Chart 3Victoria: 30 Local Top Government Areas, Number of Overseas-Born, Census 2016 Census 2016 and Chart 2Victoria: 30 Overseas Top Countries of Birth Increase by in Numbers between 2011 Chart 1Victoria: 30 Countries Top of Birth, Census 2016 Persons, overseas-born Persons, increase Persons 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 140,000 100,000 120,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 80,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 Casey (C) PR China 0 0 0 England Brimbank (C) Wyndham (C) 114,422 66,756 171,443 India India Philippines PR China 93,001 58,015 169,802 Gter Dandenong (C) New Zealand New Zealand Monash (C) 90,248 13,288 160,652 Vietnam Vietnam Melbourne (C) 89,590 13,019 93,253 87,766 Pakistan 12,490 80,787 Italy Hume (C) Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Whittlesea (C) 75,797 11,938 70,527 Philippines Malaysia Whitehorse (C) 70,535 11,839 55,830 70,138 10,259 Malaysia 51,290 Moreland (C) AfghanistanIran 62,353 9,181 Greece 50,049 Glen Eira (C) South Africa Boroondara (C) 55,227 8,171 47,240 Iraq 51,747 Myanmar 5,842 Germany 27,184 Darebin (C) 51,744 Thailand 5,366 Scotland 26,308 Local Government Area Kingston (C) Hong Kong 48,848 5,212 26,073 South KoreaNepal Country ofbirth Country ofbirth ManninghamKnox (C) 47,252 5,081 Pakistan 21,642 Netherlands 46,510 Taiwan 4,605 21,125 Hong Kong Gter GeelongMelton (C) 46,376 4,214 19,813 USA Maribyrnong (C) 40,613 3,438 19,695 South AfricaUSA AfghanistanIraq Stonnington (C) 37,981 2,850 18,637 Moonee Valley (C) Bangladesh 32,988 2,737 18,116 Malta FYR of Macedonia Colombia Indonesia Port Phillip (C) 32,732 2,713 17,873 Indonesia Frankston (C) 32,265 2,496 17,805 Singapore 31,877 2,400 Lebanon 17,631 MorningtonBanyule Pen (C)(S) Cambodia 28,846 2,367 16,684 Iran Hobsons Bay (C) Singapore 28,609 Samoa 2,231 16,627 Maroondah (C) 27,624 Ethiopia 2,177 Thailand 16,063 27,099 1,879 Turkey 15,979 Brazil Yarra (C) 25,599 1,813 Ireland 15,744 South SudanJapan Bayside (C) Yarra Ranges (S) 25,138 1,695 Croatia 15,615 Saudi Arabia 24,830 1,632 S Korea 15,486 24,419 1,623 14,797 29 Population Diversity in Victoria: 2016 Census 30 Chart 6Victoria: 30 Ancestries, Top Responses, Total Census 2016 One Parent Born in aNon-Main English-speaking Country, Census 2016 Chart 5Victoria: 30 Local Top Government Areas, Percentage of Australia-born with at least Census 2016 Chart 4Victoria: 30 Local Top Government Areas, Overseas-born as Percentage of population, LGA Total responses Gter Dandenong (C) Percentage Gter Dandenong (C) Overseas-born as % of LGA pop 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 1,800,000 2,000,000 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 70 0 0 Melbourne (C) English 0 Brimbank (C) Australian 60.5 57.7 1,769,211 Monash (C) Hume (C) Whittlesea (C) 58.0 55.7 1,653,293 Brimbank (C) Irish 42.5 49.1 Scottish Wyndham (C) 597,255 Monash (C) 40.7 Maribyrnong (C) 47.9 Chinese 492,284 Wyndham (C) 37.5 Manningham (C) 41.6 370,638 Italian Melton (C) Manningham (C) 36.7 Whitehorse (C) 40.1 Indian 352,705 36.7 39.9 German 209,255 Moreland (C) Casey (C) Maribyrnong (C) 36.1 38.5 Glen Eira (C) Greek 201,847 Vietnamese 35.6 38.2 170,446 Casey (C) Hume (C) 34.4 36.7 108,142 Whittlesea (C) Dutch MooneeDarebin Valley (C) 32.8 35.7 Maltese 97,689 Moreland (C) 32.6 35.5 Glen Eira (C) Local Government Area Filipino 73,872 Local Government Area Darebin (C) Hobsons Bay (C) Sri Lankan 30.8 Port Phillip (C) 34.0 68,318 Stonnington (C) Melbourne (C) 30.3 33.3 Polish 58,589 Ancestry Lebanese Whitehorse (C) 29.2 31.6 56,552 Kingston (C) Macedonian 25.7 Boroondara (C) 31.5 46,333 Kingston (C) Hobsons Bay (C) Boroondara (C) 25.0 31.2 New ZealanderCroatian 43,581 23.9 30.9 43,135 Yarra (C) 23.9 Knox (C) 30.5 Turkish 39,565 Melton (C) Knox (C) 22.7 30.2 French 37,625 Banyule (C) Moonee Valley (C) Yarra (C) Port Phillip (C) 22.7 30.0 Welsh 32,788 Stonnington (C) 21.9 29.0 Spanish 29,287 Bayside (C) 21.8 27.7 Russian 27,006 Bayside (C) Banyule (C) Maroondah (C) 21.6 Maroondah (C) 25.6 Serbian 24,704 Hungarian 18.0 23.5 23,541 Nillumbik (S) Frankston (C) South African 23.2 16.0 23,091 Cardinia (S) MorningtonCardinia Pen (S) 15.6 21.5 21,917 Frankston (C) Maori Yarra Ranges (S) Yarra Ranges (S) 14.9 19.0 Pakistani 20,966 14.4 17.8 Afghan 20,899 12.4 16.3 20,464 Population Diversity in Victoria: 2016 Census Chart 9Victoria: 30 Local Top Government Areas, Speakers LOTE as Percentage of Population, LGA Census 2016 Chart 8Victoria: 30 Local Top Government Areas, Number of Speakers, LOTE Census 2016 Chart 7Victoria: 30 Languages Top other than English (LOTE) Spoken at Home, Census 2016 Gter Dandenong (C) Percentage Persons Persons 100,000 125,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 25,000 50,000 75,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 Brimbank (C) 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 Mandarin 0 0 0 Brimbank (C) Gter Dandenong (C) Casey (C) 64.5 113,457 191,793 Italian Monash (C) Melbourne (C) 58.4 107,272 Greek 112,272 Monash (C) Vietnamese 50.1 Wyndham (C) 98,023 110,707 Hume (C) Whittlesea (C) 48.1 91,552 Arabic 103,430 Cantonese Manningham (C) Hume (C) 44.9 Whittlesea (C) 89,171 79,589 Maribyrnong (C) 44.0 Melbourne (C) 88,555 Punjabi 78,079 Wyndham (C) 42.5 86,978 56,171 Moreland (C) Hindi Sinhalese 41.9 Whitehorse (C) 65,445 51,241 Moreland (C) 41.1 62,038 Spanish 37,423 Darebin (C) Darebin (C) Manningham (C) Whitehorse (C) 38.2 59,511 Turkish 35,494 Macedonian 37.0 Boroondara (C) 54,334 31,832 Casey (C) Language otherthanEnglish 36.7 49,408 29,487 Glen Eira (C) Local Government Area Local Government Area Tamil Melton (C) 35.8 45,581 25,662 Glen Eira (C) Urdu Moonee Valley (C) Melton (C) 32.2 44,372 Tagalog 23,205 Kingston (C) Hobsons Bay (C) 31.5 43,583 Croatian 23,054 Moonee Valley (C) Boroondara (C) 29.8 Knox (C) 39,352 German 20,504 Maribyrnong (C) 29.0 38,825 French 19,714 Kingston (C) 27.3 34,714 Filipino 19,313 Banyule (C) Hobsons Bay (C) StonningtonKnox (C) 26.0 34,445 Russian 17,777 Gter Geelong (C) 25.2 26,429 Serbian 17,685 Malayalam Yarra (C) 23.2 Stonnington (C) 25,766 17,057 Banyule (C) Port Phillip (C) 22.3 Port Phillip (C) 24,807 Maltese 16,950 PersianIndonesian (excl Dari) Maroondah (C) 21.7 24,070 16,898 Gter Shepparton (C) Yarra (C) 20.6 Maroondah (C) 20,762 16,782 17.0 Frankston (C) 19,320 Korean 16,434 Bayside (C) Swan Hill (RC) 14.7 18,727 Polish 15,519 Bayside (C) Yarra Ranges (S) Gujarati Frankston (C) 14.7 15,246 15,175 11.5 14,225 Khmer 15,059 Cardinia (S) Cardinia (S) 11.4 10,708 Telugu 14,720 11.2 10,570 13,158 31 Population Diversity in Victoria: 2016 Census 32 Chart Victoria: 12 Religions Increase by in Numbers between and Census 2016 2011 Chart Victoria: 30 11 Religions, Top Census 2016 Areas Census 2016 Proficiency, Chart Victoria: 10 30 Local Top Government Areas, Number of Speakers LOTE with Low English Persons, increase Persons Persons 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 Western Catholic 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 Gter DandenongBrimbank (C) Hinduism Anglican Church 0 0 0 Christian, nfd 25,985 51,802 Uniting Church 1,366,058 Casey (C) 25,543 46,923 530,676 Islam Hume (C) 16,303 Sikhism 44,251 204,105 Monash (C) Islam Buddhism Buddhism 15,975 Pentecostal, nfd 23,319 Greek Orthodox 197,030 Whittlesea (C) Chaldean Catholic 15,254 13,301 181,938 Wyndham (C) Christian, nfd Oth Protestant, nfd Whitehorse (C) 14,783 10,039 162,943 Hinduism 12,439 Coptic Orth Ch 2,006 146,441 Darebin (C) Presbyterian 12,217 Syrian Orth Ch 1,652 134,939 Moreland (C) Ethiopian Orth Ch Melbourne (C) 10,770 1,232 Baptist 114,441 Manningham (C) Assyrian Church 10,335 1,154 Pentecostal,Sikhism nfd 77,469 Ch of Jesus Christ Maribyrnong (C) 9,322 1,031 52,762 Boroondara (C) 8,783 Judaism 790 Macedonian Orthodox 48,584 Local Government Area 7,578 Brethren Lutheran 617 Jehovah’s Witnesses 42,257 Kingston (C) Ethnic Evang Ch 6,786 Taoism 615 27,902 Religion Religion Serbian Orthodox Knox (C) 6,493 540 19,609 Glen Eira (C) Moonee Valley (C) Ch of Jesus Christ 5,937 Jainism 493 14,630 Catholic, nec Int'l Network of Ch 5,819 414 7-day Adventist 11,796 Melton (C) 5,464 Antiochian Orth 335 Salvation Army 11,499 Churches of Christ HobsonsYarra Bay (C) 5,339 320 Coptic Orthodox Church 10,605 Maroondah (C) 4,450 7-day Adventist Baha'i 301 10,284 Assyrian Apost, nfd Oth Protestant, nfd Gter Geelong (C) 4,335 285 9,563 Armenian Apostolic 4,074 Nature Religions, nfd 234 8,199 Banyule (C) Oth Spiritual Beliefs Stonnington (C) 3,896 229 Atheism 7,944 United Pentecostal Port Phillip (C) 3,683 Gter Shepparton (C) Indep Evangelical Ch 100 7,766 Agnosticism Russian Orthodox 3,291 95 7,495 2,563 Frankston (C) Zoroastrianism 92 6,874 Oriental Orth, nec Chaldean Catholic 2,081 74 Brethren 5,810 Bayside (C) Yarra Ranges (S) 1,823 72 5,190 Paganism 1,714 Shinto 57 3,743 1,544 54 3,323 Population Diversity in Victoria: 2016 Census Figure 1 Metropolitan Melbourne and Regional Victoria, Number of Persons Born Overseas by Local Government Areas: 2016 and 2011 Census i) 2016 Census – Persons born overseas Metropolitan Melbourne LGAs Regional Victoria LGAs ii) 2011 Census – Persons born overseas iii) Persons born overseas, percentage change between 2011 and 2016 Population Diversity in Victoria: 2016 Census 33 Figure 2 Metropolitan Melbourne and Regional Victoria, Persons who Speak a Language other than English at Home by Local Government Areas: 2016 and 2011 Census i) 2016 Census – Persons who speak a language other than English Metropolitan Melbourne LGAs Regional Victoria LGAs ii) 2011 Census –
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