Palestine <5a3ette Ipubltsbeb by Hutbodts No. 1031 THURSDAY, 18TH JULY, 1940 785 CONTENTS Page BILL PUBLISHED FOR INFORMATION ־ Extradition (Amendment) Bill, 1940 - 787- GOVERNMENT NOTICES ־ ־ - Acting Appointments - - 789 Applications for Appointments in the Irrigation Service - - - 789 Cancellation of Medical Licences ----- 789 Loss of a Midwife's Licence ----- 789 ־ Land Valuers' Licences granted - - - - 789 ־ - Intermediate Examination, 1940, of the Law Council - 789 Tender and Adjudication of Contracts - 789 ־ - Citation Orders - - - - 790 Notice to Claimants ------ 791 ־ ־ ־ ־ Court Notice - - > 791 Notices of the Execution Offices, Haifa and Tel Aviv - 791 RETURNS Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - 794 Abstract of Receipts and Payments for the Year 1938/39 of the Municipal Corporation ־ - ־ ־ ־ of Gaza 795 Statement of Assets and Liabilities for the Year 1938/39 of the Municipal Corporation ־ of Gaza - - - - - 796 REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS, NOTICES, ETC. - - - - 797 ־ - - - - - - CORRIGENDA 800 SUPPLEMENT No. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette: — Defence (Amendment) Regulations (No. 4), 1940, under the Palestine (Defence) Order in 943־ - - - - - Council, 1937 Order under the Food and Essential Commodities (Control) Ordinance, 1939, prohibiting the Exportation of Wheat Flour, Butter or Sugar from the Municipal Areas of ־ ' - - - - - v Jaffa and Tel Aviv 943 {Continued) PBICB : 50 MILS. CONTENTS (Continued) Page Vesting Order No. 10 of 1940, under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939 - 944 Order under the Banking Emergency Ordinance, directing that the Belgo-Palestine ־ Bank Limited shall be wound up - - - 944 Notice under the Companies Ordinance, granting a Licence to exercise the Profession ־ - ־ . - of an Auditor - 945 Notices under the Land (Expropriation) Ordinance, regarding the Construction of the 945־ - Herzliya Police Post and the Bethlehem Town Police Station Notices under the Police Ordinance, regarding Licences to convene, organise or hold ־ ־ - ,־ Meetings or Processions - 946 ־ Notices of Grant of Permits to publish Newspapers, under the Press Ordinance 948 Notice of Change in a Permit granted for the Publication of a Newspaper, under the ־ ־ - ־ Press Ordinance - - 948 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, provisionally approving certain ־ - Amendments to the Jaffa Outline Town Planning Scheme 949 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, provisionally approving certain Town Planning Schemes within the Town Planning Areas of Jaffa, Petah Tiqva ־ ־ - - and Ramie - 950 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, provisionally approving certain Panellation Schemes within the Town Planning Areas of Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Petah Tiqva, Ramat Gan, Nathanya and Gaza and within the Regional Planning Area of ־ - ־ - Samaria 951 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, approving a Town Planning Scheme within the Town Planning Area of Nathanya - 959 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, approving certain Detailed Schemes within the Town Planning Area of Tel Aviv - 960 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, approving certain Parcellation Schemes within the Town Planning Area of Ramat Gan - 963 Notice under the Local Councils Ordinance, nominating Members of the Local Council of Kiryat Motzkin - - - - 964 Licensing of Imports (Amendment) Order (No. 2), 1940, under the Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Ordinance, 1939 - - - 964 Notice under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, authorising the Owner of any Cargo in a Ship lying at a Port in any Country not being Enemy Territory to pay to or for the benefit of any Enemy certain Payments for the Purpose of ־ - obtaining Possession of that Cargo - - 965 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land, under the Land (Settlement of ־ - - - Title) Ordinance 966 Order No. 85 of 1940, under the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordinance, 1937, amend­ 966־ - - - ing the Order of the 30th April, 1940 Order under the Defence Regulations, 1939, prohibiting the Sale or Disposal of certain Materials, save under Authorisation of the Competent Authority - - 967 Order by the Competent Authority under the Defence Regulations, 1939, taking Posses­ sion of certain "Water Cisterns situated in the Municipal Area of Jerusalem - 968 Defence (Traffic) Order, 1940, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 - - 969 Defence (Traffic) Notice, 1940, under the Defence (Traffic) Order, 1940 - - 970 Vehicle Lights Restrictions (Jerusalem District) Notice, under the Vehicle Lights ־ - - - ־ Restriction) Order, 1940 970) Vehicle Lights Restrictions (Haifa District) Notice, under the Vehicle Lights (Re­ striction) Order, 1940 - - - - - 973 Vehicle Lights Restrictions (Lydda District) Notice, under the Vehicle Lights (Re­ striction) Order, 1940 - 975 .Vehicle Lights Restrictions (Gaza District) Notice, under the Vehicle Lights (Re­ striction) Order, 1940 - - - - 978 Vehicle Lights Restrictions (Samaria District) Notice, under the Vehicle Lights (Re­ striction) Order, 1940 - - - - - 981 Vehicle Lights Restrictions (Galilee District) Notice, under the Vehicle Lights (Re­ striction) Order, 1940 - - - - 983 Notification of Commencement of Settlement of Rights to Land in the Qaryat el ,Inab (Abu Gosh) Village, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - 986 SUPPLEMENT No. 3. REGISTRATION OF TRADE MARKS AND PATENTS, ETC. - - - -43 18th July, 1940 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NOTICE. The following DRAFT ORDINANCE is made public prior to enactment in accordance with Article 17 (1) (d) of the Palestine Order in Council, 1922, as amended by Article 3 of the Palestine (Amendment) Order in Council, 1923. ROBERT SCOTT 15th July, 1940. Clerk to the Advisory Council. (J/91/40) DEAPT. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE EXTRADITION ORDINANCE. BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof :— 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Extradition (Amend• Short title. ment) Ordinance, 1940, and shall be read as one with the Extra• dition Ordinance, hereinafter referred to as the principal Ordinance. Cap. 56. 2. Section 23 of the principal Ordinance is hereby repealed and Bepeal and replacement of the following section substituted therefor :— section 23 of the principal "Power of 23. Notwithstanding anything in this Ordin• Ordinance. High Com• missioner to ance the High Commissioner may, either in ac• deliver offenders cordance with any arrangement made with the to Trans-Jordan Government of Trans-Jordan or in any particular Government. case, authorise the arrest in Palestine of persons charged with or convicted, whether in absence or otherwise, of any offence committed in Trans- Jordan, and the delivery of such persons to the Government of Trans-Jordan. Such arrest and delivery may be made whether the crime in respect of wrhich the surrender is sought was committed before or after the coming into operation of this section." OBJECTS AND REASONS. Section 23 of the Extradition Ordinance (Cap. 56)—the principal Ordinance— provides for the arrest of persons charged with any offence committed in Trans- Jordan and the delivery of such persons for trial. The section, however, does not specifically authorise the arrest and surrender of persons who have been convicted in Trans-Jordan and who are evading the serving of sentence by being in Palestine, although such procedure is contemplated by the Extradition Agreement of the 10th July, 1934, subsisting between the respective Governments. 2. This Ordinance is, therefore, designed to remedy this defect by repeal and replacement of section 23 of the principal Ordinance to provide specifically, and with retrospective effect, for the arrest and surrender of persons who in Trans- Jordan have been charged with or convicted of extraditable offences. W. J. FITZGERALD 15th July, 1940. Attorney General. (J/91/40) 18th July. 1940 TH K PALESTINE GAZETTE 789 ACTING APPOINTMENTS. should be returned at once to the Director of Medical Services, Department of Health, The High Commissioner has appointed: — Jerusalem. ! MR. D. A. RUSSELL, Chief Inspector, Govern• Should the licence in question not be found ment Trade School, Haifa, Department of by the person to whom it was issued or return• Education, to act as Principal, with effect ed to the Director of Medical Services within from the 28th June, 1940, until further three months from the date !of this notice, it order. will be deemed to be no longer valid and will MR. A. SHOSHAN, Assistant Veterinary Officer, be cancelled. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, J. MACQUEEN to act as Veterinai-y Officer, Jerusalem, with 15th July, 1940. for Director, effect from the 7th July, 1940, until further (Gaz/23/40) Medical Services. order. NOTICE. NOTICE. The undermentioned are licensed to practise DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES. as land valuers in Palestine under the Land Applications are invited for the following ap• Valuers Ordinance:•— pointments in the Irrigation Service of the De• Licence partment of Agriculture and Fisheries, Jeru• lÄcence Name Town expires salem : — No. on IRRIGATION ENGINEER 62 MR. A. COHEN Ramat Gan 21.6.45 at a consolidated salary of £P.25.— per mensem. 63 DR. H. J. Gan Candidates must be Arabs, fully qualified as PHILLIPSBORN Hashomron 21.6.45 Hydraulic or Civil or Agricultural Engineers 64 MR. F.G. ASCHER Jerusalem 21.6.45 with special knowledge and experience in hydro• 65 MR. L. VAMOS Haifa 21.6.45 logy, hydrometry, irrigation engineering
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