Corso di Laurea magistrale ( ordinamento ex D.M. 270/2004 ) in Scienze del linguaggio - Glottodidattica Tesi di L aurea Le parole non bastano. Comunicazione non verbale e insegnamento dell’italiano a stranieri. Relatore Ch. Prof. Fabio Caon Correlatore Dott. Graziano Serragiotto Laureando Federica Ragogna 850811 A nno Accademico 2015/2016 1 INDICE: INTRODU CTION ………………………………………………………… … pag. 5 1. LA COMUNICAZIONE …………………………………………… …… pag. 8 1.1 LA COMPETENZA COMUNICATIVA …………………………… pag. 1 1 1.1.1 LA COMPETENZA LINGUIS TICA …………………… ….. pag. 1 5 1.1.2 LE COMPETENZE NON VERBALI …………………… …. pag. 1 8 1.1.3 LA COMPETENZA SOCIO - PRAGMATICA ………… …… pag. 2 0 1.1.4 LA COMPETENZA (INTER)CULTURALE …………… …. pag. 2 2 1.2 COMUNICAZIONE VERBALE ………………………………… … pag. 2 4 1.3 LA COMUNICAZIONE NON VERBALE ……………………… … pag. 3 2 1.3.1 GLI STUDI AMERICANI ………………………………... .... pag. 3 4 1.3.2 GLI STUDI EUROPEI …………………………………… …. .pag. 3 9 1.3.3 GLI STUDI ITALIANI …………………………………… … pag. 4 2 2. LA DIMENSIONE NON VERBALE ………………………………… … pag. 4 6 2.1 LA DIMENSIONE CINESICA …………………………………… … pag. 6 4 2.1.1 LE ESPRESSIONI DEL VOLTO ……………………… … … pag. 6 8 2.1.2 I GESTI E I LORO SIGNIFICATI ………………………... ... pag. 7 7 2.2 LA DIMENSIONE PROSSEMICA ……………………………… …. pag. 9 5 2.2.1 LO SPAZIO ………………………………………………... .. pag. 9 9 2.2.2 LE DISTANZE PERSONALI ……………………………... .. pag. 10 0 2.3 LA DIMENSIONE VESTEMICA ………………………………… .. pag. 10 6 2.4 LA DIMENS IONE OGGETTEMICA …………………………… … pag. 11 0 3. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION …………………………… .. pag. 11 3 2 3.1 WHAT COMMUNICATION MEANS IN AN INTERCULTURAL CONTEXT ………………………………………………………… .. pag. 11 3 3.2 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE ………pag. 12 0 3.3 INTERCULTURAL PROBLEMS LINKED T O LANGUAGE ……pag. 1 2 9 3.4 PROBLEMS LINKED TO GESTURES AND PROXEMIC ……….pag. 13 2 3.5 PROBLEMS LINKED TO THE DIFFERENCE OF OBJECTS ……pag. 14 2 4. NON VERBAL DIMENSION IN ITALIAN FOR FOREIGNERS VOLUMES ……… …………………………………………………………………pag. 1 4 9 4.1 THE LANGUAGE LEVELS ACCORDING TO THE COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE FOR LANGUAGES ……………………………………………………………………. .pag. 1 4 9 4.2 THE PARTS THAT COMPOSE THE VOLUMES OF ITALIAN FOR FOREIGNERS …………………………………………………….pag. 17 6 4.3 THE MARGINAL ROLE OF KINESIC DIMENSION IN ITALIAN VOLUMES ………………………………… ………………………pag. 18 7 5. ITALIAN GESTURES: DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES WITH FOREIGNER GESTURES ……………………………………………..pag. 1 9 3 5.1 AN INTERVIEW ACROSS 11 COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD TO DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES BETWEEN ITALIAN AND FOREIGNER GESTURES ……………………… ...pag. 1 9 3 5.2 HOW FOREIGNERS INTERPRET THE ITALIAN GESTURES: MISTAKES AND ABIGUITIES …………………………… ……pag. 24 2 5.3 TEACHING WORK (TENSE UNIT) ON ITALIAN GESTURES – A LESSON AND OTHER SUGGESTION ACTIVITIES …………..pag. 25 3 5.3.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITY ……………………..pag. 25 5 5.3.2 CONCLUSIONS RELATED TO THE ACTIVITY ……….pag. 25 6 3 5.3.3 OTHERS IDEA FOR A TENSE UNIT …………………….pag. 25 8 CONCLUSIONS……………………………………………………… ………. pag. 26 3 BIBLIOGRAFIA ……………………………………………………… .. pag. 26 7 4 I NTRODUCTION: The aim of this thesis is to focus the at tention on non verbal language and how deeper this aspect is treated in Italian books for foreigners and in the teaching . The nonverbal language is a very important component of our daily communication because it allows us to understand what our interlocuto r wants to communicate through his feelings and his intentions. Abercrombie, talking about the paralanguage, affirms that “We speak with our vocal organs, but we converse with our entire bodies; conversations consist of much more than a simple interchange of spoken words.” ( April 1968, pag. 55). Many other authors agree with Abercrombie’s statement, so we can say that nonverbal language presents our visiting card to others. This work is divided in to five chapters in which we focus the attention on the pa rts that compose the nonverbal language, its intercultural component and the analysis of Italian books for foreigners. The first three chapters concern literature, we see the studies that many researchers have conducted over the years, while the last two chapters focus on the research. The work is divided in to the following way: in the first chapter, we focus the attention on the communication, emphasizing what the competences of the communication are, analyzing the four types of communicative competence s (linguistic, non verbal, socio – pragmatic and intercultural) observing them in detail. Then the work continues with the analysis of verbal communication and, to sum up , we define the studies on nonverbal communication that have developed over the years, starting from the American ones to concentrate the study on those that concern the Italian studies. In the second chapter, we focus the attention on non verbal language analyzing all the aspects. The nonverbal dimension is m a de up of four different dimens ions: kinesics that is related to gestures, proxemics that is related to the distance from the interlocutor and the space, vestemic s that is related to clothes and oggettemic s that is related to status symbols and presents. In the third chapter we analyze the communication in the intercultural environment. We analyze the aspect of intercultural communicative competence and what errors there are in the concept of time and space in dif ferent cultures and problems or 5 misunderstandings linked to the proxemic an d kinesics dimension. This is because the nonverbal dimension is linked to the culture and it changes accordingly. The last two chapters are focused on the research. In the fourth chapter, we analyzed the books which are used for teaching Italian to fore ign students. We want to focus the attention on this aspect because we noticed that kinesics and gestures have assumed a marginal role in the teaching , even in the last few years. For this reason we have concentrated our analysis on the Italian books for foreigners to observe if this statement is true and what kind of solution we can take into consideration because this aspect results important for the Italian culture, so it is useful to insert it in the teaching programs. We can start by analyzing the E uropean Framework of References for Languages in order to observe the level and the abilities that are required to learn a foreign language. This is an important document that the European Community has compiled in order to conform all the linguistic field s within the Community. The analysis develops on the research of how the nonverbal aspect is deeper treated in these books, concentrating on the kinesics dimension in order to find some solutions where this aspect is absent. In the last chapter, we take o n the topic of Italian gestures. This chapter is made up of two types of interviews that we conduct ed with people that belong to different countries of the world. The first interview was realized with people who have lived in Italy for many years, so they have learned Italian as L2. We interviewed people coming from Bangladesh, the Ivory Coast, Congo, Romania, Colombia, Togo, Iran and Nigeria. The interviewees realized a video of the gestures that are present in their countries in order to observe differen ces and similarities with the Italian ones. The second interview was conducted online through Facebook or email, and, in this case, the interviewees are people that, in their country, study Italian as LS. In this case we interviewed people coming from Eg ypt, Croatia, Finland, England, Poland and Argentina. We showed them some videos containing some Italian gestures to observe possible mistakes or ambiguities linked to our gestures. 6 The chapter continues with the description of an activity on Italian ges tures proposed in a class of Italian as LS, that I realized during my internship in “Istituto Venezia”, a school of Italian language and culture. The chapter ends with four different teaching activities that a teacher can suggest in an Italian class, both LS or L2. These activities differ one from the other according to the level of the students so that they can approach, according to their abilities, the study of this particular aspect of the Italian culture linked to gestures. 7 1. LA COMUNICAZIONE Il termine comunicazione deriva dal latino <<communicatio>> ovvero: “mettere in comune” , “diffondere”. Si tratta di una relazione che si instaura tra due o più persone e consiste in uno scambio di messaggi, di informazioni dotati di sen so compiuto e pertinenti al tema che si sta affrontando. Possiamo definirla utilizzando le parole di MacKay, che afferma: “In questo senso generale, A comunica con B se c’è qualcosa in comune ad A e B, oppure se qualcosa viene trasferito da A a B”. (MacKay , in Hinde, 197 4 , pag.14). Isabella Poggi, delineando questo fenomeno in maniera più dettagliata, afferma che in una comunicazione ci sono sempre un mittente, colui che invia il messaggio e un destinatario, colui che lo riceve che hanno lo scopo di interag ire tra di loro tramite un segnale prodotto secondo una modalità che assume un significato attraverso la comunicazione. 1 Anche Bonfiglio nel suo volume “Introduzione alla comunicazione non - verbale” (2008, pag.8) sostiene questo concetto affermando che “I d ue interlocutori possono essere identificati come fonte e destinatario di questa interazione. Cioè, chi parla è la fonte mentre chi ascolta è il destinatario della comunicazione (questi, naturalmente, si alter n ano di volta in volta durante l’interazione st essa ) ”. La comunicazione, quindi, si e sercita in modo bidirezionale, ovvero gli interlocutori entrano in contatto tra loro e si scambiano idee, opinioni, pensieri, emozioni, ecc. Quando noi comunichiamo trasmettiamo parte di ciò che siamo, entriamo in cont atto diretto con l’altra persona creando un dialogo e una conoscenza reciproca, infatti la comunicazione tra due o più individui può anche essere vista come una relazione interdipendente, come una rete di relazioni che avviene tra di loro in uno spazio e i n un determinato periodo, “Human beings are linked together in their relationships in time and space in an inextricable interdependence.” 2 (Key, 1982, pag.
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