MTSH stOCK TRADING VOLUME ROSE WITH ALL-TIME LOW PRICE P-5 (BUSINEss) Vol. IV, No. 44, 6th Waxing of Nayon 1379 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Wednesday, 31 May 2017 NATIONAL Natural disaster management committee discusses 2016 survey PAGE-3 NATIONAL Senior General holds talks with Turkish Ambassador PAGE-9 NATIONAL Parkland rental fees in Yangon to be examined Firefighters remove debris left by Cyclone Mora as it brushed past Maungtaw, Rakhine State yesterday on its way to Bangladesh. PHOTO: YE HTUT PAGE-3 Cyclone Mora wreaks havoc, cuts power in Maungtaw NATIONAL India Myanmar Thailand highway: By Min Thit fied in the Bay of Bengal and tions,” said U Thant Zin, head alert due to the lack of com- Project is likely to start travelled north, making land- of the Maungtaw Township Fire munications and power supply from next month, says CYCLONE Mora wreaked hav- fall in Bangladesh but affect- Services Department. since early morning,” said U Ye Nitin Gadkari oc in Maungtaw Township in ing northern Rakhine State in The wind reached its max- Htut, Maungtaw District Com- PAGe-6 northern Rakhine State, leav- western Myanmar. imum sustained speed at about missioner. ing transportation and commu- “We have removed the 4am with heavy rain, cutting Local authorities have car- nications in chaos and causing debris in the roads since the communications around 6am, ried out evacuations, cleared LOCAL BUSINEss a loss in power to the township storm made landfall. I’m not he added. roads and started to compile a Over Ks56,000 million as it crossed into Bangladesh sure if the storm killed people “Security has also been list of damaged buildings. earned from four types early yesterday morning. or not in villages because the tightened and departmental The cyclone weakened in of insurance policies The cyclone had intensi- storm has affected communica- offices are also urged to be on Bangladesh by late morning. PAGE-5 31 MAY 2017 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyithu Hluttaw 2nd Pyithu Hluttaw 5th regular session holds its 6th day meeting At the 6th day meeting of 2nd Py- Dr Daw Kyi Moh Moh Lwin of sion said, “To reduce events of ithu Hluttaw 5th regular session, Singaing constituency discussed inducing to practise bribery and held on 30 May, as regards the that there were some interme- corruption, delaying cases and motion put forward by Daw Aye diaries who were intentionally annoying the public by making Aye Mu (a) Daw Sharmie of Kalay made to arrange in dubious frequent changes of hearing cas- constituency, titled “Urging the ways and means for convenient es, arrangements are under way government to lay down orders, communication between the de- in some departments to reduce rules, regulations on taking ar- partments and the public instead unnecessary steps, to keep ser- rests with a view to controlling of helping by giving necessary vice records and to issue orders frequent changes of hearing the guidance, especially administra- and instructions transparently. cases without relevant reasons tive offices, land records offices, But it is necessary for the depart- for the convenience of relation immigration offices, road and ments and organisations which between the public and govern- transport offices, police stations are directly communicating to ment offices and to drop down and courts of justices. carry out depending upon the the bribery and corruption”, the U Than Tun Myint of Kale- nature of the work, to notify the Hluttaw decided to put it on re- wa constituency said they still time to perform and particulars cord, with the motion seconded needed to systematically solve which must be brought together by 6 representatives. the problems of bribery and cor- in noticeable places, to announce Daw Soe Nwe Aye, of Tada-U ruption among service personnel, respective complaint centers if constituency discussed that the and simultaneously it is neces- there are some persons who government should effectively sary to instill character building would to complain and to take take action against service per- by organising, educating and actions against those who violated Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw U Win Myint. PHOTO: MNA sonnel who violated civil service discussing, plus exercising the malpractices if found guilty.” rules such as the cases of violat- carrot-and-stick approach. Afterward, Dr Aung Thu, Un- Hla of Danubyu constituency, U Undertaking Vetting Committee ing service rules, failure to per- In addition, U Min Thaing of ion Minister for Agriculture, Live- Kan Myint of Thayet constituen- of the Pyithu Hluttaw and govern- form the duties for the people, de- Bogale constituency, U Soe Aung stock and Irrigation replied to cy, U Khin Maung Thi of Loilem ment & embankment law (bill) laying time and submitting false Naing of Kyonpyaw constituency the questions raised by U Maung constituency and U Saw Tun of submitted by the Ministry of Ag- reports to authorities concerned and Daw San San Ei of Mohnyin Maung of Htigyaing constituency Mudon constituency, respectively. riculture, Livestock and Irrigation for the government to go astray, constituency seconded the mo- as to whether there has been any In today’s meeting, the re- were discussed by parliamentar- if the public made a complaint tion. U Mya Win, chairman of plan to pave the way of Myay- port submitted by the Govern- ians and approved by Hluttaw. with evidences over these cases. the Anti-Corruption Commis- baungtin-Kyaukchaw, by U Tin ment’s Guarantees, Pledges and —Myanmar News Agency Amyotha Hluttaw 2nd Amyotha Hluttaw 5th regular session holds its 6th day meeting Six day meeting of 2nd Amyotha of embankments will be imple- managed to be opened in Htan- Hluttaw 5th regular session was mented with the technical aids talan in Myanmar. In addition, held at the meeting hall of the of transport and communica- Myanmar has demanded to Amyotha Hluttaw in Nay Pyi tions ministry.” open a new trade zone in Pan Taw at 10 am yesterday. Afterward, U Aung Htoo, Khwar, Mizoram State in India. Maj-Gen Myint Nwe, Dep- Deputy Minister for Commerce Besides bilateral banking ser- uty Minister for Defence, re- replied to the question raised vices, matters on cooperation in plied to the question raised by by U Maung Maung Latt of agriculture, fishery, medicine, U Myint Naing of Rakhine State Sagaing Region constituency-9 textile sectors were cordially constituency 5 as to whether as to whether there have been discussed. 6th Myanmar-India there have been any plans any arrangements for consult- trade joint committee meeting to abandon the ownership of ing with the Indian Government is to be held in New Delhi, In- the confiscated land 15 acres to carry out policy reforms by dia during the month of June, situated at field No 847 (A) in Speaker of Amyotha Hluttaw Mahn Win Khaing Than. PHOTO: MNA reviewing situations on Myan- 2017, hence negotiations to be Chaungtha (North) of Zinkhar- mar-India border trade. emphasized over the queries chay village in Kyauktaw town- nications replied to the ques- year 2014-2015, and 150 ft-long U Aung Htoo explained, raised by the Hluttaw repre- ship, that the land 15 acres had tion raised by U Kyaw Than of 6 stone embankments with the “With a view to the improvement sentatives.” been ordered to be cancelled Rakhine State constituency 10 State Cabinet’s initial budget of trade between Myanmar and Then, Deputy Minister for from the list of pasture land as to whether there have been fund of K 126.422 million, tide-in- India, bilateral trade joint-com- Defence and Deputy Minister by Rakhine State General Ad- any plans for building stone em- duced erosion was relieved to mittee meetings, border trade for Transport & Communica- ministration Department, but it bankment which would protect the considerable extent. But, it committee meetings between tions clarified the questions would be abandoned in accord landslide in Pyargyi village of was not sufficient for tide-affect- high-ranking officials from both raised by U Wai Sein Aung of with procedures due to being Hmyawtaw U village-tract in ed length of 7000 ft, the budget sides and border-market joint Rakhine State constituency about 10 miles far away from Manaung Township, Kyaukphyu allotment was submitted to be committee meetings were held 1 and U Tet Tun Aung of con- the headquarters of the bat- district from erosion of tides. granted for further construc- in cooperation. stituency 2, U Kyaw Thaung of talion and being unable to grow Deputy Minister said, “Due tion and conservation of em- In the Myanmar-India bi- Sagaing Region constituency 1. monsoon paddy on account of to construction of 150 ft-long 6 bankments in the added fund of lateral trade joint committee 2nd Amyotha Hluttaw floods every rainy season. stone embankments with the Rakhine State Cabinet for the meeting, increasing items of 5th regular session’s 7th day U Kyaw Myo, Deputy Min- State Cabinet’s added fund of K fiscal year 2017-2018. Depend- tradable goods was carried meeting will be on 31st May. ister for Transport and Commu- 126.422 million in the financial ing upon the fund, construction out. And, the trade zone was —Myanmar News Agency 31 MAY 2017 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Natural disaster Management Committee discusses 2016 survey A work coordination meeting on U Maung Maung Win, heads of a 2016 natural disaster survey departments and other respon- was held yesterday morning in sible officials. the meeting room of the Presi- The working committees dential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw. included the Working Commit- Vice President U Henry Van tee for Search and Rescue with Thio, who is also the Chairman Union Minister Lt-Gen Kyaw of the National Natural Disaster Swe as Chairman, the Work- Management Committee, deliv- ing Committee for National ered the opening speech at the Natural Disaster Management workshop.
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