41 ATIACHMENT~ DRIVE CHANGE Moving towards moving better Blueprint Bayhopper & Schoolhooper Engagement May 2017 ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN :Tell us what you think A comprehensive advertising plan is in place to ensure: • People are informed of the proposed changes • People know how to get further information • People know how to provide feedback and when they need to do this by. People have been defined as: • Parents, children, school staff and communities who currently use School Hopper services • Residents living within areas affected by proposed changes to bus routes and bus stops • Residents of Tauranga City and the Western Bay area with an interest in commuting on Bayhopper buses The following pages show the current media plan and associated creative work, Followed by the maps that people will see as part of this campaign. There are also individualised maps and flyers for each school. This plan will be evaluated each Friday during May, with revisions made to the following weeks plan as appropriate. Any questions or to source all art work files please contact: Simon Neat, Transport Marketing Advisor, BOPRC [email protected] or phone 027 551 7323 42 ATIACHMENT[[] ADVERTISING SCHEDULE and shares inc/ Bus I isites 1 tid<et 43 ATIACHMENT[[] PRESS ADS ONLINE BANNER ADS -scrolling ~ ~~~~ ,fett.us what's ~mportant to.you. : It's important to us. Tel us what you think DRIVE CHANGE Tell us what's Moving towards moving better important to you. It's important to us. We are seeking your feedback to help refine our bus services _ where they go, how often and what features you'd like to see on them. Visit www.drivec hange.co.nz to have yo ur say or to fin d out more about one of our community sessions. DRIVE CHANGE Moving towards moving better 1'\\ NZTRANSPORT ~~~ CY 44 ATIACHMENT[§J GENERIC FLYER We're introducing new bus services from mid 2018 to improve public transport services within these areas: • Schoo lhopper • Te Puke • Katika ti and Omoko roa • Tauranga Western Su burbs - Matua, Ot umoetai, Judea, Beth lehem, Cambridge Road • Tau ranga So uthern Suburbs- Welcome Bay, Greerton, Th e La kes, Pyes Pa, Oh auiti • Mount Maunganui and Papamoa If you'd like a flexible bus network that provides more travel choices, then please help us refine our bus services -where they go, how often and what features you'd like to see on them. We're currently planning changes that include: T l us what you think • More buses, trave lling more freq uently along more direct routes • New buses with more featu res an d less For more information, to provide emissions feedback or find out about our community sessions, visit • New tec hnology to provide passengers with better in fo rmation • Giving buses pri ori ty ove r other traffi c You can also pick up a flyer from your bus, in some places ticket office, school or the Bay of Plenty Regional Council offices at 87 First Ave, • Park and ride fac ilities Tauranga. • Improvi ng options for school students, including those who travel outside of the ir zo ned area. ZTRANSPORT DRIVE CHANGE AGENCY Moving towards moving better -........ AlTACHMENT [!] ' . .. .. c:::.-:J N X V') 0::: MOVING TOWARDS UJ I­ 45 V') MOVING BEnER 0 a.. Tell us what's important to you. It's important to us. We are seeking your feedback to We are seeking your feedback to help help refine our bus services - refine our bus serv1ces -where they go, where they go, how often and what how often and what features you'd like features you'd like to see on them. DRIVE CHANGE to see on them. DRIVE CHANGE Moving towards moving better Moving towards moving better Visit www.drivechllnge.co.nz Visit www.drivechllnge.co.nz to hive your Ay. to hive your Ay. L1"ZTRAHSPORT w~ _..,,_ ~ -..... _ L fll!lilu• :=-] TRANSPORTAGENCY rm-w-n==.,.~ I Dlllnac-11 DblndC~ lfiii :=,.~ l ---v Of~CY ! v ~ v 1M."'"'fi'CJir .,..,,.~ GIIr' -- --- Aquinas College ATTACHMENTI G The changes betng proposed tor Aqu mas College mvolve add thonal public Bayhopper buses 11avel hnq to the school ~ dunng openmg and clOSing t•mes_ The proposed mcrease 10 public bus servtces Wi ll mean the majortty of currem u Sc hool hopper serv1ces to Aqumas College wttl not be requ1red ro ..c Public services to Aquinas College The Crosstown Connector serv1ce ltnk Bayfatr. Welcome Tot Ohomat W10dermere Greerton Wlll Bay. Campu~ . u and Tauranga Crossltlg. Dunng school opentng and dos1ng tunes th1s serv1ce w1 lt d1vert to Aq utnas College ~ Route I w1lllmk Tauranga CBD. Fraser Street, Greerton. Pyes Pa and AqUinas Col lege dunng school opemng u and clos1ng ttmes. Q) Proposed travel optionS !for morning trips, oftornoon trovol con bo rovorsodl c. VI From II Rout•# Bus! ""C Papamoa/Aratak1 302/Jro Publ oc bus routes 30 & 33 to Baylatr Transfer to new public Crosstown c lsei'VIces run every 30 mtnutesl. Connector serv1ce to Aqu1nas College. ro Ctty/Cambndge Rd 351 Public bus route 60 to The Warehouse, Cross Cameron Road and transfer Cameron Road . to public bus route 1 I rom Pak n Save +""' to Aqumas College. c Welcome Bay '01 Public bus route .60 to Ha tnnt Transfer to Crosstown Connector 0 Interchange (Welcome Bay Road to Aqumas College. "- near Green'NOOd Park Lanel. This will enable more travel choices on the public bus network. '+- Oha01t1 502 PubliC bus route 55 to Halftnt Transfer to Crosstown Connector Interchange (Welcome Bay Road 10 Aquma s College. 46 u near Greenwood Park Lane). Why do we need to make changes? What are we changing? Maungatapu/ 503 from Avenues only Publtc bus route If usmg pubhc route 55 transfer "- 1 to Aqumas College. Can also use at Greerton to new public Over the past two years more sc hool ch1ldren Over the page you wtll ftnd ou r proposed changes Q) Avenues are us tng the pu blic Bayhopper buses to travel that relate to your ch tld's schooL These proposed publ1c bus route 55 to Greerton. Crosstown Connector serv~ ce lo AqUinas College. to schools outstde of thetr local zo nes and to changes are tn response to conversations held wtl h c From Maungatapu can catch the extracurncular acttvt ttes. school staff. parents and puptls tn 20 16. Now we Q) new Crosstown Connector servtce need to know whether these are the nght changes 10 to AqUtnas College. We'd hke to deliver a ll extble public transport be made. or what else we should constder pnor to tlO Publtc bus routes & or new Transfer to publtc bus route 1 network to provtde more travel chotces, and th1 s ltna ltstng our bus networks later thts year Otumoetat/Matua 652 62 70 means locussmg our r esources on the public publiC Otumoeta1 servtce to CBD. 10 Aqutnas College. Bayhopper servtces. I Do you have to do anything? BethiJ!hem 653 PubliC bus roules 60 & 62 to Transfer to publtc bu s route 1 a:: The Warehouse, Cameron Road. from Pak n Save, Cameron Road Why does this matter to you? We' d tove to know tl you ag ree wtth these changes. to Aqumas College. or tl you have other tdeas that we could constder UJ We need to know what you thtnk of chang tng the Schoolhopper sef'\I JCe to enable a more effective Bayhopper servtce. so that we can reftne transport ~ salut tons that move us toward s mov rng better u.. Services retained around our ctty Rout e 301 Matapthi/Mounl MaunganUt - Aqutnas College w1ll be attered to only serve Matap1h1, Bayla•r Estate and Drop into one of our .....J Bayfa1r Shoppmg Ce mre. Student s !rom Mount Manga nut and Papamoa wtll be abte to transfer to LhtS servtce tram Tauranga ts one of the few places left that prov1des the public servtce at 8ayfa1r Shopptng Centre. a dedtcated school bus seNtce to move children to community sessions or 0 schools ou tSide of thetr local ne•ghbourhoods, provide survey feedback - te to schools of chotce as opposed to schools 0 Services removed ch1ldren are zoned lor. Movmg thts fundmg mto the see www.drivechange.co.nz & I Routes 302. 303. 30.1, GO I, 502. 502 503 pubhc Bayhopper network wtlt enable more llexlbtlHy for more information and chotce m travel umes. provtdtng a more effective u publtc bus serviC e. Feedback closes 6 June 20 17 V) DRIVE CHANGE Moving towards moving better 47 RADIO ADVERTS ATTACHMENT[[] There are four radio adverts that will play in even rotation: AD#l Bus stops: Bus stops, are there enough or are there too many? Where do you want them, where don't you want them? We're changing how we transport and want your feedback to help make our bus service better. Visit drivechange.co.nz and let us know what you think. Drive Change. Moving towards moving better. AD#2 Bus routes: Are our buses taking you where you need to go? Are there places you would like our buses to go? We're changing how we transport and want your feedback to help make our bus service better. Visit drivechange.co.nz and let us know what you think. Drive Change. Moving towards moving better. AD#3 Bus Frequency: Are there buses when you need them? Are they frequent enough or do we need more buses at different times? We're changing how we transport and want your feedback to help make our bus service better. Visit drivechange.co.nz and let us know what you think.
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