Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1932 The olC lege News, 1932-11-30, Vol. 19, No. 06 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1932-11-30, Vol. 19, No. 06 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1932). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews/455 For more information, please contact [email protected]. , . , . \ l =====================================-.==================== ' . VOL. XIX, No. 6 BRYN MAWR AND WAYNE, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1932 PRICI! 10 The College CENTS • 1932 Varsity Hockey Old c;:Ioth.. Saint's Dar P�nted CALENDAR Dr.Vaughan Williams S arized All atudentl are earne.tty re- Players' Second i Wed., Nov. BOo-Mias Helen Season • A Long Gives Final Lectures umm quested to rem�be!" the Thrift as ' Ghapin will speak on . -- [maget in tile Shop of the BFyn Mawr HOI- ! /low of Bl,ddlLi,t - �earn Showed Marked improve­ Play Designed to be.-Scurrilous o.t Pekixg. Compote" Should Follow Na­ pital when disposing 01 old Palace llIu3e1(n� With• ment in Co-OperatiOll In clothes, furniture, and such ar- • With Sacrifice of His- "lidea. In Goodhart. tional Model. Rather Than ' . Last ·Few Games . ticlca. The Shop, which I, run torical Accura Sat., Dee, S-H Paul Bu.- ' For<ign One. cy Avec , • tor the beneftt of the Hospital, ' nrd will apeak on Vol- V Q. DEFENSE WINS APPLAUSE can seU anything from victr'ltla FANTASTI E OF PLO. wire il DeItZ emt AM. CHURCH USED FOLK-SONG recorda to old ,hoes, and is bad_ CTYP Goodhart, 8.20 P. M . • . Iy in need of contributions: The • I Sat., Dee. 3-Bryn Mawr • Although it won only ono game of (E.pecioUll Ctmtriblttf!d 011 W. W. I "AI! great muaic muat have po"u- ar.ti e.I es most- 1'1eeded I n clu d e Vanity vs. "AII-Phila�elphia ita 1932 echedule, Varsity ahow!! Fln:ner) lar appeal," Or. William. observed in h all t re 1 00 A. M. lO" u m ltu e- Hockey Team. _11. marked improvement ·at the end of :�! �:�_�� ' "The on ev ,lhe eourse of hi. two final Flexner 3Q1o ld g ood ", bu, e y ery Players" Thursday I Sun., Dee. iI-Chapel. Dr. ..'h e Beal beth I 1'1 th0 oll-enee and ning, November seve Iec:turel. In accordane.e with this 0!! contribution will be rratefully n\eenth, produced Hornell Hart, Auociate "Profe ..- be- in the defense. Wo are especially • one-act play, Tom lief, he showed in the fifth Iccturu L aCCi!·pted. If Itudents have any Sa.int'. DOJ/, by lor ot Social Economy and Re- pleased to note that the lack ot e.o- Prideaux. Miu Marshall, beforo the how even the Church, though repeat- cast off possea.siorll they should Icarch, will speak. ' I __ operation which was so evident at the curtain went up, announced that this l.'dly condemning secular music, has call Bryn Mawr 1098 and the I Wed., Dec. 7 WiLljam But- beginning, has practieally disappear.. was to be the first showing of tho drawn from folk song for its ritunl Th,,'/, Shop w,'11 be glad to call ! lor Yeata, distinguished Irish O( course, there are a few mem- und h Dln tunes. In hil concluding ed. and collect. This enterprise is play in its 'presel1't form, and then: dramatist and author, will, Y 21, bers ot the team who far surpass the ......_A n.. gave the ot·cha.raetel'1 and Iltaae Ilddresa, November he declared, wo'thy -t� ,uppo�.� and .....-v .. ceat !!peak' In Goodh •rt at 82 . 0 P . others, but. the team 8B a whol, has 8! l "'ha, A merlcan eompoaeB ah ou Id d' managemen t t0 IIows: M. Tickets on sal& in Publi- I- eration, and we hope that atu- ' • . learned to play as a unit. ...,' th,m.. ly" of' xc. .live ' su servl- dents will keep it in mind. S·amt CIar 0 .............S a II y J one" 1 cations Office. b . ______________ cnce to toreign models, and try to The forwarda, especially, have de- Roaa ................ Carry Schwab '- J _. l Illease __ veloped from a oor offen_se ualn" Sut,o .. Ol ' y ', their own countrym,n before 1+ . Ja�"" l . Y kine recognition abroad. weak, inanimate passes' and rarel;- Tnru ana Error Best Loni . :::.. : : ::.. ' :.. ... \t: ria Coxe William Butler eats ---- hue . I making goalll, into a menace. IoJlkar .. ' ............ Haviland Nelsoll It seems difficult, he pointed out, ay riting . to Speak Here Dec. gO Passes are gotten away much more T each er 0f PI w Bartoni ... ... ...Elizal:leth Hannan '7 lo believe that plain song, aloof quickly and show decided accuracy. ___ Stage Manager ........Maria Coxe _ and vague, could ever have grown The stickwork ot the team, however, Part of Class Time Given to I'roperUcs ............Olivia Jarrett Nobel Prize Winner to TaJk on (rom the aimple, direct music of the ia still amateurish and uninllpirng. Costumes, I)cople. We ordinarily think of rH.- Informal Productions of Ir'IS h Theatre an d L'. tcrary Most of the credit for real improve- Caroline Berg and Betty Edwurds . ual as it is now, at the end of its the Class' Work .. RenaISsance ment goci to the defense. In the fi�t I�ighting ....... ...Diana Tate-Smith development through countless cen- --- l --- luries, and forget that in order to be- lhree games, the opponents t.llied H The action centers about Saint EXPECTATIONS ARE IGH Il FAVORS NEW IRE�ND come first twelve pointll against the baclu and Carlo, an ex-cafe waiter, with tal- esta.blished, it had to create --- goal guard, but in the laat three only cnt for exhortation and spiritual 1 - a widespread popular appeal. The I Bryn Mawr haa been very ortunate to eight points were made. Together What few me.mbers ot the IItudent IIleight of hand, who had been diS- l Church, finding it Impossible oust ceremonial, with the deerease in the opponents' �y were not aware that a playwrit- covered by two businesa men, Elkar in l5CCurinlr Mr. William Butler Yeat:. pagan adapted it to ill own USC; thus the Roman Saturnalia ""coring,there is a gain of four polnta jng class was being offered again this and Bartoni, and by them bally.hooetl as 'a speaker on the Ilfish National in Varllity's scoring last three I wall celebrated all Chriu.mos, the in the b in sanctity. In the :singltl acL it i" Theatre and the Irish Literary Rcn- year, ve certainly been brought face to . I games, indicating that the de.fense Ii a I �pring festival as Eallter. and the h own how C ar I0, InI orm c d b y , to face with the lact irl one way or ais8ance Wednesday December 7th • WIIS lIuch that thc hall was kept in chance friend that "his managers arc " worahip of ancelltors as the commem­ 1 m IIn?t�er by now. The conscnsus of Goodhart,a18.20 P. M. Mr. Yeats, moration of saints, and it is perfectly lhe forward.' pOlisession moat of the . planning to murder him and sell his l -o lime-as was in fact the case. opInIon 18 tha� there was �ever before besides being a poet of world-wide natural that pagan song should al . boncs for sacred relics outwits them a class hke thIS, and that If the mem- c. huve been adapted. The early Chril· Taggart, a varsity right wing from and escapes with Rosa', his mistress, rame, the winner of the Noble P)'iz uers are liane, which is III 1imt!lt a lian, ,II'ke onh Wca I ey, prob- Roaemary, played three games for and that part of the offerings he hallI' ( or Literature in 1932, is perhaps J nbly ' ' little doubtful, something really great I didn t aee why the "devil F irst Varsity and one for the Second. II cted h' h h d R a h be n ore than any oth r one man rcspon- may come out of the amazing chaoll i � � should have all the pretty tunes, In the Germantown match, she played ��I; to :;n�:al �r:':n t:: pr::otc:�� " that begins over the week·end, with ,.. Ible for he f undlng and the flUCC�SS and we actually have direct evidence It niee game in the open, but tended 'rhe play is clearly designed to lie � � rehear!!als for the pantomimea to be the Irish LIterary Theatre, which nf the incorporation of pagan cere· to carry the ball too far down field, scurrilous and amusing, and so feelt lit put on the next Tuesday, and sub· mo ial into FrenCh edeliatic music. 110 that her pasaell came to the inner no responsibility to the church and itll I�ler develol)ed into the Abbey The- n c y te e t n SYI· a curacy, probabil- National Theatre of the Pope Gregory had collected and an hnpolllible an,le. In the ::� �� r � ;: : � �:� :winis, hislori�al � utrc, now the la c h l church music around the wa more game, however, she was Ily or dramatic polish. It Is 80 KUC- Irish Free State. His interest and lematized ��:last brick at the� last� impasaioned� s ier nd her paasea were quicker cess(ul�y entertaining that the audi- year 600, but local tradition dies hard, ';'1 r�� rLUthor.
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