Title 9A Title 9A 9A WASHINGTON CRIMINAL CODE WASHINGTON CRIMINAL CODE Chapters (2) The provisions of this title shall apply to any offense 9A.04 Preliminary article. committed on or after July 1, 1976, which is defined in this 9A.08 Principles of liability. title or the general statutes, unless otherwise expressly pro- 9A.12 Insanity. vided or unless the context otherwise requires, and shall also 9A.16 Defenses. apply to any defense to prosecution for such an offense. 9A.20 Classification of crimes. 9A.28 Anticipatory offenses. (3) The provisions of this title do not apply to or govern 9A.32 Homicide. the construction of and punishment for any offense commit- 9A.36 Assault—Physical harm. ted prior to July 1, 1976, or to the construction and applica- 9A.40 Kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, and custo- tion of any defense to a prosecution for such an offense. Such dial interference. an offense must be construed and punished according to the 9A.42 Criminal mistreatment. provisions of law existing at the time of the commission 9A.44 Sex offenses. thereof in the same manner as if this title had not been 9A.46 Harassment. enacted. 9A.48 Arson, reckless burning, and malicious mischief. (4) If any provision of this title, or its application to any 9A.49 Lasers. person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the 9A.50 Interference with health care facilities or provid- ers. title, or the application of the provision to other persons or 9A.52 Burglary and trespass. circumstances is not affected, and to this end the provisions 9A.56 Theft and robbery. of this title are declared to be severable. 9A.58 Identification documents. (5) Chapter, section, and subsection captions are for 9A.60 Fraud. organizational purposes only and shall not be construed as 9A.61 Defrauding a public utility. part of this title. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.04.010.] 9A.64 Family offenses. Additional notes found at www.leg.wa.gov 9A.68 Bribery and corrupt influence. 9A.04.020 Purposes—Principles of construction. 9A.72 Perjury and interference with official proceed- 9A.04.020 Purposes—Principles of construction. (1) ings. The general purposes of the provisions governing the defini- 9A.76 Obstructing governmental operation. 9A.80 Abuse of office. tion of offenses are: 9A.82 Criminal profiteering act. (a) To forbid and prevent conduct that inflicts or threat- 9A.83 Money laundering. ens substantial harm to individual or public interests; 9A.84 Public disturbance. (b) To safeguard conduct that is without culpability from 9A.88 Indecent exposure—Prostitution. condemnation as criminal; 9A.98 Laws repealed. (c) To give fair warning of the nature of the conduct Crimes and punishments: Title 9 RCW. declared to constitute an offense; Explosives: Chapter 70.74 RCW. (d) To differentiate on reasonable grounds between seri- ous and minor offenses, and to prescribe proportionate penal- Harassment: Chapter 10.14 RCW. ties for each. (2) The provisions of this title shall be construed accord- Chapter 9A.04 Chapter 9A.04 RCW ing to the fair import of their terms but when the language is 9A.04 PRELIMINARY ARTICLE PRELIMINARY ARTICLE susceptible of differing constructions it shall be interpreted to Sections further the general purposes stated in this title. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.04.020.] 9A.04.010 Title, effective date, application, severability, captions. 9A.04.020 Purposes—Principles of construction. 9A.04.030 State criminal jurisdiction. 9A.04.030 State criminal jurisdiction. 9A.04.030 State criminal jurisdiction. The following 9A.04.040 Classes of crimes. persons are liable to punishment: 9A.04.050 People capable of committing crimes—Capability of children. 9A.04.060 Common law to supplement statute. (1) A person who commits in the state any crime, in 9A.04.070 Who amenable to criminal statutes. whole or in part. 9A.04.080 Limitation of actions. (2) A person who commits out of the state any act which, 9A.04.090 Application of general provisions of the code. 9A.04.100 Proof beyond a reasonable doubt. if committed within it, would be theft and is afterward found 9A.04.110 Definitions. in the state with any of the stolen property. (3) A person who being out of the state, counsels, causes, 9A.04.010 Title, effective date, application, severability, captions. 9A.04.010 Title, effective date, application, severabil- procures, aids, or abets another to commit a crime in this ity, captions. (1) This title shall be known and may be cited state. as the Washington Criminal Code and shall become effective (4) A person who, being out of the state, abducts or kid- on July 1, 1976. naps by force or fraud, any person, contrary to the laws of the 2012 [Title 9A RCW—page 1] 9A.04.040 Title 9A RCW: Washington Criminal Code 9A.04.080 Limitation of actions. place where the act is committed, and brings, sends, or con- 9A.04.080 Limitation of actions. (1) Prosecutions for veys such person into this state. criminal offenses shall not be commenced after the periods (5) A person who commits an act without the state which prescribed in this section. affects persons or property within the state, which, if commit- (a) The following offenses may be prosecuted at any ted within the state, would be a crime. time after their commission: (6) A person who, being out of the state, makes a state- (i) Murder; ment, declaration, verification, or certificate under RCW (ii) Homicide by abuse; 9A.72.085 which, if made within the state, would be perjury. (iii) Arson if a death results; (7) A person who commits an act onboard a conveyance (iv) Vehicular homicide; within the state of Washington, including the airspace over (v) Vehicular assault if a death results; the state of Washington, that subsequently lands, docks, or (vi) Hit-and-run injury-accident if a death results (RCW stops within the state which, if committed within the state, 46.52.020(4)). would be a crime. [1999 c 349 § 1; 1981 c 187 § 2; 1975 1st (b) The following offenses shall not be prosecuted more ex.s. c 260 § 9A.04.030.] than ten years after their commission: (i) Any felony committed by a public officer if the com- 9A.04.040 Classes of crimes. mission is in connection with the duties of his or her office or 9A.04.040 Classes of crimes. (1) An offense defined constitutes a breach of his or her public duty or a violation of by this title or by any other statute of this state, for which a the oath of office; sentence of imprisonment is authorized, constitutes a crime. (ii) Arson if no death results; or Crimes are classified as felonies, gross misdemeanors, or (iii)(A) Violations of RCW 9A.44.040 or 9A.44.050 if misdemeanors. the rape is reported to a law enforcement agency within one (2) A crime is a felony if it is so designated in this title or year of its commission; except that if the victim is under four- by any other statute of this state or if persons convicted teen years of age when the rape is committed and the rape is thereof may be sentenced to imprisonment for a term in reported to a law enforcement agency within one year of its excess of one year. A crime is a misdemeanor if it is so des- commission, the violation may be prosecuted up to the vic- ignated in this title or by any other statute of this state or if tim’s twenty-eighth birthday. persons convicted thereof may be sentenced to imprisonment (B) If a violation of RCW 9A.44.040 or 9A.44.050 is not for no more than ninety days. Every other crime is a gross reported within one year, the rape may not be prosecuted: (I) misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.04.040.] More than three years after its commission if the violation was committed against a victim fourteen years of age or 9A.04.050 People capable of committing crimes—Capability of children. 9A.04.050 People capable of committing crimes— older; or (II) more than three years after the victim’s eigh- Capability of children. Children under the age of eight teenth birthday or more than seven years after the rape’s com- years are incapable of committing crime. Children of eight mission, whichever is later, if the violation was committed and under twelve years of age are presumed to be incapable against a victim under fourteen years of age. of committing crime, but this presumption may be removed (c) Violations of the following statutes may be prose- by proof that they have sufficient capacity to understand the cuted up to the victim’s twenty-eighth birthday: RCW act or neglect, and to know that it was wrong. Whenever in 9A.44.073, 9A.44.076, 9A.44.083, 9A.44.086, *9A.44.070, legal proceedings it becomes necessary to determine the age 9A.44.080, 9A.44.100(1)(b), 9A.44.079, 9A.44.089, or of a child, he or she may be produced for inspection, to enable 9A.64.020. the court or jury to determine the age thereby; and the court (d) The following offenses shall not be prosecuted more may also direct his or her examination by one or more physi- than six years after their commission or their discovery, cians, whose opinion shall be competent evidence upon the whichever occurs later: question of his or her age. [2011 c 336 § 347; 1975 1st ex.s.
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