FARM&BARN ERICA LARSON TheHorse.com/FarmandBarn Self-Care Boarding 101 Plans to make and supplies to gather before committing to self-care didn’t really choose to become a self- care boarder. I was happy with the care I my Thoroughbred gelding, Dorado, received on full board. After years of hav- ing him at home, I enjoyed the extra time I had to check things off my to-do list. But unexpectedly, Dorado suffered a laminitic episode. The barn staff caught it early, which allowed us to treat him quickly, but I still needed to medicate and check on him at least twice a day for the initial recovery period. I told the barn owner that I’d switch to self-care for the time being because I’d be at the farm so frequently. I never switched back. Yes, it was a ton of work. And, yes, I spent significantly more time at the barn than when Dorado was on full board. But I found that I loved starting my day with Dorado. I enjoyed unwinding after work by cleaning a stall and going for a ride. And, even though picking up stable essen- THE HORSE STAFF tials meant an extra trip out at night or on Erica and Dorado’s self-care scenario included access to shared areas such as grooming and wash stalls. weekends, I loved the freedom of selecting my own feed, hay, and bedding. I also than full-care options. But, ultimately, is that may be close to a joint or vital believe the extra time spent with Dorado it the least expensive option? Once you structure,” she adds, so you can report it strengthened our relationship. factor in time, supplies, and more, it to your vet. “General first-aid principles All that to say: Self-care boarding takes might not be. So, it’s important to know will always be important, and knowing a lot of time and effort, but it can be just what self-care boarding will involve and the normal ranges for your horse’s resting what some horse owners need. what resources it will require. heart rate, respiratory rate, and tempera- Know the basics Horse care and health ture are important so that any significant Before You Commence knowledge becomes especially important variation can be noted and documented.” Self-care board is what it sounds like: if you’re going to be providing that care Know your horse As a self-care boarder, housing your horse at someone else’s yourself. you’re responsible for monitoring your facility but feeding and managing him “Having an understanding of equine horse and detecting abnormalities quickly. yourself. nutrition goals and the ability to assess Specifically, in addition to vital signs, Bittersweet Acres, in Lexington, Ken- your horse’s condition using the (Hen- Rodgers encourages owners to know their tucky, offers a range of boarding options. neke body condition score) grading scale horses’ normal manure production; daily There, self-care includes a stall, turnout, will be important when managing your water intake; eating habits; activity level and use of farm amenities such as a riding horse’s diet and seasonal intake appropri- in the paddock; and stall behavior. arena and grooming and wash stalls, says ately,” says Martha Rodgers, VMD, who “Any changes in those normal param- Erica Higginbotham, who owns and oper- owns and operates Shephard Hill Equine, eters are an early warning sign to monitor ates the farm with her husband, Patrick. a mobile practice in Lexington, Kentucky. your horse more closely, make any inter- Because the facility owners aren’t “Also, a basic understanding of equine ventions necessary to ward off a potential performing chores or providing feed, self- anatomy will be helpful should your gastrointestinal upset or colic episode, or care boarding prices are typically lower horse incur any injuries or lacerations to contact your veterinarian,” she says. TheHorse.com THE HORSE 1 FARM&BARN Establish your equine health care team schedules. Even driving to and from the require owners to bring their own stall Most self-care facilities don’t have a farm barn will take time out of the day. care supplies, so check to be sure you’re veterinarian and/or farrier. Therefore, it’s Rodgers says developing relationships prepared before moving in. up to you to identify your horse’s care with other owners can be invaluable for Other barn and stall essentials you providers. If you don’t already have a self-care boarders. might need to acquire include: preferred vet or farrier, consider getting “Having another boarder as a backup ■ Feed and water buckets (regular and references from other boarders and co- is key in case you are unavailable to meet heated or insulated for winter) for stalls; ordinating things like vaccination visits, your veterinarian or farrier for a more ur- ■ Water tanks for turnouts (some barns fecal parasite egg count monitoring, etc. gent need aside from a true emergency,” provide these or automatic waterers, so Doing so can save time and money. You she says. “Specialized turnout schedules check with the facility owner); also need to gather emergency contacts (post-injury, for example) or feeding/ ■ Haynets or feeders; and establish an emergency plan. muzzling schedules may be difficult for ■ Snaps or other fasteners; and “We ask our boarders to have posted at a working self-care boarder to manage. ■ If needed, a stall fan designed for out- their stall their contact information, an Sharing that responsibility will help the door or agricultural use. emergency contact, and their preferred owner and keep the horse under the best If your horse will have a stall, plan for vet and farrier in cases of emergency,” management for his needs.” buying and storing bedding. Bittersweet Higginbotham says. Having a barn buddy can also mean Acres allows self-care owners to purchase Don’t wait until a serious horse health sharing day-to-day chores when one of shavings as needed from the farm stock, issue arises to know how you’ll proceed. you can’t get out to feed, muck stalls, or which means they don’t have to store “Having a well-thought-out emergency bring in or turn out horses. their own products. Other facilities might plan is critical for a self-care boarder,” says You’ll also be spending time on feed, require boarders to secure and store their Rodgers. “Discuss with your veterinarian hay, and bedding runs; daily horse care own (be it on or off the property). Make and the farm owner your wishes and con- tasks such as grooming and/or inspecting arrangements with your farm owner in straints should an equine emergency arise for injury; and riding, driving, or other- advance, and be willing to explore all which may need or warrant referral.” wise having fun with your horse. options—for example, buying a bag of Finally, be sure you have rapid access Be realistic, Higginbotham says, and shavings from a local store might be mar- to a truck and trailer for emergency trans- ensure you have time in your schedule to ginally cheaper, but purchasing it from port, whether it’s your own rig, the farm take on a self-care commitment. your barn and not having to worry about owner’s, or another boarder’s. transportation and storage might end up Know your limits “The self-care boarder Don’t Forget Supplies being more convenient and worthwhile. is definitely physically at the farm more You might not own the barn, but you’ll Horse care collection Some full-care and spends more time with their horse need pretty much everything that goes facilities provide everything from groom- than our full-care boarders, on average,” inside it when you’re a self-care boarder. ing and bathing supplies to fly spray and Higginbotham says. “The self-care owner Stable necessities Some barns with supplements. This won’t be the case when is out twice a day, turning out and then self-care options, such as Bittersweet you’re self-care boarding. You’ll likely bringing in their horse and also cleaning Acres, offer an assortment of community need to organize and store: the stall.” supplies. There, wheelbarrows, muck ■ A grooming kit (TheHorse.com/138778); This can be a perfect setup for hands- tubs, pitchforks, shovels, and brooms are ■ Bathing items (TheHorse.com/138812); on horse owners. But the minutes add up available for use regardless of an owner’s ■ Hoof supplies (TheHorse.com/139406); quickly, especially for people with busy boarding package. Other farms, however, ■ Insect control products; ■ Extra halters and lead ropes; ■ Blankets, sheets, coolers, and other equine attire. If the barn has space limitations, be prepared to store these off-site when not in season; and ■ Tack and riding equipment. Find out whether you’ll have access to a tack room or locker and/or if you’ll need to bring your own saddle and bridle rack, tack hooks, trunk, and other storage. First-aid kit Horses are masters at injuring themselves, and you’ll need to be well-prepared to deal with issues that arise. Rodgers recommends keeping the following on hand for emergencies: ■ Limb and/or hoof poultice pads; ■ Sterile nonstick dressing; ■ Triple antibiotic ointment; TheHorse.com THE HORSE 2 FARM&BARN ■ Sheet cotton or a set of stable wraps; ■ An emergency phone number list; and Be sure you’re on the same page with ■ Self-adhesive flexible bandages; and ■ Insurance information, if applicable. your barn owner regarding expectations ■ Ophthalmic ointment from your veteri- Pro tips Don’t forget to label or apply (What are the barn’s hours? Will new narian for eye wounds.
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