1952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 1143 ident supply in public life. He was a vision­ NOMINATION OF HAR~ A. McDONALD, until tomorrow. Wednesday, February ary and a realist, a conservative and a lib­ TO BE ADMINISTRATOR OF RFC-RE­ 20, 1952, at 12 o'clock meridian. eral, an independent thinker never afraid of PORT OF A COMMITTEE the unorthodox or the unconventional. "I won't be dropped into a mold. I want to be Mr. MAYBANK. Mr. President, from CONFIRMATION a free spirit," he said. He was as American the Committee on Banking and Curren­ as the countryside of his n ative Indiana, and cy, I report favorably the nomination of Executive nomination confirmed b~ America could do with more men like Wen­ Harry A. McDonald, of Michigan, to be the Senate, February 19 (legislative day dell Willkie. Administrator of the Reconstruction of January 10), 1952: CANAL ZONE . Mr. BRIDGES. Mr. President, I am Finance Corporation. The nomination was ordered reported by the committee Rowland Keough Hazard, of Rhode Island, glad to associate myself with the Sen­ to be district attorney for the Canal Zone. ator from Illinois in his remarks com­ by a vote of 7 to 3. The PRESIDING OFFICER <Mr. LEH­ mendatory of Wendell Willkie. It was MAN in the chair). The nomination will my privilege to be an enthusiastic and b~ received and placed on the Executive active supporter of Mr. Willkie when he Calendar. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sought the Presidency in 1940. My friendship with him continued until his TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1952 EX:i:CUTIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES death, and I agree with the Senator from The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Illinois that the country lost an 4Jut­ The following favorable reports of The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, standing and valuable cit'zen when he nominations were submitted: D. D., offered the fallowing prayer: passed on. So, I think it was very fitting By Mr. O'MAHONEY, from the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs: Almighty God, whose grace and good­ that the Senator from Illinois should ness hallow all our days, we pray that have spoken as he has, and I appreciate John J. Forbes, of Pennsylvania, to be Director of the Bureau of Mines. Thou wilt bless the Members of this leg­ the sentiments he has uttered regarding By Mr. CONNALLY, from the Committee islative body as they again come to the Wendell Willkie. on Foreign Relations: sacrament of public service. I always recall one statement Wendell Howland H. Sargeant, of Rhode Island, to Give us the assurance of Thy sustain­ Willkie made which has come to the fore- · be an Assistant Secretary of State, vice ing and abiding presence as we face tasks front in my mind. Mr. Willkie was Edward W. Barrett, resigned; which we know are far beyond finite Edwin A. Loclrn, Jr., of New York, to fighting for preparedness and for the be the representat ive of the United States wisdom and strength. repeal of the neutrality act and for some on the Advisory Commission of the United Grant that we may have the confidence of the other measures which. were so Nations Relief and Works Agency for Pales­ that Thy kingdom is coming and that all necessary during that period, prior to tine Refugees in the Near East; things are working for good to those who the Second World War, in the late 1930's. Walter J. Donnelly, of the District of Co­ love Thee. lumbia, a Foreign Service officer of the class Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. After the war, when many persons pTac­ of career minister, to be Ambassador Extraor­ tically fell over themselves to join in dinary and Plenipotentiary to Austria; The Journal of the proceedings of some of the things which they had pre­ Lincoln MacVeagh, of Connecticut, now yesterday was read and approved. viously fought, Willkie made a state­ Ampassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten­ ment which I shall always remember. tiary to Portugal, to be Ambassador Extraor­ dinary and Plenipotentiary to Spain, vice ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR DIRECT He said: Stanton Griffis, resigned; and IOUSING LOANS It is not always being for a thing that Sidney A. Belovsky, of New York, and counts. It is very easy to be for a popular sundry other officers for promotion in the The SPEAKER. The unfinished busi­ thing if the tide is running in that direc­ Foreign Service. ness is the vote on the motion of the tion, but it is a different thing to be for it By Mr. McCARRAN, from the Committee gentleman from Mississippi to suspend when it is in its formative stage, when vital on the Judiciary: the rules and pass the bill <H. R. 5893) issues are at stake. James A. von der Heydt, of Alaska, to be to mak-e additional funds available to United States attorney for division No. 2, the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs In the 1930's I remember standing on District of Alaska; for direct home and farmhouse loans to the floor of the Senate and being one of Edwin Langley, of Oklahoma, to be United eligible veterans, under title III of the · six United States Senators to vote States attorney for the eastern district of Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, against the neutrality act when prac­ Oklahoma, vice Cleon A. Summers, retired; as amended. tically every one else in the Chamber Harley A. Miller, of Puerto Rico, to be United States attorney for the district of The question is : Will the House sus­ was whooping it up for the neutrality act, Puerto Rico; and pend the ruler and pass the bill as as was also the case in the House of A. Roy Ashley, of South Carolina, to be amended? Representatives. Afterward we were United States marshal for the western dis­ Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, on that told by some of the great minds of the trict of Sout h Carolina. I ask for the yeas and nays. world that one of the things which gave The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there The yeas and nays were refused. the green light to Hitler was when ·the be no further reports of committees, the The question was taken; and the American Congress, by almost unanimous clerk will state the ·nomination on the Speaker announced that in the opinion action, passed the neutrality act. That Executive Calendar. of the Chair two-thirds of the Members gave Hitler the green light to proceed. present had voted in favor thereof. Wendell Willkie was one of the per­ Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Sp~aker, I object sons who gave encouragement to me and CANAL ZONE to the vote on the ground that a quorum to others when we fought the neutrality The Chief Clerk read the nomination is not present and make the point of 1),ct and later demanded its repeal. of Rowland Keough Hazard to be district order that a quorum is not present. So, Mr. President, I agree with the attorney for the Canal Zone. The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ is not present. The roll call is automatic. 1entiments expressed by the distin­ The Doorkeeper will close the doors, the ·6Uished Senator from Illinois and com­ out objection, the nomination is con­ firmed. That completes the Executive Sergeant at Arms will notify absent mend him for his tribute to Wendell Members, and the Clerk will call the roll. Willkie. Calendar. Without objection, the Presi­ dent will be notified of the confirmation. The Clerk called the roll and there were-yeas 342, nays 0, not voting 89, as follows: EXECUTIVE SESSION RECESS [Roll No. 6) Mr. LONG. Mr. President, I move Mr. LONG. Mr. President, as in legis­ that the Senate proceed to the con­ YEAS-342 lative session, I move that the Senate Aandahl Andersen, Anfuso sideration of executive business. stand in recess until 12 o'clock noon Abernethy H. Carl Angell The motion was agreed to; and the tomorrow. Adair Anderson, Calif. Arends Albert Andresen, Aspinall Senate proceeded to consider executive The motion was agreed to; and <at 5 Allen, Ill. August H. Auchincloss business. o'clock p. m.) the Senate took a recess Allen, La. Andrews Ayres 1144 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE February 19 Balley Gathings Morris Wigglesworth Wl11Stead Wood, Idaho The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Baker George Morton Williams, Miss. Withrow Woodruff Barden Golden Multer W illiams, N. Y. Wolcott Yates the request of the gentleman from Mas­ Baring Goodwin Mumma W ilson, Ind Wolverton Yorty sachusetts. Barrett Gordon Murdock Wilson, Tex. Wood, Ga. Zablocki There was no objection. ·Bates, Ky. Graham Murray, Tenn. Bates, Mass. Granahan Nelson NOT VOTING-89 Battle Granger Nicholson Abbitt Hall, Morano THE PRIVATE CALENDAR Beall Grant Norrell Addonizlo Leonard W. Morrison Beamer Green O'Brien, ill. Allen, Call!. Halleck Moulder The SPEAKER. This is Private Cal­ Beckworth G reenwood O'Brien, Mich. Armstrong Harden Murphy Belcher Gregory O 'Konski Bakewell Hart Murray, Wis. endar day. The Clerk will call the first Bender Gross O 'Neill Bennett, Mich. Hays, Ark. Norblad bill on the Private Calendar. Bennett, Fla. G winn Osmers Blackney Hebert O'Hara Bentsen Hagen Ostertag Boggs, La. Hedrick Passman Berry Hale O'Toole Bray Heffernan Potter WILLY GffiOUD Betts Hall, Patman Brooks Hess Rees, Kans. Bishop Edwin Arthur Patten Buchanan Horan Regan The Clerk called the bill <S. 1839) for Blatnik Hand Patterson Bush Jackson, Wash. Rivers the relief of Willy Giroud. Boggs, Del. Hardy Perkins Byrnes Jarman ROdino Bolling Harris Philbin Camp Jones, Mo. Rogers, Fla. There being no objection, the Clerk Bolton Harrison, Nebr. Phillips Cannon Kean Sa.bath read the bill, as follows: Bonner Harrison, Va.
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