I • l w.,lrt~Wsgt\-~u~dcf1 Attond the Ingham County Fair at Mason, August 16-21 Wlnnar of 1954 Michigan Press The lngha,m County Ne Ganor11l Excollanco Award Ninetv·Fifth Year, No. 31 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, August 5, 1954 I 4 Sections - 24 Pages iVmvs Index City Will Pay Wunl ad:,, Po~geb 1], :i unrl li, ln~hamBackingi·Citamberlain ,Pr~vides Re~ublican Up~e~ y L Q t 1'1111 I. :·:of'! ill 111'\Vfi, Pdgl' a, Pnt·t 1; Fa1ls Half of Curb l'IIJ-:'1' I, l'.tl'l 2 to Save .,. · 1 ounger OSeS U 1'111111 II new:;, Page 5, Part 2. J•:dllorfllls, I'IIHI! 1, Purl 4. On Boulevard 1 !,11l'fl1 111'\.V,I.J, PdJ:f'B 2, :~ Hlld Mason properly ow 11 e t· H ·I, l'a11 I. ~;""~~~~.,,!~~h~V~" By Margin of 152, I .l•glll not I<'PS, I 'agP li, I'm t throughout the city will pay I; I 'o~l:~' li, 1'1111 :1; !'age~ 5 unci half of the curb ami gttl It' I' li, I'm 1 11, el'nm·n~.~.:~r~~o;~~Jl~)~;fnaWon~~~·I~g~: 'fuesrlny. J3mlw clidn' I Parker Is nner costs ott II all bott Jevm·cl. In 1111 wl· fare so well cl:wwhcJ'P, nnrl unprecedented mow, the city Donald S. Leonard, formm· council spli I. on a !i-1 vnt e I o Judge Is Hearing state pollee commissjonPt', In light voting •rueRdny, Charles E. Challlbcrlain ap­ let the city at htt'J~C pay $0,- won the race with 7iJ,OOO votes to the Owen parently dc!feaferl Paul C. Younger fm· tile RcpuiJiicnn nom­ 368.08 of the $l:d,7.1(j,l[) cost. Stod<bridge Suit 1~ood. J. Cl!!at'Y, secretary of ,stnte, inal ion fot• pl'Osecutor. The unofficial tally gave Clwrnber­ Lone dls~ellll'l lo IIH! Jll'fiJHI:,:If Over School Tax / r.nmP in 1hit·d, and Dr. Eugene laln a lead of 1r>2 vat es with all precincts t'e[lDl'l mg. In n11· was Coundlmarl ItoiH•rt Cl. 1'1111-r C. Keyes, finished Et [lOOt' other race which promised at first to be just a~ closl', Lau­ In J lowl'll TIIUI'Sduy ,llJIIJ-:'C fotll'l h. lip~. rence D. Pat•lwt· built. up a final lead of 1 ,tl:i:d votes 0\'1'1' I Itt­ "I Pan't fnr·IIH• lffp nl Ill!' ,ill';! I l'.>ul lt. C'asl1 .nf llw Clinton· On I he Democratic I kiwi G. I fy lhr' !'ii,Y po~ytn : !ill',; of flu• Gmlfol circuit Js hearing argu· MPnnen Williams harl no opjlo·l bert M. Eddy fot· the Republican nomination for C'ounly tt·cas- 1 Chtu·Ics I~. Chumlmrlrlln projrct cost," f'llffllps slo~ll'd Mon· nll'llls and IPslinwny m the suit sfllnn for l1fs fnurth nnmfnatlon, Lll'!!l'. fm• govet'IHll'. I Je pnlled a l'l'!'!ll'd 1 On tllr. basis of complete clay niJ~lil "I c·cnrftl H" nlr>n•( o11 a of t.llt' Sl•u.td.JI'Idgt• srofrnof cifstrlr•t Shet·iff Willard P. Barnes was renominated hy RPpuhli­ ::!70,000, gPII ing 70•,; of I he Wayne unofficial returns, Charles K third basis whl!'h fms hl'r'll 1111' ill(iiiiiSI Lii'Jllgslon supcrvfsorH. J,rutrcncc Jl. l'nrlwr rule In thP past." 'J'Iu• stnl nwy he llw lu•y to the county vol<•. Chamberlain, young Lansing at­ Wfll11rd 1'. llru·uc~ cans. Ilis opponent, Samuel J. Tomlinson o[ Mason, cmTied 'f'IH• last t'lll'h anrl l~lilll'l' proj- ~II'I(IIITIPnls o;Pl' lh~. r;~ent /:!Jill· Ilcrc Is whnt till' t•arHiidaiPs A year· aHo Laurcnr·e D. Pariwr torney, surprfsl'IJ the vclernn Running slmng in I;an~fng nnrl !J townshipR but was outdistancccl in LansinJ~. The unofficial for rwmirmtfon for gr1Vl'I'£JOI' rllrl waH appointed county t rcasurr.r Paul C. Younger. Not until the eel w11 s 011 C'Pnlt•r· clt't'l'i. '/'lu•l'il\' Iilii ol /lllornr.y ~.cner.11 lt.lnk ~11hurban rlt'eils, Sheriff Barnes totals gave Sheriff Barnes a mat·gin of 6,[)77. pair! 30'/, nf lfw ('PIIIl'r siii'PI Mtll:ml ll.ial.countiPS ~vltkh IH!V!' m Inr:t111m wllh all li:J JH'ec1ncts ln fill a vacancy. lie was nomi­ canvassers complete I heir chel'it OVcrc11me fbC! OUf•C'OUnty Slrenglh curh and guiiPr. 'I'IH• l'ily per· sl'llllof r!JstrJ.!'ls fraclmnal wtlh ltH·Iurlcrl. nated in his own right Tucs,Jay, will lflc winner be ccrtnln. 'rhc of S.unuei J. Tomlinson of Ma~on In the only other contest on out-county Rcpuhlican lml­ winning out over IIuhert M. unofficial count gives Chamber· ccntagc was lmosll'd In !hi• 1.1sp other l'!Htllll~s must usc the flepuhlican with G,fi77 vnles lo spare. 'J'he lots, the 2 col'Oners, W. Ray Gorsline ancl HatTy E. Leadley D. IInlc Bmkr. ......7,o;,n Eddy, Lansing, former chairman lain a lead nf l!i2 votes. The c·an­ of llllll lmulr.VIII'II IH'I'dUS!' "lilt' slal!•'s Pqualrzcd valualf?ns In­ sheriff reccfvr.!l strong support won places on the ticket. of the board of s1rpcrvisors. vaHsers will probably cnmplcte city ~;!multi assJJIIll' llil' 11·sprmsi- :-;tcacl of county eqLraflzcd m lcvy­ Donald S. Lcnnartl ..... :J,:.;fln in Lansing. Ilc finished with a Parfter won by 1,152 on the news­ their tabulation hy Thursday Lloyd II. Bush was a con­ hlllty llf l11P l'lly ow111'd (HJitli•vo~rd 1111( I.IXPs. Owen .T. Cleary .... .. .. :J,II!i tnlal of 10,923 to 4,300 for Tom­ Eugene C. Keyes ................... 1,730 papPI' Ially. night or early Friday. fslmuls," Mayor Clairmont l~VI'r·J The SlrH'khridHC school rlfslrfct linson. Lender. He received 4,977 Registration Set llt cxplnlncrl. Is takrng mandamus action to Dernol'l'lltiC' votes to 11 ,589 for Gorsline G. Mennen Williams ........ ~.D77 Phillips point Pel r11 rt I hal r•ompPI ll~c sup!'! visms of .Iosco an? J 0,458 fat· Leaclley. actLtafly all nf 1111' t'lllh and gniiPr and Unad1fl,1 townships tn LrvlnH­ Hcpublicans had no contest for Vandals Entm· For School Vote lieutenant·govcrnor. C.larem·e A. Polishing Starts Ingham and Eaton work will lw dont• on l'il~· prop- slon '" usc til~ state ff.gucs to Mason School Democrats had no Pnntcsl!'l on er·ty. l!nll bfiUII'vard fiiiiiH'i'IY l'X- sprPad a huildl!rg and sJte funrl Reid was grven 1:3,1\lJi'l· lngham their county tlcltct. Arthur· W. On Merger Issue t~nrls only to till' 111sirfP PriJ~l' of tax. The suit also names the en­ votes. On Exhibits for Several younHslcrs, some of Jewett n[ Mason was nomfnatcc! On the Democratic ticket Gov· Plan Dedication, the .';irfel~all< Iiiii'. "If thai's flu• liiP Livi11gslon board of supervrs- them of good size, gained entry ns one of 1 he 2 coronr•r c·anrli· With one elc!'lion onl of the crnor Wiflinms went to bal for casc, then IIH• city slmnld pny for· ens o~s,a party: . to the Mason school on Jefferson dal cs. He recclvPrl 3,841 votes. G. way Tuesday, Ill!' l'PI(Ist r.tllnn nil nf IIH' Pltrh and guiiPr," J>hil· The Strwkhrrtlgc sdtool thstr!Cl Philip A. !Iart, part owner of the Big County Fair Wednesday night. They clirnhed Of Waverly Road II. nurridgc of Lansing Is the dale for another• is t•nming up lips clmllcnJ~cd. c;.;tPIHis 1nto .Tacl,snn, Washtcnaw Detroit Tiger·s nnd Dclruil Lions. Inghnm's county fair is just 10 up nn the boiler room roof nnrl other candidate. Ilc got 3,11fi Friday of IICXI 11'1'!'1\, 'l'hr Pil'e· !Iart heat George S. Filzgeralrl Completion of ~ miles of Councflrnnrr Alton Stroud who anrl Li~ingstnn Cm~nl!cs as a rc­ ddys away. to the roof over the gii·J's shower votes. tfon, on thr. rncrgrng of I ill' Ma­ about 3 to l throughout tile state. Waverly road between MI. Hope flnnlfy sccondPrl the motion for· suit of merger.'; W!lhrn the past room. From there they entered a Chnmherlnin's hacl(ers clalml'd son, Alaiedon 'l'nwnshrp 1111il diS· That was about the way it was Farm youths anrl arlulls have and US·IG will gel ftrll dcrlicalor·y the city to pny :10'/t or tlH• r•osl, Ill 2 ycaq;. window high in the wnll over treatment Friday afternoon. strong Lansing support hut rnnsl lrwt and the Ilawlr•y 1111d \Vilsnn Jn Ingham. Hart received '1.~4:J already starter! brushing off their first t;,lid, "You 1·an'l owrlnok till' Hnpervisors o[ the 2 LivfnHslon first floor toilets. They dropped polllil'al prophets gave Younger districts of Vevay Is ."iCI for '!'uPs· lo 1,'115 for Fitzgerald, vromi fiwslncl<. pressinr~ their cfoll1ing Invited to he present al the fact tfrat the bCJUII•v:ml hr•auli· townships used tlw slate equal· from the window to a freshly thr. edge. Younger, seeking his day, August 21. nenl Del rorl law.ver. entries and polishing preserve culling of the rihhnn arc E:1lon fles the whoiP town :1s 11'1'11 :rs izr<1l fir;urcs in SJJrearling the painted floor.
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