^ O N A M * . ^ 1 I ITTCOA'll FEDERAL REGISTE 7 5 * ' 1934 NUMBER 154 VOLUME 8 ^ t/A f iT E O ^ Washington, Thursday, August 5, 1943 Regulations the percentage that the simple average CONTENTS of the yields of sugar beets^in tons per acre planted on the farm in such year REGULATIONS AND NOTICES TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE or years is of the simple average of the Alien Property Custodian: . PaSe county average yields of sugar beets for Chapter VIII—War Food Administration Vesting orders: such year or years, except that the Abandoned patent applica­ normal yield for such farm shall not be P art 802—Sugar Determinations tions, nationals of: less than 80 percent nor more than 120 Enemy countries_________ 10911 NORMAL YIELDS OF COMMERCIALLY RECOVER­ percent of the county normal yield; and Enemy-occupied countries- 10911 ABLE SUGAR PER ACRE FOR SUGAR BEETS (in) For a farm on which sugar beets Avenarius, R., & Co-------------- 10913 (REVISED) were not planted in any of the next Bituminous Coal Division: Pursuant to the provisions of section preceding seven years, 90’ percent of the Minimum price schedules 303 of the Sugar Act of 1937, as.amended, county normal yield of sugar beets. amended: and Executive Order No. 9322, issued (3) The “county average yield” of , District 4_________________ 10885 March 26,1943, as amended by Executive sugar beets shall be: District 7 (2 documents)__ 10886, Order No. 9334, issued April 19, 1943, the (i) For each of the years 1936-1941, in­ 10888 following determination is hereby issued: clusive, the yield established, or which District 9_._______________ 10889 could have been established, under the District 14________ ,---------- 10891 § 802.15e Determination of normal 1942 sugar beet program; and Civil Aeronautics Board: yields of commercially recoverable sugar United Air Lines Transport per acre for sugar beets, (a) The nor­ (ii) For the year 1942 and any subse­ Corp., oral argument_____ 10910 mal yield of commercially recoverable quent year, for a county with ten or I nternal Revenue Bureau: sugar per acre for any farm on which more farms with respect to which ap­ Gift tax under Internal Rev­ sugar beets are planted shall be the plications for sugar payments were ap­ enue Code, regulations re­ amount of sugar obtained by multiplying proved, the weighted average yield in vised—_________________ 10858 the normal yield of sugar beets in tons tons per planted acre on such farms in Interstate Commerce Commission: per acre for the farm by the amount of such year, and for a county with less Daingerfield, Tex., weighing of sugar, raw value, determined to be com­ than ten farms with respect to which sand or gravel for use of mercially recoverable under section 302 applications for sugar payments were Austin Bridge Co---------- — 10910 (a) of the Sugar Act of 1937, as amended, approved, the yield per acre established Office of Defense T ransportation: by the State Agricultural Conservation Deliveries, wholesale and retail, from a ton of sugar beets of normal per­ further curtailment (ODT centage of sugar content for the farm. Committee on the basis of the yields per acre for such year in the county and in 17, Am. 5)_______________10910 (b) For the purposes of this deter­ Office of Price Administration: mination: . adjacent counties with similar produc­ Adjustment orders filed, list.— 10914 (1) “Planted” sugar beets shall be tion conditions. Adjustments, exceptions, etc.: deemed to include only sugar beets (4) The “county normal yield” of Bond, Lawrence E-------------- 10907 planted for harvest for the extraction of sugar beets shall be: Curtice Bros. Co----------------- 10908 sugar. (i) For a county for which county Parkinson, Warren Lee-------- 10907 (2) The “normal yield” of sugar beets average yields are established for Wells Mfg. Co______________10907 shall be: three or more of the next preceding Aluminum scrap and secondary (i) For a farm on which sugar beets seven years on the basis of ten or more ingot (MPR 2, Am. 2)____ 10899 were planted in three or more of the farms, the simple average of all the av­ Animal product feedingstuffs next preceding seven years, the simple erage yields in tons per acre so estab­ (RMPR 74, Am. D — ____ 10905 average of the annual average yields of lished for such county for such years; Asphalt, container costs (MPR sugar beets in tons per acre planted on and 188, Am. 10 to Order A-l) - 10915 the farm for all of such years in which (ii) For a county for which county Authority delegated to territo­ average yields are established for less rial director: sugar beets were planted; Puerto Rico_______________ 10917 (ii) For a farm on which sugar beets than three of the next preceding seven years on the basis of ten or more farms, Virgin Islands---------------------10917 were planted in only one or two of the Cotton goods, fine (MPR 11, next preceding seven years, the number the yield established by the State Agri­ cultural Conservation Committee on the Am. 8)_________________ 10900 of tons obtained by multiplying the (Continued on next page) county normal yield of sugar beets by (Continued on next page) 10855 10856 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, A ugust 5, 1943 CONTENTS—Continued (5) The “normal percentage of sugar content” of sugar beets for a farm from Office of P rice Administration— which sugar beets were contracted to Continued. be marketed under that type of agree­ FEDERALSfcREGISTER Regional, State, and district of- rÜHuiQc- ment commonly known'as an “individual flee orders—Continued. Page test contract” shall be: Rubber footwear, victory line (i) In case sugar beets were so mar­ waterproof (MPR 229, Am. keted in three or more of the next pre­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, 7 )-------------x--------------- 10900 ceding seven years, the simple average and days following legal holidays, by the Solid fuels: of the annual average percentages of Division of the Federal Register.-The National Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Clinton, Ind_____________ 10918 sugar content, at the time of delivery in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Mt. Vernon, Ind__________ 10917 to a processor, of the sugar beets mar­ 1935 (49 Stat 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Vanderburg County, Ind___ 10918 keted in all of such years in which sugar ch. 8B),.under regulations prescribed by the Sausages, frankfurters, etc., beets were so marketed; Administrative Committee, approved by the wholesale (MPR 389, Am. 5 (ii) In case sugar beets were so mar­ President. Distribution is made only by the and 6) (2 documents)___ 10906, keted in only one or two of the next pre­ Superintendent of Documents. Government , Printing Office, Washington,'D C. 10907 ceding seven years, the percentage of The regulatory material appearing herein is P etroleum Administration for sugar content obtained by multiplying keyed to the 'Code of Federal Regulations, War: the county normal percentage of sugar which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Asphalt marketing, certain test content of sugar beets by the percentage to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended June 19, 1937. requirements (Dir. 66, Am. that the simple average of the average The F ederal R egister will be furnished by 1) — ------; ----------------- 10908 percentages of sugar content, at the mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Productive operations, elimina­ time of delivery to a processor, of the per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ tion of certain Louisiana sugar beets marketed in such year or vance. The charge for individual copies fields (PAO 11, Am. D — _ 10908 years is of the simple average of the (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Reclamation Bureau: size of the issue. Remit check or money county average percehtages of sugar con­ mac*e payable to the Superintendent Green Mountain Reservoir, tent of sugar beets for such year or OT Documents, directly to the Government Colo., boat and wharf privi­ years; and Printing Office. Washington. D. C. leges-------------------------- 10908 (iii) In case sugar beets were not so There are no restrictions on the republica- War F ood Administration: tion of material appearing in the F ederal marketed, in any of the next preceding Register. Meat quotas for August: (FDO 27-2, Am. 3) _________ 10857 seven years, the county normal per­ (FDO 61-2)--------------------- 10857 centage of sugar content of sugar beets. Sugar beets, normal yields of (6) The “county average percentage CONTENTS—Continued commercially recoverable of sugar content” of sugar beets shall be: (i) For each of the years 1936-41, in­ Office of P rice Administration— sugar per acre___________ 10855 Continued. Page War Production Board: clusive, the percentage established, or Cottonseed oil meal, cake, hulls, Aircraft, civilian (P4-7)______ 10898 which could have been established, under etc. (MPR 444)__________ 10903 Controlled materials plan (CMP the 1942 sugar beet program; and Malt beverages, domestic (MPR Reg. 1, Am. 2)________ 10898 (ii) For the year 1942 and any sub­ 259, Am. 2) ___ _________ . 10902 Dishwashers, commercial (L- sequent year, for a county with ten or Petroleum and products (RPS 248)----------------------------- 10896 more farms with respect to which appli­ 88, Am. 118)________ 10901 Paper and paperboard (M-241)_ 10898 cations for sugar payments were ap­ Plastic pipe and tubing (MPR Petroleum solvents, aromatic , proved, the weighted average percentage 188, Am. 18)___ 10807 (M-150)------------------ ----- 10894 of sugar content, at the time of delivery Modification of prices (MPR Reagent chemicals (P-135-a)__ 10896 to a processor, of all sugar beets mar­ 188, Am. 8 to Order A-l)_ 10914 Suspension orders: keted under individual test contracts in Puerto Rico, specific prices for Beck Engineering Combustion such year from farms in the county, certain canned goods Kompany------------------ 10894 and for a county with less than ten (RMPR 183, Am.
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