DOCUMENTS PRIME MINISTRY DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF PRESS AN0 INFORMATION CONTENTS NO. DATE OF DOCUMENT SUBJECT Order of 3rd Army Commander on mea- sures to counter Russian provocations through Caucasian Armenians. Identifications of Armenians serving qs 3rd Lt. in the Turkish Army. Interior Ministw instruction on Zeytun gang. Letter of Ambassador in Teheran on links Between Russians and Iranian and Cau- casian Armenians. Letter of Erzurum Provincial authority on Armenians provocated by Russians. Report by Trabzon Gownor on informa- tion related to organizing of Armenian armed raiders by Russian Government Report by 3rd Army Command on arming of Armenians by Russians. Report by 2nd Cavalry Division Comman- der on KaQ~zmanincidents. Coded message from Kazm Bey on Van rebels Report by Gendarmarie Commander Ka- ztm Bey (Ozalp) on Van Rebellion. Proposal by Erzurum Governor Tahsin Bey to Acting Commander-in-Chief Enver Pasha related to Van rebellion. Report by Acting 11 th Army Corps Com- mander on Armenian military deserters in the Mus region. Coded message by 11 th Army Corps Com- mand on assassination of one lieutenant and four Gendarmarie enlisted men by Ar- menians during the search of Arak Monas- tery. Instruction on method for securing public order. List of Turks murdered by Armenian gangs. Coded message from Bronzar Pasha on Zeytun incidents Letter from Van Gendarmarie Division Command on Armenian attacks on Gendar- marie outposts and men. Report on Armenian aggressions on Mos- lem villages and on gendarmeries in Van and Bitl is regions. Coded message from 4 th Army Comman- der Cemal Pasha on the link of the Patri- arch with Zeytun incidents. Respond of Acting Supreme Command to the Armenian Patriarch on justice. Letter from Van Gendarmarie Division Command on measure to counter Arme- nian attacks on Gendarmarie outposts. 22 20.4.1915 Report from Van Governor Cevdet Bey on Van rebellion.. 23 20.4.1915 Coded message from Governor of Van on exwansion of the rebellion. 24 23.10.1918 Report from 9th Army Corps Command on aggressions and plundering by Armenians in Moslem villages. 25 26.4.1915 Order by the Supreme Command on closing down Hunchak and Dashnak and similar committees and their branches. Instruction of the Acting Supreme Com- mand on rooting out of Armenian rebel sources in Lake Van region. Coded message from Supreme Command informing participation of Armenian Gang leader Antranik with his men in the Russi- an Division of Chernoroyod Regulation on the administration of assets and properties of Armenians to be transfer- red to other locations in view of the war and the extra-ordinary political circumo tances. Report from Acting 10 th Army Corps Commander Pertev Bey on the clash with Armenians on the old fortress of Karahisar. Report by Sivas Governor Muammer Bey that Armenian rebels in Karahisar are put under control 5 th Army Corps Command letter on agg- ression~of Armenians in Moslem villages in Bosazl lyan. 4th Army Command Report on the deve- lopment of the clash between 400 Armeni- an rebels in F~nd~c~kvillage of Maras and the 132 th Regiment. Report from Communications Inspectorate on the attacks of Armenian enlisted men of the Urfa Workers Battalion on Moslem soldiers. Coded message from 3 rd Army Command on Armenian rebels in Karahisar. Defence Ministry order on actions to supp- ress Armenian aggressions in the Yalova region. Coded message from 4th Army Command on Mount Musa incidents. French Statement on Mount Musa inci- dents. War telegraph from 4th Army Command on suppressing Armenian rebellion in Urfa. 4th Army Command coded message on confrontation in Urfa. Report by Militaty Attache in Bucharest on Armenian volunteers Organization in the Caucasus. Interior Ministry announcement on migra- tion. 3rd Army Command report related to Ar- menian messacres. Report on trade by Greek, Armenian and Jewish traders in Istanbul buying food and gold from German army personnel in Is- tanbul Cease-fire agreement between the Ottoman and the Russian armies in the Caucasus front. 3rd Army Command report on Armenian cruelties and atrocities in Erzincan. Armenian cruelties in Erzincan. Letter from Ottoman Caucasian Armies Commander Vehip Pasha to Russian Cau- casian Armies Commander-in-Chief General Perjovalski. Reports by I st Caucasian Army Corps Commander Kazlm Karabekir on Armenian cruelties. Cruelties by a 2000 men gang made by Armenians Georgians and Greeks in the Polathane region. 2nd Caucasian Army Corps Command report on details of atrt, cities. Situation in Erzincan and Armenian atroci- ties. Letter of South Caucasian Assembly Spe- aker Kekechkori on peace. 3rd Army Command order on measures to protect Turks from Armenian cruelties in regions behind withdrawing Russian positions. Report of General Odishelidje on searches by Russian soldiers of Moslem homes in Erzincan under the pretext of a Moslem revolution. Reply from General Odishelidje to Vehip Pasha Views of 3rd Army Command on advan- cing of the 1st Caucasian Army Corps to wards Erzincan. Proposal of the Supreme Command related to the report of General Odishelidje. 1st Caucasian Army Corps report on the entering of the 108 th Regiment in Erzin- can, against Armenian gangs resistance. 2nd Caucasian Army Corps Command Re- port on Georgian and Armenian commit- tees in Trabzon to deliver their arms and goods to Turks, and on murdering of over 200 Moslems by Armenian gang led by Arshak before leaving Bayburt in the direc- tion of Erzurum. 3rd Army Command report on liberating Bayburt and cruelties of Armenian gangs Report on Armenian cruelties in Adilcevaz and Mamahatun. 3rd Army Command letter of Sansa passage incident. Report of General Kaz~mKarabekir on Armenian cruelties Report of 3rd Army Command on Arme nian cruelties. Letter by Istanbul and lzmir deputies to the International Socialist Conference in Stockholm. Report of the 3rd Army Command on the situation in Erzincan and Erzurum. Army Command order on just treatment to the people during the advance deployment of the 3rd Army. Report of Armenian Forces Commander in Erzurum General Antranik as puslished in Caucasian newspaper Kabasluv. Message by General Kaz~mKarabekir to the Armenian community of Kars. Report stating that number of Turks mur- dered by Armenians in Erzurum alone was 2,127 according to corpses recovered. Letter of 3rd Army Command ordering equal and just treatment to everybody with no religiousdiscrimination. Cable describing Armenian cruelties and massacres in the region from Trabzon to Erzincan. Cable exposing Armenian cruelties in Erzincan. Letter from Caucasian Front Ottoman Armies Command to the Russian Com- mander-in-Chief of Caucasian Armies related to leaving to the mercy of Arme- nians the people in places evacuated by Russians. Document related to marriage of a member of the Sultan family with an Armenian wo- man named Vartanus. Report by Group Commander Brig. Gene- ral Sevki to the 3rd Army Command on Armenian cruelties. Turkish translation of the Cable of author Dr Stephan Eshnania on Armenian cruelties Translation from Russian the memor'ies of Russian Officer Toverdahleiov, prisoner of war, on Armenian atrocities and cruel- ties against Turks in Erzurum and the regi- on, from the heginnig of the Russian Re- volution'until 27.2.1918. Letter of General Kaz~mKarabekirto Ar- menian Army Corps Commander Nazar- behov on massacre of Moslem population in the Armenian Republic by Armenian gangs. Letter by Russian Army Corps to the In- dependent Armenian Commission in Gijmrii requesting that the Turkish Command is informed of the atrocities by Armenian gangs led by Antranik in Nahcivan region. Letter by Vehip Pasha to the Armenian National Assembly Speaker in Batum on cruelties suffered by Turkish people of Baku and Azerbaidjan. Report by Eastern Armies Group Comman- der Esat Pasha on murder of 200 Moslems in Islam villages by Armenians. Report by Esat P~shaon murder of 7,000 Moslems in Oilman and 1000 Moslems in Rumiye by Armenians, indiscriminately, women, Children, old and alike. 83. 24.7.1918 Letter of Eastern Armies Group Comman- der Halil Pasha urging deployment of tro- ops to prevent the annihilation of Moslems by Armenians in Karabao. 84 25.8.1918 Report disclosing activities of Armenians under false names. 85 28.8.1918 Interior Ministry statement announcing the results of the investigation by District Go- vernor of Yusufeli on Armenian cruelties. 86 5.9.1918 Border demarcation according to Batum Pe- ace Agreement. 87 3.10.1918 9th Army Corps Command Report on Arme nian attacks on Moslem villages of the Gok - ?ego1 region. 88 24.10.1918 9th Army Command report on cruelties and massacres by Armenians on Moslem popula- tion of Erivan, Karabab and Nahcivan regio - ns. PREFACE Armenian teworirt gangs have been waging a campaign of hatred towar- ds Turkey dunng .the last ten years, indiscriminately slaughtering and maiming innocent people. Unfortunately certain countries have attempted to justify and find ex- tenuatrng circumstances for these heinous acts of terro&m, which are a %ant violation of fundamental rights, international law and basic huma- nity. The campaign aims at wining the support for these claims of the so-cal- led "Armenian Genocide" which lacks any historical foundation and ori- ginates only in unjust and biased information arising from lies and slan- ders. It also seeks to achieve their demandr, which have no logical and legal foundation whatzoeuer. Such claims, distorting history and facts, are unfor- tunately supported by the media of some countries. The periodical MILITARY HISTORY DOCUMENTS published by the Militaty History and Strategic Studies Department of the Turkish General Staff, devoted its December 1982 (No.81) issue to the First World War years, so much referred to in these baseless charges and allegations. Docu- ments published in the periodical catalogue Armenian atrocities and massacres perpetrated on Turkish people in these years.
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