'lJ .!iJ ':"=J ~ L L...._i '- fl) ISSLE 2 ri'H F: ______________;yj ofCORSETS An overlooked fashion giant... or an archaic garment best lift in the past? n the 21 stcentury, itisunderstandable but let's face it · the corset has been around for that many fcel the corset has droppcd much, much longer. out of contemporary fashion . The corset is the same time pervasive C01\U10~ Qt;ESTIONS on the catwalk, yet largely hidden Al'D CO~CER~S ABOUT from view in modern everyday CORSETRY wear. When we see corsetry nowadays, There are a multitude of genuinely valid it tends to be in the context of designer concerns and questions around wearing fashion or couture Iooks concocted by big corsets. fashion houses · Vivienne Westwood and These range from the practical: jean Paul Gaultier in particular revitalised • How lona wil/ it take to put on and the corset. Similarly, we may expect to see take c1J? a corset in a theatre production or burlesque • How will I be able to clean it propufy? performance. Either way, it is a piece of I • Will I be able to adequately disauise a corset clothing that we don't typically anticipate Cerset Sory Powdu Blue underneath my clothes? cropping up in day-to-day wear. However, the GOfSet shitt • Wbat will myjriends or otbers thinkl corset's appeal extends weil into this century. • Will a corset suit me because I'm not {talllshortl From its controversial past to its contemporary slimlcurvyj? revival, the corset continues to be a fash.ion To health-conscious: outlier, and it's pervasiveness in modern • ls wearina a corset uncomfortable? clothing is more prominent than you may • Will wearin9 a corset cause health expect. problems? Corsets, contrary to popular belief, are -~ • Could my breatbina be adversely '!!Jected not and don't need tobe confined to museums, by wearin9 a corsetl period drama sets, and pop royalty on stage. lt These are all weil· founded questions to have would be apt to say the oorset is not a neutral when considering wearing a corset, and we garment. Far from it - it is emotionally· believe that they are important to ask! lt shows charged, one that toes the line of Iingerie and an awareness of your body and a keenness to underwear, and one that is still very much in Iook after it properly, wh.ich is paramount. the process of shedding its reputation as an A reputable corset seller will endeavour instrument of female oppression from the to answer these questions as thoroughly preceding oenturies. Perhaps only the stiletto Embroidertd one piece as possible. At Corset Story, our product conet &..b/ouse has come close to the fieroe debates throughout descriptions set out in extensive detail what history about its relevance in today's fashion, you can expect from your corset in terms of I 2 CoRSET STORIES /ssue 2 /ssue 2 CoRSET STORIES the practicalities and caring for the garment . Waist reduction and training does not For example, many of our traditional corsets happen overnight. A solid-fitting corset can be use lacing to maintain their structure, which a comfortable way to reduce your waist size by can take a little Ionger to take on and off due MY·.llr.~" ~'f'J~~.. ~HJ' up to two or three inches. While oorsets to the lacing and ribbons. On the other can also be used to reduce waist size by hand, many of our corset tops, designed four or five inches, we do not advise this. for everyday wear and comfort, use :lips for Waist si:te reduction through corsets ease of putting on and removaL We always works in part by applying pressure to the make sure to signpost these details, as we stomach, thus reducing your appetite. understand they're important factors when Furthermore, the simple act of wearing choosing a corset. a corsct can endow an individual with Whcn it comes to caring for your oorset, a confidence boost in their wcight loss wc rccommend dry-cleaning if this is possible journey. As with all thc best things in for you. If it isn't, then using a damp cloth to Floral corset top life, moderation is kcy: 'season' your gently clean your corset works too. However, with liahweiaht.fioral corset (corsets can initially be very st.iff prlnt sleeve it is important that after cleaning, the corset - wearing them for short periods of time and is laid flat in a dry environment (preferably an avoiding tight lacing helps them fit your body), airing cupboard) to ensure that any residual don't wear one 24/7, and oscillate between moisture evaparates as quickly as possible. It is tight and loose lacing from time to time. crucial that you do not submcrge your corset For more permanent results, there's in water, as this will cause the steel bones to no better pathway than a healthy diet and rust. regular exercise combined with wearing lt is important to consider health-oriented a well-fitting corset. We recommend you questions when investing in a corset. A oorset research and gather as much information is a strong garment, and has been used for as possible before embarking on your centuries to help women achieve a feminine waist reduction journey, and Corset silhouette. There are a number of health 0 Story is brimming with all of the controversies associated with corsetry, such as information you need. We're not doctors and restricted breathing and adverse effects on the we don 't know your medical history, so before internal organs. However, corsets and medical seriously considering waist training, please science have come a long, long way since the consult your doctor to see if it is for you. Our 18th century. A well-made (and perhaps more tips are simply wise advioe we've picked up Embroldery analalse crucially, well-fitted!) contemporary corset corset shirt wirh 314 along several years of working with those who should not cause you unbearable discomfort. If lenath sleeves get the most out of their corsets. it does, take it off immediately! As for questions about the aesthetics or ) Houndst.oot.h print corset overbun Corriflower bluejull sr.ul by Cerset Story boned corset shlrt corsetteJ jacket I 4 CoRSET STORI ES /ssue 2 /ssue 2 CoRSET STORIES 5 whether or not you' ll "suit" a corset, the the designs reflect the modern woman. Corsets beauty of corsetry is that they are built for are eye-catching and flattering, and when every single body. Corsets are wonderful paired with the right companions (like a confidence boosters and come in a range of work shirt!) can be a greatly welcome styles to suit every taste. On this point, our addition to anyone's wardrobe. hearty recommendation is that you take the Equally, some prefer to wear corsets plunge and dare to experience the wonders of in a particular context or setting. Corsets corsetry for yourself. still play an important roJe in some fashion subcultures, such as punk (and WHY A CORSET? steampunk), burlesque, and goth. We're WHYNOW? proud of our morc unconvcntional To that, we ask the question: why not? dcsigns, which arc bcautiful as thcy arc Corsets invoke the spectacle of high drama. unique · just likc corsets themsclves. Some reoent high profile displays of corsetry Ultimately, the corset is in a have come from dancer and artist FKA Twigs, permanent state of reinvention, ready to who showed off her penchant for Vivienne be seized upon by the next generation. Westwood corsets in a Rococo-era inspired It's timeless appeal endures. Westwood corset at the Sundance Film Festival. Social media darlings, Kylie and RELEVAl'IT YESTERDAY, Kcndall Jcnncr, havc also cmbraccd fashion TODAY, A\D TOMORROW corsets, teaming them with everyday wear to Lace corset dress Our mission at Corset Story is to remove all inject some high glamour. Similarly, a peruse by Gorset Sory of those negative, practical reasons for why through any reputable Iingerie store will show you wouldn't buy a corset through research, that corsets still reign in the bedroom as the testing, design & innovation. We are constantly ultimate piece of statement underwear. developing our shapes and patterns and in Over the past 400 years, corsets and styling the near future all of our corsets will be have always moved with the times. This is availab!e in your body shape and torso rcflected in the way a womcn's corsct was lcngth. Wc are sourcing and testing high styledas the decades passed, demonstrating tech modern, moisture wicking fabrics that the corset really was the foundation for greater comfort, we have a range of her ensemble. It may not be the case of corseted dresses, shirts and jackets today that a woman is required to wear to eliminate the issues of disguising a corset, but such is the beauty of modern corsets underneath clothing and have corsetry. created alternatives for the trickier corset busk Infusing an everyday Iook (such as a formal and corset lacing. dress, a shirt, or dress top) with a corset is Let's be honest, the Iook and feel of corsets a sure-fire way to elevate it into something are stunning. Simply put, a well-made corset is romantic and stiroulating. lt is iroportant to a work of true craftmanship and art. lndividuals note that this doesn't always have to equate to today are bestowed with the choice of wearing sexy - corsets can still be perceived as bedroom a corset - whether that's in the comfort of wear. However, a well-fitted, in-built corset can their own spaces, or as fashionable outerwear Blue denim actually Iook incredibly professional and smart.
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