Tigran sargsyan parTici- paTes in The scienTific-re- NATo week sTarTs search workshop relaTed in armenia To The waTer sphere policy PAGE 4 PAGE 3 ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS Weekly Digest of the Government of Armenia June 14 - 20, 2010 THEMA “Quote of the week” “The creaTion of nu- clear physics infra- sTrucTure is innova- Tion in medicine” ASHOT CHILINGARYAN DIRECTOR OF YEREVAN PHYSICS INSTITUTE ASHOT CHILINGARYAN Upcoming Events June 21-23: President Serzh ARMENIAN, RUSSIAN, AZERBAIJANI PRESIDENTS Sargsyan pay an official visit MEET IN ST. PETERSBURG to the Federal Republic of Germany rilateral meeting between Arme- ministers joined them. After the meet- Tnian President Serzh Sargsyan, ing Armenian Foreign Minister Edward June 21: World Music Day to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev Nalbandyan noted that the achieve- be organized in Yerevan and Azerbaijani President Ilham ments gained through negotiations were Aliyev was held on June 17 in Kon- registered at the meeting. An agreement July 1-2: VII CIS and Baltic stantinov Palace, Saint Petersburg. was reached to continue the negotia- Region Bond Congress Armenian presidential press serv- tions on the basis of those results. The ice told Armenpress that the meet- presidents assigned the foreign minis- June 26 - July 6: International Open Chess Tournament in Jermuk ing started with participation of the ters to continue the active negotiations. three presidents, and then the foreign 18 June, 2010, www.panarmenian.net July 11-18: The seventh an- SERZH SARGSYAN EXTENDED CONDOLENCES TO FAMILIES OF nual Golden Apricot Yerevan AZERI DIVERSION VICTIMS rmenian President Serzh Sarg- June 18, right after the incident occurred. Asyan extended condolences to An Azeri recon element attempted to pene- USEFUL LINKS families of Azeri diversion victims. trate into Arstakh territory in the environs of • www.president.am “I deeply commiserate with the Chaylu settlement, Mardakert region, on June • www.gov.am families of 4 soldiers killed. We’ll 18, at 11.30 pm. As a result of retaliatory meas- • www.parliament.am give our best efforts to make up ures, the armed group was neutralized, leav- • www.mfa.am for the irreparable loss suffered.” ing one dead and armament on the spot. The • www.armenpress.am As the President noted, he was informed Armenian side lost 4 killed. 4 were injured. • www.panarmenian.net about Azeri side’s subversive attack on 18 June, 2010, www.panarmenian.net • www.matenadaran.am ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS CHRONICA SERZH SARGSYAN VISITS BRIT- TIGRAN SARGSYAN HEADLINES OF ISH EMBAssY TO CONGRATU- RECEIVES UN spECIAL LATE THE BIRTHDAY OF HER RAppORTEUR ON HUMAN THE WEEK MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH RIGHTS DEFENSE AFFAIRS • JUNE 15: World Bank Yer- THE SECOND MARGARET SEKAGGYA evan Office Announces Civ- il Society Fund 2010 Winners rmenian Prime Minister Tigran Sarg- AH syan received on June 15 UN special A • JUNE 15: RA Deputy Prime Min- rapporteur on Human Rights Defense Affairs ister met WB Armenia Country Margaret Sekaggya. At the event present was Manager Aristomene Varoudakis UN permanent coordinator in Armenia Dafi- AH na Gercheva. Governmental press service • JUNE 15: Armenia, Austria told Armenpress that welcoming the guests have potential to be explored rmenian President Serzh Sargsyan the prime minister highly assessed the coop- AH visited on June 16 Embassy of Great eration with the UN agencies and Armenia. A • JUNE 16: RA National Acad- Britain and Northern Ireland to Armenia During the meeting the interlocutors re- emy of Sciences announces and congratulated the ambassador and ferred also to the general situation of hu- best scientific works authors the staff of the embassy on the birthday man rights protection in Armenia. Tigran AH of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Sec- Sargsyan highlighted the applying of in- • JUNE 16: Regular Ab- ond, presidential press office reported. ternational experience in Armenia and surd Statements of Azerbaija- the assistance of the UN office in doing it 16 June, 2010, www.armenpress.am ni Representative in New York 15 June, 2010, www.armenpress.am AH RA FOREIGN MINISTER BRIEFS GEORGIAN PRESIDENT ON CURRENT • JUNE 17: CBA issues 2 gold and STAGE OF KARABAKH CONFLICT SETTLEMENT 4 silver commemorative coins to honor prominent Armenians stressing that the dialogue established with AH Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan enables • JUNE 17: RA government to allocate further progress in bilateral collaboration. AMD 62mln to purchase grand piano The parties discussed implementation of bi- AH lateral agreements, economic cooperation • JUNE 19: British Petrole- program, as well as Georgia’s Armenian com- um Azerbaijan closes down munity issues and ways to resolve them. RA • AH Foreign Minister briefed Georgian President on • JUNE 19: RA Public TV Art Coun- current stage of Karabakh conflict settlement. cil to select Eurovision participants n June 14, during his visit to Geor- Prior to meeting with President Saakashvili, AH Ogia, RA foreign Minister Edward the Foreign Minister presented perspectives of Nalbandian met with Georgian Presi- bilateral collaboration as well as priority tasks dent Mikheil Saakashvili in Batumi. in RA foreign policy to Georgia’s Armenian 1624 FAMILIES TO BE HOUSED Georgian President gave high assessment community, RA MFA press service reported. IN 1988 EARTHQUAKE ZONE to friendly relations between the two states, 15 June, 2010, www.panarmenian.net rmenian Minister of Urban Devel- 10-15% GROWTH EXPECTED IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IN 2010 Aopment Vardan Vardanyan stated 10-15% growth will be fixed in con- concluded on implementation of a con- that 1624 families in the 1988 earth- A struction industry in 2010 as com- struction project in Yerevan,” Vardanyan quake zone will be housed this year. pared with 2009, Armenian Minister of said. “There are projects which can’t be “1056 families will receive apartments in Urban Development said. “Despite the accomplished due to financial problems. Gyumri, 306 - in villages of Lori region, crisis, the construction industry tends to But if an enterprise submits a package of 220 - in Spitak , 42 - in Stepanavan,” he revive this year,” Vardan Vardanyan said. essential documents, the government can said, adding that the issue is in the limelight He also informed that the Ministry nego- consider the application and render rel- of a relevant governmental commission. tiates new agreements with private inves- evant assistance,” he concluded. The Minister also noted that upon com- tors. “A $10-million agreement will be 14 June, 2010, www.panarmenian.net pletion of construction works, special- ists are invited to issue a conclusion on ARMENIAN GOVERNMENT TO RECONSIDER AVAILABLE HOUSING FOR the seismic stability of the buildings. YOUNG FAMILIES PROGRAM TERMS “The are apartments distributed by a draw,” he said. rmenian government will re- were showing rather conservative attitude to the 14 June, 2010, www.panarmenian.net Aconsider Available Housing issue of crediting, given credit recurrence risks for Young Families program terms. they will have to bear. Which means we have AsHOT YEGHIAZARYAN - AM- As RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan stated to pay special attention to crediting criterions to BAssADOR TO BRAZIL at National Youth Policy Board sitting, initial promote participation of youth in the program.” une 15, Armenian President Serzh Sarg- instalment amount, credit payment terms as “RA government is ready to increase financ- well as interest rates required need reconsid- ing as well as attract international donor Jsyan signed a decree on appointing Ashot ering, governmental press service reported. organizations for successful program im- Yeghiazaryan Armenian Ambassador to Bra- Commenting on low number of applications plementation,” the Prime Minister stated. silia (residence in Brasilia), the presidential submitted, the Prime Minister noted, “Banks 19 June, 2010, www.panarmenian.net press service told Armenpress. 16 June, 2010, www.armenpress.am 2 AH ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS RES PUBLICA CO-PAYMENT SYSTEM TO BE INTRODUCED IN ARMENIAN MEDI- Tigran sargsyan parTicipaTes CAL INSTITUTIONS in The scienTific-research rmenian Healthcare Ministry repre- ernment, the remaining part - by the client. workshop relaTed To The Asentative Ara Ter-Grigoryan, stated The project has two goals: to determine the waTer sphere policy that the RA government has approved a pi- real amount of payments in the hospitals lot program envisaging introduction of the and avoid secret bargains. It will first be system of co-payments in a number of Ar- launched in Yerevan and then in regions menian medical institutions, starting with of Armenia,” he said, adding that the pay- Arabkir medical center. ment system in maternity hospitals and “The program will last 6 months and will polyclinics will remain unchangeable. first of all refer to people who undergo The Ministry will conduct monthly moni- treatment by government order,” he said. toring to decide whether the project should “A part of the sum will be paid by the gov- be prolonged. 15 June, 2010, www.panarmenian.net YEREVAN TO HOST NATO DISASTER REspONSE EXERCISE IN rmenian Prime Minister Tigran Sarg- SEPT. 2010 Asyan participated on June 16 in a sci- rmenia attaches importance to Operations and Security/Defense Sec- entific-research workshop related to the water sphere policy. Governmental press cooperation with NATO, both for tor Reform. A service told Armenpress that the goal of development of political dialogue and “Realizing the significance of respond- the workshop is to present the medial re- implementation of defense reform, Ar- ing to challenges, Armenia participates sults of the sphere reforms initiated by the menian Deputy Foreign Minister said. in peacekeeping operations in Afghan- government and discuss the challenges re- “Starting with 1990-ies, Armenia- istan and will continue contributing to lating to the water sphere policy. Repre- NATO cooperation has undergone a international security,” he said. sentatives of the sphere’s state and private number of stages. Ensuring sustaina- The Deputy Foreign Minister also in- sector, international donor financial estab- ble development, we collaborate in the formed that Yerevan will host Disaster lishments, experts participated in the event.
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