DISTRTCT SURVEY REPORT FOR SAND MINING. }.STRTCT SERAIKETA- KHARSAWAI{ 3rrrGavg iI{-FTt GOVERNMENT OF JHARKIIAND As per notification no. s.o.141 (E) New Delhi, the 15tI Januatl" 2016 of ministry ol erviron:rent forest a:rd ciima:e clar.rge government oflndia. J DISTR]CT ST]RVEY REPORT OF SERAIKE:LA-KHARSAWAI DISTRICT FOR SAN' District Survey Report for Sand in Seraikella-Kharsawan District ofJharkhand As per notification no. s.o.141 (E) New Delhi, the 15th January, 2016 of Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Govemment oflndia s.No CONTENTS PAGE NO 1 Introduction 3-4 2 Overview of mining activity in distict. 5 of mining leases in district east singhbhum with -l List 6-7 location, area and period of validity. !. Details ofroyalty or revenue received in last three years. 8 Details of production ofsand or bajali or minor mincrals in last 5 8 three vears. 6 Process ofdeposition of sediments in the rivers. 9-12 7 General profile ofthe district. 13-19 8 Land utilization pattern in the district. 20 9 Physioeraphy of the district. 2t 10 Rainfall: month wise. 21 11 Geology and mineral wealth. 1 2 Recommendation & conclusion. 29-31 ia Maps 32-41 DISTRICT SURV'Y RTPORT ():. Sf,RA]KI]LI,A-<HARSAWAN DISTRICT IOR SAND PREFACE In Compliance to the notification issued by the ministry of Environn.tent, Forest and Climate change dated 15.01.2016, the preparation of Dist ct SuNe)' Reporl of river bed mining and other minor minerals is in accordance appendix 10 of the notification. It is also mentioned here that the procedure of preparation of district suryey repofi is as per notification guidelines. Every efforts have been jn made to cover sand n.rining locations, areas & overview of mining activities the district with all it's relevant features pedainjng to geology & mineral wealth in replenish able and non-replenish able areas of rivers, stream and other sand sources. This repod rvill be a model and guiding document u'hich is a compendium of available n.rinetal resources, geographical set up, environmental and ecological set up olthe district and is based on data ofvarious depafiments, published reports, and websites. The data may vary due to flood, heavy rains and other natural calamities. Thcrefore, it is recommended that District Level Expeft comldttee may take into coltsideration all its relevant aspects / data rvhile scrutinizing and recommending the application tbr EC to the corcerned Authority. DISTRICT SLIRVIY REPORT O' SER{TKELLA-K]IARSAW.TN DISTAICT FOR SANI) DTSTRICT SURVEY REPORT OF SERAIKELLA KTIARSAWAN DISTRICT FOR SAND 1. INTRODUCTION :- Seraikella Kharsawan is situated in South-Eastern paft of Jharkhand state ol Eastern India lies about 120 km SE of the State Capital Ranchi. Seraikella Kharsawan is an impofiant district in Jharkhand and is a n.rajor commercial, cultural, and transpofiation center. It is the hub ofthe lndustries. As per Gazette notification ol l5th January 2016 of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change a survey shall be caried out by the District Environment lmpact Assessment Authority (DEIAA) with assistancc of ifigation department, Drainage depafiment, Forest departmcnt, Mining department and Revenue depadment in the district 1br preparation olDistrict Sun'ey Repott as per the sustainable Sand mining guidelines to ensure idertification of areas of aggradations or deposition where nfning can be allou'ed; and ideltilication of areas of elosion and proximity to infrashuctural structures and installations u'here mining should be prohibited and calculation of annual rate oi replenishment arcl allowing time lor replenislurent after mining in that area. Every e1Tofis have been made to cover sand mining locations, areas & overview of Mining activites in the district with aii it's relevant features peltairring to geology & mineral wealth in replenish-able and non-replenish-able aleas ol dvers, streams and other sand sources. The mineral potential is calculated based on tield investigation & geology of the catchment area of the rivers or streams. Also as per the site conditions aird locations, depth of minable mineral is dellned. The atea for removal ofthe mineml in a dver or stream is decided depending on geo- 3 (v, 1}tSTIIICT IIO& S'dND I}ISTRICT SIiRVTY RT]POIIT OIT S'I{A:KIILL,\-.<IIAIiSAW-AIi particular river or moryhology & other factors, it can be 50% to 60% of the area ofa while calculating stream. Other constituents like clay and silt are excluded as waste Repod shall the mineral potential of particular river or stream' This District Survey of reports and form the basis for application for environment clearance, preparation ltve years' appraisal ofprojects. The report shall be updated once every 4 @y a= ri::a: :. ,::-:.., . "::i' ' :-L i ' ':::' ii:i i:: 2. OVERVIEW OF MINING ACTIVITY: Mainly tluee types of minor minerals constituents such as sand, stone and Bajri are requirecl ibr any type of constluction apafi ftom other material like cement and steel. In the earlier time the mud houses/buildings were constmcted with the use ol mud. Ho$,evet s,ith the passage of time, new techniques ol development activities were stafted. As such the demand of Minor Mineral started on an increasing trend. In order to meet the requirement of raw material for construction, the extraction ol sanci carried out manually / semi- mechanized process fiom the river beds . The local residents used to lift sand etc. from the river beds to meet out their bonafide requirement. However after coming into being The Jharkhand Minor Mineral Rules 2017, the nrining is regulated in accordance $'ith the rules' At present 12 number of unsettled Sard Ghats have been studied in accordance with The Jharkhand Sand Mining Policy in different pats ofthe District to prepare the District Survey Repofi. Geologically Seraikella KhaLsawan district lies near to the Singhbhum Shear Zone and Dalma Thrust hence there are numbers of economic and strategical mineruls' Herc the mining activity is involved in sand as in Jodia, Tiruldih,Seherbera etc Quartzite as in Patahesel (Saraikella), Jaikan (Gamharia), Stone as in Lengdih (Chandil), Medki (Rajnagar') besides this Uranium is also extracted from Mahuldih (Gamharia). Besides above nfnerals Seraikella-kharsawan is also rich in lron C)re, Kyanite, Potstone, soapstone, Pyrophyllite and Pyloxenite. 5 @y DISTRIC t St RVaY nIPO:IT O!' SEIiATKLLL-A-,{HAIiSAWA.T- I}IS]R:C'l FOa SA]\} 3. LIST OF MINING LEASES IN TIIE DISTRICT WITH LOCATION AREA AND PERIOD OF VALIDITY:- SR NO. LOCATION AREA (in acre) PERIOD OF VALIDITY I Chandil 23.489 25.02.2011to 10 yearc 2 Chandil 3.80 31.08.20111o 10 years Chandil 2.988 05.1 1.20i2 to 10 years 4 Rajnagar 1 1.633 29 .09 .2011 to 24 .09 .2020 5 Chandil 2.544 06.08.2013 to 10 years 6 Nimdih 7.113 01.01.2010 to 10 years 7 Rajnagar 1 .533 25.02.2011 to 10 years 8 Rajnagar s.t7 19.09.2015 to 10 years 9 Chandil 1.136 11.10.2010 to 10 yems 10 Chandil 1.976 26.01.2009 to 10 years 11 Chandil 1.235 03.10.2013 to 10 years 12 Rajnagar 4.989 18.06.2016 to 10 years 13 Rajnagar 8.126 09.02.2010 to10 years l1 Rajnagar 9.188 13.08.2010 to 10 years 15 Rajnagar 10.077 09.10.2010 to 10 years 16 Rajnagar 7.33s 07.10.2010 to 10 years t7 Chandil 8.743 27 .12.2010 to l0 yeas l8 Chandil t0.714 28.08.2015 to l0 years 19 Seraikella 5.977 29.02.2016 to l0 years 20 Gamaharia 3.28 5 27.01.2016 to l0 years 21 Seraikella 2.988 02.06.2014 to10 years 22 Seraikella 9.484 21 .06 .2016 to 20 .06 .2021 23 Chandil 08.07.2010 to 10 years 24 Rajnagar 4.989 20.06.2014 to 10 years 25 Nimdih. 7 .t13 01.01.2010 to 10 years 26 Chandil s.28 5 15.05.2015 to 05 years 2',1 Gamharia 21.81 24.12.2003 to 20 years Rajnagar 3.50 15.04.2013 to 10 years I E',1 }ISTRICT SURVEY RTPORT 03 SERA]KELLA-XHARSAW,dN }ISTRICT SAND 'OR SR NO. LOCATION AREA (in acre) PERIOD OF VALIDITY 29 Rajnagar 4.149 21.01 .2017 tn 20.01.2022 30 Rajnagar 3.433 19.07 .2015 to I 0 years 31 Seraikella 6.323 1 8.04.2017 to 5 vears Seraikella 7.484 07 .12.2014 to 06.12.2017 33 Seraikella 11.287 04.10.2015 to 10 years 34 Ichagarh 8. 175 10.06.2016 to 01 vears 35 Rajnagar 5.236 22 .07 .2016 to 2l .07 .2026 36 Rajnagar 5.3 5 0 1.0 5.20 1 6 to 3 0.0 4.2021 7 E^6 4. DETAILS OF ROYALTY OR REVENUE RECEIYED IN I-AST THR.EE \'EARS SR NO. Year Royalty @u1ees in Lac) I 20t4-t5 1437 .s4 2. 2015-16 2308.97 3 2016-17 2416.16 Remarks:- from a1l minerzls 5. DETATL oF PRODUCTTON oF SAND oR MrNoR MTNERAL rN LAST THREE YEARS IN DISTT. SRNO. Year Sand ( in Mt) 1 2014-ts 2 2015-16 2016-17 Remarks :- Prior to existing rule the sand ghats were managing by Gram Panchayat and no relevant data provided to the concemed Deparhnent. 8 g.l ,: 6. PRoCtrSS oF DEPOSITION OF StrDIMENTS IN THE RIVERS OF THE DISTRICT:- The deposition in a river bed is more pronounced during rainy season although the quantum of deposition varies from stteam to stream depending upon numbers of f'actors such as catclxnent, Iithology, discharge, river profile and geomorphology ol the river course.
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