA BEACI HOTBE K service. Each membe! •• ta . case of death, the sam paid n SWili-am . 7teelt.ex eotor tfhe tte San testa t A t - the NEWET, LAGtIT, MOT VLTA AND MOST RAIL. abunt $2,•OO. an k ber, r A. I. THE Martha THE MAIL ON eaeed "This is purely a voluntary matter a•i kh wlae. Hbeary (ab Edw0nAr gner; does not in any manner leslon the gbliga defenliants-A mended enmmoros. S 1IRI TFLLY LOCATEDT 1OTEI$ L In Santa tion which I think rests upon the gvern- T1 state of Montana endsegratie t the Situated In the mi4dt of iommodiuet ,oanede,tfhe ones diretly overlooks the broad OF THE RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE. ment to make such provisions ahaO bet abovamedYodmr hereby dafe re(latrfl d nt'. to appear in a• ation EFFICIENCY suggested. We shall continue f•attha ourvilu beeh and the bay oS M rteay,,w hereistoud the Ilneatwinter and mmer senrf bat roug ttg Snthe u ove taml proainL in the wo ld.From the wi veranos the. most mamnatoent{Maid varied marines anoontas matter upon congress and hope for a ifavr in dilstriOts o ollt t a raeny lae edmoniely f utrhed enodeon able issue," of the sate of Montana, in and for the oontr of hile p•ety of feat-roml!trie-p estaeam i h•ftters , eleotric Ulaht ant bels, hoti _a "What part of the time are the elerks ou LewI and Clarke and answer the comlae nt atebr,are necessary comf ors whIh l ap~ olatlby all duty?" filed therei, withinti (iaexlusve of the WRITTEN ESPECIALLY FOR THE HELENA INDEPENDENT. diagof serveaftt ia beonyou oft "Not every day of course. Their work i eammo •h ervedwithin lJ • ~uon tdtor,r wearing, and they must have time for ret. red out of thiscounty, butwithin thisidtre, A Large Dining-Room, Excellent Table and the Best On the heavy lines each man has from a within twdnty dajo;otherwis. within forty days by •e(faltwill l taken alnstyoP- come to it every quarter to a third of his time for rest and or Judgment of Service Throughout the House ire Specialtles. NE OF THE MOST INTERESTING not posible, but we nearer aecoretng to theprayer of AidcompElaint year. been a fallingback. atudy. The postal clerk always has some- of the government service There has never The am acttoo e'brouhiti to obtain a de- branches Without an exception the per cent of ef- thing to lebrn; he never sees the time when crseeof this court for the fereclosure of two oer- STREET CARS PASS THE DOOR is the railway mail, and as inter- ilolenoy and accuracy has shown an in.. he can cay he knows it all. On the shorter tain mortgagee described in the said complaint find in routes, with lighter mails, the work is not and exeeuted by the said Williamt, hteese s til esting a talker as you will crease each year. Every mistake is re- the he Rl ehbtatiten of the broad gauge road Iis lt below the boa•e.nd :ia~iet a tratowat to the man who nearly so hard. The long routes areadivided exeatorof lst will and testament of Mary the postoilce department is Mr. J. Lowrle corded and charged up into sections. For instance, between New Ann EIcert deceaved,Martha Taylor EcLkert t alldepot,. A deeosoriptive souvenir booklet of the otel and surrounding coujitry mulles tree L.akes it. Last year the errors were only A, on the 21stday ohoare so applc•tile. FJorIall pirtioulari andtrm•s appi to Bell, the second assistant postmaster-gen- of clerks run to bchwabe and Fred tohwabe, one to every .,805 pieces handled, or York and Chicago. one set f Augusti,1889, the property embraced in and eral, who was not long ago general superin- one per cent. Syraouse, another to Cleveland and a third affected by saidmortgages belngall those certain JOHN T. SULLIVAN. Proprietor twenty-six thousandths of to Chicago. Not more than lylg and tendent of it. He is thoroughly informed It seems to me that the railway mail ser- from that point lots,pieces or parrcels of land situate, ten or twelve hours of continuous servica being in the townsite of the city of Helena. in on all matters relating to our postal system, vice has a right to be proud of such a show- the oounty of Lewn and Clarke, then territory, can be asked of a postal clerk. If, as in PROFESSIONAL CARDS. and when I asked him as to the service this the service re- now state of Montana. bounded and particularly in'Do not the clerks have troublewith de- some cases, the exigencies of described as follows, to-wit: Lots numbereI afternoon, he replied: quire this to be extended to ifteen or more. one,two, four, fourteen and fifteen, in block BUTCHER & GARLAND. fective and illegible addresses?" allowed for 0 "The story of the growth and prosperity "Plenty of it, just as everybody does who proportionate time must be number reven; lotnumber two in block number involving twenty-six, and lotnumber four in block num- (T. Cruteher, I. C. Garland) of postal service of the United States is the handles mail matter. A postal clerk on a rest. It is a hard life at best, L. NORTHERN PACIFI lots close application, absence from home, and bertwenty-seven: as said and blcicke are most wondrous in our history. In 1790 railway train up to his ears in work, can- numbered, designated and describeJ on the pI).t Attorneys at Law. il- often irregularity in meals and hours for of said townsita on file in the office of the county there were only seventy-five postofflces in not spend much time in deciphering an that we have an Between Missoula. Garrison, Helen legible superscription. If te cannot read sleep. I am proud to say recorder of said county of Lewis and Clerko. Booms 7 and 8, DaIley Block. the country, and our entire postal revenue excellent force, whose effticiency and faith- Said lotsnumbered one and two, in block num- Butte City, Bozeman, Livingsto, only $25,000. Now we have sixty-three fulness are beyond praise." ber seven, having, subsequent to the execution M tnlng,crporation and real estate law special. was of sai•l mortgages, been released from the lien of s. Wl practice in all the stae ourt, in the Billings. Miles. City, and Glendi and our postal re- "What of the future?" thousand postofliees, "As Patrick Henry said, 'I have no way said mortgages by the plaintiffs. Each of said lutted Stattessnreme court and before all the ceipts are live or six times as muoh every mortgagee baring been made to secure the pay- lepartmentsin Washington city. in connection And all points of judging the future but by the past.' Un- ment of a certain promissory note, dated Aug. with Hen. A, H. Garland. late attorney general. day as they were in 1790 for a whole year. questionsbly the railway mail service will 21,1869, made by said William L. tteele sa such The year 1833 is not so far back, but there continue to grow, keeping pace with the de- exdeutor, and Martha Taylor Eckert ichwabe EAST and WEST. promoting and Fred A. lhchwabe ean of said notes being &BsHBUB.NK. BAl BOUR, are many persons now living who remem- velopments of the country. In and it has conferred for the sum of three thousand dollars, each In that year a New York newspaper speedy communication, in or it, eqvalent, on tile Attorney and Counsellor at sla bar it. upon the people a benefit that cannot be being payable gold. There to nothini: better than the servoie e because news by mail from 21stday of Auagst, 1892, to the ,rder of said H.i complained measured. It is a fact that the thousands M. and i. N. Brandeage, with interesttheseon at Masonic Temple, Helena, Mont. Washington was a week old when of towns and villages get relatively more the rate of ton per cent. per annul. interest pay- MABSENA BULLARIDL The Dining Car Line it should have gotten through in advantage from it than do the large cities. able semi-annually, and eachof said mortgagee Between the latter, the mails go through provided thatin ease ofdofanult in the payment four days. I can show you a contract such note and mortgage pro- Attorney and Counsellor at ltw. irecrot; tile great benefit comes from the f interestusin Through dated about this time, for transport- vided, the whole of the principalanth interest Pullman Sleeping Cars and Furansh quick distribution of the mails that are should bscome, at the opntiono themorthagees, Will practice in all rourts of record in the Tourists bleepers Daily between points mails between Philadelphia and ing the piuked up along the route. The railway payablewhether the same shouldatouch time hab state. Olffice in Gold Block, Helena, Mont. in MONTANA and Pittsburg in four-lorse post-coaches. The ainailaervics costs something, but the gov- by the terms thereof de and payableor not: and defaulthaving been made in the payment of the SIZER & KEERL, contractors were to run two lines a day, one ernment makes no expenditure which pays better. DAVID WOCHgLEa. interest of saidnotes and each of them, and said ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS &CHICAG to go through in a little more than two notes and each of them having become by reason Civil and Mining Engineers Copyright. the other in three and a half of such default payable.
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